
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose
=== funnel_ is now known as funnel
=== nickoe_ is now known as nickoe
MasterPieceHey, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/206657628/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.bison_2.7-6_BUILDING.txt.gz13:35
MasterPieceWhat is the problem?!!!13:36
mapreriMasterPiece: "Found files in /usr/local (must be in /usr)." ← not sure if that's the critical error, but it's not nice for sure.13:37
MasterPiecemapreri, Can you tell me a clue about how can I fix it? I think this is related to "install" file, is it?13:40
mapreriMasterPiece: it really depends your package. are the source somewhere i can easily look at? (a vcs?)13:40
MasterPieceYes, it is bison source code13:41
mapreriMasterPiece: i mean, the packaging code.13:42
maprerithe /debian directory13:42
MasterPiecemapreri, Yes, https://launchpad.net/~salehi/+archive/ubuntu/bison2/+packages13:43
MasterPiecedirect link : https://launchpad.net/~salehi/+archive/ubuntu/bison2/+files/bison_2.7-6.debian.tar.gz13:43
maprerii dgetted the dsc13:44
MasterPiecemapreri, I'm sorry, I can't understand "dgetted" means13:45
mapreriMasterPiece: `dget -u https://launchpad.net/~salehi/+archive/ubuntu/bison2/+files/bison_2.7-6.dsc`13:46
mapreriMasterPiece: btw, you call `./configure`, without passing anything at it. that way you end up having everything in /usr/local. thus, i suggest you to change that to dh_auto_configure and do a s#/usr/local#/usr# in the install file13:47
mapreridh_auto_configure will take care of passing the right options to ./configure13:48
maprerii'd also suggest you to find some spare time to move to the dh sequencer, instead of the old rules style. it tends to be more readable and maintainable, letting dh do all the magic. see the bison rules file, for example: https://sources.debian.net/src/bison/2:3.0.2.dfsg-2/debian/rules/13:49
MasterPiecemapreri, Can I copy that?13:51
mapreriMasterPiece: you can, just i don't know if it will work without any modification.13:51
MasterPiecemapreri, Thank you, now, I'm in locally building & test :)13:54
MasterPieceI'll upload it soon :)13:54
wgrantMasterPiece: bison's been packaged in Debian for about 20 years, so it has pretty robust packaging already. Any reason you didn't reuse that?13:58
=== GPenguin_ is now known as GPenguin
MasterPiecewgrant, I know that, but in Trusty Tahr which is LTS, the 2.7 version is not available and our researchers source files, depends on 2.7.1 version, So, I have to package it to ourself14:50
wgrantMasterPiece: But that doesn't mean you have to rewrite the debian directory yourself. You can just take that from the current package and tweak it slightly to make it work on
wgrantOr, indeed, just use https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bison/2:2.7.1.dfsg-115:36
MasterPiecewgrant, that is only available in "Sid" , I need it in trusty Tahr15:38
wgrantThe binaries linked from that page will install fine on trusty if you try.15:39
wgrantAnd even if they didn't, it would be a trivial matter to rebuild them -- far easier than repackaging the source from scratch.15:39
MasterPiecewgrant, How can I repackage https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bison/2:2.7.1.dfsg-1 ??15:44
MasterPiecewgrant, I have to download the .orig.tar.gz and .debian.tar.gz and change some of file to build for trusty?15:50
MasterPiecewgrant, So, whats happened to CopyRight of debian/* files? :D15:50
MasterPieceHey, Who have an idea?15:51
=== Nigel_ is now known as G
MasterPiecewgrant, Nice Job :) Thank you16:15
MasterPieceOhhh, nNoooOOoo,16:35
MasterPieceWhy version 3 downloaded in this log :16:36
MasterPiecealthough I specified bison version as following :16:37
MasterPiecelibbison-dev (= 2:2.7.1.dfsg-1), bison (= 2:2.7.1.dfsg-1)16:37
MasterPieceI added bison2 as the ppa dependency16:37
ki7mtHello All, quick question. When creating a Team in LP, is there a way to make the Owner of a team be the Team itself, or does this need or be an individual LP user?18:51
ki7mtLooks like it worked as we needed it too, the Team is now the Owner of the Team :-) .. hope that does not create so strange do-loop :-)20:03

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