
drc!ru | Aldebaran00:15
ubottuAldebaran: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.00:15
|Anthony|i'm still running 12.04 and came home to find my machine at the lightdm greeter INSTEAD OF the xscreensaver lock screen. The machine had not been rebooted, so i'm wondering how someone could have pulled up the lightdm greeter circumventing xscreensaver lock04:01
cfhowlett|Anthony|, lightdm and xscreensaver are known to conflict with/confuse each other.  I'm pretty sure xubuntu/xfce recommend you select ONE or the other.04:02
|Anthony|man... i installed 12.04 quite a while ago04:02
|Anthony|i really forget04:02
cfhowlett|Anthony|, why u no upgrade to 14.04???04:03
|Anthony|in /var/log/auth.log i see to failed attempts to login to my account, then lightdm: pam_unix(lightdm:session): session opened for user lightdm by (uid=0)04:03
|Anthony|7 seconds after the second failed attempt04:04
|Anthony|i can't reproduce it by simply failing to login04:04
|Anthony|cfhowlett: cause it's...04:04
|Anthony|on my todo list04:04
holsteini say, to-do it now, since, 12.04 is EOL04:26
|Anthony|holstein: obviously it needs to be done04:27
|Anthony|that doesn't solve the mystery of wtf was trying to log into my machine04:27
|Anthony|and how they circumvented xscreenlock04:27
holsteinthats up to you, and your needs.. but, it may address your issue, as well as get you into a system that is not EOL04:28
|Anthony|to get to lightdm04:28
|Anthony|eh... actually what is the command to check version?04:29
cfhowlett|Anthony|, lsb_release -a04:29
|Anthony|i vaguely remember allowing it to upgrade04:29
holsteinone could physically "circumvent" the screensaver, by rebooting, and using the recovery kernel to do whatever as root04:29
|Anthony|nope, still 12.0404:29
|Anthony|holstein: the machine wasn't rebooted04:29
holsteinif i had root, i could likely easily make it seem like it wasnt04:30
|Anthony| 00:30:54 up 32 days,  5:25,  1 user,  load average: 1.51, 1.11, 1.1104:30
|Anthony|holstein: could that be tinkered with?04:30
holsteinfrom what i read, you are trying to decide what has been tinkered with.. im just stating how, if i can touch the box, i can use the recovery kernel to get "root", physically04:31
holsteini dont need to "hack" the lock screen..04:31
|Anthony|meh... noone in the house here is that technically savvy04:32
|Anthony|likely xscreensaver and lightdm collided04:32
|Anthony|lightdm was the victor04:32
holsteinsure.. test for that, then.. maybe use #ubuntu, since main ubuntu 12.04 is not EOL, AFAIK, and you are not using xubuntu stock04:32
|Anthony|no... i used it as a base04:33
|Anthony|cause... fk unity04:33
cfhowlett|Anthony|, please see: http://xubuntu.org/news/5-things-to-do-after-upgrading-from-12-04-to-14-04/04:33
cfhowlettitem #1 in particular04:34
|Anthony|truth be told... i've been dreading updating04:36
|Anthony|i use conky and compiz and cairo-dock04:36
holsteintry the live iso, for 14.04, and see how it works you your system04:36
|Anthony|and... gnome is themed04:37
holsteinall of those applications are in the 14.04 repos04:37
cfhowlett|Anthony|, more than you dread running an unsupported OS ???04:37
|Anthony|cfhowlett: lol04:37
|Anthony|i wrote the doc in the ubuntu help for multi-seat04:37
|Anthony|so obviously that's a consideration i had as well04:37
|Anthony|one seat was xmbc04:37
|Anthony|the other was my desktop04:38
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:38
|Anthony|holstein: yes... kinda sorta offtopic04:38
|Anthony|the topic... meandered04:38
holstein|Anthony|: then, let use discuss your documentation, and unsupported OS in the offtopic channel.. cheers04:39
baizonAldebaran: "Для просмотра видео у Вас должен быть"07:13
Aldebaranflash player error07:14
baizoni know, i dont have one07:14
Aldebarantry cheange browser07:15
ed__hi, im trying to install a .deb but i get (ubuntu software centre) dependency is not satisfiable: kdelibs4c2a (>=4:3.5.5-1)12:15
ed__hi, im trying to install a .deb but i get (ubuntu software centre) dependency is not satisfiable: kdelibs4c2a (>=4:3.5.5-1)12:37
mrkrampsed__, dpkg does not resolve dependencies automatically12:39
mrkrampsyou may try to fix this with runnung 'sudo apt-get install -f' after using 'sudo dpkg -i DEB'12:40
cfhowletted__, assuming this project was built on/for kubuntu, you  might get better results with that12:41
Aldebaranммм здесь кто-нибудь бывает вообще? #phpnuke12:43
cfhowlett!ru | Aldebaran12:44
ubottuAldebaran: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:44
cfhowletted__, also worth noting: no updates for the past 2 years?!12:44
joanaparenly without reason the windos are not working14:01
joanI can't move or close or write firefox14:02
joanthe panel does not apear14:02
joanany idea?14:02
vrkalakjoan,  firefox has a help-forum and a wiki ... http://mozillazine.com14:04
ryanpriorJust heard about the Xubuntu core project. Sounds neat - leave out desktop apps, slim it down.16:58
ryanpriorThen I was reading about it on OMG Ubuntu - still 600mb? That can't be right? Did they misprint?16:59
Unit193root root 573M May  5 17:35 xubuntu-core-15.04-i386.iso17:01
ryanpriorPuppy Linux is compatible with Ubuntu, ships with web browser, word processor, media player, and comes in at 100MB.17:01
Unit193But doesn't come with ubiquity, casper, same kernel, etc, etc.17:01
Unit193http://paste.openstack.org/show/MS3PjOASmkgPCbxg65xS/ that's what's taking up room.17:03
ryanpriorOkay, thank you for the excellent clarification.17:04
Unit193There would be ways to make it smaller, but can't do those with the build setup Ubuntu proper uses.  For example, you could change it so the squashfs uses xz rather than gz.17:04
xubuntu19whttp://ppa.launchpad.net/xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.10/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found17:37
ubottuXubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) reached End-of-Life April 26, 2015: http://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-12-04-end-of-life/17:38
mrkrampsUnit193, have you ever raised stats of how many of Xubuntu users really know about the LTS of 3 years?18:06
Unit193Personally?  I have not.18:07
mrkrampsmaybe i should use "one" instead of "you" to avoid you feeling personally addressed18:10
brainwash_why do you need statistics? people should be able to read the release notes18:15
Unit193mrkramps: Heh, well that is to say, I haven't and don't know of anyone else doing so.  Some people seem to have not gotten the memo that it is only 3 years though, yes.18:22
mrkrampsbrainwash_, they should, but obvisouly a lot of people do not18:23
mrkrampsand those are not only a few users who did not get this "memo", but quite some who just do not understand the details of LTS and how it differs for derivatives18:24
brainwash_supported releases could be added to the channel topic18:26
drcFewer folks read that than the release notes :(18:28
Sporterhello, I got a black screen after installing ubuntu and I fixed it with nomodeset, howver now my resolution is stuck at 1024x768. I have ati video card20:47
pixqSporter: go to additional drivers and install video drivers21:09
nicooHi. How may I update to 15.04?21:37
nicoofrom 14.1021:37
drcnicoo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseNotes  It says "ubuntu" but works for xubuntu.21:55
nicoodrc: Thanks. For some reason, last time I closed it too fast after it displayed “No updates availables”21:58
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