
Kilosmorning barrydk  and others05:12
Kilosload shaeeding huh08:29
=== MaNI2 is now known as MaNI
inetprohelloooo Kilos 08:46
Kiloshi there inetpro  08:46
inetprooh and good mornings to everyone else 08:47
Kiloslol i enjoyed that08:47
inetpro;-) 08:47
inetpro(^_-) 08:50
inetpro:-P 08:50
Kilosno man i cant remember them all08:51
Kiloswas saving for a ssd but decided to get a d-link 157 instead08:59
Kilos3 times faster than the 156 i have09:00
Kilosinetpro  https://www.telkommobile.co.za/internet-starter-pack/09:03
Kiloscan you explain what it says you get on the right of the modem please09:03
Kilosoh nm i woke up09:04
Kilosinetpro  something wrong with your g+ post http://bit.ly/1EM8HPp11:44
inetproKilos: nothing wrong there11:52
inetprooh and Kilos, you want yet another Telkom starter pack?11:55
Kilos3 times faster11:55
inetproand what is so difficult to understand on that page?11:55
Kilosive tried that link three times11:55
inetproKilos: have you tried with a decent browser?11:56
Kilosnono i missed the 512 x !@ after the 6g11:56
Kilosopera and chrome cannot open it from here11:58
inetproKilos: what do you get?11:58
Kilosweb page unavailable11:58
KilosOpera could not load the webpage because www.databook.bz took too long to respond. The website may be down, or you may be experiencing issues with your internet connection.11:59
Kiloslemme see what chrome says11:59
inetproand that now becomes my fault?11:59
Kilosyes bad link12:00
Kilosfix it12:00
inetproworks for me12:00
Kilossigh with ff i spose12:00
Kilosok ill reinstall it12:00
inetproworks for me on FF and on Chrome12:01
Kilosoh my12:01
inetprohow on earth do you get to the conclusion that a reinstall will help?12:01
Kilosno man i uninstalled it12:03
Kilosit tries to take over here12:03
inetprohow about trying the default browser?12:05
inetproyou also uninstalled that?12:06
Kiloswhat is that12:06
Kilosi love opera man , i can close it and open tomorrow and all 40 links open'12:06
Kiloschrome i have to shutdown with it open then hit restore tomorrow12:07
inetprofact is, the problem is not even your browser 12:07
inetprosounds more like your connection ebing the problem12:08
Kilosff can open it either seems like12:08
inetprohow about trying to reset your connection12:08
Kiloswhere is maaz12:08
inetproai! You killed him?12:09
Kilosnono not me12:09
Kiloscrashkid gone too12:09
Kilosoh my12:09
Kilostell me what the reason is for disabling those things12:10
Kilosnepomuk and friends12:10
inetproKilos: what version are you using?12:12
inetproKubuntu 14.04?12:12
inetproKilos: https://www.google.com/search?q=disable+akonadi+kubuntu+14.0412:13
inetprogo reset your connection and try opening my posting again... it explains it better than most others12:18
Kilosoh it slows things down12:18
Kilosi can see the last link12:18
Kilossee i need a faster modem12:18
Kiloslemme remove and replace the modem12:19
inetproin Kubuntu 15.04 Baloo and Akonadi used way too much resources on my machine12:19
inetproI don't need any of the two, hence me searching for a way to disable12:19
inetproBaloo indexing can easily be turned off in settings now12:20
Kiloswbb dont go away12:20
inetprodid you reboot so quickly?12:21
Kilos-nono just restarted modem12:22
inetprodoes the link open now?12:22
inetprodoes the link open now?12:25
Kilosthis isnt windows12:25
inetprohaha :-)12:25
inetprodoes the link open now?12:25
Kiloswhat was wrong12:26
* inetpro rests his case12:26
Kilosit opened in fox grrr12:26
inetproand opera?12:26
Kilosi told you fox takes over12:26
inetprobecause you allow it to take over, that is why12:27
Kilosjust remving it again12:27
inetproKilos: go sit in the driving seat and take control12:27
inetprowhy remove it?12:27
Kilosthen i dont have to find out how to stop it taking over12:28
inetproI didn't uninstall Baloo or Akonadi12:28
Kilosopera sees that link fine ty12:28
Kilosmust be a decent browser12:28
inetprooom Kilos, that was a joke man :-)12:29
* inetpro knew he would fall for it12:29
Kilosthats why you took my sjambok12:29
Kilosso you can be cheeky and not feel the consequences12:30
inetproKilos: please define, "fox takes over"12:30
Kilosif i tick a link it email, ff opens even when opera is the default browser12:31
Kilosanyway inetpro  nepomuk wasnt a prob with 14.04 was it?12:32
inetproKilos: I can't remember12:34
Kilosol dman12:34
Kilosold man12:34
inetpronepomuk is not a problem in 15.04 any more12:34
Kilosoh you fixed it12:35
inetproKilos: important thing to figure out is to know all the processes that are actively running on your machine12:36
inetpropress Ctrl+Esc12:36
Kilosno thats kde's job12:36
inetprowell ideally you want to know12:37
inetproyou want to at least know, what is it that is eating your memory and your CPU12:37
Kiloswhew lotsa stuff but clamav uses most12:37
inetprodisable clamav12:38
inetproit's pointless to keep it running12:38
inetprojust use it when you need it12:38
Kilosya i only use it for other drives12:38
inetproso now, in stead of wasting your time immediately focussing on clamav, just make a note12:39
inetproNote 1: Find out how to disable clamav12:39
inetprowe lost him already?12:40
Kilosim looing12:40
Kiloscant find a disable thing yet12:41
inetproKilos: RTFS above please12:41
Kilosyes im seeing if it has a disable button 12:41
Kilosthen ill google12:41
inetproit doesn't12:41
Kilosthen ill ask you12:41
inetproKilos: in stead of wasting your time immediately focussing on clamav, just make a note12:42
Kilosi just remove things normally12:42
Kilosstubborn is what stubborn is12:42
inetprohow did we get here and what did you try to achieve?12:43
Kiloswe looking whats using memory12:43
inetproexactly, don't forget the bigger picture!12:43
inetproKilos: and CPU12:43
Kilosyes boss12:43
inetproKilos: sometimes it takes days or weeks to figure it out12:44
Kilosxorg 4 % and opera 5%12:44
inetpronot much you can do about those12:45
Kilosand konversation 2% on and off12:45
inetpronot nothing but also not much12:45
Kilosthats min 12:45
Kilosill worry when something uses 50%12:46
Kiloswhere can i see a total for cpu usage12:46
inetproclick on the column to sort 12:47
inetprobut no totals12:47
Kiloskrunner uses 2% now and again too12:47
inetprobecause it's not magic12:48
Kiloshee hee hee12:48
Kilosi dont think i have a prob12:49
inetproin that case just forget about akonadi and friends12:50
inetproand go figure how to disable clamav12:51
Kilosill remove it man and install if and when needed12:51
inetproNOTE: no need to uninstall12:52
Kiloslol see im learning12:52
inetprosudo /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon status12:53
inetprosudo /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon stop12:53
Kilosty inetpro  12:53
Kilosmy friend12:53
inetproKilos: what is she doing here?12:54
Kiloshelping out till maaz comes back12:54
inetproKilos: sudo /etc/init.d/clamav-freshclam status12:55
inetproand if running... stop it12:55
Kilosi did with the top command12:55
inetprouh, really?12:55
Kilosoh my12:55
Kilosfreshclam still going12:56
Kilosty thats stopped as well now12:57
inetproKilos: you like using a hammer for everything?12:58
Kiloseasier to use a hammer, less memory used12:59
Kilosyay my new modem is here13:04
inetproKilos: what did you get and for how much?13:05
Kilosthere where you looked for R54913:06
Kilosiirc it can do 23mb/s13:06
inetpro 6GB Anytime data(512MB PM X 12)?13:06
Kilosold one was 7.2 mb/s13:07
Kilosthey give you 512 meg free data monthly for a year13:07
Kilosohi superfly  how are you all?13:12
inetproKilos: hmm... that's about 9c per MB13:14
Kilosis that bad?13:15
Kilosalso the 157 is stronger than the 156, the 157 picks up signal where the 156 doesnt13:16
inetproR249 for the same amount of data is 4c per MB, that means you pay about 5c perMB for the modem13:16
* inetpro hasn't seen Kilos loosing a lot of connection here lately13:17
inetproapart from with power issues13:17
Kilosno the old one is good13:18
Kilosbut new one is faster13:18
inetprofast means more data usage in less time13:19
Kilosyes but also less time waiting for big updates13:19
Kilosand faster opening of web pages i hope13:20
Kilosim a busy man you know13:21
inetprolooks like you like sitting there and watching the data while it's downloading13:22
Kilosnow i can rev telkom for faster connection, before modem was too slow13:22
inetproremember, a watched pot never boils13:22
Kilosi always watch it13:22
Kilosits interesting13:23
Kilosi watch the whole install process as well13:23
Kiloshi octoquad  13:24
inetproKilos: you should read this: http://www.linux.org.za/Lists-Archives/glug-9707/msg00058.html13:24
inetproDr Evan Summers on Monday 21 Jul 1997, Personally I find the web overrated!  Although it is13:25
inetpro_very_ useful at times, but that's about 2 minutes per month for me...13:25
inetproold records on the GLUG mailing list13:25
Kilosi have to go see all the links you give13:25
Kilos2 mins is fine for emails13:26
Kilosand googling the time13:26
Kilosi have all those wiki pages to see13:26
inetprosome fascinating reading there 13:27
Kilos2 new applicants on the first thursday of next month13:27
octoquadgreetings :)13:29
inetprohi octoquad13:29
* inetpro wbb13:29
octoquadinetpro, got json prettifying working in trello-snapshot, will put out a new release next week. Have some small problems detecting a required dependency (jq) at the moment, but works well ;)13:30
arnaudmezhi Kilos14:03
arnaudmezhi guys14:03
arnaudmezhi inetpro14:03
arnaudmezhi Squirm14:03
arnaudmezhi superfly14:03
arnaudmezh, ThatGraemeGuy: 14:04
Kiloshi arnaudmez  14:08
arnaudmezWhat's on the desk today ?14:09
Kilosnot much i think14:09
Kiloslooking at http://www.databook.bz/?page_id=372814:10
arnaudmezi'm busy looking for a full Lnx training program14:11
arnaudmeza sample just to het myself inspired14:11
arnaudmezcan't find it on the web 14:11
arnaudmezTerminal Linux 10114:11
Kiloshave you looked there?14:12
KilosQA  google full linux training program to download14:12
QAKilos: "Learn For Free - Linux Foundation Training" http://training.linuxfoundation.org/free-linux-training :: "The Complete Beginner's Guide to Linux | Linux.com" https://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/784060-the-complete-beginners-guide-to-linux :: "Linux Training From the Linux Foundation | Linux.com" http://www.linux.com/learn/linux-training-program-and-classes :: "Desktop | Linux.com" http://www.linux.com/directory/Distribu…14:12
arnaudmeznope but jumping there now, in fact I'm just looking for  a page that explain what is Terminal Linux 101 made of14:13
arnaudmezI've found nice videos on youtube (nixie pixel on Command line 101)14:24
Kilosthere must be lots of info out there14:25
KilosQA  google Terminal Linux 101 training program14:26
QAKilos: "Linux 101: Introduction to sudo | Linux.com" https://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/306766:linux-101-introduction-to-sudo :: "Learn Linux, 101: The Linux command line - IBM" http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-lpic1-v3-103-1/ :: "UNIX / Linux Tutorial for Beginners" http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/ :: "LinuxCommand.org: Learning the shell." http://linuxcommand.org/learning_the_shell.php :: "LinuxCommand.…14:26
MopkopHello everyone!16:15
Kiloshi Mopkop  wb young man16:15
MopkopThank you! Finally finished with the semester! So What did I miss?16:16
Kiloshmm... i forget16:17
Kiloslots i think16:17
MopkopI'll check trello...16:17
Kiloseven trello has been slack16:18
MopkopI see. Nevermind then, I'm sure I'll catch on sooner enought.16:23
Kilosim trying to remember, you been gone a long time16:24
MopkopOh, got to relog. Just broke compiz :(16:32
MopkopThat's better...16:33
MopkopAnyway, did we get any new members?16:33
Kilosonly um16:33
Kiloscutting edge i think16:34
MopkopOh, and how is that documentation project going?16:38
inetprowb cocooncrash16:51
inetproMaaz: wb16:51
MaazThank you so much inetpro my good good friend16:51
inetproKilos: ^^16:52
cocooncrashMaaz: ping16:55
Maazcocooncrash: pong16:55
KilosMaaz  wb17:00
MaazThank you so much Kilos my good good friend17:00
Kiloshi cocooncrash  17:00
Kiloswb to you too17:00
Kilosoh Mopkop  i dont know how far jacques and walter have got, jacques has it working online so now its for peeps to jump in 17:11
Kilosthere was a link to it in the mailing list17:13
inetprooh and wb Mopkop17:44
MopkopHello inetpro!17:44
inetprogood to see you back here17:44
inetproat least one more peep to keep Kilos awake17:45
Kiloshehe you tired old man? been hard on you hey17:45
inetpronow I can go sleep :-)17:45
Kilosi must send that mail, it keeps growing17:46
inetproyikes Kilos!17:46
inetprodon't hold back like that17:46
* inetpro don't know you like this17:46
Kiloshaha 17:47
Kilosim trying to cover all bases17:47
Kilosuh oh17:49
Kiloswhy ai!17:49
* inetpro has seen those words somewhere before17:50
inetprocoming back to me like a boomerang17:51
Kilosthere is more now17:51
inetproKilos: "trying to cover all bases"  <--- those words17:51
inetprodidn't I say that the other day?17:52
Kilosi dunno17:52
Kilosif you did then you must be glad i remembered something17:52
magespawngood evening18:46
MopkopGood evening magespawn!18:48
magespawnhi Mopkop 18:49
Kiloshi magespawn  18:56
magespawnhey Kilos 18:57
magespawnMaaz hmmm19:40
Maazmagespawn: Sorry...19:40
magespawnMaaz define hmmm19:41
Maazmagespawn: I don't know about hmmm. Maybe you meant hmmp or hmms?19:41
magespawnMaaz define hmms19:41
Maazmagespawn: HMMS HyperMedia Management Schema (MS, Intel, Cisco, WWW)19:41
Kilosyou are miss speeling it19:41
magespawnwow learn something new everyday19:41
KilosMaaz  hmm19:41
Maazhmm... is often used to try make others believe one is actually thinking19:41
magespawni did not know hmmm had a correct spelling19:41
Kilosya it has hmm19:42
magespawnso whats news?20:04
magespawnbesides hmm20:04
* Kilos thinks20:04
inetprogood evening magespawn20:05
stickyboyHad a minor tiff on teh intarwebs with some Kenyan companies who violate the GPL.20:07
stickyboyNow I'm mobilizing people to write blog posts and raise awareness.20:07
Kilosstickyboy  whew20:07
magespawnhi inetpro stickyboy 20:08
magespawnstickyboy: links?20:09
stickyboymagespawn: It startd with this summary of Nairobi LUG's May meetup: https://nairobilug.or.ke/2015/05/meetup-may-2015.html20:10
stickyboyThen one of our members poked this company, BRCK, who denied they were in violation: https://twitter.com/jrogena/status/59913943658923212820:11
stickyboy(This company makes and sells an OpenWRT-based router called BRCK, and OpenWRT of course is a GNU/Linux distro for embedded systems)20:12
Kilosi must sleep now. night all. sleep tight20:20
magespawnstickyboy: they should at least be given a chance to reply20:21
magespawnand who should handle an official complaint? EFF ? GNU?20:24
stickyboymagespawn: We had emailed them privately 1 week ago and got no response.20:29
stickyboyThen, after this tweet, we instantly got a reply.20:29
stickyboyTheir CTO says, "We use unmodified OpenWRT source so we don't need to publish code".20:30
stickyboyCowering behind a technicality of the GPL. Shame.20:30
stickyboyI'm currently writing a blog post called "Carrots, sticks, and the spirit of the law"20:31
stickyboyI'll post it here when it's done. :P20:31
magespawncool beans, i will follow along with interest20:46
magespawnbed time for me, good night all20:47
grembleGood morning22:30
kulelu88mornin gremble 22:32
grembleHey kulelu88 22:33
grembleHow are you?22:33
kulelu88good good and you22:33
grembleI am doing well thank you22:34
kulelu88you normally sleep early gremble 22:35
grembleUsing chalk dries out your hands like a shriveled raisin22:35
kulelu88are you studying?22:35
grembleYes I am.22:35
grembleTaking a break actually to do some haskell22:36
grembleWriting calculus on Wednesday haha22:36
kulelu88first semester exam?22:36
grembleSecond semester test22:36
grembleExams start in a few weeks22:36
kulelu88oh ja, not yet June22:36
gremblelike literally two I think22:36
kulelu88all the beer-drinking, partying and drugs will slow down around this time22:37
grembleDrugs won't haha they'll only change. People change from ecstacy to ritalin :P22:37
kulelu88I don't know where the drugden at tuks is though . Maybe it's a res thing22:39
grembleI don't know either. I am fairly solitary :P22:40
kulelu88haskell is your current drug22:40
grembleHaha. and Tea22:40
grembleI drink so much tea22:41
kulelu88normal tea?22:41
grembleYup. Five roses with milk and sugar22:43
kulelu88milk and sugar???? You probably fancy some indian girl ehh 22:43
grembleWell.. there is this one good looking on in my statistics class 22:45
kulelu88ehh and you're looking too. what's her name?22:45
grembleHaha I have no idea. 22:46
grembleLike I said, solitary. 22:46
kulelu88oh. you kinda remind me of the guy who would borrow the girl his pencil but never strike up a convo with her :D22:48
grembleI am not shy. I would probably chat.22:48
grembleI just don't do the whole fawning thing22:49
grembleI implemented an array acces function in my personal haskell library because I thought that it did not have something that would return a specific element from a list22:50
grembleApparently I'm just stupid, because it has something like that. haha22:50
kulelu88if it didn't have that basic of a feature, it would be a shit language22:50
grembleI couldn't find it22:52
grembleBut apparently it is list !! n22:52
kulelu88that is some shit syntax22:53
grembleIt's only shit because it is new. list[n] looks more natural because of the ubiquity in C-like languages22:57
grembleThe thing is that !! is there defined as a function like + is22:58
kulelu88why couldn't they just make it list[n] is what you should be asking yourself22:58
grembleBecause a list is not an object in haskell like it is in those languages22:58
grembleSo [n] is not a method of the object22:58
gremble!! is a function applied to the list instead22:59
kulelu88I thought functional languages don't have objects?22:59
grembleThey don't.23:01
grembleSo list[n] would be inappropriate23:01
kulelu88how do they work then? send me a snippet of code23:02
gremblethis will look better I think hastebin.com/isarazafun.hs23:06
kulelu88all that code for that. You could do it in 5 lines of Python23:08
grembleShow me? I'm always eager to learn. And I have to sit down and learn Python properly sometime23:09
kulelu88you want to parse the usernames from the passwords file into a list and print out the usernames to the console?23:10
gremblefrom the /etc/passwd file. So its delimited by :23:11
kulelu88yeah I'm not sure I get the whole functional thing for something like this. It just seems easier to use a list object23:12
grembleIt is something weird to get used to23:13
kulelu88what is: args <- getArgs?23:15
grembleargs is a variable that I made that takes the value of whatever is the output of getArgs. 23:15
gremblegetArgs reads the input arguments23:15
gremblemyProgram arg1 arg1 tittysprinkles23:16
grembleso args = [arg1, arg1, tittysprinkles]23:16
kulelu88tittysprinkles???? dafugg +D23:17
grembleHaha it's just another argument :P23:17
kulelu88so args and getargs are basically objects23:18
kulelu88but not objects23:18
kulelu88because this is haskell 23:18
grembleargs is a function that returns a constant value23:18
gremblegetArgs is a function that returns IO (its strange because it is monadic)23:19
grembleIO is where haskell gets really weird23:19
kulelu88again, args is a function/object and getargs is another function/object 23:19
grembleI guess23:20
grembleCalling things objects will probably lead to confusion though23:20
kulelu88with about 10 minutes of searching, you will have your python version done 23:20
kulelu88where is the args function?23:20
grembleit is defined by `args <- getArgs`23:21
gremblevariables are constants in haskell23:21
gremble^ that is a confusing sentence23:21
kulelu88so it's an empty function?23:21
grembleThat always returns the same value23:22
kulelu88why does this seem so much like how C does things23:22
grembleBecause C doesn't have objects23:23
kulelu88I'm guessing imperative and functional are very similar23:23
grembleThe nice thing about that program is, is that I can have an infinitely long file to read and it will not clog up my ram23:23
grembleThey're closer together than they are to OO I would say23:24
grembleBut then again, I am still wet behind the ears23:24
kulelu88how does it not clog up the ram?23:24
gremblebecause of lazy evaluation. It reads the file as it needs it and then garbage collects as it finishes23:26
grembleSo the entire file is never in ram23:26
kulelu88can you force the language out of lazy evaluation?23:27
gremblewith seq23:27
grembleforces evaluation23:27

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