
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
imgbot=== IMAGE 197 building (started: 20150514-02:05) ===02:05
imgbot=== IMAGE 197 DONE (finished: 20150514-03:50) ===03:50
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/197.changes ===03:50
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oSoMoNtrainguards: good morning, can I have a silo for line 66 please?07:49
oSoMoNrobru, since you’re still around, did I fill correctly line 66 for webbrowser-app to be synced back to wily?07:50
sil2100oSoMoN: hey!07:52
sil2100oSoMoN: I just corrected the sync line, let's see if the syncing works07:53
sil2100Could you build silo 14?07:53
oSoMoNsil2100, thanks, will build it now07:53
oSoMoNsil2100, the copy seems to have gone ok (https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-014-1-build/188/console), but the PPA doesn’t contain anything…08:07
sil2100Ah, bummer08:13
sil2100oSoMoN: so one reason why there's nothing in the PPA is that the same silo was used to build the original version of the package... but I think that we can't use the current sync functionality for this08:15
sil2100Let me upload the package there manually08:15
sil2100oSoMoN: the thing is, the sync code only changes the version number between ubuntu and ubuntu-rtm, here it just sticks with the old version08:16
sil2100Which is bad08:16
oSoMoNsil2100, any estimate on when a working sync functionality will be available? I would hate to have to do two landings for each MR (with two branches every time), and I would equally hate to have to bother you or others to do manual syncs08:18
sil2100I think quickly modifying the sync functionality to work for our case should be a quick change08:19
john-mcaleelysil2100, is now a good time to push the krillin rtm tarball? davmor2 +1's it09:23
sil2100john-mcaleely: hey! Yes, I guess it's fine :)09:24
john-mcaleelysil2100, button pushed. tarball pushed :-)09:24
tsdgeoscihelp: any idea what's up with http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#unity809:25
tsdgeosdon't really understand what https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-boottest-unity8/lastBuild/ means09:25
tsdgeossays vivid/universe but also says wily-boottest09:25
sil2100john-mcaleely: thanks o/09:32
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psivaatsdgeos: that appears to be a temporary glitch, afais it's the host being unable to ssh to the testbed, the next run was OK, it should pass now in the excuses09:51
tsdgeospsivaa: cool, so no action needed from our side, cool :)09:52
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oSoMoNtrainguards: can I publish silo 14 (wily) myself, or do I need to poke you for that?10:27
sil2100A trainguard needs to do it, let me publish then10:27
oSoMoNsil2100, thanks!10:31
* sil2100 off to slowly prepare lunch10:57
davmor2sil2100, john-mcaleely: vivid tarball tested and passes11:43
davmor2sil2100: technically it fails but it fails in the same way as the none tarballed version so it passes really :)11:44
sil2100That's good I guess..?11:49
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cwaynesil2100, question: would updating a click in the store simply to match the version that's in custom require qa signoff?11:54
davmor2sil2100: msm is broken because 3g is broken and a video recorded from the camera won't playback :)11:54
davmor2mms even11:54
john-mcaleelythe video playback issue davmor2 ?11:58
john-mcaleelyanyway, sil2100 is now a good time to push it?11:58
sil2100john-mcaleely: yeah, no plans from our side :)12:08
sil2100cwayne: hm, normally I'd say it doesn't require12:09
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sil2100cwayne: but let's ask davmor2 for opinion12:11
john-mcaleelysil2100, pushed12:11
pmcgowansil2100, why do I see a new rtm proposed image this morning12:45
popeypmcgowan: looks like cron job?12:46
popey03:05 < imgbot> === IMAGE 197 building (started: 20150514-02:05) ===12:46
pmcgowanpopey, why is it 60MB12:48
popeydunno, last four changes files are blank http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/12:49
davmor2pmcgowan: new tarball maybe12:49
pmcgowanwhich we didnt intend to push to krillin12:49
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sil2100pmcgowan: tarball upload :)12:54
sil2100Ah, for krillin too?12:54
sil2100hm, new custom?12:55
sil2100Ah, nvm12:55
pmcgowanpoint is we shouldn't see any updates12:55
sil2100Yeah, it seems there's a new device tarball in the krillin channel as well12:55
sil2100john-mcaleely: ^ ?12:55
sil2100Ah, wait, I think john-mcaleely pushed for both, but we don't intend to copy the krillin one12:56
sil2100But I guess they want to keep both devices in sync in -proposed12:56
john-mcaleelyyeah, proposed krillin image to have the current codebase available12:57
* sil2100 needs to jump out to the vet now12:58
sil2100Let me switch to my shell, brb12:58
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alex-abreutrainguards can you reconfigure silo 3213:18
kenvandinetrainguards: i appear to have angered the train with silo 2013:41
kenvandineubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts is hanging up promotion of settings in wily, so i tried to do a sync from wily-proposed... which didn't work of course, and now it doesn't let me fix the job13:41
mptHi, when I try to “citrain device-upgrade 36” I just get a “usage:…” spiel telling me that the silo number must be from “1..20”. How can I fix this? (I’m using phablet-tools 1.1+14.10.20141002-0ubuntu1 on Ubuntu 14.04.)13:47
jgdxcihelp: ^13:47
Ursinhatrainguards, ^13:47
jgdxright :s13:48
kenvandinempt, missing the password13:51
kenvandinecitrain device-upgrade SILO PASSWORD DISTRO13:51
kenvandinecitrain device-upgrade 36 0000 ubuntu13:51
kenvandinefor example13:51
kenvandineoh... 1..20?13:51
kenvandinemaybe there's multiple issues :)13:51
mptWhy … why … why didn‘t I notice that13:52
mptIt’s because I noticed the problem with the last line of the output, and didn’t examine further13:52
mptCommand '"SUDO_ASKPASS=/tmp/sudo_askpass.wgdf sudo -A apt-get update -qq ; echo ADB_RC=\$?"' returned non-zero exit status 10013:53
mptW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/phablet-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/wily/main/binary-armhf/Packages  404  Not Found13:53
kenvandineoh... you're on the werewolf!13:53
* mpt goes to report a bug on the out-of-date usage instructions in the meantime13:53
mptNo, I’m on 14.0413:53
kenvandinethe device13:53
kenvandineit added the silo ppa as wily13:54
kenvandinenot vivid13:54
kenvandineand we don't have wily packages built in that ppa13:54
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mptSo “ubuntu-device-flash touch --bootstrap --channel ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/krillin.en” is not, currently, a good idea?13:55
jgdxmpt, did you remove the broken ppa on the device?13:56
kenvandinempt, right now it's not13:56
mptjgdx, it doesn’t matter now if I have to reflash it with vivid, right?13:56
kenvandinei think13:56
kenvandinedevel-proposed just changed to wily13:57
jgdxmpt, okk. But great that you found a solution!13:57
mptjgdx, whoa there, let’s not jump to conclusions ;-)13:57
kenvandinejgdx, multiple issues... including the switch to wily  for devel-proposed :)13:58
mptChannel ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/krillin.en not found on server https://system-image.ubuntu.com13:58
mptSee, jgdx, told you ;-)13:59
kenvandinempt, i might not have had that channel exactly right14:00
Guest98059there is a ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en14:01
kenvandinempt, it might be ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en14:01
=== Guest98059 is now known as pmcgowan
* kenvandine looks for the email14:01
mptOk, that’s downloading stuff14:01
pmcgowanlets see what14:01
mptA “version 3”14:02
pmcgowanmpt, you may need to wait, that channel seems busted14:07
mptpmcgowan, it downloaded three files without error. It said “Failed to enter Recovery”, but it always says that.14:07
mpt(Where by “always” I mean “every time I’ve tried it today”)14:08
pmcgowanmpt, the contents are not correct, its a mix of vivid and rtm14:08
pmcgowanwe need another build14:08
ogra_imgbot, status 197 vivid14:10
imgbotStatus: succeeded, Started: 2015-05-14 02:03:12 UTC, Finished: 2015-05-14 02:58:18 UTC14:10
imgbotBuild URL: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/vivid/ubuntu-touch/+build/2678414:10
imgbotChangelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/vivid/197.changes14:10
ogra_great ...14:10
ogra_vivid changelogs moved to a subdir ... (havent copied them all yet, but all new ones will be created there)14:11
pmcgowanogra_, so our channels seem to be very conflated right now14:22
pmcgowanhoping sil2100  shows up to start fixing them14:22
ogra_pmcgowan, right, i dont know yet what to do with wily changelogs or even where exactly point the bot to on system-image.u.c14:23
kenvandineMirv, i see you had kicked some of the adt jobs, any idea what's up with ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts failing in wily-proposed?14:24
pmcgowanogra_, we have no valid vivid channel currently14:24
ogra_well, devel-proposed still points to vivid i think14:24
pmcgowanwily it seems14:24
kenvandineogra_, apparently not14:24
pmcgowanbut the rc-proposed has wrong tarballs14:25
kenvandinearale yes14:25
pmcgowankenvandine, ?14:25
kenvandinearale changed channels from vivid-proposed to devel-proposed14:25
kenvandinewhich is still vivid14:25
kenvandinebut i think they did the channel rename first14:25
kenvandinei suspect that'll get switched to wily too14:26
kenvandinebut they renamed the channel yesterday14:26
kenvandinei think14:26
ogra_it pulls the rootfs tarball from the devel-proposed channel i think14:26
kenvandineso it requires a manual channel switch or just edit the channels.ini14:26
ogra_kenvandine, oh, btw, why cant i open any urls anymore on my vivid phone ... looks like url-dispatcher appends some junk now ...14:27
kenvandinetedg`, ^^14:27
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kenvandinetedg`, are you still trying to pass url-dispatcher to me?  people keep pinging me about it :)14:28
ogra_i see something like "&uct=1427058370" appended to every url in the browser14:28
tedgkenvandine, Ha, sorry, I'll tell you sometime :-)14:29
tedgHmm, I don't think that's URL dispatcher…14:29
ogra_well, doesnt happen on rtm with the same app14:29
tedgCan you grab a dbus log? You can see what URL gets sent.14:30
dobeycihelp: can we get a re-build for the jenkins MP testing for https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/unity-scope-click/refunds-previews/+merge/257444 ? the build should happen on wily, but i think maybe i filled the form slightly wrong when trying to start the build myself or something, because it seems to be failing to create a valid recipe file14:31
ogra_tedg, bah, it is actually a bug in the app ...14:32
ogra_(it hands the wrong thing to Qt.openUrlExternally() ... )14:33
tedgogra_, Ah, cool.14:34
alecudobey: thanks for handling that.14:44
rsalvetipmcgowan: $ ubuntu-device-flash query --device="mako" --list-channels14:48
rsalvetiubuntu-touch/devel-proposed (alias to ubuntu-touch/vivid-proposed)14:48
rsalvetisil2100: are you currently fixing that? ^14:49
rsalvetibroke boot testing for proposed-migration14:49
rsalvetido we actually have any wily image?14:50
rsalvetiwe have the rootfs, but not sure if imported at system-image14:50
ogra_yes, it is14:50
ogra_oh, wily ... no, not yet afaik14:50
pmcgowanrsalveti, yeah the channels are all borked14:51
pmcgowanI think its a holiday or something14:51
rsalvetipmcgowan: who is fixing that?14:51
pmcgowancant find anyone to do it14:51
ogra_sil2100 ... once he is back from the vet i guess14:51
rsalvetiwould guess sil2100 / slangasek14:51
pmcgowanslangasek, not here yet14:51
ogra_well, you will need to fix capomastor at the very same time too14:54
rsalvetithat as well, yeah14:55
rsalvetiand they just renamed the channels14:56
rsalvetiand fix the krillin en->es issue as well14:56
rsalvetiall sorts of issues14:56
alex-abreutrainguards can you reconfigure silo 3215:03
robrualex-abreu: bah, train won't let me reconfigure from vivid->wily, will free & reassign15:13
alex-abreurobru, thx15:14
robrualex-abreu: you're welcome, silo 26 now15:15
davmor2ogra_, rsalveti: current krillin image has a wily rootfs15:15
rsalvetidavmor2: haha, who knows why15:21
sil2100Back :|15:26
sil2100Took a while15:26
sil2100What's up with channels?15:27
rsalvetisil2100: all br0ken :-)15:28
sil2100Defnie that please ;p15:28
rsalvetisil2100: no wily channel, devel-proposed still pointing out to vivid (breaking proposed-migration boot testing)15:29
rsalvetisil2100: and it seems ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/krillin.en got a wily rootfs, not sure how15:29
rsalvetibesides the krillin.en->krillin.es issue that slangasek is already working on a fix15:29
sil2100hm, ok, none of these seem to be related to my recent changes at least15:30
sil2100Well, I switched vivid-proposed to use vivid a few days ago, but that shouldn't be related15:31
sil2100Although devel-proposed was an alias to vivid-proposed15:31
rsalvetiguess we first need to create wily channels15:31
rsalvetiand then sort out the aliases15:31
rsalvetiwe had so many emails with suggestions and so on that I don't know anymore what is the desired layout15:32
ogra_well, as i understood slangasek he doesnt want a wily channel15:33
ogra_but to import directly inot devel-proposed15:33
ogra_and vivid would become stable-proposed or some such15:33
ogra_in any case please tell me about the final outcome so i can adjust the bot and changelog creation tools15:34
ogra_sil2100, oh, and publich holiday here, i wont be at the meeting ...15:36
rvrboiko: Silo 24 approved.15:39
kenvandineis anyone looking into the autopilot failures blocking promotion from wily-proposed to wily?15:39
kenvandinespecifically ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts, which is also blocking system-settings15:40
kenvandinelooks like it should be affecting more15:40
kenvandineFileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/sbin/initctl'15:40
kenvandinefrom autopilot15:40
kenvandinetrainguards: ^^15:42
robrukenvandine: hm?15:42
kenvandinethat test has been failing all week15:43
kenvandinekeeping packages stuck in proposed15:43
ogra_kenvandine, i think you wanted cihelp :)15:43
kenvandinemaybe :)15:43
kenvandinebut this isn't CI, it's really landing right?15:43
ogra_is it ?15:43
Ursinhakenvandine: landing == citrain, proposed-migration is after that15:44
robrukenvandine: train-guards have nothing to do with proposed migration.15:44
rvrCan someone review this merge proposal? Silo is blocked because nobody reviewed and approved it https://code.launchpad.net/~jhodapp/media-hub/fix-1451816/+merge/25880515:44
rsalvetiogra_: yeah, don't mind not having a dedicated channel for it, as long we have one :-)15:45
kenvandineMirv had been kicking the build, i guess i'll bug someone else then :)15:45
kenvandineit looks like any of our packages that run autopilot tests as autopkgtests are going to be broken in wily15:45
kenvandineholding up all our landings :/15:46
ogra_rsalveti, yeah, same here ... i might even have misunderstood slangasek ... as long as i know the final setup for the tools to point to i'm fine though :)15:46
fgintherkenvandine, you are referring to this? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-adt-ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/lastBuild/15:46
jhodapprsalveti, I know I asked you to do the review on that MR that rvr mentioned above, do you have time or should I get someone else?15:46
fgintherUrsinha, this is proposed-migration15:46
Ursinhafginther: I know15:47
kenvandinefginther, looks like that should effect quite a few of our packages15:47
ogra_kenvandine, a few, yeah http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html15:47
kenvandineyup... i was looking at that15:47
fgintherUrsinha, sorry, I misread your last msg15:47
kenvandinemakes me wonder if autopilot or uitk is broken on wily?15:48
Ursinhakenvandine: I'm aware of the QA team working on sorting out autopilot issues, hi elopio :)15:48
elopiosorry, what?15:49
kenvandineelopio, is autopilot working on wily?15:49
Ursinhakenvandine: we are working on sorting the boottesting issues, the autopilot issues it's better talk to the QA team directly I'd think15:49
kenvandineit's blocking my wily landing, which is blocking me syncing to vivid overlay ppa :/15:50
elopioFileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/sbin/initctl'15:51
kenvandineelopio, i'm trying to land those autopilot fixes in settings :)  bug the failing autopkgtests for uss-uo is blocking the proposed migration :(15:51
elopiowhy wily wouldn't have /sbin/initcl ?15:51
ogra_why would it ?15:51
ogra_systemd doesnt use it ;)15:52
fgintherUrsinha, kenvandine, this may actually be the ubuntu-ui-toolkit, it's the one referencing /sbin/initctl: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/ubuntuuitoolkit/environment.py15:52
fgintherelopio, systemd instead of upstart15:52
elopiook, that's a big change.15:52
fgintheroh, ogra_ beat me to it15:52
elopiothe unity scripts use it, and the toolkit scripts do.15:52
kenvandinewhich is going to break everything15:53
ogra_which was one reason to not have wily phone images ;)15:53
Ursinhaso everything is actually broken15:53
kenvandinerobru, i screwed up silo 20.... asked for help earlier but nobody was around15:53
kenvandinei tried to sync from wily-proposed :)15:53
kenvandinenow it doesn't let me reconfigure it back15:53
kenvandineUrsinha, right.... so we are going to have a ton of proposed migration issues15:54
rsalvetijhodapp: I partially tested it, will finish today15:54
rsalvetisorry for the delay15:54
jhodapprsalveti, awesome thanks! rvr^15:54
Ursinhaslangasek: sil2100, we have to do something urgent :) communication is all mixed up and now no one knows where to land things for what and why15:54
elopioso, any pointers at how systemd handles env vars?15:54
jhodapprsalveti, np man, I know you're very busy atm15:54
ogra_elopio, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers ?15:55
rsalvetiogra_: did we already switch to systemd at wily?15:55
rsalvetifor touch?15:55
elopioogra_: thanks.15:55
ogra_rsalveti, nope ... but not sure how touch plays into proposed migration here15:55
rsalvetiogra_: right, proposed-migration just needs a wily image15:55
ogra_rsalveti, i rather think it isnt involved, is it ?15:55
rsalvetithat's the main issue atm15:56
elopiobzoltan: you around? Can we do a quick toolkit release for wily after I add a check for systemd?15:56
elopioI doubt the part of /quick toolkit release/.15:56
ogra_huh ?15:56
ogra_that should be empty since ages15:57
robruogra_: ugh, race condition, should be fine to try that again...15:57
ogra_robru, that was thrown out weeks ago :)15:57
robruogra_: well nobody freed the silo, it's been sitting htere dirty15:57
ogra_oh ?15:57
robruogra_: ppa even still has your packages in it15:58
ogra_i'm pretty sure i saw the bot tell me it is empty after either rsalveti or sil2100 cleaned it15:58
ogra_probably i'm mixing it up with another sillo15:58
robruogra_: I can free it if you no longer want it then15:58
rsalvetimaybe it got created again after the ss issues we had15:58
ogra_yeah, throw it out15:58
rsalvetiwho knows15:58
robrursalveti: nope, because it had ogra_'s manual uploads in the PPA. that's not something we'd accidentally recreate.15:59
kenvandinetrainguards, do i need QA verification for autopilot fixes only?15:59
robrukenvandine: I guess not? definitely not for wily16:00
kenvandinefor vivid?16:00
kenvandineQA did a review of the branch16:00
robrukenvandine: ehhh. officially all vivid landings would require qa.16:00
rsalvetirobru: then maybe we ended up cleaning another silo instead16:00
kenvandineokie dokie16:00
robrukenvandine: better ask qa for an exemption ;-)16:00
robrukenvandine: also I freed 20. try again, but with 'wily' instead of 'wily-proposed'16:01
kenvandinei'd think they would be happy just seeing the results of the ci test run16:01
kenvandinerobru, well i can't because of the busted uitk/autopilot in wily... blocking proposed migration16:02
kenvandinerobru, so i think i'm going to land those branches for vivid instead, basically a dual landing :)16:02
robrukenvandine: ok16:02
slangasekUrsinha: why do people not know where to land things?  Didn't sil2100 already address this in his mail?16:13
Ursinhaslangasek: there is confusion about what series are things based/pointing to so people can expect things to pass or fail16:15
slangasekok, didn't I already address that in /my/ mail?16:16
slangaseksorry if this comes across poorly, but in my other ear I have QA telling me that there are bugs in the actual configuration of the channel vis-a-vis what's supposed to be there, so I'm urgently working on fixing /that/16:17
Ursinhaslangasek: I'm not saying you haven't done that, but there is still confusion and I'm not sure why, maybe it needs more clarification16:17
Ursinhaslangasek: sure, most urgent things first :)16:18
slangasekcwayne: hi, can you confirm that this is the correct url that we should use for the custom tarball on the ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en channel, now that this channel is updated to point to vivid? http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/cambridge/job/BQ Tarball Vivid - Gated/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/custom.tar.xz16:19
slangasek(as opposed to the previous URL, http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/cambridge/job/BQ International Tarball - Gated/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/custom.tar.xz)16:19
bzoltanelopio: sure we can, it can be as quick as normally ... full testing :) ~16 hours16:21
bzoltanelopio:  sorry for the reaction time ... today was holiday in most European countries16:21
elopiobzoltan: that's what I thought :)16:22
elopiook, I'll get running to see if we can get it released tomorrow.16:22
bzoltanelopio:  btw, how is your travel arrangements?16:22
elopioI'll look for teammates to help testing.16:22
elopiobzoltan: I have updated the details in the spreadsheet already.16:23
bzoltanelopio:  OK16:23
bzoltanelopio:  we had massive fights to push the version separation refactoring to the staging...16:23
bzoltanelopio:  I have tested pretty much all apps and run all the AP tests and have not seen any problems16:23
bzoltanelopio:  so in my view the staging is good to go16:24
bzoltanelopio:  but tomorrow I will kick off a real testing ... I donot start it today because my wife would simple kill me16:24
cwayneslangasek, confirmed.16:24
slangasekcwayne: great, thanks16:24
slangasekcwayne: should I expect a different url for wily, or will we continue to use the vivid tarballs for now?16:24
boikorvr: great! thanks a lot!16:25
elopiobzoltan: of course. Tomorrow is good. I'll make the smallest change possible, with tests to make sure I do not disturb anything existing.16:25
cwayneslangasek, *eventually* i assume there will be a wily one, but not quite yet16:25
slangasekcwayne: check16:25
bzoltanelopio:  and of course the Jenkins tests are acting up ... crap it is16:26
robrubfiller: need MPs, not branches16:37
bfillerrobru: crap, let me fix16:38
bfillerrobru: fixed16:40
robrubfiller: ok, silo 2016:45
cyphermoxcihelp: could someone please take a look at the mark-pending-current job? It seems it hasn't been able to complete its task for a little while16:52
plarscyphermox: looks like it could be some firewall issue, I'll check it out16:55
psivaaplars: cyphermox if this is related to desktop, then we have a failure in the desktop default tests,16:58
cyphermoxthere are two things, yes16:58
cyphermoxthere is possibly an issue with the desktop tests, but there is also a firewall issue16:58
plarspsivaa: right, but even when it's supposed to mark the images current it can't: see http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/mark-pending-current/2569/console16:58
plarspsivaa: I'm filing an RT for it now16:58
psivaaplars: thanks16:59
cyphermoxplars: psivaa: thanks!17:01
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elopiocihelp, kenvandine: would it be to bad to wait until monday for my branch with systemd support to land, to check with pitti that the fix makes sense?17:17
kenvandinei went ahead and created a landing for vivid instead17:19
kenvandineso it won't hold me up to much17:19
kenvandineelopio, but this will affect others too...17:19
elopiokenvandine: ok. Sorry about that.17:19
elopioyes, I'll make the branch now.17:19
kenvandineit was bound to happen :)17:19
kenvandinewell, i was sure the switch to wily wouldn't be smooth :)17:19
elopiobut without somebody who knows about systemd, I'm afraid of making something stupid.17:19
kenvandineelopio, understood17:20
elopiofor example, I have no idea what happens with the --global flag when setting variables.17:20
kenvandineogra_, do you know enough about systemd to review elopio's branch?17:21
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slangasekok; is there anybody about who has a phone provisioned with ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed who could help me with a test?  maybe rsalveti or davmor2?18:13
rsalvetislangasek: can flash one, give me a minute18:16
om26erplars, Hi!18:20
om26erplars, where can I see smoke testing results for arale ?18:20
plarsom26er: you can't yet, hopefully soon - we just got access to the system-image server, and there was the channel name change, and some other issues blocking it. Also when we have results, they won't look sensible because there's some bug with autopilot and also the version string is wrong still18:21
plarsom26er: I hope to have *something* visible today though18:21
om26erplars, thanks, looking forward18:21
rsalvetislangasek: alright, what do you need?18:30
rsalveticurrent build number: 19718:30
rsalvetidevice name: mako18:30
rsalvetichannel: ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed18:30
rsalvetialias: ubuntu-touch/vivid-proposed18:30
slangasekrsalveti: ok - I'm still waiting for the importer to run, but hopefully I'll be switching you painlessly to ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/ubuntu without a full update18:35
jhodapprobru, om26er why did https://code.launchpad.net/~jhodapp/qtubuntu-media/fix-1438115 get published?18:37
jhodappI'm still working on the fix :)18:38
om26erjhodapp, ouch, a new card appeared there, I was able to verify the fix as well18:38
jhodappom26er, yeah it was mostly fixed but certain albums still caused the right timing to break it on Arale18:39
jhodappom26er, it's fine...what is there is an improvement for sure...I'll do another MR and silo for the last fix18:39
om26erjhodapp, ok, makes sense.18:40
jhodappom26er, no big deal, just wanted to see what happened...surprised me to get an email saying it was merged :)18:40
slangasekrsalveti: ok, could you please try a system-image update from the commandline and see what happens?  (probably nothing, no new images available yet)18:58
rsalveti[systemimage] May 14 18:59:37 2015 (4446) Already up-to-date18:59
rsalvetislangasek: ^18:59
slangasekrsalveti: ok, keen19:01
slangasekrsalveti: now let me see what happens if we put a new image onto that channel.  Can you keep this device as-is for an hour or two while I do this?19:02
rsalvetislangasek: yup19:03
robrujhodapp: yeah i hit publish because QA said it was good. Not sure who submitted it to qa though19:29
jhodapprobru, ok thanks19:36
slangasekrsalveti: ok, check again please?19:46
rsalvetislangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11135337/ seems to be all good19:48
slangasekrsalveti: and your channel.ini after update?19:49
slangasek rsalveti groovy, thanks!19:50
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jhodapprobru, can I please get a silo for line 68?21:51
jhodapprobru, also, I want it synced to wily as well...anything I need to do manually?21:52
robrujhodapp: sorry for the delay, my IRC client isn't pinging me today for some reason22:22
robrujhodapp: so I guess the policy that everybody agreed on is that you have to land to wily first and then sync back to vivid, overlay ppa is the new RTM.22:22

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