
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
Muntohow can i remove a single package from the metapackage lubuntu-desktop ?13:10
ElizMunto: I don't think you can, I remember Kamilion complaining about this13:13
ElizI think, essentially, you need to mark all the other packages as being manually installed with http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man8/apt-mark.8.html13:13
Elizso that when you do remove a single package, they won't all be removed13:14
Muntooh great, i will take a look13:14
Muntothank you Eliz13:14
baizonhi, can someone tell why lubuntu.net is down?14:42
knoddixhey guys i have recently installed lubuntu 15.04 on an older machine to test it out ans hopefully use it as my go to distro for older machines from now on but I have an issue with fstab I have used an fstab example file that I have used to create my fstab files previously on bodhi linux and linux mint without an issue and the shares seem to mount if i sudo mount -a but dont automount on boot I suspect its a permissions issue but i 15:24
knoddixwith 770 to no avail15:24
knoddixany suggestions would be greatly appreciated15:25
holsteinwhat i would do is seperate these issues out. i would install, with just the main hard drive, and test.. and see that the distro works.. then, address what i need in fstab one by one15:25
holsteinif i have, say, an ntfs windows partition, i would just use the normal ubuntu documentation for adding that to fstab15:25
knoddixall four items that are not auto mounting are samba shares 1 mounted via smbfs and the other 3 are mounted via CIFS15:26
holsteinnot sure what 'all four times' means, but, i would see that the OS is installing, and working.. is that the case?15:27
holsteinthen, i would just start with the question at hand.. "im trying  to automount a samba share".. or whatever15:27
knoddix3 are natively  NTFS one is natively os extended journalled although I dont think thats relevant15:27
holsteinfor my ntfs partition i had years back, i added it to fstab with the ubuntu documentation for fstab15:28
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:28
knoddixsorry major typo I meant shares15:28
holsteini have never, personally, automounted any samba shares, but, i would try the ubuntu documentation for that15:28
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/windows-networking.html15:28
holsteinthe "mount shares permanently" part..15:29
holsteini would backup the default fstab that is working, and know how to address replacing that, from a live iso, or whatever, if something "broke"..15:29
knoddixwhat protocol would you recommend to share linux to linux i.e 2 ubuntu based distros ?15:29
holsteinknoddix: i use ssh .. but samba works well linux to linux15:30
holsteinbut, thats not what you are asking.. you are asking how to make fstab's from another os automatically work and mount shares. and that may not work15:30
knoddixcool yeah I have never really used SSH as a file transfer protocol but use it often for remote management so I mght look into that too15:31
holsteini use, personally, an ssh server, and the terminal, or gigolo as a client15:31
holstein!info gigolo15:31
ubottugigolo (source: gigolo): frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-1 (vivid), package size 130 kB, installed size 1001 kB15:31
holsteini will make windows and other OS's speak on that level to linux, rather than bolting on something to linux15:32
holsteinbut, samba works fine,  and, AFAIK, from linux to linux, works well15:32
ki7mtsamba works well either way .. *Nix to *Nix or *Nix to *Other15:36
holsteinsure, but, AFAIK, it works "better", meaning different, from linux to linux15:37
holsteinso i have read.. rather than, the samba implementation doing what it can to speak to actual windows shares15:37
holsteinbut, YMMV.. all im saying is, i feel this has taken a turn to using something other than samba, which, i dont think is necessary15:38
holsteini think what will be necessary is building those fstab lines with the current OS in mind, specifically15:38
ki7mtif you don't like Samba, what about SSHFS? there is a time out situation, but that can be resolved by editing the ssd config time out parameter.15:40
holsteini dont think knoddix "doesnt like" samba. i think its just that the fstab files that have, in the past, automounted the current samba shares, and likely a local partition, are not "just working" when dropped into lubuntu15:41
ki7mtSO is the issues that the shares are not automoutning or just not mounting manually?15:43
ki7mtsri I had to read up the channel a bit.15:43
holsteinfrom what i read above, they shares/partitions mount manually.. just not with the fstab from some other OS that worked on some other OS's15:44
ki7mtSo there not automounting then15:44
ki7mtRe: from fstab15:45
holsteinthe fstab is not automounting the shares.. the fstab created for, and used in other OS's.. and not linked here15:45
holsteinsince they mount manually, the fstab would be where i would start troubleshooting15:45
ki7mtYeah, I'd check the UUID's first: ls -al /dev/disk/by-uuid/   then ensure they are correct and the the default param's15:46
holsteincould be literally that simple15:47
holsteinos's referring to path's differently15:47
holsteini would just test the default, and then add them one at a time, testing as i go.. building *new* lines, relevant to the current OS15:47

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