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rick_h_ | lazyPower: hey there | 00:44 |
lazyPower | o/ | 00:44 |
lazyPower | rick_h_: pong | 00:44 |
rick_h_ | lazyPower: ty email away :) | 00:55 |
lazyPower | jrwren: ping - just got a big MP from foli w/ nagios bits targeted at my namespace charm of logstash | 02:16 |
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blahdeblah | Any charmers stil awake? aisrael tells me that as long as "python tests/20-mytest" runs, then any test code should work. But 20-mytest relies on python modules elsewhere in the charm tree; what's the correct method for including it in the python module path? | 04:39 |
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marcoceppi | blahdeblah: still around? | 11:06 |
blahdeblah | marcoceppi: Sort of; past EOD & dealing with a broken machine at the moment | 11:10 |
marcoceppi | you can import sys and patch the pythonpath at the top of the test file if you're unable to import it by normal means | 11:11 |
blahdeblah | marcoceppi: Yeah - found that in the latest unit_tests template and used that in my unit_tests. | 11:12 |
blahdeblah | Do we have any documentation about the preferred best practice for unit tests at present? | 11:13 |
marcoceppi | ah, I figured 7 hours of searching must have yeilded something, sorry we couldn't get you an answer sooner | 11:13 |
marcoceppi | blahdeblah: not entirely, no | 11:13 |
blahdeblah | np - I know I'm on the wrong side of the planet. :-) | 11:13 |
marcoceppi | has anyone run into an issue with local provider and 1.24? | 12:05 |
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aisrael | marcoceppi: The only problem I had was it wasn't a clean upgrade. I had to destroy and bootstrap my env | 12:54 |
aisrael | (1.24-beta1) | 12:54 |
aisrael | blahdeblah: Glad you found a solution! | 12:55 |
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aisrael | The upgrade from 1.24-beta1 to beta2 went smooth | 13:00 |
aisrael | ANd we have service-status and workload-status! | 13:00 |
lazyPower | woot | 14:06 |
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jose | 'ello guys, having some troubles over here | 15:24 |
jose | `juju bootstrap --constraints "cpu-power=0 mem=512M"` is trying to launch a t2.micro instead of a t1.micro | 15:24 |
jose | any idea why? | 15:25 |
jrwren | "The t1.micro is a previous generation instance and it has been replaced by the t2.micro" | 15:28 |
jrwren | http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/concepts_micro_instances.html | 15:29 |
jose | jrwren: I've continued using t1.micro instances because they suit me for charming, has the core team decided to deprecate them? | 15:33 |
jose | t1.micros can still be launched from the aws console and everything | 15:34 |
stokachu | sinzui: have you guys noticed issues with juju trying to create vivid containers? | 16:17 |
* sinzui gets bug | 16:17 | |
sinzui | stokachu, bug 1442308 is our nemesis | 16:18 |
mup | Bug #1442308: Juju cannot create vivid containers <ci> <local-provider> <lxc> <ubuntu-engineering> <vivid> <juju-core:Triaged by cherylj> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged by cherylj> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1442308> | 16:18 |
stokachu | sinzui: thanks! | 16:18 |
sinzui | stokachu, in the details of the bug, I think we see that the container logic is using upstart :( | 16:18 |
* sinzui high fixes Core for getting every branch blessed | 16:20 | |
sinzui | hi ses | 16:43 |
sinzui | I can discuss compatibility tests now | 16:43 |
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lukasa | Quick question: what's the incantation for deploying the /next branch of a charm? | 17:31 |
lukasa | Or do I have to check it out in bzr and deploy it locally? | 17:31 |
marcoceppi | lukasa: the latter | 17:32 |
lukasa | Ok. =) | 17:33 |
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