
ModelEngine!info saucy01:37
ubottuPackage saucy does not exist in vivid01:37
ModelEngine!info trusty01:37
ubottuPackage trusty does not exist in vivid01:37
ModelEngine!gnome 201:37
ModelEngine!info gnome 201:38
ubottu'2' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed01:38
ModelEngine!info lxde01:38
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-4ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB01:38
ModelEngine!info lxsession01:39
ubottulxsession (source: lxsession): LXDE default session manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.2-0ubuntu2 (vivid), package size 99 kB, installed size 403 kB01:39
ModelEngineanyone know how to modify lxsession settings -- ubuntu 14.0401:40
RemobothGaiz. I am trying to install Steam on LXLE... IT is stuck on the Package Install window. What do?01:50
Unit193ModelEngine: Open lxsession config?  There's a GUI... What are you actually trying to do?01:55
Unit193Remoboth: LXLE isn't supported here, please seek out their support methods.01:55
RemobothUnit193 - Presumably any method that works for STeam will work here.01:56
RemobothUnit193 - I mean, LUbuntu.01:56
RemobothANy method that works for LUbuntu.01:56
ModelEngineUnit193: cool, found it. thanks for ur help01:57
Unit193Remoboth: I'd apt-get install steam01:58
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.01:58
Unit193Remoboth: http://www.lxle.net/forums/01:58
ModelEngineUnit193: so, i assume your not avail then in ops?02:15
ianorlinactually I find gdebi for steam works with the deb02:29
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=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Unismurfhedgehog
=== gsilva is now known as gsilvapt
=== gsilvapt is now known as gsilva
=== gsilva is now known as gsilvapt
Garrick1can i creat an boot usb drive with Disks by using "restore using imag disk" menu ?14:41
Garrick1how to make sure that the usb drive will boot up as live ?14:41
holsteinGarrick1: create a bootable usb stick, as per the instructions14:43
holsteinyou can use dd to copy, or unetbootin.. etc14:43
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate14:44
Garrick1nothig spec to do to make him bootable ?14:45
Garrick1to avoid the Verifying DMI Pool Data... screen error14:47
holsteinGarrick1: if you are getting an error, share the exact message, otherwise, *all* i do to boot the lubuntu live iso is, i either use unetbootin, or i dd copy the iso.. both explained in the link i gave14:48
holsteinthere are many variables per-machine, that can prevent a usb stick from booting14:48
=== gsilva is now known as gsilvapt
jake24how do i get lubuntu to run a command automatically at startup17:03
jake24I want to run this command xinput set-prop 12 "Device Enabled" 017:03
Unit193Upstart script?  Crontab entry for @reboot?17:04
jake24sorry im a newbie, not much of a programmer17:05
jake24can i insert the command in a file17:05
jake24im trying to disable the touchpad at startup17:06
ianorlynsynclient touchpadoff=1 is the command17:07
ianorlyncron job with an @reboot entry basically runs a command everytime you reboot17:07
jake24cronjob is a file ?  i can insert @reboot xinput set-prop 12 "Device Enabled" 017:09
ki7mtAnyone know what Markup language is being used to lubuntu-docs ? Not the Yelp Help docs, as that's Mallard I believe.17:23
ianorlynki7mt: the wiki?17:24
ki7mtNo, the manuals and such17:25
ianorlynthe man pages17:25
ianorlynthe is a not quite out lubuntu manual page in LaTeX17:25
ianorlynah I think it is called troff for man pages17:25
ki7mtYes, I know about the man pages, that's package dependent.17:26
ki7mtI saw on the lubuntu-dev mailing list, somebody started a Documentation project, but I can't find it on Launcpad17:26
ianorlynah that is in LaTeX I will link it to you17:26
ki7mtOk, that's the same as the Ubuntu Manual then.17:27
ianorlynki7mt: That was gsilvaapt17:27
ianorlynhttps://launchpad.net/lubuntu-manual is the launchpad project17:28
ianorlyna lot of work is still needed for the lubuntu manual17:29
ki7mtianorlyn, Yes, thanks. I have another project, based on lubuntu-core and wanted to use the same or similar Markup for docs.17:30
ki7mtianorlyn, Indeed: Programming Languages: LaTeX, TeX  ... thanks, that's what I needed.17:32
ki7mtIt seems, the lubuntu-manual is written in LaTex / Tex : https://launchpad.net/lubuntu-manual17:47
ki7mtWe may need to consider using LaTex for the Markup. Then you can simply refer to the Lubuntu-Manual, rather than re-inventing documentation, only adding content specific to C4C in out docs.17:47
ki7mt .. in our docs ...17:48
ki7mtThat would certainly cut down on the Amount of Documentation needed for each release.17:48
Unit193http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-wiki-docs/lubuntu-manual/trunk/files someone needs to tell whoever is pushing commits that it's a vcs, don't push backup files.17:48
ki7mtWhoops, sorry guys, I was in the *wrong channel" .. my bad17:49
ki7mtUnit193, who made the commits?17:50
NotAPersoni need to find an old bug on launchpad circa 200920:45
ianorlynNotAPerson: that is vauge do you know who reported it or what package or anymore information20:51
NotAPersonianorlyn, i reported it21:03
wxlNotAPerson: what's your launchpad id?21:03
NotAPersoniirc, there was a feature that use to allow you to view any bug report you reported21:03
NotAPersoni'm logged into launchpad.  is there a feature to search bug reports from me only?21:04
wxlNotAPerson: yep. i'll give you a direct link if you give me your lp idea21:04
wxl /21:04
NotAPersoncan't i just login and work through the menu to get to the same link?21:04
wxlsure, knock yourself out21:05
NotAPerson*sigh* ... i've not found the menu item21:05
wxlthat's why i offered to save you the trouble21:05
* wxl facepalms21:05
RemobothHow do I enable lock screen?21:14

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