
=== natorious is now known as zz_natorious
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mrkzhello, Is there a [full] documentation of  all the cloud-init configuration options (/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg)?17:28
mrkzlooking atm http://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html but looks incomplete to me17:28
harmwjust out of python curiosity, how current is Flask for writing a simple REST service?18:42
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robjoTrying to mimic a config drive outside of OpenStack using qemu but am not having much luck, could use some help20:53
robjoI have the config in ISO format and am attaching the iso file to the VM with the -cdrom option for qemu20:54
robjoThe device shows up as /dev/sr0 and thus I figured it should just work, but it does not appear to be picked up, any ideas?20:55
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mrkzrobjo: maybe try #qemu ?21:24
robjomrkz: I am trying qemu21:25
robjoqemu-kvm -netdev tap,helper=/usr/lib/qemu-bridge-helper,id=hn0 -device rtl8139,netdev=hn0,mac=00:16:3e:7e:18:36 -m 2048  -cdrom /work/tmp/configDrive/configdrive.iso openSUSE-13.1-OS-guest.x86_64-0.0.6.raw21:25
robjoInside the vm the ISO shows up as /dev/sr0, that based on my understanding of the code should be all there is to it21:26
mrkzI mean #qemu channel, this one looks a bit inactive :/21:26
robjooh, sorry21:26
mrkzrobjo: I just joined and ask, but no answer so far21:28
robjoit's more of a cloud-init than a qemu thing21:29
mrkzrobjo: so, if you're trying to mimic an openstack instance boot, shouldn't you look into nova instead of cloud-init?21:32
robjocloud-init initializes the VM and I want to test some changes to cloud init without having to set up OpenSTack21:33
mrkzI'm kinda new to this, but afaik nova boot up the VM and then cloud-init runs @ boot time inside the VM and then performs all you setup in config file21:36
mrkzdunno if I'm right tho21:36
robjomrkz: Yes that's how it works21:37
mrkzrobjo: so I quite don't understand your issue21:38
mrkzalso, what I do to test is rm /var/lib/cloud and then re-run cloud-init init inside VM21:39
robjoWhen cloud-init runs it gets data from a so called data source, this can be a meta data server or can also be a so called ConfigDrive21:39
robjoConfigDrive is one of the options offered with OpenSTack and is used for example when the environment cannot have a DHCP server21:40
robjowhen using ConfigDrive cloud-init can write the network configuartion file and then bring upi the network21:40
robjoBut this implies that the config drive is properly recognized by cloud-init21:41
robjoTheoretically having the config drive info in an ISO file that is attached to the VM and shows up a /dev/sr0 should be sufficient, however in my case cloud-init does not appear to find the config drive21:42
robjothus I cannot test the writing of the network configuration file21:42
dbuechlerRobjo: Unfortunately, I don't know anything about ConfigDrive, other than cloud-init seems to have a datasource for it.  What version of cloud-init are you running?21:48
dbuechlerWhat OS is the VM?21:49
robjodbuechler. it really doesn't matter, but it is openSUSE 13.121:51
robjoanyway I had another ISO and that one works as config drive :)21:51
robjoLooks like the second ISO I generated is not quite what cloud-init expected21:51
robjoI am all set21:51
mrkzrobjo: have you looked @ /var/log/cloud-init.log in both VM instances?21:52
dbuechlerrobjo: Glad to hear that you got it figured out.21:56
dbuechlerI've got a problem of my own... cloud-init 0.7.7, built as an rpm for CentOS 7 using 'make rpm' runs on boot but bombs with:21:57
dbuechlercloud-init[1260]: import cloudinit.util as util21:58
dbuechlercloud-init[1260]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/util.py", line 49, in <module>21:58
dbuechlercloud-init[1260]: from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse21:58
dbuechlercloud-init[1260]: ImportError: No module named urllib21:58
dbuechlerI have python-urllib3 1.5 installed, so I'm at a loss to explain it.21:59
robjoCouple of sources for the trouble would be that the dependencies in the rpm are not correct and when installing cloud init python-six is not pulled in21:59
robjobut six.moves.urllib is imported, not urllib22:00
mrkzdbuechler: but does $ python -c "import urllib; print urllib" work?22:00
dbuechlerGood question!  Wait 1.22:01
mrkzno, as robjo said before, try this instead22:01
mrkz$ python -c "from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse; print urlparse"22:01
dbuechlerOk.  One sec and I'll find out.22:02
dbuechlerReturns No module named urllib22:03
dbuechlerI have python-six 1.3.0 installed.22:04
dbuechler...from rpm - probably EPEL.22:04
mrkzso, I might be wrong, but looks like your six package lacks that22:05
dbuechlerErrr, looks like a stock CentOS package.22:06
dbuechlerHrm.  Ok.  I'll check and see if EPEL has a six package.22:07
robjoI would concur, python-six-1.3.0 is most likely too old22:07
robjoI have 1.8.0 on my system and things work22:08
dbuechlerOk.  I'll take a look around and report back.  I appreciate the input.22:09
dbuechlerReporting back on my urllib issue - updating six in my CentOS 7 image with "pip install --upgrade six" DID solve the problem.  python-six that ships with CentOS 7 is too old.22:47

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