
knomeUnit193, you need to ping pleia2 for the docs. subdomain update09:49
flexiondotorgIs whom ever added xubuntu-core support to Xubuntu available for a chat?12:39
flexiondotorgelfy, bluesabre, ali1234 Do you know who did that work?12:39
knomewhy not ask the real question and find out12:39
knome(others can likely answer some questions too)12:39
flexiondotorgWas adding xubuntu-core support merely making changes to livecd-rootfs or something else?12:40
knomeit's a new metapackage which was then added as a task12:40
flexiondotorgknome, So not an ISO then?12:40
flexiondotorgknome, Is the idea you install the mini iso and then install then new meta package?12:41
knomei don't know the actual ISO creation, but i would imagine setting that up is a simple thing after you have the task12:41
knomeinstalling via the minimal iso is the recommended way, yes12:41
ali1234it's not an ISO yet12:46
knomeali1234, well there are the community ISOs...12:46
ali1234at least not officially12:46
flexiondotorgknome ali1234 Unit193 It is an nice idea. I have have an ubuntu-mate-core seed/task/meta package from the outset. 12:50
flexiondotorgknome ali1234 Unit193 So would also like to offer a 'basic' Ubuntu MATE just based on the core seed.12:50
flexiondotorgInterested in working togather on this?12:51
knomefirst, please stop pinging several people at a time consistently...12:52
knomesecond, what is it you are looking for from the cooperation?12:52
knomedo you need help and pointers what you need to do in order to do the same thing as xubuntu did? or would you like some other feedback on your core from the team?12:53
ochosihmpf, awesome, obviously i dropped off irc during my absence...14:32
ochosianyway, hey everyone!14:33
pleia2wb ochosi 14:33
ochosiand anything you might have pinged me about: please repeat :)14:33
pleia2knome: I don't need pinging, I just need to do it, it's on my list :x14:33
ochosithanks pleia2 :)14:33
* pleia2 off2conference now14:33
ochosihf pleia2 14:33
elfyochosi: welcome back :)14:36
ochosihi elfy :)14:38
ochosii'm reading up on 200+ emails, so it might take me a day more to weed through them all and reply where needed14:38
ochosifeel free to ping me towards the end of the week if you feel i overlooked something14:38
ochosipleia2's report on the qa incentive was quite interesting+surprising14:39
ochosimy subjective impression was much more positive14:39
ochosibut the arguments make sense i guess14:39
Unit193So what was the question then?15:39
elfyanyone else getting problems rebooting and/or shutting down wily when booted with upstart?17:32
ali1234what kind of problems?17:46
elfyit doesn't - just loops back to login screen17:51
elfyand at login screen - the restart/shutdown options are apparently disabled17:52
astraljavaelfy: Haven't tried, but can in a while.19:00
=== slickyma1ter is now known as slickymaster
ali1234elfy: someone reported that the other day but i could not reproduce21:54
ali1234let me check my logs21:55
ali1234wait, no, it was the opposite21:56
ali1234"I've noticed that when I go to shutdown my laptop, if I click cancel, it still shuts down."21:56
bluesabrehey everyone22:15
bluesabrewb ochosi22:15
Unit193Heya, bluesabre.22:15
bluesabrehey Unit19322:15
Unit193Oh, Bug 145568922:24
ubottubug 1455689 in germinate (Ubuntu) "Please support git in addition to bzr" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145568922:24
Unit193So we could technically, soon. :D22:24

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