
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
PaulW2UEditorial review done.15:49
elfyany admins about - if we could get the LoCo Council changes mail I just sent sorted out and announced that'd be awesome19:53
elfythat being the one that's in the moderation queue ;)19:58
pleia2elfy: hm, doesn't look like it was sent to loco-contacts20:21
pleia2ah, ubuntu-news-team queue20:22
pleia2elfy: you'll want to send to loco-contacts and the loco-council as well :)20:22
elfybetter had I guess :p20:22
pleia2plus the actual applicants, so they know20:22
elfyknew I should have let someone else do it ...20:23
pleia2posted to fridge20:26
pleia2Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 415 for the week May 4 - 10, 2015 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue41622:38
pleia2Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 416 for the week May 4 - 10, 2015 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue41622:39
pleia2there we go22:39
pleia2shame the email didn't go out that way22:40

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