
wxlum that's weird00:00
wxltry running lxpanelctl restart00:00
Goose_The color changed the clock color at the right, but not the actually windows00:01
wxlit's not the panel settings00:01
wxlhold on lemme fire up a vm00:01
Goose_It just makes it really hard to read the active windows like that and I cant find the setting for it ANYWHERE00:02
wxlit's the task bar (windows list) settings00:02
wxlif you can click an area next to an app you might get to it00:03
wxlbut you can get to it through panel settings00:03
wxljust click on the panel applets tab00:03
wxlthen click "task bar (window list) in the plugin list00:03
wxlso it's highlighted00:03
wxlthen click preferences on the right00:03
wxli think "flat buttons" may help00:04
wxlalso getting rid of the "flash when there is any window requiring attention" might help00:04
wxlbutr flat buttons kills the hilight00:04
Goose_That was so easy...00:06
Goose_I just...00:06
wxlyep :)00:06
Goose_Thanks a whole lot man!00:06
wxljust remember you can get to all the lxpanel components' individual preferences in the panel applets00:06
wxlor you can fuddle with right clicking on them XD00:06
Goose_I'm actually just installing it for a friend, are there any general Lubuntu only tips you got for him?00:09
Goose_I'm stuck on Debian/Ubuntu so I dont know too much about Lubuntu00:09
wxlwell, come to irc or join the mailing list to ask questions00:09
wxlwe're a friendly bunch :)00:09
wxlif he's coming from the windows world, as you know, linux is a little different…00:10
Goose_Will do! Gonna throw Lubuntu on ym laptop in a bit00:10
Goose_yeah, he's only ever used windows so it'll be abit00:10
wxlif he's new to lxde, it's very stripped down and there's not alwyas a big flashing easy button00:10
wxlin general, there's an easy way to do things, but it may not be as obvious00:10
wxlthere's still a couple things that don't have proper gui configuration front ends…00:11
wxlfor example, alsamixer for sound00:11
Goose_yeah, I guess he'll have to get used to googling like everyone else haha00:11
wxlor he can come here or use the mailing list, as i said00:11
Goose_What's featured on the mailing list? Also link?00:11
wxlthe other thing to remember is that unlike windows, lubuntu (just like linux in general) can be whatever you want00:11
wxlso if you want to install all the pulseaudio garbage for him, he'll have the easy button for sound :)00:12
wxlyou could even install compiz if you really wanted XD00:12
wxlmailing list is…00:12
wxlgenerally it's only for support00:12
wxldevelopment/qa/etc happens on other lists00:13
Goose_What's a good wm that isn't tiling?00:13
* wxl shrugs00:14
wxldepends on what you want00:14
wxli like openbox personally00:14
Goose_I'll have to look. Advantages of Openbox?00:14
wxlit's already in lubuntu XD00:14
wxlit's also very simple00:15
wxlno real frills00:15
wxlno compositing, even00:15
wxlwhich to some people is a bug, not a feature :)00:15
Goose_Oh! Well then I kinda like it. But I'm also new to Lubuntu. I actually just got it on his pc because it was old and running xp.00:15
wxlcool, that's a perfect reason to put lubuntu on00:16
Goose_bug/feature same difference really00:16
Goose_Yeah it started with Ubuntu 14.04 unity just b/c i had the live usb already and it ran BADLY00:16
wxlwell i'm the release manager and head of qa for lubuntu and am usually here if you need anything else, Goose_00:16
Goose_But Lubuntu is running great, got it all customized and nice00:16
wxlincluding fun stuff like how to report bugs :)00:16
wxlyeah that's what brought me here in the first place, too00:17
wxli support the vision that ubuntu has for their desktop interface, but i don't want it on my laptop XD00:17
Goose_Thanks so much! I will definitely be back00:17
Goose_thanks again00:17
wxlthank you!00:17
jay34788sometimes my mouse arrow cursor turns into two curors with a tiny desktop printscreen image in center........how do I stop this from happening ?00:26
jay34788*turns into two mouse cursors........seems like a glitch of some sort in lubuntu00:27
jay34788any fix for iit ?00:27
jay34788another problem I am having is when I scroll down with the house it will switch from desktop 1 to desktop 2 back to desktop 1 and vice versa00:32
jay34788argh.......my spelling is off, my bad00:33
jay34788if anyone cares to shed some sort of advice on how to fix these problems I am having with lubuntu, it is much appreciated00:33
ianorlynjay34788: there are lines in ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml that can be removed for switching00:39
jay34788ianorlyn: i tried that but I still got the problem, I assume I did not remove all the necessary lines00:40
ianorlynhttps://gist.github.com/c509dc7ab2e39c2cdaeb and then you need to run openbox --reconfigure to reload the config file00:42
jay34788alright let me give it a shot00:44
Goose_What's the easiest/best way to make a live usb?02:39
Goose_Not for ubuntu, for debian\02:40
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:40
holsteinGoose_: most distros allow you to dd copy iso's, if you prefer. should be able to use unetbootin, or whatever the debian community suggest...02:40
Unit193You seem to be in the wrong channel, try  /join #debian02:41
NgBUCKWANGSdoes lubuntu 15.04 have lxqt 9?12:24
zh1when i have lubuntu locked screen noticed cant access machine via teamviewer how can i change this?15:19
=== ianorlin is now known as ianorlyn
uioHullo - sometimes my machine just slows down to the point of effectively freezing. Is there a way to put in a sort of ctrl-alt-del that would allow me to avoid my present tactic of a hard reboot ??20:04
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key20:09
Unit193There's other magic keys too, I invoke OOMKiller.20:09
ianorlynuio: have you tried control alt f1 in case it is just GUI freezing20:10
jay224how do I change the root password ?20:35
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:35
jay224so I just type in !rootsudo in terminal ?20:36
ianorlynno that was to get the bot to show the documentation on why should not20:36
jay224what is the terminal command to change my current root password ?20:37
Unit193jay224: Try reading the text.20:38
jay224i skimmed through it and see nothing about changing the root password to a new pass20:40
ianorlynjay224: because it is telling you why you should not do it20:43
jay224i had changed my password once and now I wish to change it back to the old pass I had but it keeps saying the pass is too simple or too similar to my current root pass20:44
jay224i tried this sudo passwd root20:44
jay224went through the prompts but unfortunately it didnt change my root20:45
jay224isn't there a command which will allow me to change my password to anything I want without restrictions or denials20:47
jay224got it20:51
jay224passwd ...........thats the command to change the password20:51
jay224such a helpful group, thankyou20:52
Powersourcei can't manage to scroll in lxterminal. "scrollback lines" is set to 1000 (default) and i've used more lines than fits in the window, but the scrollbar is still full length21:26
ianorlynPowersource: is this in the pager less21:36
ianorlynI think that is a known bug21:36
Powersourcepager less?21:37
ianorlynless is a command that can scroll text in a terminal21:42
ianorlynif the output doesn't fit on a screen but the scrollbar won't work lxterminal as a bug21:42
ianorlynbut up and down can work but I think you are talking about ouput of old commands right21:43
ianorlynPowersource: did you just open the terminal?21:43
Powersourceianorlyn: a while ago, yes?21:44
ianorlynif you haven't filled the screen up the scrollbar appears full height21:44
Powersourcewell i did. now it seems to work when i restarted the terminal21:45
ianorlynalthough if you used a command that uses ncurses it might not define what scrolling does and will take up the entire terminal until you quit it21:47
Powersourceianorlyn: i was running commands like normal21:48
Powersourcebut could i have done that while affected by another command?21:48
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