
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
valorieoh, why wasn't I set away? grrrr04:07
valorieEtriaph: thank you for your attention to detail04:07
Etriaphvalorie: I think promoting starts at ensuring that all of the mediums we can promote on are being used to the best of their ability.04:40
valorieI very much agree04:40
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BluesKajHey folks11:03
KDDAhi BluesKaj11:14
KDDARiddell: finally logged into ec2-54-159-117-153.compute-1.amazonaws.com11:15
KDDAwhat is that box for?11:15
BluesKajhi KDDA11:16
soee_KDDA: i think its a fresh enironment to build packages11:18
KDDAthey arent built on my local machine?11:18
soee_i think they can be, but than you have a lot of other packages that mght have negative influnace on builds. so when having fresh and clean environtment you are sure nothing interrupt it11:19
sgclarkwe dont typically use the amazon server to package, he uses it to train. They cost money..11:23
sgclarkit is best practice to use chroot / pbuilder to get clean environment for packaging11:24
KDDAI see11:25
soee_yofel: ping12:51
soee_guys please confirm if you can: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34779513:00
ubottuKDE bug 347795 in notifier "Notifications icon stays active after all updates were installed" [Normal,Unconfirmed]13:00
soee_iv added also video to demonstrate this behaviour13:00
soee_thank you13:01
soee_sgclark: can you test one more thing?13:07
soee_this one: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34486713:07
ubottuKDE bug 344867 in kcm_sddm "Setting custom background image in kcm_sddm does not work" [Normal,Unconfirmed]13:07
KDDAdoes anyone know how to lock the login to one screen?13:22
sgclarksoee: confirming13:31
soeethank you 13:33
soeesgclark: 15.04.1 are building for Willy ?14:07
sgclarkstuck on ktp though14:09
soeesgclark: each time i see this packaging process we have i wonder why there are always building problems14:11
sgclarkthe wonderful world of packaging :p14:11
soeefor example if there are app 15.04 ok - its fresh might be problematic, but bugfixes version in myopinion should be easy to package14:11
soeeyes and i can't undersnatd this :)14:12
sgclarkwell that was my thought, this should be easy! just a point release!14:12
soeemaybe because im a webdeveloepr and here upgrade process in some apps, frameworks etc. is much easier14:12
sgclarkthis error I am getting is wierd though.. does not happen in CI, and I am baffeled14:13
soeebut still why this errors shows up :)14:13
sgclarkif I knew the answer I would have it fixed..14:14
soeesuch packaging shudl be -> ad dpackages to build, done, they are ready :)14:14
sgclarkwell no, there are changes that have to be made when things change14:15
soeethe most common problems are because of developers fault o ubutnu/debian packages need some extra stuff to be done around them ?14:15
sgclarkwell I would not say fault.. when developers change things to say fix a bug, then the package can change and it needs to be changed to accomodate those changes.14:18
soeeok but what problems it can cause, such change in package ?14:19
soeeit can depend on something taht is not available in current release ?14:19
sgclarkthat can and has happened yes14:19
sgclarkor a new feature will create new files that are not yet in the install file14:20
sgclarkor in my case with ktp the build did not create the files at all...14:20
sgclarkremoving from install will surely break things so I need to sort out why the build did not build that component14:21
sgclarkdespite finding the needed libraries..14:21
debfxsgclark: I've replied on the list14:23
sgclarkah ha14:23
soeesgclark: so install file is not created by developer ?14:24
sgclarkno that is packaging14:24
sgclarkand something like the wrong version of another package can cause the probelm and did14:24
soeehmm for me this is a bit strange14:26
soeethis all shoudl be somehow automated14:26
sgclarkwe are getting much closer to full automation... it used to be a ton harder to package all these. Obviously we have some kinks :)14:30
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
sgclarkhmm anyone using wily yet? applications are ready to test, but I suspect there are not many using wily haha16:06
soee_sgclark: i think Bluskay does16:23
mparillosgclark: I just dual-booted with wiley this morning16:35
sgclarkcool, if your feeling adventurous the applications in the topic need testing.16:37
mparillokinfocenter says I am still at Plasma 5.2.2 (I used the backports PPA) in Vivid to get to 5.3 on real hardware, but 5.3 did not work at all in a VMware VM. 16:37
mparillosgclark: Dolphin, rekonq, and konsole all worked so far.16:38
sgclarkparticularily kdenlive and ktp* I think were the problem children of last release16:39
mparilloOkular seems to work.16:40
mparilloThose are the KDE apps I tend to use the most. KTP is a chat client?16:42
mparilloFiring up KTP. Anybody want to chat? 16:58
mparilloMight be user error on my part, but I have accounts on GTalk (now hangouts) and Yahoo Messenger. I have recently used the GTalk client successfully in Google Chrome, but it has been some years on YIM. In KTp, neither shows me as online.17:08
sgclarkdon't use yahoo, but I recall extra steps if you use 2 way auth with google17:23
mparillosgclark: No, I do not use two way auth. 17:27
sgclarkyeah I am having issues with google too... hmm17:27
sgclarkahh my problem was my firewall17:29
mparilloI do not run a firewall.17:32
mparilloI can install chrome and test my GChat from there.17:32
mparilloYes, I am on-line when looking at the chat sidebar on Google Chrome, but not in KTp17:36
sgclarkand you created the account and signed into google? also the top bar you need to pull down and select available17:38
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
mparilloThat is it. I needed to set to available. YIM shows me available. I am having trouble authenticating to GChat.17:43
mparilloSo YIM and AOL IM work for me (at least I show as available). GTalk and MSN Messaging do not.17:49
mparilloI do not thing I have been available on YIM or AOL IM in years.17:53
kubotumparillo meant: "I do not think I have been available on YIM or AOL IM in years."17:54
viphello there17:57
vipanyone experienced unicode problems under vivid?17:58
mparilloGoogle hates KTp: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11170622/18:12
mparilloGoogle seems to be claiming that KTp uses weaker security?18:14
KDDAsgclark: ping18:24
sgclarkKDDA: pong19:11
sgclarkmparillo: woah that is wierd. I have never seen that.19:11
KDDAis there problem with kdepim with new apps?19:11
sgclarkcould you be more specific?19:12
sgclarkdid it crash?19:13
sgclarkif you mean the red on that list, it is because it has a different version than the rest of the apps.19:14
sgclarkthey have some time yet before they will be kf5 ready.19:14
KDDAIm on wily, but dont want to mess up kontact19:18
sgclarkI wish I could guarentee things will be splendid but pim is one that likes to break, and as such needs testing lol. No worries, I will recruit more testers after the weekend.19:19
sgclarkI now have some real life to attend to, have a great weekend all.19:20
gorgonzolahello. me again witht he same question: What is the status of bluetooth in vivid? I understand that bluez is under transition, and bluedevil is being kept back. Does this mean there is no wasy way to get bluetooth working in plasma 5 for now?19:46
* Etriaph is waiting for dolphin 15.04.1 to trickle down.19:56
gorgonzolaEtriaph: I don't understand20:22
valoriegorgonzola: we're waiting on the Ubuntu folks who have blackballed the new bluez for now20:46
valoriebecause of the phone stuff or something20:47
valorie"folks" should have been devels20:47
gorgonzolavalorie: thanks! so, just to understand on my end... bluez4 won't work with plasma 5, and we are waiting on bluez5 from ubuntu?20:52
KDDAvalorie: are you on wily?20:54
valorieno, just vivid20:54
valoriegorgonzola: I believe that is right20:54
valorieI'm not sure what we can do on our end beyond commenting on the launchpad bug20:55
gorgonzolavalorie would installing bluez5 locally help, or is that a recipe for disaster?20:55
gorgonzolavalorie: never mind, I see that bluez5 is actually installed.. the problem is with libical1a etc. Thanks for the clarification21:15
valorieI guess it could be built from sources21:16
valorieand usually that doesn't cause disaster, but may cause more work as you have to also build this new thing, that new thing21:16
valorieand -dev versions of packages21:17
* valorie builds amarok and has built phonon and phonon backend21:17
valorieno big deal realy21:17
gorgonzolavalorie: yeah, i went that route with solid trying to get upnp to work... But in any case, as I said above, the problem seems to be elsewhere... not in bluez21:23
* valorie is out for the next 24 hours or so21:25
Etriaphgorgonzola: I gave you the link because an update will end up there.21:40
Etriaphgorgonzola: That's how I track packages to determine when changes are coming down the pipe for me.21:40
gorgonzolaEtriaph: Ah, ok. Thanks. So is there any point in using this ppa? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ubuntu/transitions21:42
Etriaphgorgonzola: You are always free to try what's available and rollback if it doesn't work for you.21:42
Etriaphgorgonzola: Just keep ppa-purge handy at all times :D21:43
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