
ki7mtHello All, not sure if anyone is around as it's the wknd but, I want to create a BZR repo on LP where a 2 or 3 person admin team can merge to the trunk while others must provide merge proposals. Is this considered the "Decentralised with shared main line" and if so, how to I establish the trunk for the team ?00:56
tewardki7mt: i think you'd push the brand new branch to lp:~teamname/project/branchname but don't quote me on that00:59
ki7mtteward, Ok, thanks, that's what I thought after reading a bit on LP. Would this main branch be created in the Team, or the project owned by the team ?01:00
wgrantki7mt: The team that owns the branch are the only people who can write to the branch.01:01
wgrantFor a small project, that team often owns the project as a whole too.01:01
tewardthat too01:01
wgrantBut they can be unrelated teams or people if you desire.01:01
ki7mtwgrant, Ok, thanks. As it stands now, it is a small team, only 5 or 6, but there's the main project, then the documentation project.01:02
ki7mtand oth have teams.01:02
ki7mt.. both ..01:02
ki7mtSo if I wanted and bzr brans url of say: lp:<project-name>  .. I would init that on my local machine, make my commits, then push the initial brach up that way?01:03
wgrantYep. You always create the branch locally, then push it to Launchpad -- it'll automatically create the remote branch if it doesn't already exist.01:04
ki7mtOk, cool, now that won't include my ~username in the URL thought right?01:05
ki7mtThat's the main thing Im trying to avoid, is having my ~ki7mt username in the url01:06
ki7mtOr any of the team members ~username for that matter.01:07
tewardif you push to lp:~teamname instead of lp:~username it should be bound to that team01:07
tewardbut keep in mind commit logs01:07
teward(they will show who committed changes, iirc)01:07
wgrantA project branch always has a URL of the form lp:~owner/project/branch, but if it's the official project trunk it also gets the URL lp:project.01:07
ki7mtwgrant, Yes, that I am trying to establish at the moment, the official project trunk01:08
wgrantIf you push directly to lp:project and it doesn't exist yet, it'll automatically be created as lp:~your-username/project/trunk, and only you can write to it. But you can then hit "Change details" on that page to change the owner to the team so they can all write to it.01:08
tewardwgrant: if they push to lp:~teamname/project/branch that'll have the team name as ownership, right?01:09
wgrantRight, but then you'd have to set the default manually (using the "Configure project branch" link on the project's homepage)01:10
tewardi think the goal of ki7mt is to get the branch itself to be team owned, not lp:~your-username01:10
tewardso that manual step would be needed :)01:10
wgrantA manual step is needed either way.01:10
ki7mtOk, so I psuch a branch:  lp:~teamname/project/branch .. then go to the home page, and Configure project branch and set it to the team ?01:11
wgrantSet it to ~teamname/project/branch01:11
ki7mtOk I think I got this sorted out :-) ..01:12
ki7mtNow if I balls this up, how can I remove that branch ?01:13
tewardwgrant: the Lucid series is 'closed' now on Launchpad for bugs, right?01:13
ki7mt10.04 yeah, I got a lod of bug close message no long ago I know that01:13
tewardki7mt: yeah i did too for packages in my radar directly, but it's still a question out there :p01:13
tewardjust a prereq question for my next one xD01:13
ki7mtAnyways, Im gonna go try out this push to LP ..01:14
tewardand whether there were any substantial API changes for mass searching for all bugs in a specific target series in the Ubuntu project and closing and commenting about EOL stuff :)01:14
ki7mtThanks for all your help01:15
wgrantteward: Support for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS ended on April 30.01:15
wgrantSearching, closing and commenting has been doable on the API since about 2007.01:15
tewardwgrant: i have a script i used... what, several months ago, I think... to mass close remaining Karmic bugs but meh01:16
tewardmy question is whether the api changed substantially or not01:17
tewardlemme go dig it up, i think it's on a usb stick somewhere...01:17
wgrantNo, that part of it is in 1.0 and hasn't changed at all.01:19
tewardlol i found a karmic bug that's still alive XD01:21
tewardand still a current issue xD01:22
ki7mtAnother question, when I create my local branch first, does it take on the trunk, branches and tags like SVN or should the first branch name just be the app or manual name ?01:28
ki7mtBascially I want to follow the ubuntu-manual setup: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual01:29
wgrantki7mt: Your initial branch would usually just be named trunk.01:29
wgrantWhy do you want to follow that?01:29
wgrantubuntu-manual has a fairly complex setup which isn't really warranted for a small project.01:30
ki7mtOk :-) .. what would you recommend, Im very much open to options here :-)01:30
wgrantki7mt: I don't know what your project is doing, so it's difficult to advise. https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/SeriesMilestonesReleases describes the model.01:32
wgrantubuntu-manual has a series corresponding to each Ubuntu series, but that's only useful if you're maintaining multiple lines of stable releases.01:32
wgranteg. releaseing 0.1.2 after 0.2 is out.01:32
ki7mtYes, this will be doing that also, but it's following the LTS releases only.01:33
ki7mtThe main project is a desktop integrate or a custom version of Mate / LXDE ..01:33
ki7mtAdn the Manual will follow those releases01:34
ki7mtreleases beaing, 14.04, 16.04 and so on, with updates only on the point releases.01:34
wgrantSo in that case you probably don't want a trunk series or branch at all -- you'll want to rename the existing trunk series to whatever the current series is called on the main project, and call the branch the same thing.01:34
ki7mtAt the moment, we dont have anything in the repo, that's where Im at now, setting that portion up.01:36
ki7mtAnd the main project is called c4c-desktop ..01:37
ki7mtThe guy that started it created a personal style branch in the c4c-project, that needs to be fixed, and it has user-name and a trunk01:39
ki7mtin the url .. which we dont really want that.01:39
ki7mthere's what he done so far: https://launchpad.net/c4c-desktop01:40
wgrantki7mt: You can just push a new branch and make it team-owned, or you can get the existing branch owner to make that one team-owned.01:41
ki7mtIs there a way to remove the old branch once we have the new team owend branch setup ?01:43
wgrantSure, the branch's owner can delete it.01:43
ki7mtOk, cool as they added a ton of binary media in there and it's huge already :-)01:43
wgrantHeh, never a good start.01:43
ki7mtHuge as in, GB huge01:43
ki7mtIm fairly well verese in Git and SVN, but to be honest here, I've not done whole lot of team and project work on LP, so, appreciate your patients here.01:44
ki7mtIn any case, I think I have a direction to head in, thanks for all the help wgrant and teward01:46
mwhudsonwhat is the expected time between a build finishing and me being able to upgrade to it these days?02:27
mwhudson(in a ppa)02:31
wgrantmwhudson: Within 20 minutes.02:31
ki7mtHello All, yet another question. I have another project that I imported code from a SF Git repo. On the code Tab of the project, there is a message that states a refresh will happen in about 5hrs or so. Is this a constant feature or does it stop at some point?06:35
wgrantki7mt: Code imports refresh regularly as long as no errors occur.06:39
ki7mtwgrant, Ok, thanks.06:40
alkisgIs it possible to push to imported branches? If so, what happens then, changes get overwritten at the next sync?08:15
alkisgI tried with https://code.launchpad.net/~alkisg/ltsp/ltsp-debian-packaging and I got: "bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(chroot-75159440:///~alkisg/ltsp/ltsp-debian-packaging/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: readonly transport "08:15
alkisg...not sure if that's the expected result, or if I did something wrong...08:15
wgrantalkisg: No, you can't write to an imported branch.08:16
alkisgThank you wgrant08:16
wgrantYou can push the modified version up to a different branch, however.08:16
alkisgGotcha, will do that08:16
wgrantLaunchpad will be offline for a few moments in about five minutes for a database upgrade.09:56
cjwatsonLaunchpad qastaging/staging will be offline for about ten minutes shortly for hardware maintenance.13:50
elfywgrant: re gmx.co.uk and launchpad - been in contact with them - last thing and seemingly the only thing that I will get from them contains this line "Please ask the admin of the domain to contact directly our postmaster so they can fix the issue: http://postmaster.gmx.com/en/ "14:21
bdmurraycjwatson: when might 17503 get rolled out?14:49
cjwatsonbdmurray: It's being rolled out at the moment.14:50
cjwatsonI was going to tell you when it was done :-)14:51
bdmurraycjwatson: Ah, thanks!14:51
cjwatsonbdmurray: That's deployed now.15:37
bdmurraycjwatson: thanks15:39
mptWhat is “paddev.net” and why is it showing up in Google search results?15:50
mptSpecifically, I just came across <https://bugs.dogfood.paddev.net/ubuntu/+source/system-image/+bug/1355093>15:51
ki7mtwow, I did not know that adding blueprints to a project would add so much Karma :-) .. mine is x4 up from yesterday :-)15:54
cjwatsonmpt: The non-production instances of Launchpad are gradually moving there so that they can't get hold of production cookies and suchlike.15:54
cjwatsondogfood has been there for a year or two, and git.qastaging.paddev.net was created there.15:54
mptAh, ok15:54
mptI wonder if there’s a way to NOINDEX the whole domain15:55
ki7mtI just saw a message about Launchpad and the use if Git rather than BZR .. is the available to the general public? If so, can someone post a link to the setup and usage docs?16:18
ki7mt.. is this available ..16:18
ki7mtNVM, I found it: https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Git16:21
ki7mtHi another question. I pushed a Git repo up to my project that did not have a trunk focus previously. How to change the Development Focus to the Git Master branch rather than the bzr trunk series ?18:56
dobeyif it's possible, i guess it would be obvious in the edit page for the trunk series on the project18:59
cjwatsonki7mt: The interaction between development focus and git repositories is someting we're still working out.18:59
cjwatsonki7mt: Which project is this?18:59
dobeyso i guess it's not :)18:59
cjwatsondobey: Not that simple.18:59
cjwatsonDevelopment focus is actually an inapplicable concept because it's per-series ...19:00
ki7mtProject: https://launchpad.net/jtsdk19:00
cjwatsonki7mt: Right, so you've already done the correct thing per our model, which is to make that repository be the "default" repository for the project.19:00
cjwatsonki7mt: We'll be improving the UI soon to take account of that in more places, and to let you say that you prefer git for this project.19:01
ki7mtI thinkso, yes, I was folling the Code/Git LP instructions.19:01
ki7mtcjwatson, Im in no rush on this, as I'm pulling it from SF anyway, but thought I'd give it a shot.19:02
cjwatsonki7mt: So just leave that as it is and the UI should gradually get better for you. :-)19:02
ki7mtOk thank you.19:02
cjwatsonper-series> I phrased that badly, I mean that the development focus for a project *is* a project series, and a project series may have a default branch associated with it.  But that model doesn't quite work for git because you normally want to keep lots of branches in a single repository instead.19:04
dobeywell, it works i think if you just consider each series to be a "fork" repository a-la github, right?19:06
cjwatsonThat works in theory but isn't actually what one generally wants to do.19:06
cjwatsonSo that's not how our model is constructed.19:06
dobeyif i create some changes to merge into an upstream git project on LP, it's roughtly the same, no?19:06
cjwatsonForks are much more sensibly applied to a contributing user's fork of a project.19:06
cjwatsonBut series default branches are much more like branches within the project's default repository.19:07
cjwatsonProject series are used for things like long-lived maintenance branches of a project (the canonical original example back in 2004 was Apache 1.3 vs. 2.0, IIRC), and if you look at say any GNOME repository on git.gnome.org people are not creating fork repositories for maintenance branches.19:08
cjwatsonSo we can do per-user forks, but they don't map to series.19:09
dobeywell git.gnome.org is not managed as a gneeral code hosting thing where lots of people contribute to lots of random projects, either19:09
cjwatsonSure, but per-series fork repositories just *do not make sense*19:09
cjwatsonSo we're not doing them19:09
cjwatsonYou *can* do things that way but it isn't the natural git workflow19:10
cjwatsonAnd the goal of hosting git on Launchpad does not include unnecessarily crowbarring it into bzr ways of thinking19:10
dobeywell, it makes sense to create a fork where the default checked out branch is for the associated series branch for the default respository of the project19:10
cjwatsonIt might make sense for a series to be able to designate a particular branch in the project's default repository, yes19:11
cjwatsonI don't know how useful that would be, and it's not in the model today19:11
cjwatsonBut it could be added19:11
dobeyi think it makes sense for maintenance work and bug tracking19:11
dobeybut *shrug* :)19:11
cjwatsonYou can still do that, it's just that LP wouldn't tell you which branch is the default, that's all19:12
mgwI'm having difficulty uploading to my PPA21:57
mgwI'm getting a failure email after uploading21:57
wgrantWhat does the failure email say?21:58
mgw"Unable to identify .... in launchpad"21:58
mgwwhere .. is "Me <me@my-laptop>"21:59
wgrantYour changelog is misformatted, I suspect.21:59
ali1234sounds like somehting to do with pgp keys21:59
mgwyes, it does sound like a gpg issue21:59
mgwbut my key appears correctly with my email host when I list keys21:59
wgrantThe end of the latest changelog entry in debian/changelog must contain a valid email address.22:00
mgwand I'm specifying that key with the -k option to backportpackage22:00
wgrantYou can override the address that dch uses by default using the DEBMAIL environment variable.22:00
mgwah, ok22:00
mgwthat explains it22:00
ali1234doesn't it also have to match the pgp key though?22:02
mgwhow long should it take to show up on LP after I upload?22:02
mgwI matched DEBEMAIL to my gpg key this time22:03
ali1234a few minutes to show up after you get a success email, and then a few hours before it actually builds22:03
mgwit's showing up now -- thanks!22:04
wgrantA few hours?22:04
wgrantNormally a minute or so, though at the moment perhaps 20 minutes.22:04
ali1234where a few = 2, in my experience22:04
wgrantWhen was that experience?22:04
wgrantAh, that was a long long time ago.22:05
wgrantThe queue is more than ten minutes deep for about an hour a day now, and then it barely exceeds an hour.22:05
mgwlooks like i just got a time machine22:06
mgwthanks again!22:07
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