[01:15] Unit193: you want to be the sponsoree for the things on xfce.html? [01:16] Unless they break! :P [01:29] you get your name on all of them then ;) [01:29] Hah, thanks. [01:32] Unit193, Yelp is ubuntu-desktop stuff, which is pretty hard to get changes. I'll have a look though [01:33] You did the last merge, talked a bit to Mica too. [01:33] reading the backlog, maybe not that easy [01:42] pleia2: Heh, your Wily Warewolf looks a little too cuddily there! ;) [01:44] bluesabre: I presume you saw https://packages.qa.debian.org/t/thunar/news/20150506T220421Z.html land. [01:46] * bluesabre has now subscribed to that ML [01:47] http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-xfce-devel/2015-May/thread.html ? [01:51] supposedly I'm already on that list [01:52] wonder if I have a broken filter somewhere [01:53] I'll finish up the syncs in my packageset in the morning [01:53] haven't a hard time staying on task :) [01:53] and typing [01:53] *having [01:53] :D [01:54] night all [01:54] G'nighty! [02:21] fluffy werewolf <3 [02:27] :) [02:27] https://www.google.com/search?q=fluffy+werewolf&client=ubuntu&hs=t7G&channel=fs&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=PnBNVYXOHIbutQXH54HIDw&ved=0CB4QsAQ&biw=1123&bih=741#imgrc=soWL3OD4GmzCzM%253A%3BMITWhuZB4i3jbM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffc00.deviantart.net%252Ffs70%252Fi%252F2012%252F207%252F0%252F3%252Fwerewolf_octavia___by_ridgetail95-d58pg75.png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fridgetail95.deviantart.com%252Fart%252FWerewolf-Octavia-316955201%3B900%3B643 [02:27] woah...sorry :( [02:29] And with that faux pas I'm out :( [02:37] noooooo [02:38] Unit193: thoughts on what I mentioned in #ubuntu-devel? [02:43] Hmm? [02:44] Unit193: thoughts on what I mentioned in #ubuntu-devel? :P [02:47] Sure! :P [02:47] :| [02:51] Don't like the new dep it'd bring, but udd is the logical choice. :/ [02:53] Well... Not too bad for python3-psycopg2 actually... [02:55] Logan: Could join 'em in #debian-qa. [02:56] I just don't know if I like the idea of querying a database every time you need to find the source package [02:56] How fast is it? [02:59] What's the PTS use? [03:15] Unit193: 0m0.906s [03:36] Unit193: I'm sleeping soon, but feel free to comment on Bug 1453330 :) [03:36] bug 1453330 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "pull-{lp,debian}-source not getting source for binary because DDE is dead" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1453330 [03:37] Whaaat? [04:06] Unit193: what? :P [08:14] assuming I've done it properly - dailies are now up [08:15] anybody there? [08:16] yes [08:16] :) about "tearing", any expect? [08:17] you want #xubuntu - that's the support channel [08:17] no, ^^, just asking if is there a plain about that [08:18] beta code of "xfwm4" [08:20] Hudsonkem: maybe, but not until 15.10 (or even 16.04) [08:24] got it thx [08:25] do you know if 15.10 come with kernel 4.0.2 stable? [08:26] you mean 4.2, probably [08:26] 4.0.2-040002-generic :D [08:27] Hudsonkem: watch the kernel team meetings - they are usually weekly https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting [08:28] currently wily is still more or less vivid [08:28] haha [08:32] going here, cya good morning :P [10:46] good morning folks [10:46] hi bluesabre [10:50] hey elfy [10:52] bluesabre: not sure on your thoughts re package testing this cycle - mine are - it was a waste of time setting it up last cycle [10:53] yeah, did a lot of prep for so few people doing anything with it [10:53] we'd be better off concentrating on images [10:53] and just mail list fairly often - making sure people wily tag bug reports when they report something [10:54] yeah, good idea [10:55] personally I think we get more traction from pinging the social media [10:57] yeah, we've got a pretty strong following on twitter and g+ [10:57] right - didn't know that - don't really follow either much [10:58] if that's where the following is - makes sense to go there :D [10:58] mhm [11:00] going to upload a thunar package to -staging in a little bit [11:00] want to make sure this bug isn't present https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar/+bug/1014632 [11:00] Launchpad bug 1014632 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Drives/partitions not showing in left pane" [High,Fix released] [11:00] I've not got any ppa's set up yet [11:00] I'll check myself, but if you want to review it too... :) [11:01] will do :) [11:01] well - currently I see all the partitions - both unmounted and mounted ones [11:02] has someone said it's back? [11:03] no, but we're investigating if we can use the debian version and drop our patch [11:03] aah - right [11:04] well - as soon as the ppa's have wily I'll grab them [11:04] yup [11:05] uploaded to -staging to vivid and wily, should be built before too long [11:05] okey doke [11:05] thanks :) [11:10] when you do test, be sure to remove udisks2 [11:11] and restart [11:11] for good measure :) [11:11] ok :) [11:38] !info automake wily [11:38] 'wily' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed [11:38] :'( [11:38] Unit193333333333333 [11:50] elfy: maybe don't remove udisks2 [11:50] since gvfs seems to depend on it nowadays [11:51] The following packages will be REMOVED: [11:51] gvfs gvfs-backends gvfs-daemons gvfs-fuse software-center udisks2 [11:51] :\ [11:51] I wonder if something else pulls in gvfs in the seed [11:56] it is pulled with the seed at least [11:56] * (gvfs-fuse) # let non-GNOME apps see GVFS via fuse [11:56] * (gvfs-backends) # otherwise no network tab [11:57] I think... still not sure what the parentheses do [11:57] Unit193: halp [12:03] anyway, current sync status [12:03] http://paste.ubuntu.com/11042420/ [14:57] bluesabre: Nono, the point is *thunar* doesn't need udisks directly because it uses gvfs, and it is gvfs that uses udisks. [14:58] bluesabre: And those mean recommeneds. [15:12] bluesabre: http://paste.openstack.org/show/UA3hc2buFKnBaeH5BXnF [17:09] slickymaster: https://unit193.net/xubuntu/docs/C/appendix-packages.html needs updating for wily, as do the ents. [18:21] Logan: Pokepoke? [18:49] Unit193: yo [18:49] Awesome! [18:50] Perhaps this? https://sigma.unit193.net/source/dvdstyler_2.9.2-0ubuntu1.dsc The one in there now is pretty foobered so I heard. [18:50] wat [18:51] Fixes lots of bugs, not sure how usable the one in Ubuntu is right now even. This package is native to Ubuntu, so I get to change more. :D [19:06] Logan: It's only in the ubuntustudio-video task and in universe so low impact, and also poked studio about it. [19:09] Unit193: I'll take a look [19:12] Unit193: dpkg-source: error: file ./dvdstyler_2.9.2-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz has size 8312 instead of expected 8316 [19:12] download problem, maybe? [19:12] I'll try it again [19:12] no, same thing [19:13] Noticed I removed a build-dep used in a d/rules "hack" but not the hack itself. Redownload the .dsc? [19:13] (In the packaging I did earlier I removed the hack as well, but..) [19:13] worked, thanks [19:14] Sorry. [19:15] I forgive you [19:17] ugh [19:18] my Ubuntu VM keeps using WAY more memory than it's supposed to [19:18] Limiting isn't working? Can't chroot what you need? [19:21] I allocate 2 GB of memory to the VM [19:21] right now the vmware-vmx process on my Mac is using 11.87 GB of RAM [19:22] Geeez.. [19:22] I never had this problem with VirtualBox [19:22] might just switch back to it [19:24] but it didn't work properly with my Retina display [19:24] :| [19:24] Try the beta? [19:25] https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/10860?cversion=0&cnum_hist=4 [19:25] unresolved [19:25] anyway, your dvdstyler runs [19:26] I can't test it fully because I don't have an optical drive or a blank DVD [19:26] but I'm sure it's better than what's there [19:26] Yep, so kn ome says. [19:26] (Built it for him) [19:28] looks good for me, I'll upload [19:28] *to me [19:29] Great! Thanks. [19:32] Unit193: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dvdstyler/2.9.2-0ubuntu1 [19:33] \o/ [21:51] Unit193: https://communities.vmware.com/message/2505485#2505485 (in case it interests you) :P [21:52] it's crazy how much it uses [21:53] Nice! [21:53] Geeeez. [21:53] I got my license for VMware Fusion through my school, and thus it doesn't have a support license [21:54] Eh, but that's not a small bug. [21:54] That's the cookie monster going to town on your ram. [21:54] heh, yep :P [21:54] I just wish I could file a support ticket [21:54] community forums usually don't lead to...results [21:55] Can't file bugs then? [21:56] right [21:56] silly non-open source model :P [22:22] Hey everyone. I'm a new linux user and wanted to say hi :) [22:23] Howdy. [22:23] Logan: I've seen bugtrackers for closed source applications! :P [22:23] Everything good so far. Got everything set up [22:24] First steps into leaving my Windows administration background behind and trying to move towards linux administration [22:26] Still trying to figure out how I can make my contribution to this community [22:27] Not a coder, but could do help with translation (Dutch/French) and bug testing [22:27] elaurens: start here http://xubuntu.org/contribute/ [22:27] Is there a particular way to sign up for those? [22:27] Great. Ty :) [22:29] I've already been there but didn't read up to the part where I need to contact the team's leaders [22:29] Will do that [22:30] slickymaster does docs, and that's one of the things needing some translators. [22:35] Thx for the tip. Will contact him/her. [23:24] Logan: So how afraid are you of delta and "breaking" GPL are you? :D [23:24] wat [23:33] Kind of would like to add TLS support to Icecast2, but GPL2. [23:34] Seems wget doesn't have the exception, but appears to link against OpenSSL.