
smoserhey. harlowja 00:17
harlowjahey yo00:18
harlowjawhen u want to go over https://openstacksummitmay2015vancouver.sched.org/event/b52d0c99f65d7713c61524b5a380812b00:20
harlowjawith vice executives00:20
smoseri do.00:21
smoseri had on my todo to bother you about tha ttoday00:21
smoserthank yo ufor beating me to it.00:22
smosercan we pick a time in my normal working hours tomorrow ?00:22
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arnaud_orangehi guys14:07
arnaud_orangedoes anyone know which cloud-init configuration I should use to disable pollinate to seed random ?14:07
smoserarnaud_orange, 14:17
smoser# pollinate hangs without socket timeout if it can't reach network14:17
smoser   command: null14:17
smoserwill do it.14:17
smoseryou can make 'command' anything you want.  null is yaml's "None"14:17
arnaud_orangeoh nice14:17
arnaud_orangelet me try that14:17
smoserbut you can make it [/bin/sh, -c, 'echo hi mom']14:17
arnaud_orangeIs there anything else to disable when my VM does not have access to internet, because cloud-init is taking very much time to bring my VM up 14:21
arnaud_orangeit's far better with your random_seed configuration, thanks smoser14:22
arnaud_orangebut still taken 178sec to be up14:22
smoserwhat datasourc e?14:23
arnaud_orangeopenstack metadata14:23
smoserare you able to pastebin a /var/log/cloud-init.log ?14:23
arnaud_orangesmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11096632/14:25
smoserarnaud_orange, it would appear you lose almost 2 minutes between lines 186 and 187.14:30
smoseri would suggest disabling DataSourceGCE in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90_dpkg.cfg14:32
arnaud_orangeI think this is because the VM is not able to access http://metadata.google.internal./computeMetadata/v1/ is not resolvable14:32
arnaud_orangewhat is that?14:32
smoserinside the image you have to change that.14:33
arnaud_orangeGCE=GoogleCloudengine, right?14:33
smoserremove GCE there.14:33
smoserplease file a bug, as such a hang is not intended.14:33
arnaud_orangeok, if I do that, I won't be able to rely on the classic ubuntu cloud image14:33
smoseryeah, that sucks. :-(14:34
smoserfile a bug, we can fix it.14:34
smoserand SRU and then you can be happy again.14:34
arnaud_orangeno way to fix it with yaml cloud-config?14:34
smoserno. 14:34
smoseras this is config that is read before we can get to user-data14:35
smoserie, it tells us how to find user-data. :)14:35
smoseryou could try to see why dns resolution would time out on that.14:35
smoserthat does seem broken that a dns resolve would block for 120 seconds14:35
smoserthe only networking provided at that point is from the dhcp server14:35
smoserso your dhcp server is possibly giving a dns server that is not reachable.14:36
arnaud_orangethe dns server configured on the vm is (google)14:36
arnaud_orangebut the VM does not have access to internet14:36
smoserwell, that'd seem like a misconfiguration :)14:38
smoserwhy is it ?14:38
arnaud_orangethis is configured on my tenant network14:38
arnaud_orangebecause, when I set a floating IP to my VM, the VM can access internet14:39
arnaud_orangebut the floating IP is not set on startup14:39
arnaud_orangeit's floating between VM 14:39
arnaud_orangedon't know if I am clear on that14:39
smoserright. but it seems like your network is busted still.14:41
smoserwhy give someone a dns server that they cannot reach14:42
smoseri guess so that later when they get a floating ip they can.14:42
arnaud_orangedon't know, ask my cloud provider :p14:42
smoserwho is cloud provider ?14:42
arnaud_orangefrench company14:42
arnaud_orangebut I think it might be the same on any openstack based cloud provider14:42
smoserthats definitely their configuration. and they could definitely give you access to a dns server internally that would dtrt.14:43
smoseri'd bug them about it. 14:43
arnaud_orangethe thing is that I only want my virtual machine to have access to other machines in the tenant, without access to the internet, so not having access a an external DNS is expected15:02
smoseri'd file a bug with them.15:05
smosera.) telling you dns is is hacky at best (rather than a dns server they run)15:06
smoserb.) telling you a dns server is <ANYTHING> that you can't get to is kind of silly/broken15:06
arnaud_orangeok, I found a way to remove the, so a) is not an issue anymore, 15:14
arnaud_orangethey provide their own nameserver15:14
arnaud_orangebut, again, my tenant router have only one interface, in the private network15:14
arnaud_orangeso without floating IP, no internet access15:14
arnaud_orangethere is no way to disable every internet request from cloud-init point of view?15:15
arnaud_orangewithout modifying the ubuntu image,15:15
smoserwell, nto really.15:28
smoserbut if you have dns configured correctly, then the dns should fial15:28
smoserand it will move on15:28
arnaud_orangeyou're right15:29
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devicenull2015-05-12 17:06:07,091 - util.py[WARNING]: Failed to create user foobar17:08
devicenullwould be nice to know why :(17:09
devicenulloh, I guess adduser failed for some reason17:10
smoserdevicenull, /var/log/cloud-init-output.log maybe17:11
devicenullyea, that's where I got that error message17:11
smosernot cloud-init.log17:12
devicenull# less /var/log/cloud-init-output.log17:12
devicenullyes, that's where that message was!17:12
smoserwell thats not right. 17:14
devicenullturns out it didn't like the 'primary-group' setting I had17:14
devicenullwhen the primary-group didn't exist17:14
smoserlog should not be going to -output.log17:14
smoseroh wait.17:15
smoseror i guess *its* output, and on warn, it wrote that to stdout17:15
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