
jrwrenyou are looking for information about Xen?00:17
RoyKI thought amazon was moving on to kvm these days00:22
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jrwrengood point. I've no idea. I know they used to do Xen. One should investigate this ;]00:29
Rob__is there an easy way to bail to busybox prior to getting into the meat of the boot in initramfs so I can check on a few things?00:41
Patrickdkbreak=mount ?00:44
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hadifarnoudwhat is the best open source email server that allows creation of accounts via an API?08:02
rbasakhadifarnoud: pretty much all of them - they generally support LDAP.08:04
hadifarnoudrbasak: but LDAP doesn't cut it for me. I need a REST API to manage those accounts08:04
tlyngI'm having problems writing an upstart script and are wondering if someone could help out. It's line #30 at http://pastebin.com/Tx8Epf1p which is not working (/proc/self/fd/9: [ !: not found)08:24
caribouAnyone here familiar with CEPH's upstart configuration & not sleeping in Vancouver ?09:02
hadifarnoudI want to give my customers email with their own domain. We have a site builder app and allowing them to have emails on their own domain is a must. what do you recommend?10:46
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hxmhi, I have upgraded ubuntu and now mysql won't start, the mysql.err is empty and I dont find any info about this20:46
Seveascheck /var/log/syslog and /var/log/kern.log. My spideysense is blaming apparmor :)20:47
jjohansenhxm: easiest way is grep DENIED /var/log/syslog  and /var/log/kern.log  that will show up any apparmor rejects20:49
hxmyea that's what the first I did Seveas & jjohansen but no mysql lines in those files20:49
jjohansenhxm: hrmmm well then it is likely not apparmor20:51
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sarnoldhxm: anything in dmesg?Z21:03
hxmbut I think I found the problem21:17
hxmis like mysql-server 5.6 won't support previous config files?21:17
RoyKthe only reason to use mysql is with applications that don't support postgresql :P21:18
hxmi don't win the war just because start an other war21:19
hxmjust starting*21:19
sarnoldyeah, mysql updates sometimes break things. oracle is just trying to remind you that they also sell a "real database" if you'd like to employ one of their certified DBAs...21:20
RoyKyeah - just $20k for the wee Oracle server21:20
hxm$20k more than mysql21:23
RoyKand $20k more than postgresql21:23
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RoyKwhich does things better than mysql in almost any way21:23
RoyKbut then, things like wordpress are fixed on mysql, so we're stuck with it with some apps21:24
sarnoldI suspect that says as much about those apps as anything else..21:24
RoyKI've been working hard to move everything possible over to postgresql21:24
RoyKsarnold: indeed21:24
RoyKsarnold: hardcoded SQL in the plugins is the main cause21:25
RoyKugly indeed21:25
sarnoldRoyK: those very same plugins that are a steady stream of CVE requests? :)21:25
* RoyK is not a developer :P21:26
sarnoldRoyK: mitre vulnerability identifiers21:27
RoyKoh, that CVE21:28
RoyKhalf eleven and I'm tired :P21:28
sarnoldwe're getting old man, we're gettin gold..21:28
RoyKsarnold: I taped this on the door to the developers at work https://xkcd.com/327/21:31
sarnoldRoyK: hahaha a classic :)21:32
RoyKsarnold: and then they took it down and I taped this up http://xkcd.com/1513/21:32
RoyK(see mouseover on the last one :D)21:33
sarnoldRoyK: hahhaaha21:33
RoyKsarnold: I taped that to their door and waited an hour or two when I found them somewhat clustered around it, puzzled, asking who put it up, and once they saw me, HA! CAUGHT!21:41
RoyKsarnold: we're still friends, the developers and I <(21:47
sarnoldhaha good21:48
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roy_what is a good way to backup a server off server automatically at set times22:41
RoyKroy_: what sort of backup software?22:48
roy_I looking for a way to backup server22:48
RoyKbackup to tape? to disk? to cloud?22:49
roy_maybe offline to s322:49
RoyKrsync? dirvish?22:49
RoyKlots of software out there22:49
RoyKdirvish is old, but it works22:50
RoyKbackuppc is perhaps a bit more modern22:50
roy_Am looking for one which is easy to setup22:53
sarnoldRoyK: "FAQ last updated Wednesday, 2005 February 16 by Keith Lofstrom" hehe more than ten years since the last time anyone remembered to update the faq change time :) looks promising, hehe22:55
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