
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
surfs^hi all04:12
surfs^is there a way to change the duration of the lock screen?04:13
surfs^this is for Kubuntu 5.04 btw04:15
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Unismurfhedgehog
valorieit stays locked until you unlock it04:30
valoriedo you mean how long before it locks?04:30
valorieif so, systemsettings04:30
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serdarhi whats up guys :)06:02
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Guest84521ı have a questions06:02
valorieGuest84521: what is your question?06:02
hyper_chwhat is the meaning of life, the universe and everything else?06:04
valoriethat's easy!06:04
Guest84521I'm using Kubuntu 15.04, after a long hiatus, I figured it was time to try KDE and has been an outstanding system but the excellent my impression of plasma have a problem with plugins06:05
Guest84521https://opendesktop.org/content/show.php?content=169572 How do I install the add-in in the console with the link I tried to install but it didn't work06:06
valorieone person describes how it worked for them06:07
valorienot sure; I'm waiting for the official widget06:08
valorieimpatiently, but waiting06:09
Guest84521comment on the site to a host with a person like me in kubuntu detailing how to understand 15.04 a I'm going to try that method probably will work this time06:11
Guest84521Tümünü Temizle06:12
Guest84521Thanks for your help06:12
valoriebest of luck06:12
hyper_chpeople do use the weather tool? oO :)06:14
valorieI liked it06:15
valoriesure, I can use my phone, but got used to it before I had a smartphone06:15
hyper_chI don't have one on my smartphone either... I can just look out of the window06:16
valoriewell, for instance I live in the US but am trying to learn the practical centigrade06:16
valorieso I always had it set to C06:16
valorieyes, I can look out the window, but it also forecasts06:17
hyper_chcentigrade? you mean celsius?06:17
valorieoops, yes06:17
hyper_chwhy do you wanna learn metric system?06:18
valoriethe rest of the world uses it06:18
valoriedunno why we USAians are so slow06:19
hyper_chyou can bomb the imperial system into any country you wish ;)06:19
* valorie isn't a bomber06:20
hyper_chyour commanders and chiefs are06:20
valorieunfortunately yes06:21
hanghi all06:39
hangman13ushey guys06:57
valoriehangman13us: this is a help chan, so ask your question07:42
hangman13usI thought it is always nice to say 'hi' first... that's what mom told me once :D07:42
hangman13usBut Indeed I have a question:07:42
hangman13usWhen I watch films - full screen, my PC all of a sudden asks me to login again.07:43
hangman13usAnd I went to my power settings: System settings -> Power Mgmt. -> On AC Power - and I unchecked dim/screen energy saving... and suspend session07:44
hangman13usAnd yet - this still happens - it wait 15 mins and ask me re-login07:44
hangman13usAny clue how I can get this fixed? It is 15.04 Kubuntu07:45
Walexhangman13us: it is the screen locker not just power saving07:53
hangman13usHi Walex, how do I manage the screen locker?07:53
=== jayhunold is now known as jhunold
hangman13usGot it... Descktop Behaviour -> Screen Locking.07:57
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BluesKajHey folks11:03
=== Yukkii is now known as Yukkino
gsprHas anybody experienced Plasma on Vivid not being able to remember settings? I log in once, and get a desktop that looks like the default. I log out, and back in, and I get all my settings back.11:51
gsprI can preproduce with a new account with clean home directory11:51
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
soee_gspr: nope, never had that12:09
reyn100Need some assistance with software install.12:12
reyn100when I follow these instructions  Linux Instructions: Instructions After downloading the installer, open a Terminal window and type the following two commands: cd Downloads to go to the directory where you downloaded the installer. sh ./PDFStudio_v10_x_x_linux.sh where x_x should be replaced with the current version number. This will start the installer. To install PDF Studio on multiple computers through command-line, you may use o12:12
reyn100terminal says cd downloads does not exist12:13
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=== marius is now known as Guest45209
fghdoes anyone speak french?13:23
soee!fr fgh13:34
soee!fr | fgh13:34
ubottufgh: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:34
fghthank you, i just join ubuntu-fr. have a good day!13:36
LyzeHello! Is there a way to disable the alt + lmb/rmb (resize / move) feature on specific windows?14:14
soeeLyze: to be honest i don't knwo what it is but check specia window or apps settings/rules14:16
Lyzesoee: under settings -> window behavior -> window actions -> inner window, titlebar & frame. You can set specify a key and some actions what should be done14:18
LyzeI wan't to ignore it in specific windows14:18
Lyzeunder window rules, there's no entry for it14:18
ShishKababI'm suspecting KDE5 is slowing down my graphics a lot. I have this laptop: http://www.notebooksbilliger.de/acer+aspire+e3+112+c43a  and am trying to emulate N64 and SNES games, which stutter a lot (both video and audio) even though I've done it succesfuly on much weaker computers. What could be happening here?14:52
Hairowhat kwin compositor are you using?14:57
=== RtMF is now known as QuinnStorm
ShishKababHairo: I've disabled compositing.15:02
ShishKababHairo: I see, Zsnes, a program which shouldn't use a lot of CPU consume almost an entire 2,3 ghz core , kwin_x11 consuming 6% to 10%, pulseaudio 10% and Xorg 11%.15:06
Hairoweird, using dolphin (gc/wii emulator) uses max 35% of cpu15:08
Hairofor me15:08
Hairohave you tries with a different emulator?15:08
OerHeksMaybe Znes is not optimised and takes one core, is that bad?15:08
ShishKababHairo: Well, I've been using it always and also with 1,5 ghz single core CPUs, so it should just work on this emulator. Same with Project 64 through Wine.15:10
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
Hairowine might be the problem15:16
ShishKababHairo: Zsnes is not running on Wine.15:17
ShishKababAnd as I've said, even PJ64 which is running through Wine always ran smoothly.15:18
Hairohave you tried snes9x?15:18
ShishKababHairo: Not yet, will do. But zsnes has always worked fine for me and since this problem persists across multiple programs that normally work perfecty, I doubt it will change anything.15:20
ShishKababsnes9x is not in the repos.15:20
noahmg123how can I make my window button be on the same level as te tabs in chrome (like in windows)15:24
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hyper_chyour commanders and chiefs are17:19
hyper_chso, another Raspi setup to act as backup server :)17:19
mmcgarrnoahmg123: If you right-click beside your open tabs in chrome there's an option to 'Use system title bar and borders'17:27
mmcgarrI Think that's what you're looking for at least17:28
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
skomorokhIt is reasonable for accounts-daemon to be taking 1.2G of memory?18:15
skomorokhWith two users?18:15
skomorokh1168 root      20   0 1604632 1.266g   6040 S   0.0  5.4   1:00.00 accounts-daemon18:15
Dragnslcrskomorokh: probably not. I have it using 288 KB.18:28
skomorokhBleh. Google isn't showing me much for the past 3 months on "memory leak accounts-daemon" ...and earlier results are largely closed bugs from 201318:32
skomorokhIs it no longer possible to resize the k menu?18:38
airkingSo, I have an odd problem18:44
airkingI think18:44
airkingI had crunchbang installed before kubuntu, and I just did sudo apt-get update, and it connected to the crunhbang mirror18:44
airkingis that... a problem?18:44
airkingAnyone know anything about that?18:45
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest58792
Dragnslcrairking: definitely something you want to fix, but if all you did was apt-get update, nothing should be permanently broken18:59
DragnslcrMy guess is that you somehow kept part of your apt configuration from the old installation18:59
DragnslcrYou can configure your sources in a GUI package manager (such as Muon), or look at the sources files in /etc/apt19:01
bsvxlvЕсть кто живой?19:05
Unit193!ru | bsvxlv19:06
ubot93bsvxlv: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:06
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N3X15https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=346481 Getting this issue on my laptop (Lenovo U550) as well, now20:12
ubot93KDE bug 346481 in Theme - Breeze "15.04.0 Breeze dark theme doesn't change some UI icons - hard to see" [Minor,Unconfirmed]20:12
N3X15Just a heads-up.20:12
Ninjahmahshello kubuntuers, i be new to the world of kubuntu flavour, so far me likey20:21
soee_hiho Ninjahmahs20:30
Ninjahmahshohi soee_20:30
noaXesshey all.. is there a date/time format issue in plasma 5.. have setup de_CH but still got us format in digital clock widget21:01
Ninjahmahshi guys, do i need to purge nouveau to get my nvidia driver to function properly, my driver manager states im using nvidia driver but i get tearing scrolling in firefox?21:04
soee_Ninjahmahs: check ig you have fullscreen repaint in system settings for compositor21:05
soee_but it is known that there is tearing with nvidia driver21:05
Ninjahmahsjust was curious as i wasnt getting it so bad in mint, but i had to come off mint as 14.04 was causing reboots and i couldnt cure them21:06
Ninjahmahscompositors set to automatic21:07
Ninjahmahsshould i set it to full screen repaint or is that what i dont want it on21:08
ZippiI had to set fullscreen repaint to get rid of tearing21:08
ZippiBut then again, for me at least it wouldn't stay on after reboot21:08
Ninjahmahsi will continue to look for solid solutions but that does seem to have eased it21:10
=== Yukkino is now known as Yukkii
GroklingHey guys - tooltips in libreoffice? The tooltip box appears, but there's no text in it. Anyone else having this experience?22:11
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danielle31Hi all. I'm having a strange problem. Near my house is a BT Openzone network. When I disconect from it, my laptop completely freezes. I can't change virtual terminal, sysrq doesn't work (it does normally), and the capslock light blinks intermittently. I can't even hold the power btn for power off. The only thng I can do is unplug the battery and the mains. Any idea what could cause this?23:47
danielle31And here's the weirdest thing: it only happens when disconecting from that specific wifi network23:47

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