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=== sakrecoer_idle is now known as sakrecoer
sachinstudiois there any one to help14:05
sachinstudiome about ubuntu studio14:06
cfhowlett!ask | sachinstudio14:06
ubottusachinstudio: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:06
sachinstudiothanks, i am new to it i want to start my websiite devlopment14:06
sachinstudiobusiness on my own14:06
sachinstudiohow much this ubuntu is useful for me14:06
OvenWerksnot enough information to answer.14:07
cfhowlettsachinstudio, as with any tool; learn to use it and it will be quite useful.14:07
sachinstudiowebsite development in PHP, MYSQL, other graphiscs tools are also going to be used in it14:08
cfhowlettsachinstudio, ... so your question is ....?14:09
sachinstudiogot it or14:11
cfhowlettubuntu can handle everything you've listed.  your machine, your decision.14:12
sachinstudioshall i install only UBUNTU14:12
sachinstudioinstead of14:12
cfhowlettsachinstudio, yes14:13
sachinstudioUBUNUT STUDIO14:13
OvenWerksit doesn't matter that much.14:14
sachinstudioit means any distribution is same14:14
OvenWerkscertainly Studio does not especialy deal with web publishing.14:14
sachinstudiook then which is best14:15
OvenWerksI use bluefish for web page creation but there are other web page ide14:15
cfhowlettsachinstudio, no such thing s "best".  install one ubuntu.  add tools as needed.  learn.  produce.  profit.14:15
sachinstudioi am quite untouch development for long time so to begin it how should i go14:16
OvenWerksIf you are used to having a menu then I would suggest that Studio is good, just install the graphics package14:16
cfhowlett"untouch"  ??????14:16
OvenWerksor you could use xubuntu and add some things you need for what you do.14:16
zequencenetbeans is not bad for web coding. But, I usually use a simple text editor, like gedit. Though, now I'm running atom for everything.14:17
sachinstudioi am not into deelopment for last few years14:17
cfhowlettsachinstudio, www.fullcirclemagazine.org/downloads         get and read the latest issue.14:17
sachinstudiohow much time it will take to learn atom14:19
cfhowlettsachinstudio, it takes as long as it takes ... get started14:19
sachinstudiowhat is there in full circle cfhowlett14:19
cfhowlettsachinstudio, now you're just being lazy.  download and read.  no hand holding.14:20
sachinstudiohow much time it will take to learn atom zequence14:20
zequenceFor me, one day. For you, I don't know :)14:20
sachinstudioha ha14:20
sachinstudiono no14:21
zequenceIt's based on Chromium (Google Chrome)14:21
sachinstudionot at all14:21
sachinstudioi am not lazy14:21
sachinstudiojust reentering in the developing world14:21
sachinstudioso all my freinds i am going to be intouch with all just i installed ubuntu studio14:23
sachinstudioit finished i have to restart the machine14:23
zequencesachinstudio: Hope you have fun with it :)14:23
sachinstudioyep 100% sure14:24
sachinstudiohey zequence please give me you mail id i want to send all doubts in one single mail14:25
sachinstudioand cfhowlett you also give me mail id14:25
zequencesachinstudio: If you would like to email someone, please use our mail list14:25
=== sakrecoer is now known as sakrecoer_idle
Unit193!es | fruityaddict16:33
ubottufruityaddict: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:33
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