
cmaloneygood morning12:27
cmaloneyrick_h_: JoDee says your pictures are lovely, but she said "bite me" re: the hashtags ;)12:27
rick_h_cmaloney: :)12:27
dzhojrwren: water, uh, finds a way15:34
cmaloneyJust got back from Frankenmuth for the anniversary weekend.20:36
jrwrenhappy anniversary.20:38
cmaloneyThank you.20:38
cmaloney12 years of JoDee putting up with me in wedlock.20:38
mthxCongrats! I'm at -1 month for that same statment.20:40
brouschcmaloney: It's a miracle you're both still alive. Congrats20:46
cmaloneyThank you. :)20:50
cmaloneybrousch: no doubt.20:50

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