=== danielg4 is now known as DonkeyHotei [01:24] jgdx, I merged intro trunk and filed an RT to deploy, I'll chase the RT === danielg4 is now known as DonkeyHotei === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [04:40] parle t on français ici ? [04:45] Bonjour tout les user ubuntu touch [06:02] Good morning! [06:11] good morning [06:12] good morning :-) [06:16] I have a new bq ubuntu phone. What I am missing is a fast possibility to do an internet search (analogue e.g. the search widget on an android phone)... on bq I have to open browser.. then go to www.google.de (because I cannot change start page yet, right?) [06:16] any tips for me? [06:20] dodeluser: You don't have to go to www.google.de, just enter the search term in the address field and press Return. [06:21] dodeluser: Swipe in the launcher from the left, press on the browser icon, enter the search term, press Return. That's the fastest way I know of. [06:22] ok, thanks. I will do it like that.. any chance to get search suggestions ? [06:25] dodeluser: Hm, that's a question for the Core Apps Developers. rpadovani might know. [06:26] ok, thanks in any case. === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [08:07] alot of activity [08:07] https://twitter.com/ubuntu [08:19] The most important question is [08:19] Will the fridge have Convergence [08:21] sturmflut2, whether or not the fridge will become a desktop if you plug a mouse/keyboard into it? [08:21] lol [08:22] jgdx: Yes [08:24] But the ultimate goal is obviously "Ubuntu Snappy Skynet", when your fridge desktop sends an Erle Robotics drone to get milk [08:24] indeed ! [08:25] alot of snappy devices rise these days [08:25] how will they communicate? [08:25] did you guys read that article about apt-get and snappy? [08:26] http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/more-stable-future-ubuntu [08:26] sturmflut2: it already does, not only does it keep things cool, you can freeze things too, I have no idea where that will lead ;) [08:28] $ thaw chicken [08:28] jgdx: Both the fridge and the drone have Wi-Fi and connect to the internet [08:29] sturmflut2, they should communicate locally imo [08:30] jgdx: They can, with P2P/mesh Wi-Fi and stuff [08:30] maybe theyl communicate over the snappy ninja sphere [08:30] sturmflut2, that raises the question, will apps be allowed to perform that kind of communication? [08:30] (for me, I haven't done a app that uses networking) [08:31] there's a wifi scanner for ubuntu came out recently [08:32] lotuspsychje: network scanner, not Wi-Fi scanner [08:32] right thats the one [08:34] Does anybody know why https://uappexplorer.com/app/city.zubozrout doesn't show up in the Ubuntu Store on my bq? [08:34] sturmflut2, maybe available only in a select number of countries? [08:35] Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Nylon Stockings Day! 😝 [08:38] dholbach: That's what I thought as well, but the store API says "whitelist_country_codes": [] [08:38] dholbach: So AFAICT it's not restricted [08:39] mmh [08:40] sturmflut2, probably it uses a too new framework definition [08:40] i see it on my vivid phone [08:41] it uses 15.04 framework [08:41] yeah, then it wont show up on the default bq [08:41] ogra_, popey: Yes, thanks for pointing that out. [08:42] I should propably also list the "framework" field in the RSS feed === vrruiz_ is now known as rvr === oSoMoN_ is now known as oSoMoN === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [11:32] mpt, any luck with the testing of the thing? [11:33] jgdx, has the vivid PPA been rebuilt? I was told yesterday it was broken [11:36] mpt, not sure. Not sure of anything when it comes to that anymore. [11:53] what's the difference between http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/ubuntu/krillin/ and http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/krillin.en/krillin/? [12:05] davmor2, ^ [12:06] NIN101: custom-tarball but both are on wily and will likely break heavily === _salem is now known as salem_ === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch [12:46] * mhall119 kicks ogra_ [12:46] hahaha [12:46] morning :P [12:47] congrats on the 10 years though [12:47] :) [12:47] heh, thanks :) [12:47] but sending out an email like that before I've had my coffee......not fair [12:48] mhall119: we should of all started our replies with NNNNNNNNNooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! and then it would really of played with your head :) [12:50] Elleo, i have a review for you, when you have a chance https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/content-hub/url-dispatcher/+merge/259039 [12:50] kenvandine, I have one for you as well :) [12:51] woot [12:51] kenvandine, https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/hotspots-binding/+merge/252296 [12:51] it's only 3k lines [12:51] oh my [12:51] well, a bunch of it i've reviewed before... of course no telling what parts of it :) [12:52] jgdx, actually i can select the diffs, easier to review :) [12:52] kenvandine, indeed! [12:53] kenvandine: yeah, just looking at that now [12:53] Elleo, great, thanks [12:56] davmor2: nah,we should have played along and just responded with "good riddance" [12:56] lol === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g [13:00] "Oliver Grawert… rings a faint bell" [13:00] cwayne: ping [13:01] mhall119, pong [13:01] cwayne: hey, regarding scopes API docs [13:01] what's on the site now comes form the vivid archive doc packages [13:02] sorry, utopic's archives [13:02] ah, i don't suppose that can be switched to vivid? [13:02] currently, I've got a branch ready that will switch it to vivid and ubuntu-sdk-15.04 framework that should go out next week [13:03] then as soon as ubuntu-sdk-15.10-dev1 framework is created, I'll switch that on too [13:03] mhall119, that'd be great, thanks [13:03] cwayne: but the docs listed under sdk-14.10 are what was in utopic (and what is currently on stable phone images) [13:03] so those are accurate for that target, correct? [13:03] mhall119, right, but we were working on 1504 framework [13:03] yeah [13:03] but 14.10 is so yesterday :P [13:04] ok, so as long as the doc package in vivid has the changes, they'll be online soon [13:04] cwayne: yeah yeah, but until vivid phone images are official, that's all I care about :) [13:05] mhall119, :) [13:08] mhall119, thanks for the info though, good to know itll be updated soon enough :) [13:14] jgdx, reviewed, see my comments [13:14] jgdx, most important is the test, i think that test should be split into at least 3 separate tests [13:15] each test should be something the user wants to accomplish [13:18] kenvandine, okkedoke [13:19] kenvandine: where does the pay-ui log to? [13:19] kenvandine, thanks for the review. Re: ui elements always visible: they are not. If WiFi is disabled, so is the hotspot entry. [13:21] so if the test runs somewhere the is no indicator-network, it will be skipped, not fail [13:21] oh without indicator-network... [13:21] dednick, no idea... i don't work on pay-ui :) [13:21] kenvandine: ah. sorry. [13:21] dednick, no worries [13:21] kenvandine: nevermind. i just found it :) [13:21] jgdx, so like on the desktop? [13:22] ah. i think it was mardy ? [13:22] jgdx, but it'll always run on the device? [13:22] dednick, i think it's dobey [13:22] what? [13:22] pay-ui? [13:22] yeah [13:22] dednick: I'm on Online Accounts [13:23] hey mardy! [13:23] kenvandine: hi :-) [13:23] kenvandine: oh yes, I saw your ping about the tests [13:23] it logs to the per-app file in ~/.cache/upstart/ (i think they are timestamped and have the full app id or something in the filename) [13:23] kenvandine, will wifi always be enabled? [13:23] and also in ~/.cache/payui/payui.log iirc [13:23] kenvandine: where can I see the test results? [13:23] jgdx, so i'm fine with that skip as long as we know it'll run on in CI [13:24] mardy, well... we figured it out [13:24] uitk is broken in wily [13:24] autopilot stuff [13:24] kenvandine: OK, sounds like fun then :-) [13:24] so anything that runs autopilot tests that also use uitk is broken [13:24] no /sbin/initctl on wily [13:24] and they make an assumption that it exists [13:25] elopio was working on a fix [13:25] mardy, so in the mean time everything landing in wily that runs autopilot tests as autopkgtests is getting held up in proposed [13:26] kenvandine: oki === rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3 === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [13:40] mardy: how do i set OAU_LOGGING_LEVEL for the online accounts ui? [13:40] dednick: OAU_LOGGING_LEVEL=2 OAU_DAEMON_TIMEOUT=9999 online-accounts-service [13:41] dednick: make sure there isn't another running already [13:41] mardy: thanks === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [14:28] Elleo, branch updated [14:28] kenvandine: okay, cool [14:31] dobey: what generates the prompt session request for the pay-ui? [14:32] dednick: pay-service [14:34] awe, jgdx, bfiller: i reconfigured silo 13 (hotspot) and kicked another build, so will be ready for more testing when the build finishes [14:34] kenvandine, thanks === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|packing [14:44] kenvandine, thanks [14:49] how can I load my app qreated on the ubuntu-sdk in my bq-aquaris? [14:51] jgdx, kenvandine: So, what is the exact name of the channel I should flash before installing the silo? (since it’s not devel-proposed) [14:55] mpt, i'm not sure... pmcgowan^^ [14:55] pmcgowan, what channel should mpt use to ensure he gets vivid-proposed? [14:55] davti: Enable developer mode, then click on "Devices" in Qt Creator and click the "Refresh devices" button at the bottom. [14:56] davti: When your device is detected you can do stuff with it from within Qt Creator [14:56] kenvandine, mpt ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en [14:59] mpt, what device? [14:59] ogra_, i think he might be on mako... but could be wrong [14:59] kenvandine, yes, mako is fine [15:00] so ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed ? [15:00] just drop the last bit [15:00] kenvandine, krillin [15:00] mpt, great, then the one ogra_ posted [15:00] kenvandine, no [15:01] thats the actual channel name ... you cant drop anything :) [15:01] ogra_, so out of curiosity, what channel to use for mako? [15:01] ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en [15:01] for vivid that is [15:01] thanks ogra_ [15:02] note that sadly the image numbers were re-set ... it started at image 1 six days ago ... [15:02] (so you will get image 6 now) [15:02] ogra_, wait... bq-aquaris.en for mako? that is very confusing! [15:03] kenvandine, tell slangasek :) [15:03] it seems to be the only vivid channel we have left [15:03] and it has builds for mako [15:03] (dailies it seems) [15:03] ok then... [15:04] nobody would figure that out on their own :/ [15:12] The part I like is that ubuntu-touch/vivid-proposed is apparently a redirect to ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/ubuntu which is wily [15:13] heh [15:14] “2015/05/15 16:02:01 Start pushing /home/mpt/.cache/ubuntuimages/pool/ubuntu-b32c626f269643e16c08bc08608abd056523a2f7deb1a7ee12e078c8301a06d6.tar.xz to device” … It’s not supposed to take 12+ minutes, is it? [15:19] mpt, phone unlocked and you can access it? [15:24] jgdx, yes [15:25] (22 minutes now) [15:25] mpt, I mean see it using adb ($ adb devices) [15:26] jgdx, yes [15:26] mpt, it's supposed to take a while, but maybe not that long of a while. [15:26] jgdx, but “adb shell” hangs — I don’t know whether that’s normal during a flash, I’ve never tried [15:27] ok, I’ll cancel it and try again [15:28] mpt, not normal ... [15:28] you can have as many parallel adb shell connections as you like [15:28] Ugh, now it’s hung before even displaying the first progress bar [15:29] re-plug the phone ... sounds like something on the USB level [15:29] ok [15:31] Welp, I’ll see if it’s finished by Sunday [15:34] kenvandine, ogra_: maybe you're looking for ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu ? [15:34] kenvandine, ogra_: it's confusing that bq-aquaris.en is the only /promoted/ vivid channel for mako; but that's been the reality all along, now it's just made more obvious with the channel namse [15:35] ogra, popey, mzanetti, ondra: May I ask for your help regarding one of my upcoming "Hacking Ubuntu Touch" articles? [15:35] seems a complex topic if you need all 4 of us :D [15:35] Haha [15:36] "The Fantastic Four" [15:36] so what's the problem? [15:37] I tried to identify where the log messages of all default processes on the system go, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11149166/ , but even after putting a lot of effort into it the table still has too many missing or "None?" entries. [15:37] sturmflut2: seen the log viewer app? [15:37] yeah,I guess some don't have logs [15:38] or will go to syslog [15:38] popey: The Log Viewer app doesn't handle the Android Logging system e.g., and a lot of processes use that one [15:38] ah [15:39] In the end I sat there with find, grep, lsof, ldd and pals to find every possibility, but as said, too many entries are empty and I'm not sure if I'm missing something. [15:41] sturmflut2, try running adb shell /system/bin/logcat [15:42] sturmflut2 logs for system are under /var/log and for user processes are under ~/phablet/.cache/upstart [15:42] sturmflut2 and as cwayne said, anything running in the container is then as logcat [15:42] cwayne: I did, only to find out that it blocks on my bq while reading the "events" buffer. [15:42] sturmflut2 so you need to combine 3 sources [15:48] I think I'll just publish the damn thing, it's been in the works for days now. [15:50] do it, let the internet tell you you're wrong [15:50] You don't want to be wrong on the internet [15:50] ^^ [15:51] chances are it's the new right afterwards === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [15:53] sturmflut2, a quick glance over that table doesn't seem to bring up more logfiles in my head... [15:54] https://sturmflut.github.io/ubuntu/touch/2015/05/15/hacking-ubuntu-touch-part-6-logfiles/ [16:02] In the next article I will do some actual work, up till now it was all about laying the foundation [16:39] slangasek, the rootfs in that bq-aquaris.en channel is definitely from today, that cant be the promoted channel [16:40] ogra_: in what channel? [16:40] ogra@anubis:~$ ubuntu-device-flash query --channel=ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en --device=krillin --list-images|tail -1 [16:40] 6: description='ubuntu=20150515,device=20150511-3912934,custom=20150507-685-29-11-vivid,version=6' [16:40] slangasek, ^ [16:41] this looks like a daily vivid image to me [16:42] ogra_: I didn't say that was a promoted channel [16:42] it's obviously not, it has "-proposed" in the name [16:43] sorry, i mis-read: " kenvandine, ogra_: it's confusing that bq-aquaris.en is the only /promoted/ vivid channel for mako; " [16:43] right, by which I meant ubuntu-touch/rc/bq-aquaris.en and ubuntu-touch/stable/bq-aquaris.en [16:43] right [16:44] that you re-set the versions for vivid is quite tricky for my changelog generator :/ [16:51] ogra_: what do you mean? there was no reset of versions on either the ubuntu-touch/vivid or ubuntu-touch/vivid-proposed channels [17:04] slangasek, ubuntu-touch/vivid-proposed is gone, no ? and ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en now gets the daily builds ... latest image in tthe latter is #6 [17:06] or am i mis-reading something there [17:08] http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en/krillin/version-6.json has ubuntu=20150515 ... which is todays rootfs ... === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW === Benno-007 is now known as Guest22613 [17:16] can anyone help with changelog for killn from devel-proposed? [17:16] *krillin [17:17] ogra_: ubuntu-touch/vivid-proposed maps to ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/ubuntu, which is what it always was before [17:17] JMS_touch, not with a recent one ... i need to get the above sorted :) ... generally http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/vivid/ and http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/ for the daily builds though [17:17] thankyou for a v swift response [17:18] ogra_: the changelog delta between images on ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en is going to large, because it's "rebase from ubuntu-rtm/14.09 to vivid" [17:18] slangasek, so for vivid dailies i would go with: ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/ubuntu ? ... thats not what https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Channels says ... [17:19] ogra_: no. why are you talking about vivid dailies? [17:19] (the wiki says daily wily for that channel) [17:19] there's "rc-proposed" and there's "devel-proposed" [17:20] slangasek, i'm generating changelogs and run the imagebot in -ci-eng ... i want to keep it functioning for vivid dailies [17:20] (and indeed add wily) [17:20] ogra_: the whole reason these channels were renamed is because it's wrong to think of this in terms of "vivid" [17:21] there is no channel that was vivid last week and is still vivid this week [17:21] well, we do a daily image build from vivid+overlay ... where does that end up ? [17:21] rc-proposed [17:23] slangasek, ok, and if i want to get the changelog that correspondents to the mako smoke testing image i would use mako from ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en or would it be ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu ? [17:24] * ogra_ checks http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/vivid/touch/ and starts comparing numbers [17:24] ogra_: there should be no difference in rootfs between those two channels; per the list discussion, we've recommended ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu be used for mako smoke testing [17:25] ok, then i'll bind the changelogs to that image, thanks [17:26] i really think we need some better concept ... that gets really confusing (and wont become easier with more devices) [17:29] (or at least apply the new channel naming concept everywhere ... http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/vivid/touch/ doesnt seem to map to anything at all anymore currently) [17:33] hi there, any app i can use to resize images? [17:34] the gallery app has a crop tool ... [17:36] i dont want to crop, i want to decrease the size [17:36] crop != scale [17:36] yeah, indeed [17:40] that means there is no app to resize phone and my only option is to crop it? [17:40] phone = image [17:41] there is imagonario in the store, that i ssupposed to have such features i think ... but i doubt it is ready yet [17:41] ahoy [17:41] i will test it now, and will tell if it work. [17:41] thx [17:42] bqphone, in any case file a whishlist bug against gallery so the feature request is on the radar of the developers [17:42] you want to scale to send as sms? images for mms get automatically scaled, fwiw [17:42] bfiller, ^^ i guess there is already something like a whishlist bug for resize in gallery ? [17:43] dobey, well, with the arale you end up with quad HD pictures or some such ... would make sense to be able to sscale them down for soacial network sharing etc [17:43] link please so i do the whislist [17:43] im thinking of trying to port touch to a device iv got, but was wondering if someone with a bit of experience with the touch stuff might be able to clear up a few things [17:44] well if you want to attach photoes to some forums, you are limited with a specific size [17:45] yeah, we dont have that feature yet [17:45] probably better filing against camera app [17:45] where i can add to the whishlist ? [17:45] bqphone, https://bugs.launchpad.net/gallery-app/+filebug [17:45] https://bugs.launchpad.net/camera-app [17:45] AIUI camera will replace gallery [17:45] oh ? [17:45] ok [17:47] like i recently setup my linux with an android build environment, and did the hefty repo sync not too far back. can the stuff i syncd be used in conjunction or do i have to do another massive sync if i decide to try porting touch to my device [17:47] weird [17:48] Ninjamahs: if you have AOSP of android 4.4, you should be ok i guess [17:48] i literally repo synced for practically a whole day [17:49] with intent to build android5.0 so im pretty sure it got that in there too [17:49] done [17:51] i think 5.x has some incompatible changes that make ubuntu not work on top of it. afaik, you need the 4.4 AOSP tree to use for ubuntu [17:51] well,, you need the phablet tree [17:52] yes all i mean is, that i think my repo sync covered the source code from android like 1.x something all the way up to the latest [17:54] i guess follow the porting guide then, and i guess if you do need to pull extra stuff it will probably be faster since you've already done the full checkout of android [17:58] https://github.com/zombi-x/platform_manifest/blob/lp5.1/default.xml thats what i syncd with [17:58] pretty sure it includes aosp along with many others [17:59] i could be wrong [18:09] i don't know [18:10] hmm ok [18:13] hola === phunyguy is now known as phunygal === phunygal is now known as phunyguy [18:22] Hello, I want to activate tehthering now... [18:23] I activated developer mode on bq [18:23] the screen is on [18:23] and in terminal on ubuntu: adb shell android-gadget-service enable rndis [18:23] but i am conected on my router not on my bq [18:23] how to make this to work [18:24] is someone willing to enter on my computer through TEamWiever... to make this work [18:24] ? [18:25] ethernet on BQ is disconected [18:25] on an ubuntu desktop you simply disable the cable connection ... [18:25] does your phone not appear as a network device under the network menu in the top panel? [18:25] then it should automatically pick the phone connection [18:26] #dobey: in the top panel "ethernet (BQ)" is disabled [18:26] select it as the connection [18:26] #ogra: i will disable cable [18:26] I will lose internet on this chat [18:26] ok, i wil try [18:26] I will close the router [18:27] * ogra_ only ever tested on laptops ... there it just switches from wlan to the phone automatically [18:31] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sn2YlpGfSAc&feature=youtu.be [18:31] you can see on this video [18:31] that the option to conect to ubuntu bq is disable [18:33] that is the first option on that list [18:33] and i have no option [18:39] and it does not get activated when you disable the router connection ? [18:39] weird ... [18:39] works fine here on 14.04 and 14.10 desktops [18:46] bogdan_: does your phone not have a data connection? [19:01] hmm [19:01] what was the reason for the "/bin/bash: permission denied" error when trying to run scripts and such in the terminal app on the phone? [19:03] confinement [19:04] but the terminal app is using the "unconfined" profile no? [19:04] the terminal app doesnt give you the equivalent to a full shell ... iirc exec() is prevented [19:05] you can do anything interactively you want and execute system commands too ... but you cant exec scripts [19:06] (not sure thats a bug or a feature ... jdstrand would know) [19:06] ssh to localhost is a valid workaround though ... [19:07] well, some system commands are scripts, which break in that scenario [19:08] or well, i guess chroot isn't, but chroot can't exec the child bash or something as a result [19:08] right, chroot is definitely blocked [19:09] check syslog ... i'm sure you have denials from apparmor [19:11] the unconfined template is not equivalent to truly unconfined, however, we use 'pix' for everything, so an exec() shouldn't be blocked [19:11] jdstrand, but a chroot call will, right ? [19:12] I would not be surprised if chroot didn't work [19:13] feel free to file a bug with denials and we can see if we can get it fixed/provide a local workaround [19:13] is there some way we can make chroot work? [19:13] well enabling sshd and doing "ssh localhost" is a local workaround, but i'd prefer to not have that be the recommended way to create a chroot for using CLI tools [19:16] * ogra_ really waits for a generic terminal widget ... you could just ship a chroot inside a click along with it and have a chrooted terminal app [19:17] (that way confinement wouldnt matter at all) [19:17] except "chroot" doesn't work because of apparmor, and it requires root [19:17] fakechroot then ;) [19:20] the denials should appear in syslog right? [19:20] yep [19:20] or in dmesg [19:20] weird [19:20] ah there it is [19:21] May 15 19:19:39 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [ 6512.464939] type=1400 audit(1431717579.681:66): apparmor="DENIED" operation="exec" profile="com.ubuntu.terminal_terminal_0.7.70" name="/home/phablet/vivid-chroot/bin/bash" pid=21562 comm="chroot" requested_mask="x" denied_mask="x" fsuid=0 ouid=0 [19:21] so it's just that chroot can't exec a child [19:23] ogra_: we automatically scale before sending via MMS [19:24] bfiller: there's no way for a person to scale when picking from content-hub into a random web page to upload an image, though [19:24] dobey: true, we should do that automatically [19:24] kenvandine: ^^^ [19:25] we've discussed this before [19:26] bfiller: i don't think it should be automatic on the client side. if i want to upload a 21megapixel image to a site, i should be able to; it shouldn't be automatically scaled down for that i don't think [19:27] mms makes some sense for the automatic scaling, but even then i think i'd like an option to turn it off [19:27] Hi, I have the bq mobile, but I can't unlock my SIM card, any idea? [19:28] I press the "unlock" button but nothing happens... got the newest update [19:28] dobey: Yes, my phone have 3G, data conection [19:28] dobey: I guess you should be prompted at some point before the transfer happens what size you want, i.e. original, med, small or soemthing like that [19:29] sorry, i was out for some minutes [19:29] maybe [19:29] bogdan_: interesting. file a bug report i guess. i'm not sure why that would happen [19:29] ok, thanks [19:30] i am on 15.04 [19:30] ubuntu 15.04 [19:30] maybe this could be a cause [19:30] bogdan_ how did you get on 15.04 ? [19:30] i upgrade [19:31] from 14.10 [19:31] bogdan_: ubuntu phone ? [19:31] bogdan_: maybe a bug in networkmanager in 15.04 perhaps. it worked fine for me on 14.04 a couple weeks ago when i tried it [19:32] oh, no, ubuntu phone is on 14.09 rtm [19:32] v22 [19:32] that was with a nexus5 too, not a bq [19:32] is there a setting I can check in terminal? [19:32] i don't have a bq [19:33] bogdan_: i'm not sure, but you can probably use nmcli to get a bit more technical info perhaps [19:35] i have to go to sleep now, thanks all, i will fill a bug one day about thethering [19:59] bfiller, yeah, when picking in gallery they should be able to scale, crop, etc [20:14] Do you know a good source to get background pictures for the bq? [20:28] hi all! do you know if there is a limit (in minutes or bytes) in the videos recorded by the camera? === Guest22613 is now known as Benno-007 [21:14] dadexix86: either ram or storage, i would guess, depending on how fast it can be flushed to disk [21:36] dobey, ok, probably it was the RAM then, since there is enough space for it to go on (that was the first thing that I checked when I noticed it stopped recording) [21:39] Elleo: hey, a while back when discussing keyboards you mentioned that after I get my MR up I could make my phone writeable and get the keyboard onto it, could you point me to docs I can follow? [21:42] dadexix86: did it just stop recording, or did it appear to crash? [21:44] it just stopped recording, the file is ok :) [21:45] I was writing things on the whiteboard, preparing a talk for next week and it was on the desk behind me. when I finished and wanted to look at it I discovered that it recorded just 40 mins instead of ~80 [21:45] oh [21:46] have a good weekend all! [21:47] the exact time of recording is 42:50 mins. before this morning I recorded one of 1h and 18mins and of more or less the same size, but some bytes smaller (2.147.371.753 byte against 2.147.378.881 byte) [21:47] so I was wondering whether there is a size limit on the files... [21:50] trickvi: thinking about it, there's actually two steps you'd have to take, first switch to the devel-proposed channel and then make the phone writable; as the debs are only built against vivid (which has a different Qt version) [21:50] trickvi: and you should only switch to devel-proposed if you're really happy running experimental (and sometimes broken) stuff [21:51] trickvi: so it might be safest to just wait until OTA 4 === salem_ is now known as _salem === aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun === _salem is now known as salem_ [22:11] Elleo: I'm happy to run experimental, but is OTA 4 still on for end of May? [22:12] Elleo: experimental means I might find things I can help out with ;) [22:30] sturmflut2, cool post about logging. System Settings' log is at .cache/upstart/application-legacy-ubuntu-system-settings-.log === wafflej0ck is now known as wafflejock === jamesh_ is now known as jamesh