
ModelEnginehello, i have a bit of an annoying and severely frustrating problem that I need help with if anyone can spare some time :)02:11
ModelEngineI am looking to remove f.lux, however, when i go to remove it, the indicator applet is still visible in the accessories menu02:12
holstein!info f.lux02:13
ubottuPackage f.lux does not exist in vivid02:13
holsteinModelEngine: did you add a PPA?02:13
ModelEngineholstein: i installed it this way: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kilian/f.lux [Enter] sudo apt-get update [Enter] sudo apt-get install fluxgui [Enter]02:13
holsteinModelEngine: you ideally would get support from the creators of the app, or the maintainer of the PPA02:14
holsteinModelEngine: to be clear, you add f.lux? and you are trying to uninstall it? have you purged the ppa?02:14
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge02:14
ModelEngineholstein: so i should contact the guy who made it. cool thanks :)02:14
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html02:15
ModelEngineholstein: nice, i will do that. you may have just saved me a massive headache, thank you02:15
holsteinModelEngine: thats my first step with the ppa packages.. trying a purge of the ppa..02:15
ModelEngineholstein: just adding it now thru synaptic02:19
ModelEngineholstein: says it cannot find package list for ppa02:21
ModelEngineholstein: i mean, after i added ppa-purge02:22
ModelEngineholstein: sorry got disconnected somehow02:26
ModelEngineso i'm looking for info on changing key-bindings in lubuntu. I have opened the config file using: sudo gedit ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml02:59
ModelEngineHonestly, though, i'm lost after that. I would take a screenshot for you, but I don't know how to do it in Lubuntu, just Ubuntu, and I don't have that n e more03:00
ModelEnginein the config file, tho, it says that ctrl + alt + del is bound to the task mgr, but when i execute the key combo, it logs me out instead03:01
holsteinlubuntu *is* ubuntu03:02
holsteinbut, there are many screenshot tools... i like scrot03:03
holsteinbut, you can just pastebin a config file, or part of it03:03
ModelEngineholstein: when i was using ubuntu trusty, it was real easy to take a screenshot, but not so much in lubuntu03:04
ModelEnginehow to use pastebin?03:04
holsteinModelEngine: well, its typically more about what one is used to.. for exmaple, right now, in lubuntu, i use scrot, but, im sure if i were to load up ubuntu trusty, i would be asking you how to take a sceen shot03:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:05
ModelEngineholstein: lol :)03:05
holsteini have always just tried the prtscrn in any os, first03:05
ModelEngineholstein: here's the text: http://pastebin.com/0vW5VvV903:07
holsteinwhats happening? and what do you prefer to have happen?03:08
ModelEngineholstein: when i press ctrl alt del it takes me to the login screen. but i want it to start task manager03:09
ModelEngineholstein: btw, i really really appreciate your help, like alot03:09
holsteinModelEngine: sure.. let see if i can be of help with that, specifically03:12
holsteinModelEngine: i suppose, i would first use alt f2, or the terminal, and make sure i know the command to start what i am wanting to start03:13
holsteinthen, i would look at backing up that file, so i dont break the settings.. then, i would experiment, expecting to logout and back in to change the settings03:14
ModelEngineholstein: hokey diner! i'm def not that experienced with linux to be able to mess around and know what i'm doing. i'm happy to just live with it and use the mouse03:15
ModelEngineto open things up03:15
ModelEngineholstein: but thx for tryin :)03:15
holsteinnot sure what you are saying03:16
holsteini consider editing openbox config for shortcut keys *way* more advanced than testing a command03:16
ModelEngineholstein: i am not that confident using linux. i had ubuntu trusty for about a year and then switched my shop computer to lubuntu03:16
holsteinyou'll need to make sure you are telling the config file the proper command03:16
holsteinModelEngine: you may be more happy/comfortable in mate03:17
holsteinubuntu mate, or, just add mate to your lubuntu install.. they are *all* ubuntu03:17
ModelEngineholstein: what is mate?03:17
holsteinmate will be quite similar to "trusty"03:17
holsteinModelEngine: its quite similar to gnome2.. which is what you are referencing being comfortable with, in trusty03:17
ModelEngineholstein: the reason i switched my shop comp to lubuntu is cuz it only has 512 ram03:17
holstein*nothing* makes you have more ram03:18
holsteinanyways, if that machine ran gnome2, it should run mate fine03:18
ModelEngineholstein: no, i know, but it is really easy on sys resources03:18
holsteinno doubt, lxde/lubuntu is nice, and easy, and fast. but, its lighter, and you are wanting more features, such as with gnome203:18
ModelEngineno sorry, my other comp with quad core process, 8 gigs of ram ran trusty03:18
holsteinif you have not tried mate, consider trying it03:19
ModelEnginewill it still be easy on resources?03:19
holsteinif i thought it wouldnt fit your needs,i would say so03:19
holsteinModelEngine: as i said, *nothing* gives your system more resources03:19
ModelEngineholstein: cool03:19
ModelEngineholstein: I didn't understand a lot of stuff about lubuntu, but I feel much more enlightened since I've spoken with you03:19
holsteinwell, its great.. lxde/lubuntu.. its just lighter03:20
ModelEngineso thank you for taking time out of your day to help a complete stranger.03:20
holsteinligher can be less feature-richh03:20
ModelEngineholstein: sweet, i'll keep it in mind03:20
holsteinno need to fight with the system, though..03:20
holsteinmate is intended to be a fork of gnome203:20
ModelEnginecool, thanks a bunch and have a great evening (sorry, gtg)03:21
holsteini use lots of different DE's, for different reasons03:21
holsteinModelEngine: cheers..03:21
suncokretwhy i can't install gthumb in synaptic?11:45
suncokretwhen i choose that program, box left from name is red with !11:46
suncokretand when i go to apply it say that it can't apply changes, i need to fix damaged packs first11:47
suncokretis gthumb only for gnome?11:51
kilonux15.10  test live on usb stick17:20
kilonuxhello im back}17:22
kilonuxtesting 15.10 on usb17:23
CrazyTBI'm using Lubuntu 15.04. Where can I disable gnome-keyring?17:58
CrazyTBIn fact, I've spent the last couple of hours tring to find where the env var SSH_AUTH_SOCK is set, when I start a Lubuntu session.17:58
CrazyTBThat var is not set if I start TWM, fluxbox or openbox "sessions".17:58
mackstingHowdy. I just set up my computer again after a move to a new home, and for some reason I'm getting a serious kernel panic every time I try to boot up. I wish I could find a log which details it, but for some reason I can't seem to find one. If that's necessary to helping me, it'll be the first hurdle, I'd think. Regardless, can somebody help me rescue my precious?18:06
mackstingI just carved a new boot disk. Wish me luck.18:22
=== Biliskner is now known as Drone`
ichathi i used mini.iso to install lubuntu-minimal desktop  but i was kinda shocked that there was no wifi access anymore after setup rebooted into desktop, i now am stuck with a desktop with NO apps no network manager or any gui or tool to get my connection back up to install software :S any help?21:24
acaanyone help me, i'm having trouble installing pulseaudio, keep getting this erro: E: Package 'pulseaudio' has no installation candidate21:30

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