
philipballewLinux Users Group of Tijuana Mexico (yes I know this is not our turf)  monthly meeting is underway.00:16
philipballewWe're talking abut uptime00:19
DonkeyHotei 17:22:45 up  4:09,  6 users,  load average: 0.31, 0.36, 0.4900:22
philipballewDonkeyHotei, I prefer uptime -p00:33
philipballewits prettier.00:33
DonkeyHoteiup 4 hours, 20 minutes00:33
nhainesnhaines@tethys:~⟫ uptime -p01:25
nhainesup 9 weeks, 1 day, 2 hours, 10 minutes01:25
philipballewnhaines, Have you ever tried updating?01:31
philipballewI hear its fun.01:31
nhainesYes, I ran updates last night.01:32
philipballewno kernel updates for you?01:32
nhainesNot currently needed.01:32
philipballewsoon when all are running 4, updates with reboot with be needed01:33
nhainesThere's more work to it than that, but I'll be looking forward to that.01:33
Roguehorse22:09:02 up 9 days,  2:49,  5 users,  load average: 0.35, 0.38, 0.6505:11
nhaines 22:20:12 up 2 days,  8:21,  3 users,  load average: 0.57, 0.55, 0.5005:20
nhainesI try to shut down at least every other day.05:20
ianorlynI shut donw a lot because kernele upgrades a lot on devlopment version05:57
ianorlynor other low level stuff05:57
nhainesDev versions are for virtual machines.  :)05:58
ianorlynI do both06:08
ianorlynI run vms of the dev release on the dev release06:08
=== danielg4 is now known as DonkeyHotei

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