
OvenWerkszequence: Bug #1455920 I have a private branch I would like to merge to fix this...14:25
ubottubug 1455920 in qmidiroute (Ubuntu) "settings from saved config files are not loaded correctly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145592014:25
OvenWerksI don't seem to be able to put a merge request in, but have added a patch diff to the bug.14:42
* OvenWerks is still working at trying to contact the maintainer.15:18
zequenceOvenWerks: Did you try create a patch ticket for the sourceforge project?20:49
zequenceMight be better to first create a bug ticket tho20:51
zequenceOvenWerks: I think there's a risk that you might be overcomplicating the menu ideas22:13
zequenceI'll answer the mail list later. Will be a bit busy for a day or so22:14
OvenWerkszequence: And I thought I was simplifying  :) Right now I am just throwing ideas for people to shoot down or modify.22:16

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