
cmaloneyGod I hate Internet Explorer13:49
cmaloneydidn't put http:// in front of an address. Suddenly I'm looking at Bing.13:50
cmaloneyWonder how much "Traffic" they get that way.13:50
jrwrenchange your default search engine to DDG14:10
cmaloneyjrwren: Would that it didn't require a PHD in IE I would.14:20
jrwrengo to duckduckgo.com14:21
jrwrenpress alt-t, o14:21
jrwrenclick the "use current page" button14:21
jrwrenthey may have broken alt-t, o in IE>9 :(14:22
cmaloneyHow does one use it for the address bar?14:52
cmaloneyGah, what a pain in the ass14:54
cmaloneyDuckDuckGo is quite nice.14:55
mthx|server+1 DDG15:09
jrwren<3 DDG15:15
cmaloneyGot to love a note from your wife asking if Russell and Bertrand were really the genesis of modern computing.15:16
jrwreni requested a DDG feature and it was implemented and rolled to production in a few weeks.15:25
jrwrenpretty sweet.15:25
cmaloneyjrwren: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/principia-mathematica/15:34
cmaloneyNice! Had someone just send me an album via Bandcamp as a gift.16:06
cmaloneyfor Open Metalcast.16:06
cmaloneyYeah, kind of unexpected.17:04
jrwrencmaloney: you sold out. :]18:03
cmaloneyYeah, I'm no longer punk18:03
cmaloneyoh, wait.18:03
cmaloneyI never was. ;)18:03

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