
ianorlynhmm alternate failed badly00:44
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybuni
=== ahoneybuni is now known as ahoneybun
ianorlynwait why does entire disk install a seperate /home partition in ubiquity now19:23
ahoneybundoes it?19:24
ianorlynthe install complted in a lubuntu install in 8 GB but has a 98 percent full / partition19:24
* ahoneybun has always used manual19:24
ianorlynmanual works the best but I need to test entire disk for QA19:24
ianorlynthis won't be good if someone basically makes a vm then installs some small thing and the / get full could end up flooded with support requests19:59
ianorlynhmm the other question is what do I file the bug against as it doesn't have enough space for updates20:11
ianorlynwxl ^^20:16
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
ianorlynwait I give it more space and it uses the entire thing on i386 why would it do that?20:30
=== aaron is now known as Guest85752
=== Guest85752 is now known as ahoneybun
wxlstill need help ianorlyn ?20:55
ianorlynI am not sure what to do about an install that by defualt makes / 98 percent full20:59
wxlhow can it make it 98% full? what's it filled with?21:00
ianorlynum it gives all free space to a /home partition21:02
wxldo other images do that?21:02
ianorlyni386 doesn't21:04
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
wxlother flavors let's say21:07
ianorlynI will try them21:07
wxlcuz if the problem is universal, we can probably put it against ubiquity21:07
wxli don't think ubiquity actually uses parted/gparted so i think that would be better21:08
wxlif the problem is isolated to lubuntu, then you could file it against the lubuntu iso21:08
wxllubuntu-meta if you have to ianorlyn21:11
ianorlynok I think I messed up and inserted a digit when allocating the vm memory so it had more ram than disk space21:36
ianorlynwxl xubuntu didn't when I ran it with sane inputs for the creation of the virtual machine21:40
ianorlynand I tried the apparent bad iso with sane values and it is working how it should21:41
wxlianorlyn: so fluke?21:42
ianorlynpretty much21:42
ahoneybunwxl: ianorlyn so you and gsilvapt prefer LaTeX?22:17
* ahoneybun still has not finished his Slideshow22:17
Unit193ahoneybun: Asciidoc is pretty awesome, fwiw.22:17
wxlahoneybun: i don't, but that's what the manual uses22:17
ahoneybunwxl: though of using pandoc to convert it to something it supports?22:18
wxlsure ahoneybun22:18
ahoneybunwxl: to much work for everyone to learn another language?22:19
wxlahoneybun: well, the reason why we did that is to keep in line with the ubuntu manual. leverage their technology22:20
gsilvaptSomeone pinged me here? My pc was rebooting22:20
wxlahoneybun: from your presentation's perspective, i'd say it would be good to sugegst such a thing!22:20
gsilvaptDidn't see it and switched section22:20
ahoneybunwxl: ianorlyn so you and gsilvapt prefer LaTeX?22:21
ahoneybunwxl: moving to another lang?22:21
gsilvaptYea, we think it is better22:21
wxlahoneybun: yeah, something more universal22:21
gsilvaptGreat scalability and easy to collaborate with22:21
gsilvaptuniversal, that's the term22:21
ahoneybunyes agreed22:22
ahoneybungsilvapt: maybe I'll upload something to my github to demo for you and wxl22:22
ahoneybunwell the current things I have up on it should be demo enough22:22
gsilvaptIn LaTeX or RTS?22:23
ahoneybunyou followed the repo gsilvapt22:23
gsilvaptYeap, I did22:23
ahoneybunhttps://github.com/ahoneybun/kubuntu-manual for wxl and ianorlyn22:24
ahoneybunwxl: RTS has some awesome stuff22:52
ianorlynwxl it is quite hard to build the ubuntu manual23:14
wxlianorlyn: that's one reason why i stand behind ahoneybun's ideas23:15
ahoneybunin its current state it does not have to be *built* to be edited23:22
ahoneybunjust source files atm23:22
gsilvaptjeez, wxl was navigating our Wiki and there's so many things outdated... What the hell :o23:28
ahoneybungsilvapt: lives!23:29
gsilvaptI was here :)23:29
ahoneybungsilvapt: I have a sample tex file on there as well23:35
ahoneybunusing pandoc to create it23:35
gsilvaptSorry, I'm currently working on something else23:47
ahoneybungsilvapt: np just wanted you to be aware of it23:50
gsilvaptI've seen that before, when you sent me the github repository23:50
gsilvapteven though I didn't comment antyhing23:50
gsilvaptHonestly, I have been working hard on my thesis until today23:50
gsilvapthad another drawback so I'm on hold until next monday23:51
ahoneybunno problems like I said man23:51
ahoneybunwe all do this in our free time23:51
ahoneybunwell most23:52

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