
mwhudsondavecheney: can you run lspci?00:00
davecheneynot at the moment00:02
davecheneythe machine went away00:03
davecheneyi suspect brad is playing kernel games00:03
mwhudsonalso possible00:07
menn0thumper or wallyworld: i'm going to ask niemeyer to look at this before merging but if you could take an initial look: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1705/00:48
menn0this is the "hard part" of the fix for keeping the txns collection at a sane size00:48
wallyworldmenn0: i really hope this gets into mgo were it belongs00:49
menn0wallyworld: agreed. this is just to get something into juju sooner.00:54
davecheneythumper: menn0 https://go-review.googlesource.com/#/c/10135/201:21
davecheneyfix for websocket issue01:21
davecheneygoing to try to get it upstreamed ASAP01:21
davecheneyor otherwise I will deliver it on a branch01:21
thumperdavecheney: thanks01:41
mwhudsonluckily brad seems to be an insomniac workaholic :)01:54
mwhudsonwell, i guess it's not that late for him, it is sunday though01:54
davecheneyhis loss is our gain01:59
davecheneyok, patch comitted01:59
davecheneythumper: menn0 https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/234402:09
cheryljbtw, davecheney, there is an actual file handle leak for bug 142005702:33
mupBug #1420057: agents see "too many open files" errors after many failed API attempts <juju-core:Triaged by dave-cheney> <juju-core 1.22:In Progress by dave-cheney> <juju-core 1.23:In Progress by dave-cheney> <juju-core 1.24:In Progress by dave-cheney> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1420057>02:33
cheryljI saw it after testing the websocket changes02:33
cheryljI just updated the bug with info02:33
cheryljtesting a fix now02:33
davecheneycherylj: ok02:33
davecheneyso, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/234402:34
davecheneyi'm patching that back all the way back to 1.2202:34
menn0thumper: 1:1?02:35
thumpermenn0: there shortly02:35
menn0thumper: np02:35
menn0cherylj: nice job finding another leak02:36
cheryljdavecheney: sounds good.  I think the combination of that, plus this fix I'm testing is required02:36
cheryljmenn0: thanks :)02:36
davecheneycherylj: ok, i don't know how to track backporting the websocket dependency02:36
davecheneyso i'll just pretend like someone else does02:36
davecheneythumper: ... value *errors.Err = &errors.Err{message:"", cause:(*net.OpError)(0xc21054c440), previous:(*errors.Err)(0xc2106a26e0), file:"github.com/juju/juju/state/open.go", line:69} ("cannot create database index: local error: bad record MAC")02:37
davecheney... error stack: local error: bad record MAC02:37
davecheneyannnd there goes another 20 minutes02:37
* thumper sighs02:37
davecheneythumper: merge to trunk successful03:23
davecheney1.23 and 1.24 branches incoming03:23
davecheney1.22 unaffected, doesn't use x/net/websocket03:23
davecheneythumper: ok03:26
davecheney1.22 will still be using code.google.com03:26
davecheneydo I need to update all the deps in 1.22 to use the github version of the websocket library ?03:26
davecheneythumper: ?03:26
davecheneyit's not a hard job03:28
davecheneyjust a slightly large one03:28
davecheneyi'll do it afte rlunch03:29
* thumper afk to collect daughter from school03:56
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
davecheneygodeps: cannot update "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/github-merge-juju/tmp.BEr8lKzge2/RELEASE/src/bitbucket.org/kardianos/service": cannot create repo: cannot find project root: Get https://api.bitbucket.org/1.0/repositories/kardianos/service: EOF05:22
davecheneyjust peachy05:22
davecheneycan't build 1.24 anymore05:23
davecheneyyay reproducible builds05:23
davecheneyany on call reviewers in the channel ? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1711/05:33
davecheneyany on call reviewers in the channel ? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1711/07:19
TheMuemorning o/07:44
dimiternmorning TheMue07:46
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dimiternTheMue, sorry, I'll be 10m late for our 1:108:02
dimiternTheMue, I'm in the hangout08:11
TheMueok, coming08:11
davecheneymwhudson: scaleway servers don't support neon08:17
davecheneyhow the F did they manage that !?!08:17
mwhudsondavecheney: ah yeah was going to paste https://twitter.com/edouardb_/status/60021198855222476809:56
mwhudsonwell, less transistors doing simd means more cpus on a die or something i guess09:56
mwhudsonseems an odd choice09:57
mwhudsonalternatively marvell had a bucket of armada 370s they wanted to get rid of10:03
sinzuimgz, did you look into the maas 1.7 failures?13:02
sinzuilooks like it is thoroughly dead.13:04
mgzsinzui: I saw them, and wimped out13:24
mgzsinzui: if you're going to do some maas resurrection now I'd like to tag along13:25
sinzuimgz: Me. The vms are paused and the nodes are gone. I don't think jog dismantled the maas, but something has13:25
sinzuimgz: I want to consult with jog first. I think we need to unpause 1.7, probably restart it too, then use the utility script to make 15 new nodes13:26
mgzhm, I sohuld have disabled the jobs on jenkins, didn't think of that13:27
sinzuimgz, can you review this to unblock 1.22.4 testing http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1713/13:55
mgzsinzui: shipit13:55
katcoericsnow: stand up14:03
* katco just noticed that out of context, her previous comment can be regarded as a weird request that ericsnow stop sitting.14:28
mgzkatco: having a space in standup makes it seem more like a command :)14:30
perrito666mgz: who says it isnt?14:30
katcomgz: hehe yeah. maybe i should make it a proper noun "Standup"14:30
perrito666katco: you could upgrade with a : now!14:31
katcoperrito666: that would just be rude :|14:32
perrito666well it works for shutdown14:32
perrito666why would it not work for stand up :p14:32
ericsnowcherylj: the solution for systemd/cloudinit that you wrote up in the bug sounds correct14:32
katcolol, for shutdown i'm commanding a machine14:32
cheryljcool, thanks ericsnow14:32
ericsnowcherylj: it may be worth double-checking with smoser about it14:34
ericsnowcherylj: I expect he wrote the systemd configs for cloudinit14:34
cheryljericsnow: thanks, will do14:35
ericsnowcherylj: let me know when you have a patch and I'll review it14:42
ericsnowcherylj: or ping me if you want any other feedback14:42
cheryljericsnow: thanks.  I'll probably have it ready this afternoon.  I'm working on a different bug this morning.14:42
ericsnowcherylj: np14:42
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
voidspaceericsnow: every time I do a full test run I get systemd broadcast messages spammed to every terminal15:04
voidspaceericsnow: and I blame you...15:04
voidspacehaven't tracked down which test it is yet15:04
ericsnowvoidspace: I accept it :/15:05
ericsnowvoidspace: what are the messages?15:05
ericsnowvoidspace: you're running vivid?15:06
voidspaceericsnow: yes15:06
ericsnowvoidspace: (by which I mean systemd)15:06
voidspaceericsnow: debug level log messages15:06
voidspace* lucap_ (l15:06
voidspaceBroadcast message from systemd-journald@UbuntuBox (Mon 2015-05-18 16:04:10 BST):15:07
voidspace[23762]: 2015-05-18 15:04:10 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:273 <- [7] machine-1 {"RequestId":6,"Type":"NotifyWatcher","Id":"2","Request":"Stop","Params":"'params redacted'"}15:07
voidspaceto *every* damn terminal15:07
voidspaceincluding vim15:07
ericsnowvoidspace: yuck15:07
ericsnowvoidspace: hmm, this is probably going to require more than a minute to track down...15:08
ericsnowvoidspace: would you mind opening a bug on this (against 1.23 and up)15:08
voidspaceericsnow: ok15:09
voidspaceericsnow: I was only complaining...15:09
ericsnowvoidspace: :)15:09
ericsnowvoidspace: I'm sure it will bug everyone at some point and it *could* imply some other issue15:10
ericsnowwwitzel3: I just realized I never applied your rb_webhooks patch to our install :(15:11
wwitzel3ericsnow: do it :)15:12
ericsnowwwitzel3: I've done so now (PRs should now be links)15:12
wwitzel3ericsnow: thanks :)15:12
ericsnowwwitzel3: unfortunately it only helps with new PRs15:12
wwitzel3ericsnow: yeah, I briefly looked at what to do for historical ones and decided it wasn't worth it15:13
ericsnowwwitzel3: yeah that shouldn't matter within a few weeks15:13
ericsnowwwitzel3: just wish I'd applied it when I merged your PR :)15:13
jcastromgz: anything new wrt. dreamcompute?15:19
perrito666voidspace: that is actually quite catchy15:22
voidspaceperrito666: :-)15:22
voidspaceit's ridiculous15:22
voidspacewwitzel3: afternoon15:22
perrito666voidspace: its not really unpleasant as background noise15:22
wwitzel3voidspace: hey :)15:22
mgzjcastro: you saw my reply right?15:22
perrito666I should try with spanish auctions but since we use less words it might not be so rap like15:23
voidspaceericsnow: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/145625815:27
mupBug #1456258: systemd broadcast message spam during test run <papercut> <unit-tests> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1456258>15:27
ericsnowvoidspace: thanks15:27
voidspaceericsnow: couldn't see how to mark it as affecting 1.23 without targetting to a milestone15:28
voidspacewhich seemed innapropriate15:28
ericsnowvoidspace: yep15:29
ericsnowvoidspace: np15:29
ericsnowvoidspace: you only get the spam when running the test suite, right?15:29
voidspaceericsnow: yeah, so far15:30
voidspaceericsnow: I haven't narrowed down which test it is I'm afraid15:30
ericsnowvoidspace: no worries15:30
voidspaceericsnow: the messages appear (always) before the output line for cmd/juju15:31
voidspaceericsnow: but running those tests alone doesn't produce it15:32
mupBug #1456258 was opened: systemd broadcast message spam during test run <papercut> <unit-tests> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1456258>15:39
mgzjcastro: was hoping to get some juju hacking time on sunday, but have now filed bug 1456265 at least to track it15:50
mupBug #1456265: Openstack provider should with without object-store <openstack-provider> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1456265>15:50
* natefinch just hit esc :wq from sublime :/15:58
perrito666and that doesnt work?15:59
perrito666I am surprised15:59
natefinchYou could probably configure it to work16:00
perrito666I believe there is a vim mode for almost everything16:08
mupBug #1456265 was opened: Openstack provider should with without object-store <openstack-provider> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1456265>16:15
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natefinchheh, just accidentally proved that the CI test I wrote fails on an unfixed version of Juju17:06
natefinch"Why the hell isn't this working? ..... oh, this is an old version of 1.24, duh"17:07
natefinchmgz, sinzui: I have a test charm that I need to call actions on... am I correct in thinking the current jujupy doesn't have support for calling actions?17:21
sinzuinatefinch, no yet.17:22
sinzuinatefinch, We certainly intend to add actions to you dummy charms, and jujupy needs to grow support17:23
natefinchsinzui: cool, well, maybe I can help out, since I need it right no17:23
sinzuinatefinch, fab, we love contributions17:23
voidspaceright, EOD18:25
voidspaceg'night all18:25
mupBug #1362324 changed: Unit tests dying on PPC64el on 1.20.6 <intermittent-failure> <ppc64el> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1362324>18:25
mupBug #1393986 changed: TestStartInstanceWithUnknownAZError nil deref panic <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Fix Released by gz> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1393986>18:25
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perrito666rick_h_: can I ask you the "gvim question of the month" ?18:49
rick_h_perrito666: sure thing18:58
perrito666do know to what settings do the gui components other than the editor obey? (especially the tabs)18:59
cheryljhey ericsnow, turns out that there's an option in cloud-config for cloud init to halt the system when it's done:  https://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/examples.html#reboot-poweroff-when-finished19:00
ericsnowcherylj: perfect19:00
perrito666rick_h_: I have  some visual effort to determine the current tab19:00
rick_h_perrito666: parsing19:00
rick_h_perrito666: so do you mean like the menu bar and such?19:02
perrito666yes, I am not sure if it is gtk, because it looks different than the rest of my system19:02
rick_h_perrito666: oh, yea, there's vim-gtk the package that uses gtk19:03
perrito666and gvim tabs is a very polluted search19:03
rick_h_perrito666: maybe check lxappearance if you're not finding it listening19:03
rick_h_as there's gtk and then there's the rest of unity stuff? /me doesn't have any decorations so can't say for sure tbh19:04
perrito666rick_h_: tx, ill hack a bit the gtk theme to see if I can get the active tab to be more evident19:04
rick_h_perrito666: stop using tabs :P19:04
rick_h_perrito666: I fought against vim forever saying I couldn't use it until it had tabs. Then it got tabs and now I realize if I'm using tabs I messed up19:04
rick_h_perrito666: but say that tongue in cheek.19:05
perrito666lol, I use tabs to create a visual path of the code, very useful when you have 6 or 7 lovely levels of indirection19:05
perrito666console vim tabs are easy to style but gtk ones seem a bit harder19:06
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
natefinchsinzui: I'm a little lost with the CI tests... are the subclasses of TestCase the actual CI tests... or are those just unit tests for the test code itself?  If the latter, how does one construct a CI test?19:19
natefinchsinzui: (as always, if there's documentation, feel free to just send me to that)19:19
sinzuinatefinch, test_*.py are tests for the test harnesses. the *.py scripts setup tests19:20
sinzuinatefinch, for ever feature added jujupy.py, we expect to see it exercised in test_jujupy.py19:21
natefinchsinzui: ok19:21
natefinchsinzui: I'm still not sure I understand, actually.  When you say "tests for the test harness" does that mean "tests that test the testing code" or "tests that show up in jenkins as failed tests indicating juju bugs"?19:25
sinzuinatefinch, none of the scripts in juju-ci-tools are specific tests for anything19:26
sinzuinatefinch, juju-ci-tools containts the libraries and scripts to create juju tests in Jenkins.19:26
natefinchsinzui: ok, good to know.  So I would add the action-running functions there.....    how does one "create juju tests in Jenkins"?19:27
sinzuinatefinch, working examples include deploy_stack.py, quickstart_deploy, and assess_recovery.py.19:30
natefinchsinzui: I thought you said none of those tests were specific tests for anything?19:31
sinzuinatefinch, We wrote those scripts to work on our machines, using cloud-city, then setup in jenkins that pass the arguments to test a version of juju in a specific environment19:31
sinzuinatefinch, they don't because without a version of juju and environment written in a jenkins job, it is generic19:32
sinzuinatefinch, in http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/2657/job/aws-deploy-precise-amd64/attempt/2649, the actual command to for that test is19:33
sinzuitimeout -s INT 30m /mnt/jenkinshome/juju-ci-tools/deploy_job.py --new-juju-bin ./extracted-bin/usr/lib/juju-1.25-alpha1/bin --series precise test-release-aws /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/aws-deploy-precise-amd64/workspace/artifacts aws-deploy-precise-amd6419:33
mupBug #1456315 was opened: Received disconnect from ...: 2: Too many authentication failures for ubuntu <juju-core:New> <juju-core 1.23:New> <juju-core 1.24:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1456315>19:52
natefinchmy #1 complaint about python:  I have no f'ing clue what any particular function will return.20:33
perrito666natefinch: have faith20:35
perrito666it is also my number one complaint aboubt declaring things with := instead of explicit declarations in go, and you dont see me complaining about :p20:35
perrito666natefinch: just assume it will return something whith the api you need, and it will almost always be the case20:36
natefinchperrito666: yes but I mean, even when *looking at the source* I can't tell what a python function returns20:36
natefinchat least in Go the types returned are declared in the function signature20:37
perrito666natefinch: well if the code is properly written you can see what the returned object looks like20:37
perrito666not knowing the type "is a feature"20:38
perrito666but I always said that python could benefit from interfaces20:38
perrito666or some sort of contract20:38
perrito666as a side effect, it makes you choose more carefully who you code with :p20:39
natefinchsinzui: is the way that we make a test fail is to have it raise an exception, or is there some other way to signal failure?20:51
sinzuinatefinch, jenkins only uses exit codes :(. 0 as pass and anything else is fail. There is no concept of skipped or error in setup.20:52
natefinchsinzui: ok.  Looks like the standard setup is to just wrap everything in a try/except and exit(1) if an exception is caught, which works well enough for my purposes.20:53
sinzuinatefinch, yep, because python will set an exit code. We also like to read the error to diagnose why it failed20:54
ericsnowwwitzel3: PTAL: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1716/21:21
davecheneythumper: nope, still busted, https://github.com/golang/go/issues/10844#issuecomment-10308684921:23
thumperdavecheney: heh21:23
davecheneyto everyone to gophercon21:26
davecheneyhave you used the hotel discount codes on the website ?21:26
cheryljdavecheney: I had the travel provider use the code when she booked the hotel21:27
mupBug #1456343 was opened: APIServer Run method doesn't validates if Machines, Services or Units are present on the request. <juju-core:In Progress by niedbalski> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1456343>21:37
wwitzel3ericsnow: looking21:45
ericsnowwwitzel3: ta21:45
mupBug #1456343 changed: APIServer Run method doesn't validates if Machines, Services or Units are present on the request. <juju-core:In Progress by niedbalski> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1456343>21:49
davecheneyand for my next magic trick, I will spend all day git bisecting which revision of the gc broke juju21:54
* davecheney pulls rabbit from hat21:54
mupBug #1456343 was opened: APIServer Run method doesn't validates if Machines, Services or Units are present on the request. <juju-core:In Progress by niedbalski> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1456343>21:55
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
wwitzel3ericsnow: ok, actually looking now, sorry, was emailing22:20
ericsnowwwitzel3: np22:20
wwitzel3ericsnow: ptal at my email when you can :)22:21
ericsnowwwitzel3: already started :)22:21
ericsnowwwitzel3: I've addressed your review comments on 171622:42
axwwallyworld: just reading your email about bootstrap. am I crazy, or did you not actually propose to change the default behaviour of auto-upgrading in the end?23:45
axwwallyworld: "bootstrap with no version specified" sounds like what we do now?23:45
axwexcept without an agent restart23:45
wallyworldaxw: yeah, that's what we do now. i was advocating keeping that for compatability and introducing a new option for repeatability23:47
wallyworldaxw: but the current option would no longer reboot agents23:47
axwwallyworld: which is basically just moving agent-version from environments.yaml to a CLI option23:47
axwsounds fine, I just thought there was going to be a bigger change23:48
wallyworldyes, - so it's a cleaner approach, and will avoid agent restarts23:48
wallyworldi tried to keep it as minimal as possible in terms of change23:48
wallyworldbut getting us to a better place23:48
axwwallyworld: how do you prevent restart? don't start until it's got to the target version?23:49
axwI mean, don't accept conns23:49
wallyworldaxw: not 100% clear yet - need to work through implementation23:49
axwokey dokey23:49
wallyworldbut could be something like that23:50
wallyworldaxw: i was going to leave that up to anastasiamac to figure out :-)23:50
axwah :)23:50
anastasiamachmm :... thanks wallyworld :D... i think :))23:50

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