
ahoneybunis there a way to get the current time on the device?00:30
ahoneybunin qml or c++00:31
ahoneybunahayzen: around?00:47
ahayzenahoneybun, partially :) whats up?00:48
ahoneybunis there a way to show or hide with c++?00:48
ahoneybunif the user selects 1 I want only  A to show00:48
ahoneybunor 2 only B show00:48
ahayzen..in what context? like comboboxes or something?00:48
ahoneybunI should share some info about this: I'm making a Timezone app to show the time in different places in the world00:50
ahayzenso they select 1 in a option selector then you want it to show A in? .. another optional selector or a label or?00:50
ahayzenI would also look at https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app as that gets the current time etc00:51
ahoneybunpicking USA will show New York, Denvar00:54
ahoneybunUK - London00:54
ahayzenok you probably like want multiple models... or you could use the SortFilterModel to filter by its parent00:55
ahayzenahoneybun, so first OptionSelector with [USA, UK]...then the second OptionSelector with [{country: USA, city: New York}, {country: UK, city: London}] which then has a filter.property on country which is set to the value of the selected item in the first OptionSelector00:57
ahayzenahoneybun, brb00:57
ahoneybunmight be better with a search function01:07
ahoneybunmake a ListModel and the SortFilterModel01:07
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ahayzenahoneybun, yeah search could be useful but i like the filtering by country02:14
ahayzenahoneybun, look at the weather-app as well, as that has a city searching thing02:14
ahoneybunahayzen: I'm thinking making a sole app might be a bad idea since the Clock app has it02:15
ahayzenahoneybun, yeah :/ unless you could do some edgy graphic showing the light/dark parts of the globe02:16
ahoneybunthat would be cool02:17
ahoneybunbut not sure since I can't even get this to work so far02:17
ahayzenahoneybun, that sortof thing http://www.maclife.com/files/imagecache/futureus_imagegallery_fullsize/gallery/app2blueplanet.jpg02:17
ahoneybunI was thinking of using different images02:18
ahoneybunlike if you select usa it would turn white and the rest are black or dark02:18
ahoneybunahayzen: this is what I have so far http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11053994/02:19
ahayzenahoneybun, this was the world clock on my old sony ericsson that showed the timezones on a globe thing that was really cool http://semasterz.com/uploads/posts/2009-04/1241051470_world-clock.jpg02:19
ahoneybunhighlighing the area02:20
ahayzenah that would be cool02:21
ahayzenand what you've done with the OptionSelectors looks like it works :)02:21
ahoneybunI mean I;m pretty such QML has the power02:21
ahoneybunnot to sure  it does02:21
ahoneybunnothing pops down to select a city02:21
ahayzenoh you need to set the filter. ....err value or something let me check..02:22
ahoneybunI've been checking here: https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Components.SortFilterModel/02:22
ahoneybunfilter.property: "country" ?02:23
ahayzenfilter.pattern: needs to be the value of the selected item in the first one02:23
ahayzenoh and you model needs changing hang on let me prototype something02:24
ahoneybunweird that I don't have ListItems 1.202:24
ahoneybunor 1.102:24
ahoneybunI mean, I just have 1.002:24
ahoneybunahayzen: your talking like this: http://imgsdown.1mobile.com/group1/M00/37/E3/S340LlOinNGAHCJLAAkmlVA_7nM816.png02:30
ahayzenahoneybun, try this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11054179/02:30
ahayzenahoneybun, yeah hehe :) but that would be hard ;)02:31
ahoneybunbut I need to understand why it worked02:32
ahoneybunwhat are delegate?02:33
ahayzenthat is the component that is used for each item...it had to be defined on the second as we need to tell it to only show the city not the country02:33
ahoneybundelegate: OptionSelectorDelegate { text: city; } so that is says just show city's02:36
ahoneybun*saying to02:36
ahayzenyup...like i could have done text: country ..but then each one would have just shown the same country :)02:38
ahoneybunnow how would one get the current time in their timezone?02:38
ahayzenso that component is used to generate each option for each of hte LstItems02:39
ahayzenerm look at how clock does it?02:39
ahoneybunkinda looks like it grabs it from a local setting02:39
ahoneybunu1db or something02:39
ahayzenwhen nik is about he is probably best to ask :) anyway i'm gonna go to sleep, ahoneybun have fun o/02:40
ahoneybunnight thanks as always02:40
ahayzenno problem :)02:41
wanggjghostHi, I'm tring to make a native music player for ubuntu phone, but it seems that nether gstreamer nor qmultimedia works on it. I can't play any music file on ~/Music folder. Should I import music file to my app data storage by content hub api?05:45
wanggjghosthello, I'm here?05:48
wanggjghostHi, anyone here?06:59
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pietroalbiniis there a way to get components 1.2 on utopic?08:22
vitimitiIs there any possibility to use the Ubuntu QML components in an app that I also want to be able to run on Windows using cmake or qmake?11:01
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ahoneybunnik90: around>16:35
nik90ahoneybun: hey16:36
ahoneybunhow does the clock app get the current time?16:36
nik90using new Date() javascript call and in some places using qt c++ apis16:36
ahoneybunI'm making a Timezone app and I need the current time in my zone16:37
nik90we had a issue in the past where using new Date() was problematic with timezone changes..so we needed to use the qt c++ api..16:38
nik90ahoneybun: ah..for that you definitely need to use our c++ plugin TimeZone16:38
vitimitiIs there any possibility to use the Ubuntu QML components in an app that I also want to be able to run on Windows using cmake or qmake?16:38
nik90that we're using for the world clocks feature16:38
* ahoneybun looks at source16:38
nik90vitimiti: That depends on if the Ubuntu SDK is buildable on Windows16:39
vitimitiI see16:39
vitimitiI'll have to try that, thank you16:39
nik90ahoneybun: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/utopic-3.0/files/head:/backend/modules/Timezone/16:39
ahoneybunthis might be a bit over my head16:40
nik90ahoneybun: you definitely won't need the whole thing..since that plugin appends it into a list model and stuff16:40
nik90ahoneybun: all you need is QTimeZone..check out the official qt docs16:40
bzoltanvitimiti:  Even if there is no direct plan to port the UI Toolkit to Windows I know that it is not impossible. I have seen it on OSX already :)16:40
ahoneybunyea I see16:40
vitimitibzoltan, nice, I must try this as soon as I'm back home16:40
nik90bzoltan: on OSX? Pretty cool16:41
ahoneybunnik90: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtimezone.html?16:41
bzoltannik90: we do not really have difficult dependencies anymore16:41
nik90ahoneybun: yes16:41
ahoneybunok cool16:42
nik90bzoltan: true..that's very encouraging and vital to get unity8 and its app running on other distros16:42
ahoneybunnik90: #include <QTimeZone> this goes at the top right?16:43
* bzoltan check out the unity8 deps16:43
vitimitiThat would basically allow me to only use the Ubuntu components for all of my apps, which would be great16:43
nik90ahoneybun: yes16:43
ahoneybungives me errors about it16:46
ahoneybung2g anyway16:47
mzanettipopey, http://i.imgur.com/qgBcHS4.png16:51
mzanettiit's quite ugly though... problem is that most notes don't have a picture16:52
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=== vitimiti is now known as Celtor
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popeymzanetti: ooh!19:00
sick_rimmitHi folks..19:45
sick_rimmitWhere is the Ubuntu SDK Bug Tracker, I can only seem to find Ubuntu SDK Tutorials on launchpad19:46
nik90sick_rimmit: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit19:47
nik90sick_rimmit: official project is at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit19:47
sick_rimmitnik90: Brilliant, thank you19:47
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
=== Celtor is now known as vitimiti
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
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