
* pleia2 loads up the rss reader to dig up some more news00:57
pleia2going to promote the refrigerator news to "General Community News" because that's... cool :D01:01
* ahoneybun pokes pleia2 and tells her that the Kubuntu Council has 3 members whose terms are ending01:38
ahoneybunon May 20th the new members will be revealed01:39
pleia2ahoneybun: I know :)01:41
pleia2the email with nominee names is a public one01:41
ahoneybunjust checking :)01:42
pleia2ok, email sent off to summary writers01:48
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
* ahoneybun will start on the summaries tomorrow04:03
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
* PaulW2U slow news week, only nine summaries to do now16:12
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun

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