
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
lazyPowermbruzek: when you get settled in this morning can I get a review on https://github.com/chuckbutler/flannel-docker-charm/pull/1613:49
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=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
jcastrorick_h_: hey when you do the new bundle spec17:55
jcastrowill old bundles stop working?17:55
rick_h_jcastro: no17:55
rick_h_jcastro: we'll do like we do now and probably go through a transform step17:55
rick_h_jcastro: but atm the new work is around just 'synchronized uncomitted changes in the gui' so we'll work with thumper and his planning work on that17:56
rick_h_these bundles will be around a long while17:56
jrwrenis there a way to remove a container - which already had the unit which it was running removed - from a machine, other than force remove the machine running the container?18:32
lazyPowerjrwren: when you destroy the service, it should clean up the container as well as part of the machine reap process. if that's not the case - i'd file a bug.18:34
lazyPowerjrwren: oh wait i misread that - this is a problem with precedence, as the machine itself went away and the container is still registered on the environment?18:34
jrwrenlazyPower: no. I expected exactly what you just said. maybe it is bug.18:35
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
lazyPowerwwitzel3: (migrating here as its juju specific) - There's a lot of the OpenStack networking vendors coming aboard the Juju Openstack ecosystem19:48
lazyPowersee: midonet, plumgrid, etc.19:48
lazyPowerwwitzel3: it may be worthwhile to link akanda to our ISV Onboarding team to do outreach/contact post ODS19:49
wwitzel3lazyPower: yeah, that's a good idea19:50
thumperlazyPower, marcoceppi: who knows most about python django charms? looking for celery stuff21:47
rick_h_thumper: it does celery ootb?21:47
thumperI noticed that django-python relates to rabbitmq-server through amqp21:47
thumperrick_h_: but it doesn't set up the celery workers, no?21:47
thumperrick_h_: I noticed the celery config21:48
* marcoceppi shys away quickly21:48
rick_h_thumper: oh, I didn't realize django shipped with that21:48
thumperbut I want the time based checker on master21:48
rick_h_thumper: I'd guess that it might write out to settings.py but can't imagine what else it would do21:48
thumperrick_h_: it does write out settings21:48
* rick_h_ pokes at the charm hooks21:48
lazyPowerthumper: iirc django needs a maintainer :)21:48
lazyPowerthumper: you seem to be really familiar with the codebase21:48
thumperbut I was wondering if someone else has already set up the worker bits21:49
* lazyPower nominates thumper21:49
thumperlazyPower: maybe...21:49
thumperlazyPower: at least I'd learn how to do it properly21:49
rick_h_thumper: might ping the other end of the company as they use django more I think. SSO is a django app if I recall.21:49
lazyPowerI'm +1 on having a core maintainer owning a single charm21:49
lazyPowerif nothing, it gives you cause/effect to dig your hands in deep in the grits of charming21:49
rick_h_lazyPower: greedy aren't we? :P21:49
thumperlazyPower: perhaps while I'm waiting for lxd to implement the needed functionality, I should look more at django-python21:49
thumperlazyPower: would really like virtual env support21:50
thumperand python 321:50
thumperand django 1.821:50
thumperI'm using the current one with django 1.7 and it is fine21:50
rick_h_thumper: oh interesting it does install the package for you heh21:50
rick_h_  pip_install('django-celery')21:50
thumperwhich I'd have thought would be in the requirements.txt anyway21:51
thumperor at least, I was going to do that21:51
rick_h_hmm, do yea it uses django-celery, sets up the config, and the relation bits.21:51
lazyPowerthumper: we have virtualenv support21:51
thumperlazyPower: not in the python-django charm I'm using21:51
lazyPowerthumper: we're using that in a few charms, where the charm drops in the .venv and does the bits it needs to do21:51
lazyPoweroh that, yeah man, maintainer needed :)21:51
* lazyPower nudges thumper closer to agree'ing to take it on21:52
thumperlazyPower: let me poke around before you throw it at me fully21:52
lazyPowertoo late, already signed you up21:52
lazyPowerincoming MP marking you as the active maintainer21:52
thumperlazyPower: what facility does charm helpers give me for writing service scripts?21:52
lazyPowerthumper: meaning upstart/systemd jobs?21:52
thumperlike: a celery worker21:52
lazyPowerthumper: we have jinja and cheetah support....21:53
thumperlazyPower: ack21:53
thumperlazyPower: so... write a template file, and put it in the right place...21:53
lazyPowercharmhelpers.contrib.templating iirc21:53
thumperlazyPower: what's the status of a stand alone nginx charm?21:53
thumperI currently have that smashed into my payload charm21:54
lazyPowersince python-django is a framework charm, meaning its providing scaffolding, there are some conventions you can follow - like making an implicit templates/contrib/etc. dir in your project that the charm scans and renders.21:54
lazyPowerthumper: there's one that exists... let me find it. its not ~recommended tho21:54
lazyPowerit was in progress then other things surfaced21:54
thumperlazyPower: it didn't exist july last year when I needed it21:54
lazyPowerthumper: ^21:54
mupBug #1356856: New Charm: NGiNX <Juju Charms Collection:Incomplete by marcoceppi> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1356856>21:54
marcoceppiplz don't use that21:55
thumperrick_h_: who are the main users of django internally?21:56
thumperrick_h_: who are using charms?21:56
marcoceppipsh, who isn't using charms!21:56
thumperI should poke21:56
thumpermarcoceppi: well... maas uses django21:56
thumpermarcoceppi: but I don't think we have a maas charm21:56
marcoceppithumper: we do have a vmaas charm iirc21:56
thumpermarcoceppi: for local?21:57
* marcoceppi searches21:57
marcoceppiODS wifi is a bit slow21:57
marcoceppithumper: https://jujucharms.com/q/maas21:58
lazyPowerninja'd by marcoceppi21:58
marcoceppilazyPower: and mine includes all maas charms <3  ;)21:58
lazyPowerLOL - beat by 1 charm that wasn't even maas related21:59
lazyPoweryou win21:59
* thumper wanders into a meeting22:00
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
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