
=== Ninjahmahs is now known as Ninjahmahs_lurki
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bjgbobI think I've found a bug, but I'm not sure what it's in00:58
bjgbobI have a dual-monitor setup, but the monitors are different sizes00:58
bjgbobIf I go into fullscreen mode in a program like ScummVM or DOSBox, when I exit the program, I'm not reverted to my previous monitor setup00:59
bjgbobinstead, both screens are set to the highest resolution of the smallest monitor and the display is doubled rather than extended00:59
bjgbobthe issue is consistently reproducible00:59
valoriebjgbob: please file a bug against kscreen at bugs.kde.org02:04
GroklingGah. Second full crash today. Trying to use this for work, but it's proving tenuous!02:08
valoriea few people seem to be experiencing crashes -- knock on wood, I'm not one of 'em02:10
valorieI wonder what the commonality is02:10
GroklingI haven't got enough clues yet - both times playing audio via chrome, once was pandora, the second was youtube. Locks up, audio loops, and nothing except the reset button works (ctrl+alt+f2 et al. do nothing) nouveau graphics driver.02:12
GroklingI also notice that there's a glitch between dolphin and kate - clicking a file makes dolphin appear like it's locked, the file opens in kate, and when it is closed again, dolphin pops up an error about being unable to contact kate, and then starts working again.02:13
bjgbobvalorie, thank you02:21
prwon a fresh install of kubuntu, when i go into "System Settings" -> Icons->Advanced, the "size" box is blank and doesn't let me choose anything.  Any ideas how to fix that?02:27
bjgbobvalorie, I'm beginning to wonder if this isn't an SDL issue, since other programs like Flash work fine in fullscreen02:36
bjgboband I believe DOSBox and ScummVM both use SDL02:36
valorieGrokling: there is a bug filed about the dolphin <> kate situation03:29
valorieadding your input might be helpful03:29
=== kevin is now known as Guest39266
N3X15So uh, don't try to generate a password with Keepass2 in Kubuntu on VirtualBox.04:41
N3X15Entire VM locked up.04:42
freerouteN3X15: < /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c${1:-128};echo  ## Generate a random string.05:13
N3X15Oh I know.05:13
N3X15But it's so much easier to right-click > generate new password05:13
freeroutetrue, but it might be something with getting too much entropy from the VM system.05:13
=== Ninjahmahs_lurki is now known as Ninjahmahs
krutoileshiiquick question: got an issue where i have my iphone (work phone) visible in Banshe select folder menu but it is completely absent in Dolphin06:04
valoriekrutoileshii: do you have libgpod installed?06:10
valorieI don't know about Dolphin in particular, but that is how amarok interfaces with i-devices06:11
krutoileshiiNo i'm talking when it should be mounted as a normal storage device06:11
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krutoileshiiit's seen by pretty much any app that uses GTK but dolphin cannot see it (device notifier does not see it either)06:12
krutoileshiii can currently pull it up in GIMP06:12
krutoileshiifiguring out what package is causing this would be helpful so i could file a bug report on this06:22
valoriekrutoileshii: perhaps mtp06:27
valoriemy phone shows up even though it's not connect, since I have kde-connect installed on both my phone and the computer06:28
krutoileshiino KDEConnect for iOS unfortinatly.06:30
valorienot sure what's going on with mtp06:34
krutoileshiitake a look06:35
krutoileshiiside by side06:35
valorieso that "basic data partition" is not your phone?06:36
krutoileshiino that's not it06:37
krutoileshiiit's a windows partition06:37
valoriehusband has an iPhone, but it's a few thousand miles away atm06:37
valorieoh, ok06:37
krutoileshiii just plugged it in to charge and noticed by accident06:38
valorieif nothing else, file against Dolphin06:38
krutoileshiifigured migth want to file a bug report on this one06:38
valorielet the devels figure it out06:38
krutoileshiiwell don't think it's dolphin06:38
valoriefile it on bugs.kde.org though06:38
valorienot launchpad06:38
krutoileshiidevice notifier is not seeing it either06:38
=== Grokling__ is now known as Grokling
yossarianukhi - I have one issue ruining Plasma5.x for me - gtk apps are missing checkboxes, etc08:23
yossarianuki.e nvidia-settings, virt-manager , etc you cannot see where the checkbox buttons are08:27
yossarianukits really annoying08:27
yossarianukif I change to GTK3 theme to default.I can see buttons/checkboxes08:36
yossarianukthe default theme in Kubuntu 15.04 many GTK apps you have no idea where the buttons checkboxes are08:36
yossarianuk(unless you know the app already)08:36
yossarianukI want to report this as a bug (its a terrible usability bug) what package should I file it under - btw ubunut-bug is segfaulting (again)08:37
yossarianuki.e the 'ubuntu-bug' command crashes08:37
yossarianukon 15.04 - default install (no PPA's , etc) ubuntu-bug segfaults with08:38
yossarianuk315917.218646] QXcbEventReader[3019]: segfault at 7fd722824099 ip 00007fd722824099 sp 00007fd7202d8e20 error 14 in locale-archive[7fd7228b3000+2c9000]315917.218646] QXcbEventReader[3019]: segfault at 7fd722824099 ip 00007fd722824099 sp 00007fd7202d8e20 error 14 in locale-archive[7fd7228b3000+2c9000]08:38
yossarianuk[316915.791893] apport-kde[8340]: segfault at 8 ip 00007f0aea63a0c3 sp 00007fff27213090 error 4 in libQt5Core.so.5.4.1[7f0aea5b4000+533000]08:38
yossarianukThis is on 2 completely different desktops08:38
yossarianukso - as ubuntu-bug crashes (so I cannot use it)  what package shall I file my bug report (i.e missing buttons/checkboxes  in gtk apps in a default 15.04 install) against ?08:40
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GroklingCrash again. This is getting tiresome!09:56
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yossarianukanyone ?10:29
yossarianukWhat package do I send a bug report on for missing checkboxes/buttons in GTK apps in Plasma 5.x?10:30
yossarianukubuntu-bug is broken so cannot use it.10:30
yossarianukanyone ?10:38
yossarianukthere is a huge glaring usability bug in 15.04 - I want to report it, what package should I report it as ?10:38
yossarianukif I use orion or oxygen-gtk I cannot see checkboxes/buttons in gtks apps - i.e virt-manager/nvidia-settings10:39
yossarianukthats fairly major.10:39
sick_rimmityossarianuk: Hmmm10:54
sick_rimmitI'm torn between themes and oxygen-gtk10:54
sick_rimmitbut it's outside my realm of knowledge.10:55
yossarianuksick_rimmit: bare in mind, the default gtk theme - orion has the issue.10:55
yossarianukas well as oxygen-gtk10:55
yossarianukits not h/w specific - occurs on my intel GPU laptop and my Nvidia GPU desktop10:55
yossarianukalso occurs on plasma 5.2 + 5.310:56
Naphatuli'm getting this again: KDEInit could not launch '/usr/bin/kate'10:56
Naphatuland changing the default editor to gvim doesn't work10:57
Naphatulit reverts automatically10:57
Naphatulany ideas?10:57
yossarianukone other issue I have is a degradation in game FPS performance randomly with  plasma5.x ..10:57
yossarianuk(only seen that on my Nvidia GPU desktop - I don;t play games at all on my laptop)10:57
sick_rimmityossarianuk: will ubuntu-bug play from the command line for you ?10:57
yossarianuksick_rimmit: no - thats how I tried to run it originally.10:58
sick_rimmitIt will collect lots of vital system info, and even it it posts to the wrong....10:58
yossarianuk2 different machines.10:58
sick_rimmityossarianuk: Oh that's dissappointing10:58
yossarianukmorgan@morgansdesktop:~$ ubuntu-bug10:58
yossarianukkf5.kiconthemes: "Theme tree: (Breeze)"10:58
yossarianuk(I get to choose which area the bug is in..)10:59
yossarianukSegmentation fault (core dumped)10:59
yossarianuk[325416.725642] apport-kde[13418]: segfault at 5008 ip 00007fb8aee590c3 sp 00007ffe3c5bf600 error 4 in libQt5Core.so.5.4.1[7fb8aedd3000+533000]10:59
yossarianuk--> happening on 2 different machines..10:59
sick_rimmityossarianuk: 'm just trying ubunut-bug 2 ticks11:00
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found11:00
yossarianuksick_rimmit: just to confirm I choose 'other problem' -> 'other display-related problem'11:02
yossarianukthen it segfaults11:02
Groklingyossarianuk: I'm seeing segfaults too. and the dolphin<>kate bug. And occasionally, for no discernable reason full lockups - recoverable only with the reset button. Not so good when I'm trying to use it for work!11:04
GroklingI started out with no mouse cursor... that was kinda awkward.11:04
yossarianukwell my desktop doesn;t crash at all just the ubuntu-bug app does11:06
sick_rimmityossarianuk: Yep, I can confirm that, I get the same segfau;t11:06
yossarianukhowever If I choose  'other problem' -> 'I don't know' it 'seems' to work )at least gets to the next section.)11:07
yossarianuki'll try and bug-report ubuntu-bug....11:07
sick_rimmitYes very good]11:07
yossarianukok submitted bug report for ubuntu-bug (apport-kde) here11:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 1456579 in xorg (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-bug segfaults, Kubuntu 15.04 (100% reproducible - multiple machines)" [Undecided,New]11:14
yossarianuksick_rimmit: can you go to the bug and confirm it happens to you too to get the bug moving ?11:15
Naphatulany ideas why KDEInit could not launch '/usr/bin/kate' keeps poppuing up?11:15
Naphatulhappens every few days not sure what it's caused by11:15
DeepfriediceI may as well ask here as well:11:16
DeepfriediceHey. I've recently run into an issue where I lose HDMI video signal after logging in on Kubuntu 14.10 (64bit). I can swich to other VTs and still get an image, but trying to view the graphical desktop just cuts straight to the monitors "HDMI No signal" message.11:16
DeepfriediceI've tried going through some of the system logfiles, but none of them seem to show anything weird. Any idea where else I can look?11:16
GroklingNaphatul: There's a bug with dolphin - despite it actually opening the file in kate, it thinks it hasn't. Dolphin appears locked up for the duration of the file being open in kate.11:18
NaphatulGrokling: there's no file open in kate and it's preventing me from openning any files11:18
Naphatulinterestingly the order was set accuratelly in mimeapps.list but the dialog from dolphin to change it still lists the wrong order11:20
yossarianukDeepfriedice: have you tried adding a new user (temporally) and try to login with that to see its not a user setting thats buggering your display ?11:20
Deepfriediceyossarianuk: Good idea.11:21
yossarianukalso do you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file ?11:21
DeepfriediceNow I just need to remember how to add users from the terminal11:21
Deepfriedicechecking now11:21
yossarianukDeepfriedice: sudo adduser [username]11:22
DeepfriediceUh, actually. it turns out that when I log into a terminal FIRST, I do actually get a message.11:22
Deepfriedicesystemd-logind[1013]: Failed to start unti user@1000.service: Unknown unit: user@1000.service11:23
yossarianukcan anyone else who cares about a working ubuntu-bug/apport-kde function please also say this bug effects them ?11:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 1456579 in apport (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-bug segfaults, Kubuntu 15.04 (100% reproducible - multiple machines)" [Undecided,New]11:23
Deepfriedicesystemd-logind[1013]: Failed to start yser service: Unknown unit: user@1000.service11:24
DeepfriediceThat might be relevant.11:24
Deepfriedice /etc/X11/xorg.conf file doesn't exist.11:25
Groklingtry   xrandr -q11:26
yossarianukDeepfriedice: its not - I saw that message on all systems upgraded from 14.04 +11:26
DeepfriediceI didn't upgrade, but okay.11:26
DeepfriediceAnyway, guest can log into the desktop fine.11:27
yossarianukDeepfriedice: I forgot that also  - however its the same result - i.e a new untouched default user.11:27
DeepfriediceI guess it's just my user config that's fucked.11:28
yossarianukok - well you can do things like rm -rf ~/.kde  , etc11:28
DeepfriediceIs that safe?11:29
yossarianukthere is also .local .config, etc - however be careful, I know steam stores its files in one of those folders.11:29
yossarianukDeepfriedice: I cannot say it is, I have no idea  what you have installed - it is what I would do though  - you may loose kde app settings ,etc11:30
DeepfriediceSteam is ~/.local/share/Steam/11:30
DeepfriediceWell, surely KDE has it's own logs, right?11:30
sick_rimmityossarianuk: Bug confirmed11:31
yossarianukDeepfriedice: I am unsure you could always ask in #kde ?11:31
yossarianuksick_rimmit: cheers11:31
DeepfriediceWait. I can log in fine now?11:32
DeepfriediceI deleted .xsession-errors to see if it was being re-created, and now it all works?11:33
yossarianukwell thats great news !11:33
yossarianuklazarus !!11:33
yossarianuk(thats what the Amiga called your harddrive when it 'came back from the dead')11:33
DeepfriediceActually, it could have been the guest login that fixed it.11:34
DeepfriediceMaybe that cleaned out something or something.11:34
DeepfriediceI'm gonna reboot and check that this sticks, I don't really trust magic fixes.11:34
DeepfriediceNope, it's dead again.11:35
yossarianukboo !11:36
yossarianuktry going to a terminal (ctrl+alt+f2 - login then 'sudo service sddm restart' then re-login ?11:37
yossarianuk(off for lunch - good luck.)11:37
DeepfriediceOh man. ~/.cache/upstart/startkde.log exists. And it's a Disaster Area.11:50
BluesKajHowdy folks12:04
DeepfriediceQuick question: where are the transparency settings for KDE panels hidden?12:14
DeepfriediceNevermind, it's under Workspace Appearance -> Desktop Theme -> Details12:17
DeepfriediceI think thats everything.12:18
amariIs there ksuperkey for plasma5?12:33
BluesKajamari, ksuperkey??12:41
amariBluesKaj: Yes, in order to use the Meta-key alone for activating some option or the main menu12:42
BluesKajsorry I have no idea what you mean12:43
freerouteguys, I think I have the wrong dolphin installed or something, this is my 12.04 version - http://kpaste.net/83ac0e6 - but it is for example not moving stuff between folders and not getting the terminal up (with F4).12:46
freeroutethis is what happens when I simply startup dolphin - http://kpaste.net/05766c9f812:46
freerouteso I was wondering is there an official KDE PPA with recent Dolphin for 12.04?12:51
rattkingtoday I started getting a bunch of segfaults of  kactivitymanage,ksplashqml,kscreen_backend,plasmashell,kwin_x11,kglobalaccel513:37
rattkingI am on the 4.3 ppa13:37
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as S-USA|IPL
xieyihow do decrypt a file with private key. I remember there is a menuitem in the right key menu in dolphin but I cant find it on kubuntu 15.04.14:19
xieyiI have setup kgpg14:20
excalibrI'm having a weird problem with pm hook on 15.04. The hook script which I placed in /etc/pm/sleep.d/ never seems to be rsn when kubuntu goes into suspend to ram mode14:34
excalibrAny idea why?14:35
excalibr% cat /etc/pm/sleep.d/sleep_test14:35
excalibrecho "$1" >> /tmp/sleeptest.log14:35
excalibrI'm suspecting the script was not ran because the file in /tmp was never created14:36
excalibrand yes the script has executable flag14:37
excalibrAdrien06, Aerides, Aesen, afx237, ainur0, airking, aitorpazos, aljosa, allee, alvaropag, alvin, amichair_, andy__, Anoniem4l, AntiSpamMeta, ArGGu^^, arunce, Ashareth, Avihay, Avihay_work, bduncan, benonsoftware, benvantende, BGL, Bigcheese, BigJim, billv__, BluesKaj, boubbin_, brech, bshah, buriedalive, Chaser, chrissg, cjwelborn, claudia, claydoh, codebrainz, ColtonDRG, crdpink, cryptfu_, Cueball,14:57
excalibrcup`ocoffie, CyberSix, DalekSec, Darkwing, darokthar_, DarthCodus, dashcloud, dcmul, DeadS0ul, Deepfriedice, delian66, denza252, desert, dgm816, dhawal_, Dhs92, diana_olhovik, digcat, dilfridge, DLange, dolomite, DonVitoCorleone, dougl, Dragnslcr, drw, Dry_Lips, eagles0513875_, Earthwings, ebravick_, ed__, elky, emma, emmanuel_, epipercepi, ErichEickmeyer, eshlox, EvilRoey, Exagone313, Exposure, Fafhrd,14:57
excalibrfayaz, FlameReaper, floown, freaky[t], frecel, frecel__, freeroute, friti, f|shy, ghostcube, gi3_, Goldman60, gonyere, Grokling, hateball_, Haudegen, headnetq, hele, helios_, Heliwr, hggdh, HmpfCBR, howlymowly, Husarz, hyper_ch, hypokrit, IdleOne, igitoor, iieklund_, ikonia, imatefx, inetpro, InspectorCluseau, jakob__, jalcine, jayne, jchonig, JeroenDeDauw, JeZxLee_, Jikai, JLP, JMichaelX, johnflux__,14:57
excalibrJonathanD, jpwhiting, K1rk, kalz, keithzg, kloeri, kottlett, KrakenSkulls, ksinny, Lakii, lfain, LjL, LogicalDash, lordievader, M3mphiZ, m4v, madeti, Mamarok, mayko, McLive, mewshi, mhall119, Micki, midnight_, miguelauso, mikaelsa, miklcct, misty_g3ar, mmcgarr, moparisthebest, Moscherkobold, mparillo, mr-rich, MrDHat, muh2000, Murook, murthy, mussolini, nairdaus, nfk|laptop, nighter, Ninjahmahs, noisysound,14:57
excalibrnono, Odur, olafw, omerraja, omzon_, otjura, ovidiu-florin, packi, PaulW2U, pfoo, phodius, phunyguy, Pici, PlasmaStar, prashant_, promulo_, proteusguy, prx034, pvoigt, QuinnStorm, Quintasan, ralsina, rattking, rdieter, rexxster, riclima, Riddell, rimd2r, Rish, RobertJDohnert, rohan, roland__, rotzbub, ryanakca, ryaxnb, s_20, salapin, sayakb, sbivol, scain, schmidtm, sgclark, Shaan7, shadeslayer, Shaggoth,14:57
excalibrsharky, Shaun__, sick_rimmit, Silmarilion, Simonious, skfin, skomorokh, skramer_, snapzz, snypzz, solarseed, SonikkuAmerica, SouL_|_, spicypixel, spike3838, SporkWitch, Stern, struktured, struk|desk2, swex, swizgard, sword_smith, tackat, tadh, Taggnostr, tapout, tdn, telex, testi, thelionroars, three18ti, threedee, Tm_T, Tm_Tr, tmoenicke, toscalix_, tsimpson, tyche_, ubuntulog, Unit193, ValicekB, valorie,14:57
bshahwhat the fuck!14:57
unopasteexcalibr you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:57
shadeslayerwhat the heck14:57
jpwhitingnot pasting, highlighting for no reason :/14:57
shadeslayerI do wonder if it's a good enough reason to ban someone14:57
howlymowlyyes, it is14:58
ghostcubeits a damn bot14:58
shadeslayerit is?14:58
BigJimHello. I'm finally getting ready to give Kubuntu a try. Can someone tell me if I can run it from a live CD or stick as I make the transition. Thanks.14:58
dcmuli think its a bot14:58
buriedalivewhat the hocus pocus14:58
hyper_chawwwww. I was excited that somebody wants to talk with me :(14:58
excalibrsorry guys I was tempted to do it. This chan is freaking dead :\14:58
shadeslayerwell, seems to have quited down14:58
mhall119shadeslayer: every Freenode channel seems to get these guys every once in a while14:58
freerouteI on the other hand kind of like it when this happens on dead / too calm channels. Suddenly it's filled with activity again :)14:58
shadeslayerexcalibr: no, that's not an excuse for this behaviour14:59
howlymowlyBigJim: yes, you can run it from a live CD14:59
ghostcubeexcalibr: your a bot?14:59
riclimaBigJim, yeah you can run from a Live CD/stick.14:59
howlymowlyBigJim: and sstick14:59
excalibrghostcube, I asked a question earlier above14:59
excalibrbut nobody responded14:59
excalibror wanted to15:00
BigJimOK, thanks guys. I'm just at point absolute zero.15:00
bshahthats not how IRC works15:00
shadeslayerexcalibr: well, that looks like a general question you could ask in #ubuntu too15:00
freerouteBigJim: I'd recommend doing it on a USB stick, but those can be tricky to prepare. See the docs for more info.15:00
howlymowlyBigJim: you can also use live - cd + stick to save data you produce15:00
ghostcubeno reason for highlighting the whole channel15:00
shadeslayerexcalibr: I'm going to let this go, but please don't do that again15:00
excalibrOkay sorry. Peace15:01
EvilRoeyexcalibr:  hi15:01
excalibrhi EvilRoey. Apparently it's me who's evil today15:01
EvilRoeyaha! :)15:02
EvilRoeyexcalibr:  what was your question?15:02
EvilRoeyexcalibr:  that you needed help with?15:02
excalibrsomething about pm hook script in /etc/pm/sleep.d/ not being executed on suspend to ram on 15.0415:03
excalibrI wonder if it has something to do with systemd15:03
excalibrit's been known to devour independent features15:03
EvilRoeyexcalibr:  interesting15:08
EvilRoeyexcalibr:  I know that a slew of things messed up when I attempted upgrading from 14.10 -> 15.0515:08
EvilRoey-> 15.0415:08
rdieterexcalibr: may be of interest, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Power_management#Hooks_in_.2Fusr.2Flib.2Fsystemd.2Fsystem-sleep15:10
excalibrrdieter, thank you. So the sleep hook section in the wiki says15:22
excalibr"systemd does not use pm-utils to put the machine to sleep when using systemctl suspend, systemctl hibernate or systemctl hybrid-sleep; pm-utils hooks, including any custom hooks, will not be run. However, systemd provides two similar mechanisms to run custom scripts on these events. "15:22
excalibrmaybe that explains my problem with pm hook script15:22
excalibrI guess15:22
rdieterexcalibr: exactly15:23
rdieterin short, pm-utils isn't really used anymore (not when systemd does it better)15:23
lonnieI hAVE 15.04 ACPI issues timeout modification has no effect through the gui is there a way to edit the config files manually and set my timeout for locking screen to 180 mins15:35
ShishKababDoes Gwenview freeze for anyone else when zooming on an image, cropping it and saving it as a different file?15:58
otjuranope. what imageformat ShishKabab16:14
nfk|laptopexcalibr, you might also want to ask #systemd because ubuntu/kubuntu 15.04 is using systemd and coincidentally it's also doing pm for you16:28
nfk|laptopin fact, systemd would love to wash your underwear if it could16:28
nfk|laptopand freenode is too forgiving, anyone who did this is darker irc servers would get some kind of irc-hero-line within minutes16:29
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ShishKababotjura: PNG. But now every time I try to open Gwenview it just hangs. Is there any way to switch back to KDE4? My whole system feels very unstable and I cannot be productive with this..16:54
Irish_Canonhello all... tring to install ffmpeg on my system and its giving me a error when running the ./configure17:21
genii!info ffmpeg17:23
ubottuffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): Tools for transcoding, streaming and playing of multimedia files. In component universe, is optional. Version 7:2.5.6-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 (vivid), package size 1145 kB, installed size 1751 kB17:23
geniiIrish_Canon: Is there some reason you are not using ffmpeg which is in the repositories?17:24
Irish_CanonI have tried the repos that are listed and it doesnt work correctly...17:26
Irish_Canonis there one i dont know about.17:26
geniiPlease elaborate on "doesn't work correctly"17:26
Irish_Canonthats what i get when doing the ./configure17:31
geniiIrish_Canon: Instead of trying to figure out what the ./configure problem is, it would be better to understand what issue you are having with the version which is in the repositories.17:34
=== max is now known as Guest92051
Irish_Canonwhen i install from the repo it tells me that its no long supported17:35
=== JeZxLee_ is now known as JeZxLee
geniiIrish_Canon: You must have an older Kubuntu then. They went away from ffmpeg to avconv for a short time, but now it is back to ffmpeg, and it is fully supported.17:36
Irish_Canonim running 14.1017:37
geniiThen it is fully supported.17:37
Irish_Canoni do a apt-get install ffmpeg and it errors on me17:38
geniiPlease pastebin the errors for examination17:39
Irish_Canoni sent it to you already17:41
geniiIrish_Canon: The pastebin of the result of sudo apt-get install ffmpeg ...not the pastebin of  ./configure17:44
Irish_Canongot it... was using the wrong PPA17:46
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=== David1977 is now known as Guest93273
user0how to install flash player for firefox and chromium-browser?18:38
BluesKajuser0,install flashplugin-installer for Firefox, if you use chrome-browser instead of chromium you get a builtin version of flash which works better than the flash plugin for chromium18:46
user0BluesKaj,  I have chromium18:47
user0how to install flashplugin-installe18:47
BluesKajsudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer18:48
BluesKajin the konsole18:48
BluesKajchromium might not work too well on some websites that use flash18:49
user0flashplugin-installer is already the newest version.18:50
user0flashplugin-installer set to manually installed.18:50
user0and its not showing up in muon18:50
user0strange that it didnt showed up in muon when I searched it18:51
BluesKajwhich kubuntu?18:51
BluesKajwell it should be there18:52
user0flashplugin-installer set to manually installed.18:52
user0flashplugin-installer set to manually installed.18:52
user0flashplugin-installer is already the newest version.18:52
user0still I cant see flash videos in any browser18:53
user0BluesKaj,  should I reboot18:53
BluesKajno need , just close FF and chromium if they're open18:54
geniiToo late18:54
MoonUnit`chromium needs pepperflashplugin-nonfree18:55
MoonUnit`Netscape Plugin API has been removed by google18:57
BluesKajI dumped chromium in favour of  chrome18:57
BluesKajchrome runs without issue18:57
BluesKajaltho I don't use it much18:59
BluesKajgenii, have you noticed the CTV site won't play flash in FF or chromium ...came across as few others with similar behaviour, non recognition of the installed flash19:01
geniiBluesKaj: Yeah a few like that. CBC, BBC and TSN also19:02
BluesKaj"download adobe flash"19:02
BluesKajCBC is ok here19:02
BluesKajTSN is a CTV branch ...probly usingh the same old adobe flash versions19:04
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=== MangaKaDenza is now known as MKD
EtriaphCTV plays for me in Chromium19:58
Etriaph<-- in Ottawa19:58
BluesKajEtriaph, flash?20:02
EtriaphI can watch an episdoe of Master Chef Canada if I want20:11
* BluesKaj shrugs, still prefer chrome20:14
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=== Guest38426 is now known as tarantel87

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