
davecheneygreat, now my ppc64 machines are offline00:13
davecheneythumper: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11087681/01:09
davecheneywhat is this test trying to test ?01:09
davecheneywhat should be listening on port 1903401:09
natefinchkatco: you still around?01:20
natefinchdavecheney: I'd like your insight on a review comment.  I have a struct that implements an interface from the same package. The struct has no exported methods other than the ones on the interface, and no exported data fields.  I have a constructor function for the struct... I had made the struct non-exported and had the constructor just return the interface. I was given a review comment that returning an interface is an an01:27
natefinchtipattern, and to just have it return the concrete value.  I had made it return the interface to keep the package's API smaller.  What are your thoughts?01:27
davecheneynatefinch: link to review ?01:28
natefinchdavecheney: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1619/01:28
* davecheney looks01:29
natefinchI converted cmd/jujud/agent/AgentConf from a struct to an interface to make it testable... I don't necessarily like making an interface just to make something testable, but it seemed like the most reasonable solution.01:29
natefinchdavecheney: the relevant changes are from revision 1 to revision 201:33
thumperdavecheney: looking now01:41
menn0wallyworld, thumper: update on the CI blocker. I have a working fix that I've manually tested in a variety of bootstrap, upgrade and HA scenarios.01:42
menn0wallyworld, thumper: tests need updating though and that'll take a while01:42
thumpermenn0: ETA?01:42
menn0thumper: no idea. anywhere from 30 to 90 mins?01:45
thumpermenn0: ack01:45
* natefinch thinks he has a different definition than menn0 has of what "no idea" means.01:46
menn0natefinch: :)01:46
mwhudsonsomewhere between a femtosecond and a millenium01:55
natefinchnow that's more like it.01:55
davecheneythumper: any idea what is going on there ?01:59
thumperdavecheney: sorry, there wasn't quite enough context01:59
thumperdavecheney: which test?02:00
thumperdavecheney: the proxy detection was probably part of the auto-proxy detection02:00
thumperbut the error I'm guessing would be the test trying to get to cdimages02:00
natefinchdavecheney: any thoughts on that review?  No big deal if you don't have time, just wanted anything you had off the top of your head.02:02
davecheneythumper: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11087681/02:31
menn0wallyworld, thumper: here's the blocker fix for 1.23. http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1654/02:31
davecheneywhat is this test looking for on port 19034 ?02:32
thumperdavecheney: likely to be the random port number assigned to either mongo or the api server02:34
davecheneynot random02:37
davecheneyhappens over and over again02:37
davecheneyall the way through the test02:37
davecheneyall the way through the test suite02:37
thumper   52: "state-port":                19034,02:37
davecheneyso the state server didn't start up ?02:38
* thumper shrugs...02:38
thumperdavecheney: or...02:38
davecheneyhang on02:38
thumperdavecheney: the test isn't a mgo suite so no mongo started, but the code is expecting it to be started?02:38
davecheneyif that port isn't random02:39
davecheneyand two tests using that suite run at the same time ...02:39
davecheneythey'll fight over the port02:39
davecheneyhow the f did this ever work ?02:39
thumperI didn't think we ran things in parallel02:39
davecheneygo test github.com/juju/juju/...02:39
thumperdon't we compile in parallel, but run in serial?02:40
davecheney^ will run n cores of tests concurrently02:40
thumpernot sure that is how gocheck works02:40
davecheneygocheck is a test02:40
wallyworldmenn0: lgtm, a question about var name02:40
davecheneybut each packge is it's own test runner02:40
davecheneyand up to n cores of them will be running at any time02:40
thumperdavecheney: I thought that for most of the tests, we used random port assignment02:41
thumperdavecheney: and the fixed numbers were only used for static checks02:41
thumperbut perhaps I'm wrong02:41
davecheneymaybe this suite is only used by one provider02:42
davecheneythe local provider tests02:42
thumperI have certainly run tests in parallel before02:42
thumperin multiple terminals02:42
menn0wallyworld: yeah, I might call it needReplicasetInit and change the sense. good call.02:42
davecheneyif you pass multiple packages to go test02:42
davecheneythey will be run in parallel02:42
thumperah fark02:46
thumperadding lxd ppa brought in golang 1.3.302:46
thumpermy build .a files are now all fubared02:47
* thumper goes to delete stuff02:47
thumperwhy is rm -r pkg not working?02:48
* thumper is going crazy02:50
thumperdavecheney: sanity check plz02:51
thumperdamn it02:54
* thumper reboots02:54
bradmanyone about?  I'm seeing weird errors from a juju bootstrap03:12
bradmWARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:87 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can't get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)03:12
davecheneynatefinch: i read that review twice03:13
davecheneyare you testing AgentConf ? or the thing that consumes AgentConf ?03:13
natefinchdavecheney: the thing that consumes it03:14
natefinchdavecheney: which is why I wanted to make it an interface so that I could mock out its behavior03:14
davecheneyin that case, I agree03:14
natefinchthat returning the interface is ok?03:14
davecheneyalthough dogmatic, it seems like a good rule of thumb that functions should return concrete types and consume interfaces03:14
natefinchoh, ok03:14
natefinchI'm cool with that03:15
davecheneyand consuming an interface gives you heaps of flexibilty to control the _outputs_ of that interface03:15
davecheneyso i think this change is good03:15
davecheneybut i am reminded of this quote03:16
davecheneyDon’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.03:16
bradmah, LP#1412621 and LP#1441913 seems similar-ish.03:28
_thumper_davecheney: got a minute? I have an x509 cert question, and I found your name in the source :)03:38
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
* thumper stabs x509 and asn.1 in the face03:43
* thumper goes to make coffee03:44
* thumper guesses davecheney is having lunch03:44
menn0wallyworld: trying to merge this CI blocker but so far i've had good ol' "bad record mac" and EC2 failures03:53
menn0bad record MAC happens so often03:53
wallyworldfixed in 2.6, we need to get off 2.403:54
* thumper nods03:55
wallyworldthumper: menn0: we need to get onto 2.8+ to get rid of the noisy logs, but W only has 2.6 so there's a packaging process that has to be followed03:57
* thumper grunts03:57
davecheneythumper: i'm just off for lunch03:57
davecheneywhat line ?03:58
davecheneythis was probabl somethig about the ASN.1 decoding03:58
thumperwallyworld: we need some packaging monkey at our beck and call03:58
wallyworldyes we do03:58
thumperdavecheney: I have a cert pool, and I get the subjects out03:58
thumperdavecheney: I was wanting some meaningful decoding for the test03:58
thumperdavecheney: but asn1.Unmarshall with a pkix.Name fails03:59
thumperwhen I assumed it would work03:59
thumpergiven that it is what is passed in to the cert03:59
davecheneywhat's the error03:59
thumperasn1.StructuralError{Msg:"tags don't match (16 vs {class:0 tag:17 length:13 isCompound:true}) {optional:false explicit:false application:false defaultValue:<nil> tag:<nil> stringType:0 set:false omitEmpty:false}  @2"}03:59
davecheneyurgh, it's been 4 years since I left that comment turd04:00
thumperasn1 marshalling looks a bit ick04:00
davecheneyyueah, there are lots of non obivious differences between a stirng04:00
davecheneya mature string (or seomthing)04:00
thumperlooking at the raw bytes, it looks like it definitely has the Org and CN04:00
davecheneyan empty string04:00
davecheneya raw string04:00
davecheneya set of raw bytes04:00
davecheneynone of them map cleanly on to the string "tim"04:01
davecheney16SEQUENCE, SEQUENCE OF04:01
davecheney17SET, SET OF04:01
davecheneymap vs [] i'd say04:01
davecheneywhatever you're doing now04:01
davecheneydo the opposite04:01
thumperdavecheney: ugh... I'm using pxik.Name which uses []string for members04:01
davecheneynfi sorry04:02
davecheneyit's been 4 years04:02
davecheneyand I think I only fixed it enogh last time to decode some SNMP records04:02
thumperhmm... for the test, the CN would be fine04:03
thumperperhaps I should just define a struct that uses just that...04:03
thumperdavecheney: don't stress, I'm just kinda gunna ignore it04:05
thumperand assume if the loading of the pool worked, a count of certs should be fine04:05
menn0wallyworld: while testing upgrades of HA envs (1.20 to 1.23 on EC2) I ran into a failure of the "migrate tools into environment storage" upgrade step04:17
menn0wallyworld: something about an invalid URL04:17
wallyworldoh joy04:17
wallyworldgot an error message?04:17
menn0pgrade step "migrate tools into environment storage" failed: cannot find tools in provider storage: cannot read product data, invalid URL "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/46494ee31f7046468790ca9b1ac37795/tools/streams/v1/com.ubuntu.juju:released:tools.json?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAI3NTF6NNI5343APQ%2F20150512%2Fus-west-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20150512T040240Z&X-Amz-Expires=604800&X-Amz-Signature=304:18
menn0131f68ef4919a36267d56a20490b4746208423247196fbac578dc637d370144&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host" not found04:18
wallyworldmenn0: i *think* we have now switched to V4 auth for S3, perhaps there's an issue in that region or something04:22
menn0wallyworld: file a bug?04:23
wallyworldhmmm, i think i truncated to url, fixing that gave a sig mismatch which i think might be expected if i just cut and paste04:23
wallyworldbut it could also be a real issue04:24
wallyworlddid it happen all the time?04:24
wallyworldor just the once?04:24
menn0i've only tried this particular upgrade (1.20 to 1.23) once04:25
wallyworldaws does not always work all the time04:25
wallyworldCI needs to often retry04:25
menn0wallyworld: but there were a bunch of attempts to hit that URL and they all failed04:26
wallyworldsometimes though there are cloud outages04:26
wallyworldi can't see offhand where any juju bug would be04:26
menn0wallyworld: ok it could be that04:26
wallyworldthe url looks correct04:26
menn0wallyworld: the upgrade retried 5 times and has now given up04:27
wallyworldnot sure what to do - juju is asking S3 for a file and S3 says f*ck off04:28
menn0wallyworld: so we hit that URL something like 50 times over 10 minutes and it didn't work04:30
wallyworldhmmmm, NFi offhand04:32
wallyworldmenn0: if i try the url without the auth stuff i get a weird redirect from aws. not sure if that's relevant but i've not seen that before04:35
menn0wallyworld: here's the full correct URL04:36
menn0wallyworld: the error is about signing: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.04:36
wallyworldyes, but i've seen that will url pastes before04:36
menn0wallyworld: ok right04:37
wallyworldit may be relevant here but i can't be sure off hand04:37
menn0wallyworld: i've just searched the logs and I see the same error there04:37
wallyworldi wonder if you specified an explicit region would it work04:37
wallyworldhmmm, maybe that region is having issues with V404:37
thumpermenn0: it merged \o/04:41
menn0thumper: thank $deity for that04:43
thumpermenn0: I think $deity should be Odin04:43
thumperwas always partial to Norse04:43
menn0thumper: that fits you so well04:43
menn0getting the 1.24 and master merges ready now04:46
thumpermenn0: although perhaps it should be Loki as he was god of mischief, and that fits the intermittent nature better I think04:49
menn0thumper:  ha :)04:50
mupBug #1454043 was opened: Machine.SetAddresses should not generate transactions for noop changes <stakeholder> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1454043>04:50
anastasiamac_thumper: if we r voting, i'd say Odin04:57
anastasiamac_thumper: Odin's "special" warriors were berserkers04:58
=== urulama__ is now known as urulama
thumperdavecheney: remember this 10 minute go test timeout thing...05:23
thumperdavecheney: are you sure that `go test -test.timeout=1200s ` doesn't increase that to 20 minutes?05:23
menn0wallyworld, thumper: the fix for the CI blocker is now merged into 1.23, 1.24 and master05:42
menn0wallyworld: CI hasn't run the functional-ha-backup-restore job with the new code yet05:44
wallyworldyeah, have to wait to unblock05:44
menn0wallyworld: i'll add a note to the ticket to make it clear when it can be unblocked05:45
wallyworldsounds good, ty05:46
thumpermenn0: hoo ray05:48
jamaxw: ping05:52
mupBug #1454059 was opened: SetTools fills up transaction log <stakeholder> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1454059>05:54
jamTheMue: ping06:30
TheMuejam: pong07:53
jamhi TheMue just looking for someone from the team. We found a bug in the instance poller and were wondering who did the Addresses consolidation.07:53
jamdimiter might be more knowledgeable if he's around today07:54
TheMuejam: yeah, but he's out until thursday07:54
TheMuejam: Address poller? hmm, could you tell me more about it?07:55
jamTheMue: basic bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/145404307:58
mupBug #1454043: Machine.SetAddresses should not generate transactions for noop changes <stakeholder> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1454043>07:58
jamTheMue: essentially the InstancePoller is doing a check07:58
jamIf machine.Addresses() != cloud.Addresses() { machine.SetAddresses(cloud.Addresses))07:58
jamTheMue: however, machine.Addresses() merges "machine" addresses with "cloud" addresses07:58
jamthus once you have any machine addresses, the comparison *always* fails.07:59
jamTheMue: essentially SetAddress() && Addresses() gives you a different value07:59
jamwhich isn't a great API internally :)07:59
TheMuehmmm, will be hard to disagree ;)08:00
voidspacemorning all08:01
TheMuevoidspace: heya08:02
* TheMue is taking a deeper look08:02
mattywvoidspace, morning08:04
mattywvoidspace, you did work on the networking stuff right?08:05
voidspaceTheMue: o/08:08
voidspacemattyw: uhm... yes...08:08
mattywvoidspace, I've not really started looking at it - so be prepared for a totally daft question....08:08
voidspacemattyw: back in a minute, ask the question and I'll answer08:09
mattywvoidspace, is it possible to move a unit from one space to another?08:09
voidspacemattyw: oh08:09
voidspacemattyw: units aren't "in spaces"08:09
voidspacemattyw: units are on machines, machines are on networks / have interfaces - and those networks / interfaces have subnets that are in spaces08:09
voidspacemattyw: you specify the space constraints at *deploy time* (so we can pick a machine008:10
voidspacemattyw: and then a unit endpoint can get an address on any subnet available to the machine08:10
voidspacemattyw: that is how it *will* work  I believe08:10
voidspacemattyw: not implemented yet08:10
mattywvoidspace, ok understood - so I can't use networking to cause partitions in a running service (for testing purposes)08:11
voidspacemattyw: but it's machines that are "in spaces", and we pick a machine for the unit based on the spaces you specify (for endpoint bindings) at deploy time08:11
voidspacemattyw: not dynamically no08:11
mattywvoidspace, understood08:12
TheMuemattyw: as I understand it you can install a charm with a different name in a different space, but not different units of one service08:15
mattywTheMue, that makes a lot of sense08:15
TheMuejam: I like your solution, always had my troubles with the mixing of both address sets.08:32
mupBug #1454143 was opened: Deployer failure upgrading to proposed 1.23.3 from 1.23.2 client <landscape> <juju-core:New> <juju-deployer:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1454143>08:45
dooferladvoidspace: hangout09:02
voidspacedooferlad: omw09:02
voidspaceTheMue: dooferlad: oh, forgot to mention in standup - but last night I spent a bit of time on my HP Microserver11:12
TheMuevoidspace: and now, up and running?11:12
voidspaceTheMue: dooferlad: got the ram and HD fitted. Unfortunately failed to get an OS installed as the flash drive I made from 15.04 was corrupt11:12
voidspaceTheMue: dooferlad: I did find a python interface to the OneView HP RESTful API11:12
voidspace* ashipika has quit (Quit: Leaving.)11:12
voidspaceNot clear if it supports the functionality we need - but a good place to start.11:13
TheMuevoidspace: could you point me with an URL to the HW?11:13
voidspaceTheMue: the doc by dooferlad has a link to the device on ebuyer (UK site of course)11:14
voidspaceit's the G1610T HP Proliant Microserver11:14
TheMuevoidspace: thx11:14
voidspaceashipika: heh11:16
voidspaceashipika: I managed to get the wrong thing in my copy-paste buffer...11:16
voidspaceashipika: meant to post a link instead... sorry11:16
ashipikavoidspace: np :)11:17
dooferladvoidspace, TheMue: The API spec is in that document. We only need a single endpoint: {"Action": "Reset", "ResetType": <foo>} where <foo> can be "On", "ForceOff". That is it.11:20
dooferladAs long as you can find the IP address that the management interface is listening on we are fine.11:21
dooferladvoidspace: you don't need to install an OS, you just need to get in the BIOS to set up network booting.11:22
voidspacedooferlad: sure, but I want to make sure it works and have something to play with :-)11:35
voidspacedooferlad: pretty sure it network boots by default11:35
voidspacedooferlad: it's definitely looking for pxe11:35
wallyworldTheMue: hey, did you see that 1.24 bug i assigned you? it appeared as if you were the last one to touch that code :-) looks like a simple fix. are you able to fix it?11:36
TheMuewallyworld: not yet seen, one moment11:37
TheMuewallyworld: #1437266?11:37
TheMueperrito666: heya11:38
wallyworldperrito666: morning, i haven't landed the 1.24 merge into master which will bring in the charm.v5 stuff you need because 1.24 was blocked; should be unblocked soon11:38
wallyworldTheMue: yeah, that's the one11:43
TheMuewallyworld: ok, will do it11:44
TheMue... now11:44
wallyworld\o/ ty11:44
voidspacewallyworld: as you're here, quick question11:52
voidspacewallyworld: when setting the instance ID on a newly provisioned machine I need to set the instance id on a bunch (potentially) of IP addresses as well11:53
voidspacewallyworld: state already has a method to fetch all the IP addresses associated with the machine11:53
voidspacewallyworld: after the successful transaction, ok to just call addr.SetInstanceId on them all11:53
voidspacewallyworld: or is it significantly preferred that I build this in as part of the transaction (by extending []txn.Op for setting the instance id on the instanceData record)11:54
wallyworldvoidspace: give me a few minutes to check, i can't recall the code 100%11:54
voidspacewallyworld: well, it's mostly new code11:55
voidspacewallyworld: specifically I'm looking at state.Machine.SetProvisioned11:55
voidspacesetting the instance id is a method call on machine, so it seems having a method to set the instance id on the addresses fits11:56
voidspacebut it means a few extra DB calls instead of building it into a single transaction11:56
wallyworldvoidspace: if the method is on state and hence talking to mongo directly, a few extra calls isn't so bad in general11:57
wallyworldwe do that elsewhere11:57
voidspacewallyworld: well, it's on state.IPAddress which has a direct connection to state11:57
voidspacewallyworld: cool, thanks11:57
voidspaceit's directly working with state entities, no extra layers11:57
wallyworldif depends if we expect all the data to be written at once for integrity11:58
voidspacehmmm... although these are cross collection anyway11:58
voidspaceso the transaction doesn't guarantee that I don't think11:58
voidspaceinstanceDataC and ipaddressesC11:59
wallyworldyeah, cross collection txns i think can be an issue11:59
wallyworldis it an issue if the instance ids are not all set at once?12:00
voidspacewallyworld: nope. They're only used on machine destruction.12:01
voidspacewallyworld: so unless you can set the instance id on the machine and then destroy the machine (EnsureDead *and* Remove) before they're set12:02
voidspacewhich I'm pretty sure you can't...12:02
wallyworldvoidspace: i think then it sounds ok to set individually via repeated direct calls to mgo from state12:02
wallyworldseing the final code would help12:02
voidspacewallyworld: cool, thanks12:04
voidspacewallyworld: I'll link you to the wip code to get a clearer idea.12:05
wallyworldsorry i was only vague12:05
voidspacehmmm... problem as always is what to do with the error12:06
voidspaceif setting the id on an address fails *after* the transaction succeeds returning an error will make it look like setting the instance id failed12:06
voidspacemaybe better to do it in the transaction so we get a single failure12:07
voidspaceslightly more fiddly code which I was hoping to avoid12:07
perrito666davecheney: are you still around?12:12
wallyworldvoidspace: another option is to rollback using a defer12:13
voidspacewallyworld: right, thanks12:21
wallyworldrogpeppe1: hiya, i have a question for you if  you are free at some point12:39
rogpeppe1wallyworld: go ahead.12:39
rogpeppe1wallyworld: i am fairly busy but will time-slice :)12:40
wallyworldrogpeppe1: so, there's a bug. deployer calls AllWatcher.Next(). this errors with an error that appears to come from an update() call at some point on one of the backing objects. 1. does this sound plausible that an error generated during an update() callback on megawatcher would appear when Next() is called?12:41
wallyworld2. the error seems "impossible"12:41
wallyworldthe error is due to a missing status record for a unit12:42
wallyworldbut when units are created, they get a status record as part of the txn ops12:42
rogpeppe1wallyworld: perhaps Next is returning the error from an underlying tomb?12:42
wallyworldcould be i guess. i didn't realise the update() on the mulitwatcher set the tomb error12:43
rogpeppe1wallyworld: if that tomb is killed with an error, all watchers will die with that error.12:43
rogpeppe1wallyworld: i don't know either12:43
rogpeppe1wallyworld: it's a random guess without looking at the code12:43
rogpeppe1wallyworld: (which i haven't looked at in ages and ages)12:43
wallyworldok, , i'll keep digging, ty12:44
rogpeppe1wallyworld: np, good luck!12:44
wallyworldi'll need it :-)12:44
wallyworldsinzui: can we unblock 1.24? bug 1453805 seem sot have fixed the HA functional tests in CI13:07
sinzuiwallyworld, Not until i understand all the failures.13:09
wallyworldsinzui: you talking about the maas 1.7 failure?13:10
sinzuiwallyworld, I am talking about all maas failures and kvm failures13:11
sinzuino maas passed.13:11
wallyworldoh ok, i just saw the onw maas 1.7 one13:11
sinzuiwallyworld, CI will unblock when the branch was blessed, so CI thinks wont unblock until QA proves Juju wasn't at fault for any of the failures13:12
wallyworldok, i was hoping that as soon as the recorded blocking bug was seen to be fixed we could unblock13:13
sinzuiwallyworld, yes, and CI recognises that as a blessed branch. CI doesn't care about a specific test. It cares about having a releasable branch13:14
wallyworldok, so that means that even though the bug causing the original blockage is fixed, we still need to wait in case there are new bugs oto be raised13:16
sinzuikatco, We need someone to look into bug 1454143. We may not be able to the finale release of 1.23.313:22
wwitzel3katco: sorry, omw, was chatting with cory_fu and lost track of time14:04
katcodpb1: hey can you provide any guidance on bug 145414314:04
cory_fuDon't go blaming me.  ;)14:05
* dpb1 kicks mup14:05
katco<fake mup>: hi! here's bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/145414314:05
* ericsnow worries that mup might not be well14:05
* perrito666 kicks his computer in anger because nothing works well today14:06
dpb1niemeyer has been pinged, he's probably looking at it14:06
jcastromgz, still no luck on dreamcompute, I'm stuck, any help someone on your team could provide would be most welcome!14:15
mgzjcastro: okay, I'll try to have a go myself today14:18
mgzI saw you hadn't got a response to your mail14:18
jcastroWill we be testing on dreamcompute in the future for releases?14:19
mgzwe haven't got a plan to at the moment, it seems reasonable though14:19
sinzuiericsnow, wallyworld 1.23 and 1.24. bug 1392407 was the involved in a system failure caused by a held lock15:29
sinzuiericsnow, wallyworld CI blessed and opened 1.24. I opened 1.23 because I think I accounted for every failure as a cloud or substrate issue15:30
ericsnowsinzui: cool, thanks!15:30
lazyPowero/  - Juju's amazon provider does not understand how to leverage the VPC correct? Thats still something we do manually, and then use the manual provider to consume?15:40
alexisblazyPower, that is correct VPC support is still under development15:47
lazyPoweralexisb: thanks, thast what I thought :)15:47
lazyPowerjust making sure i hadn't missed an update15:47
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: see calendar | Open critical bugs: None
natefinchericsnow: you around?16:24
ericsnownatefinch: otp16:24
ericsnownatefinch: what's up?16:24
mgzocr: can I get a stamp on backport http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1660/16:27
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk
lazyPowerI'm running into a weird issue bootstrapping on AWS in a VPC w/ 1.24 and 1.23 - i've confirmed the issue affects both - https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/141262117:26
mupBug #1412621: replica set EMPTYCONFIG MAAS bootstrap <bootstrap> <maas-provider> <mongodb> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1412621>17:26
lazyPoweri attached here as it was the same issue - but the bug title seems to scope it to maas.17:26
lazyPowerand I think i see whats happening, its inserted a host that is the NAT'd address as the replset configuration, and not the local address of the unit17:29
lazyPowerupdated the bug w/ the workaround/steps to fix the bootstrap issue - now the system appears stuck when issuing "juju status"17:40
mupBug #1454359 was opened: Unexpected api shutdown followed by panic <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1454359>17:41
mgzis there anyone around to do reviews atm?17:42
katcocherylj: perrito666: wwitzel3: have time for a hangout?18:36
cheryljkatco: sure18:37
katcocherylj: perrito666: wwitzel3: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/moonstone?authuser=118:37
katcogetting some tea brt18:37
mupBug #1453805 changed: Juju takes more than 20 minutes to enable voting <blocker> <ci> <ensure-availability> <intermittent-failure> <regression> <juju-core:Fix18:38
mupReleased by menno.smits> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by menno.smits> <juju-core 1.24:Fix Released by menno.smits> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1453805>18:38
katcocherylj: i'm in there now. is perrito666 out today?18:40
cheryljkatco: can't seem to join.  keeps timing out :(18:41
katcocherylj: weird...18:41
mupBug #1453805 was opened: Juju takes more than 20 minutes to enable voting <blocker> <ci> <ensure-availability> <intermittent-failure> <regression> <juju-core:Fix18:50
mupReleased by menno.smits> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by menno.smits> <juju-core 1.24:Fix Released by menno.smits> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1453805>18:50
mupBug #1453805 changed: Juju takes more than 20 minutes to enable voting <blocker> <ci> <ensure-availability> <intermittent-failure> <regression> <juju-core:Fix18:53
mupReleased by menno.smits> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by menno.smits> <juju-core 1.24:Fix Released by menno.smits> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1453805>18:53
alexisbkatco, can you have cmars join that18:53
alexisbkatco, he mgiht have some volunteers available on his team as well18:53
katcoalexisb: sure, cmars you're welcome to join18:54
sinzuimgz, katco can either of you take a moment to review http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1663/18:56
mgzsinzui: shipit18:57
sinzuithank you mgz18:57
mgzperrito666: I have three backport branches up, 1660, 1664, 1665, when you have a minute can you eyeball and stamp them?19:26
katcomgz: i haven't heard anything from him since this morning19:28
katcomgz: he mentioned nothing working well, so i wonder if his computer is on the blink19:29
mgzkatco: hm, do I have to bug you then? have seen a dearth of other reviewers on this afternoon19:29
katcomgz: if i can find a spare moment... how big are the diffs?19:29
mgzsmall, nice sane ones (hardest bit is one dep change)19:30
perrito666Hey quick update I am working offline until tonight when I get the time to fix whatever the last update of vivid broke on my laptops network19:48
perrito666If you need me please reach me through email as the constant up and down of irc drives me crazy19:48
mgzperrito666: aha!19:49
mgzperrito666: how offline?19:49
mgztoo offline to do reviews?19:49
perrito666Meh no matter how many times I type it, this phone keeps trying to correct irc as Orc19:49
perrito666Mgz nope shoot19:49
mgzperrito666: I have three backport bug fixes up, 1660, 1664, 166519:50
mgzthey should all be straightforward to stamp19:50
perrito666mgz: are you sure 1665 doesn' t break backup restore CI tests?20:55
wallyworldperrito666: i also need you to look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1658/ if you have time21:12
perrito666ffs man do you ever sleep?21:13
katcowallyworld: thumper: sorry i reversed the meeting invites21:25
katcoisn't menn0 in NZ?21:27
katcohow was he talking to me this morning?21:27
menn0katco: yes, I am in NZ21:27
perrito666katco: nobody in this team sleeps anymore21:28
katcomenn0: what time was it for you when we talked yesterday (my this morning)?21:28
wallyworldkatco: fyi i can't make the very next sky meeting as i have a conflict with another meeting21:30
katcowallyworld: no worries, but do need at least 1 lead to hand off to21:30
* wallyworld looks at thumper 21:31
davecheney sinzui is arm64 tested as part of ci ?21:31
davecheneysinzui: or to say it another way, some tests are being run on ppc64, are those also being run on arm64 ?21:31
* thumper has calls for the next 1.5 hours21:31
thumperright now21:31
perrito666wallyworld: shipit21:32
wallyworldperrito666: tyvm :-)21:33
katcomenn0: sorry for the meeting spam... my brain was playing tricks on me21:33
menn0katco: did we actually talk during your morning?21:33
sinzuidavecheney, not in many months. and even then. not really. The machine we were given never had to power to run unit tests, are do a local deployment.21:33
menn0katco: I thought it was your evening21:33
katcomenn0: i don't think so haha21:33
katcomenn0: i think i was thinking of your yesterday morning21:33
sinzuidavecheney, the slave is up and listed as dead by jenkins.21:34
davecheneysinzui: ah21:34
menn0katco: that make sense21:34
davecheneythanks for confirming21:34
thumpercmars: I'm going to have to skip out on our call again21:57
thumpercmars: have yet another clash21:57
cmarsthumper, ok, i see how it is21:57
cmarsthumper, :) np. we should catch up at some point though21:58
thumpercmars: yeah, sorry, but katco is more important21:58
thumpercmars: definitely21:58
cmarsthumper, sky?21:58
thumpercmars: blue today, slight cloud21:58
thumperthanks for asking21:58
cmarsthumper, rainy here all day21:58
* thumper smirks to himself21:59
thumperoh man, so much rain yesterday21:59
thumperat least today I should get outside at some stage21:59
thumperget that vitamin D21:59
katcocmars: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/sky-handoff?authuser=122:00
wallyworldericsnow: ffs22:53
wallyworldprovider/vsphere/ova_import_manager.go:166: arg resp.StatusCode for printf verb %s of wrong type: int22:53
wallyworldprovider/vsphere/ova_import_manager.go:251: missing verb at end of format string in Debugf call22:53
ericsnowwallyworld: gah22:53
wallyworldgo vet is sad22:53
ericsnowwallyworld: will fix22:53
wallyworldty :-)22:53
ericsnowwallyworld: I could swear I fixed those (twice)22:53
wallyworldwe've all been there :-)22:54
ericsnowwallyworld: hmm, I'm not seeing any problems with 1.24, nor with the branch that's merging right now22:55
ericsnowwallyworld: (rather, just merged :) )22:56
voidspacewwitzel3: ping22:58
katcoericsnow: make sure you're taking time off from work please23:46

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