
=== AndyDavis is now known as bobweaver
mptOh, Launchpad now has an EV certificate11:23
GyrosGeierwe have a small *cough* project on launchpad, and would like to do automated test builds of merge requests13:22
GyrosGeieris there a way to integrate Jenkins and Launchpad?13:22
mptGyrosGeier, have you seen <https://launchpad.net/jenkins-launchpad-plugin>?13:59
GyrosGeiernot yet14:04
GyrosGeierlooks promising14:04
psusidoes launchpad have an equivalent to debian's affects status?  where a bug is really in package A, but you want it to show up under package B for people searching for bugs there ( where it is manifested, but not caused ), but fixing it in package A closes the bug instead of leaving the task in package B open?20:17
ali1234but closing it in package A doesn't close it in package B20:31
ali1234what launchpad doesn't have is a "depends on" type relation20:33
ali1234aka "blocked by"20:33

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