[00:05] hello [00:05] anyone around [00:05] have probs setting my wallpaper [00:06] resetting it everytimewhen i start mywindowmanager [00:06] (i3) [00:06] dont know where to start myfeh [00:06] asthereis no .xinitrc [08:09] hello, I'm not sure how active this channel is, but I was wondering if anyone knows of a fix for this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-power-manager/+bug/1446247 [08:10] Launchpad bug 1446247 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu 15.04 - No power indicator in applet indicator" [Medium,Confirmed] [08:10] Instead of the battery I had in 14.10, I have a rectangle with green for when the battery is powering, and yellow when it is discharging [09:55] Hi all I've a problem with my macbook keyboard. How can I configure my secondary keys? I used a guide in the past on the ubuntu documentation but I'm unable to find it again :( [10:03] Ok i found that 3rd level of keyboard is easily configured with kde and gnome [10:03] but how can i do that on lxde? is there a configuration file to edit? [11:32] hello. anyone has problem with parted and gparte ? thnaks [11:33] i got this error [11:33] Assertion (metadata_length > 0) at ../../../libparted/labels/dos.c:2313 in [11:33] function add_logical_part_metadata() failed. [14:17] hi guys ;) [14:18] salut Nairwolf [14:19] hi, Garrick1 ;) === holstein_ is now known as holstein === dzho_ is now known as dzho