
dholbachgood morning06:30
davidcalleGood morning!07:27
=== erkules_ is now known as erkules
seb128hey there, not sure who has topic edit right, but you might want to "snappy-ubuntu" -> "snappy" in the Bugs launchpad url08:00
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Weights and Measures Day! 😃08:32
Chipacamvo: hi there08:41
mvohey Chipaca08:41
Chipacamvo: I called it packageYaml.dirname because there's already Dirname(part)08:42
Chipacamvo: also because no other word described what it did08:42
Chipacawas tempted by fqdn too08:42
Chipacamvo: i mean: "no other word described what it did" applied more to when i worte Dirname(part)08:42
Chipacamvo: fullname comes close, but isn't descriptive08:43
mvoChipaca: I kind of like fqdn better, dirname pops images of directory structures into my brain, but like I said, maybe thats just me :)08:43
Chipacamvo: otoh i know dirname is not immediately obvious08:43
mvoI guess namespacedName is too long :/08:44
Chipacamvo: also, wrong08:44
Chipacamvo: because it's not namespaced if it's a framework or a gadget08:44
mvoaha, because for frameworks its not08:44
Chipacaquite :)08:44
mvofqn() :) ?08:44
mvofqsn() - full-qualified-snap-name?08:44
mvobut I can life with dirname(), I just wish we had a better name08:45
Chipacaalthough Maybe makes me think it's either the namespaced name, or nil08:50
* mvo nods and scratches head08:51
dholbachmvo, in the package.yaml - am I supposed to use "name: appname" or "name: appname.username"?09:05
Chipacadholbach: name: appname09:05
dholbachit looks like the former (else I get "package name with namespace not supported")09:05
dholbachthanks Chipaca09:05
Chipacadholbach: the origin does not go in the yamel09:05
dholbachok cool09:06
dholbachogra_, can you pull from lp:~dholbach/+junk/chatroom?09:07
dholbachogra_, ... and have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/node-snapper/update/+merge/259584?09:07
ogra_dholbach, oh, nice, but i dont think that will work for non wily ... the cdimage url is completely different for released tarballs09:08
dholbachogra_, distro-info will always give you the current release09:09
dholbacherr, current development release09:09
ogra_dholbach, right09:09
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/datengrab/holbi$ wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/daily/current/trusty-core-armhf.tar.gz09:10
ogra_2015-05-20 11:10:07 FEHLER 404: Not Found.09:10
ogra_the REM_ vars need to be adjusted too ...09:10
ogra_daily/current/$DIST...tar.gz only works for the durrent devel release09:11
dholbachright... I though that the current dev release is what we want?09:11
ogra_if you ran node-snapper on a trusty system DIST would be set to trusty09:11
ogra_but that url only works for wily :)09:12
seb128does anyone has topic edit right/saw my comment earlier?09:12
ogra_dholbach, for trusty the url would have to be http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/trusty/release/ubuntu-core-14.04-core-armhf.tar.gz09:12
ogra_(note the different tarball name (along with the different path)09:13
dholbachogra_, ok... I thought distro-info-data was backported for trusty, etc09:13
dholbachthen we probably just update the string to 'wily' and be done with it :/09:13
dholbachseb128, sorry, no op privileges here :/09:13
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/datengrab/holbi$ distro-info -d09:14
ogra_ubuntu-distro-info: Distribution data outdated.09:14
ogra_Please check for an update for distro-info-data. See /usr/share/doc/distro-info-data/README.Debian for details.09:14
ogra_i guess thats the problem here09:14
seb128dholbach, ok, no worry, hey btw :-)09:14
dholbachhey seb12809:14
ogra_apt doesnt think it is outdated ... weird09:15
dholbachogra_, I'll leave it up to you to either update your trusty vm or just use 'wily' as string in the script - 'vivid' doesn't work :)09:15
ogra_yeah, i have the wily change local, just not merged yet09:15
dholbachok ok09:15
ogra_yours appears better though09:15
ogra_(saving me from updating every cycle)09:15
ogra_yeah, works after update ...09:16
dholbachogra_, I'm turning your blog entry into a tutorial, that's why I was verifying all the steps09:19
ogra_merged and pushed09:19
dholbachboth? :)09:20
ogra_no, looking at the chatroom one now09:20
dholbachthanks ogra_09:20
ogra_i cant buiuld snaps here due to a bug in the verification for "ports" :/09:21
dholbachwhich version of snappy do you have installed?09:21
dholbachis this vivid?09:21
ogra_latest from the PPA09:21
ogra_snappy-tools is 1009:21
ogra_click-reviewers-tools is 0.26~snappy0.14.04.109:22
dholbachand ubuntu-snappy-cli?09:22
ogra_yeah, just noticed09:23
dholbachfrom https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+archive/ubuntu/beta09:23
dholbachman... you're years behind!09:23
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/datengrab/snaps$ snappy build snap-inspector-term/09:24
ogra_Generated 'snap-inspector-term_0.1-1_multi.snap' snap09:24
ogra_YAY !!!!09:24
ogra_dholbach, did you try rolling a chatroom snap with that change ?09:24
ogra_(i'm surprised there is not more to change)09:24
ogra_doesnt complain though ...09:25
* ogra_ merges09:25
ogra_and pushed09:27
dholbachogra_, if you create the snap like that and sideload it using snappy-remote... does the chatroom app work for you?09:33
ogra_dholbach, no, if i create it like that the whole of node-snapper is missing :)09:35
ogra_cant work09:35
ogra_you need to follow the steps ;)09:35
dholbachI think I did09:36
ogra_right, i didnt :)09:36
dholbachahhhhhh ok :)09:36
ogra_i dont think you can start a snap service like that09:37
dholbachI was just trying to debug why it didn't start up09:37
ogra_use systemctl ... and watch syslog09:37
ogra_well, the PATH isnt right ... and you will mis all the env vars when just calling it with sh09:38
dholbachwhat would the systemctrl invocation be?09:38
ogra_not sure if we still redirect stdout to syslog, but you could switch to "set -ex"09:39
ogra_systemctl | grep chatroom09:39
ogra_that gives you the service  name09:39
dholbachsorry, I meant... how do I use systemctl to start the chatroom?09:40
ogra_systemctl start <name of service from teh grep command>09:42
ogra_probably sudo too :)09:42
dholbachI don't see it listed there09:42
ogra_yeah, just noticing the same with my snap-inspector-term09:46
ogra_seems the systemd handling changed09:46
ogra_(my snappy knowledhge is about as outdated as that package above was :) )09:47
Chipacamvo: pushed with 'qualifiedName'09:49
ogra_does anyone know how systemd for snaps changed ... is that documented anywhere ?09:50
ogra_(i dont see a unit for my snap ... )09:50
Chipacaogra_: changed when?09:51
Chipacaogra_: hasn't changed :)09:52
Chipacain ages. two weeks at least.09:52
ogra_Chipaca, well, i'm using a snap that works fine on my really old (several months) snappy install09:52
ogra_i re-built with a new snappy (fixed all complaints) and installed it ...09:52
ogra_systemctl doesnt list it ...09:53
ogra_(and it obviously doesnt autostart as it used to)09:54
* ogra_ sees /apps/snap-inspector-term.sideload/0.1-1/meta/snap-inspector-term.snappy-systemd but nothing installed anywhere else09:57
Chipacaogra_: interesting09:59
ogra_i see it attempted to start in syslog10:00
ogra_(amd64)ubuntu@localhost:~$ systemctl list-units| grep inspector10:00
ogra_(amd64)ubuntu@localhost:~$ sudo grep Inspect /var/log/syslog10:01
ogra_May 20 09:43:27 localhost systemd[1]: Started Inspect the environment of a snap package in a browser.10:01
ogra_May 20 09:43:27 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Inspect the environment of a snap package in a browser...10:01
Chipacaogra_: sudo systemctl | grep -i inspector10:03
ogra_no change ...10:03
Chipacaogra_: note the sudo there10:04
ogra_yeah, i tried with and without10:04
Chipacaogra_: what's your package.yaml like?10:04
Chipacasystemd usually prints *something* if it tried to start it. and you say there isn't a file in /etc/systemd/system for your service?10:05
ogra_there is10:06
Chipacaah! what's it called?10:06
ogra_but systmctl doesnt seem to know about it10:06
Chipacaogra_: and “systemctl status snap-inspector-term_snap-inspector-term_0.1-1” isn't helpful?10:08
ogra_ok, calling it gets me a start event10:08
ogra_but it doesnt start and there is no stdout debug output in any log :/10:08
ogra_do we exclude snaps from list-units for security reasons ?10:09
ogra_also how do i get the old verbosity back ?10:11
Chipacaogra_: no, they're always there10:11
ogra_we used to redirect stdout of the started script to journald ... seems that is suppressed now10:11
ogra_which makes debugging really hard ...10:12
Chipacaogra_: i'm not aware of that having changed10:12
ogra_May 20 10:07:12 localhost.localdomain sudo[3133]: ubuntu : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/ubuntu ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/systemctl start snap-inspector-term_snap-inspector-term_0.1-1.service10:13
ogra_May 20 10:07:12 localhost.localdomain sudo[3133]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by ubuntu(uid=0)10:13
ogra_May 20 10:07:12 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Inspect the environment of a snap package in a browser.10:13
ogra_May 20 10:07:12 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Inspect the environment of a snap package in a browser...10:13
ogra_that is all i get10:13
Chipacaogra_: let me start with a fresh image here, as i'm not seeing what you're seeing10:13
Chipacaogra_: what image are you on?10:13
ogra_even with the start-service.sh script set to "set -x"10:13
ogra_the kvm image currently ...10:13
ogra_the released one10:13
Chipacaogra_: rollin'?10:13
ogra_no, whatever is in the default docs for kvm10:13
ogra_15.04 image ....10:14
Chipacaogra_: can you give me the command you used to create the image?10:14
ogra_i didt10:14
ogra_wget http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.04/ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64-generic.img.xz10:14
* Chipaca wgets10:15
ogra_the script is surely still having issues (using SNAPP in the var names etc) ... but i kind of would expect that i can get some more verbose output from the failed start10:16
Chipacayou should10:17
Chipacaand it also should be in list-units10:17
Chipaca(which is the default command, btw; you don't need to say it)10:17
ogra_well. it definitely isnt ...10:18
ogra_but this time rount it at least seems to respect the set -x ... i see a bit more output10:18
Chipacaogra_: can you try whether the xkcd one works?10:18
dholbachinstalling it through webdm this at least works:10:21
dholbach(amd64)ubuntu@localhost:~$ sudo systemctl | grep -i xkcd10:21
dholbach  xkcd-webserver_xkcd-webserver_0.5.service                                                loaded active running   A fun webserver10:21
dholbachand ps shows:10:21
dholbach/usr/bin/python3 /apps/xkcd-webserver.canonical/0.5/bin/xkcd-webserver10:21
zygaasac: hey10:21
Chipacadholbach: and systemctl status xkcd-webserver_xkcd-webserver_0.5.service should be nice too10:22
ogra_yeah, all fine with that10:22
Chipacaogra_: can you put your snap somewhere so i can give it a poke?10:23
ogra_i would prefer to get proper output from the startup though .,... to be able to fix it myself10:24
ogra_using set -x doesnt give me any error output10:25
ogra_oh, and i see why10:25
ogra_there is an "ubuntu-core-launcher" that seems to swallow it10:25
ogra_thats not on my old snappy installs10:25
Chipacathe launcher shouldn't affect stdout/stderr10:26
ogra_well, i seem to get stdout ...10:26
asaczyga: hello10:26
ogra_but since the start fails i would also expect something on stderr10:26
ogra_the paths look all ok10:27
Chipacathis reminds me, mvo: when you've got a sec, we should discuss the launcher private tmp branch thing10:27
zygaasac: I'd like to schedule a call with you, it's not urgent, I'd like to talk about snappy certification10:30
ogra_Chipaca, hmm, i suspect there is something wrong with the node binary actually ... setting all the vars manually and trying to run it it just silently returns10:31
mvoChipaca: right after lunch maybe? so in about 1h? or now but then I don't know how much time I have until lunch is ready :)10:32
Chipacamvo: basically, making the tmpdir predictable opens us up to nasty attacks10:33
Chipacamvo: so we either need to be very careful, or we use mkdtemp10:33
Chipacamvo: leaning towards the latter myself. think about it and tell me after lunch maybe :)10:33
ogra_yay, now i get roper ouutput10:35
ogra_*proper output10:35
mvoChipaca: my gut feeling is mkdtemp too, being careful is not my strength and its also hard to get right IME (i.e. hard to be careful enough :/10:36
mvoChipaca: I have not looked at this branch yet, I need to do that10:37
Chipacaogra_: yay10:37
Chipacamvo: tyhicks is looking :)10:37
ogra_bah, and now apparmor gets in my way10:39
Chipacaogra_: these security modules, coming over here, stealing our jobs10:51
ogra_"stealing our jooobs"10:51
ogra_well, the package is a mess ... (apparently) ...10:52
Chipacamvo: also about the launcher, what do you think of changing it so we pass in all the bits and it creates the environ 'from scratch'?10:54
ogra_what dholbach tried above seems to be very typical when debugging (just running the start script with "sh -x" ) ... is there a way to manually run the launcher instead ... heanding the path to the script to it to be able to debug ?10:58
ogra_if so we need to put it in the docs ... if not, it would be nice to have such a feature :)10:58
* ogra_ just tries using /usr/bin/ubuntu-core-launcher ... seems it doesnt set a single var ...11:04
ogra_finally got it working11:10
ogra_hmm, semi-working it seems11:11
dholbachogra_, did you update the branch already? :)11:24
sergiusensChipaca: I see mvo was not as lazy as me and commented on the review :)11:25
ogra_dholbach, yes11:25
sergiusensgood morning btw!11:25
ogra_all your changes should be pushed11:25
Chipacasergiusens: yeah, i'm thinking of firing you as a reviewer and getting another mvo instead11:25
sergiusensmvo: btw, I discussed this with Chipaca yesterday http://snappy.asac.ws:9001/p/dot.store can I get your thoughts?11:25
Chipacasergiusens: he's not as mean11:25
sergiusensChipaca: :(11:25
sergiusensChipaca: you are mean!11:25
Chipacasergiusens: only because you like it!11:26
dholbachogra_, what's still missing?11:26
sergiusensChipaca: in any case, I didn't find anything that bothered me, and planned to look at again today, so there11:27
ogra_dholbach, dunno, i have to run through the whole howto again ...11:27
Chipacasergiusens: neener neener11:27
ogra_(just trying to debug the other snap now, i'll move over to chatroom after that)11:27
dholbachogra_, ok, I'll try as well11:27
sergiusensChipaca: should I base my origin change on top of this one or are there more coming?11:28
asacsergiusens: that one is very cryptic11:29
asacnot clear what it is proposing11:29
ogra_asac, can you fix the bug link in the topic to not use snappy-ubuntu ?11:30
ogra_(seems it is readonly)11:30
Chipacasergiusens: there's going to be "more coming" all week :)11:30
Chipacasergiusens: this one is probably a good place for it as any11:31
Chipacasergiusens: next one *should* be the move to make a lot of things methods on SnapPart, but i've had branches pop up in the middle of this before now :)11:31
=== asac changed the topic of #snappy to: Our 4 Forces: Snappy for Things: http://www.ubuntu.com/things || Snappy for Cloud: http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/tools/snappy || Snappy for App Devs and Porters: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/ || Snappy for Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy :P
asacogra_: i have no idea how to change anything wrt access settings etc... so just changed it. if we want to change acls etc. or you need op powers talk to lool :P11:39
asacor i think it was beuno11:39
ogra_i'm not eager to get op powers ... usually if there is a troll i'm still searching for the right commands to gain OP when someone else already kicks him :)11:40
rickspencer3is this really the right way to set up wifi on my bbb?11:43
rickspencer3seems like making the partition rw is sub-optimal11:43
Chipacarickspencer3: if it needs you to set the partition rw, it is not the right way11:45
* Chipaca reads11:45
Chipacarickspencer3: we're shipping wpa_supplicant already11:47
Chipacarickspencer3: so the post is wrong, but also outdated11:47
rickspencer3Chipaca, so I just need to drop a config file somewhere?11:47
ogra_looks like11:48
Chipacarickspencer3: beats me :) but either drop it or edit it11:48
Chipaca(i can find out, certainly, but i don't know offhand)11:48
mvoChipaca: launcher> if you mean that instead of generating all this env madness in the wrapper script it should go into the launcher, thats a plus one from me, we just need to make sure that we do as little as possilbe in the part that runs as root, but thats obvious anyway :)11:52
Chipacamvo: it would mean changing the way we call the launcher (we need to give it the version and origin and some other stuff)11:52
mvosergiusens: reading the etherpad now11:53
mvoChipaca: yeah, I'm fine with that as long as its not too ugly :)11:53
Chipacamvo: the alternative being to parse yaml in C11:54
mvoas root!11:54
* mvo drops dead in shock11:54
mvosergiusens: dot.store looks good, I'm a bit unhappy that /frameworks and /apps have a different dir layout now, i.e. one with /$origin/ in there and the otherwithout, but its not a big deal and probably unavoidable, I guess I just like symmetry :) I will add some inline comments12:01
beunoogra_, I haz the power12:02
beuno(so does the ubuntu IRC council)12:02
ogra_yeah, thats usually my last resort :)12:02
beunoogra_, happy to give you access12:03
ogra_nah, i'm find pinging someone with power ... we usually dont lock the topic iin ubuntu channnels though12:03
dholbachogra_, does it work for you now?12:20
ogra_dholbach, havent gootten to chatoom yet ... i'll let you know then12:21
rickspencer3does this look to anyone like i have my wifi configured properly?12:27
dholbachmvo, I'm looking at a tutorial which seems partly to depend on python being in the Ubuntu Core image - do you have plans to change that? :)12:28
beunorickspencer3, depends what properly means. No IP address, not connected to anything12:29
rickspencer3beuno, right12:29
rickspencer3so, that's a "no" :)12:29
mvodholbach: sort of, for 16.04 it will most likely change, for 15.04 it will stay (unless asac decides otherwise :)12:30
dholbachok... do you have a bug open for it?12:30
rickspencer3beuno, does this look right? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11244055/12:31
ogra_rickspencer3, no, remove the EOF12:31
rickspencer3dang it12:31
ogra_the rest looks fine12:31
rickspencer3I assumed the EOF would be ignored12:31
beunoalso, now we can all park in front of rickspencer3's house and leach off the wifi12:32
ogra_it is the second half of the "echo" in the blogpost :)12:32
rickspencer3oh fudge12:32
ogra_if you remove the echo line you also need to remove the EOF12:32
rickspencer3ogra_, I think I am looking at the wrong thing, can you give me the link again?12:33
ogra_dholbach, there are more issues with node-snapper (just starting to inspect them)12:33
ogra_rickspencer3, which link ?12:33
ogra_http://www.marinus.nu/2015/02/enabling-wifi-on-snappy-ubuntu-core.html ?12:34
rickspencer3ogra_, oh, I thought you were referring me to a blog post with instructions12:34
rickspencer3let me look12:34
rickspencer3right, that's the one I used12:34
rickspencer3but since Chipaca told me that wpa supplicant was already installed, I skipped installing the debs12:34
ogra_well, you need the config12:34
rickspencer3so I need to make it ro afterall?12:35
rickspencer3that seems pretty horrible12:35
ogra_and you need:12:35
ogra_sudo chmod go-r /etc/network/interfaces.d/*12:35
rickspencer3yeah, I did that12:35
ogra_no, you shouldnt need to make it ro12:35
ogra_that dir should be rw12:35
rickspencer3right, rw, worry12:35
rickspencer3ogra_, so I don't need to install the debs, right?12:35
ogra_so that you can create /etc/network/interfaces.d/wlan012:35
ogra_no, you dont need to12:36
rickspencer3right, so I made the config file12:36
rickspencer3I chmoded the file12:36
ogra_so you should be able to bring up the interface now12:36
ogra_sudo ifup wlan012:36
rickspencer3I can't just plug it in?12:37
rickspencer3seems suboptimal that I have to connect to ethernet to turn on wifi ;)12:37
ogra_not sure that triggers a connect12:37
ogra_it should come up on boot ...12:37
rickspencer3oh, ifup said the interface was already configured12:37
ogra_but i dont know if anything would call "ifup wlan0" if you plug it in12:37
ogra_so ifdown it first12:38
rickspencer3ogra_, I assumed that the  allow-hotplug wlan0  line meant I could just plug int eh dongle when I want12:38
ogra_might be configured with old settings12:38
rickspencer3still no ip address :/12:38
ogra_iirc it just means the interface can vanish and appear12:38
ogra_but i might be wrong12:38
rickspencer3well, ifconfig sees the dongle, just doesn't have an ip address12:39
* rickspencer3 tries different dongle12:39
rickspencer3oops, the Belkin dongle categorically does not work :/12:40
ogra_dholbach, seems the armhf build of the node modules completely fails in wily ... (i get a proper amd64 tarball though)12:40
ogra_that will need some more love12:40
rickspencer3so Netgear one is recognized, but still does not get an IP address12:41
ogra_rickspencer3, hmm ... i think the underscores there are wrong12:43
rickspencer3ogra_, just delete those?12:43
ogra_try wpa-ssid and wpa-psk12:43
rickspencer3i got some interesting messages that time :)12:45
rickspencer3ogra_, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11244254/  ?12:45
ogra_so it tried to get the ip vis dhcp but wasnt connected to the AP i would say12:46
ogra_does ifconfig list the wlan0 interface ?12:46
dholbachmvo, do you have a bug open for moving off of python?12:48
rickspencer3ogra_, yes, iconfig lists it12:49
rickspencer3ogra_, ima try a reboot12:49
ogra_and iwconfig ?12:49
rickspencer3command not found12:49
* rickspencer3 braces12:50
ogra_well, i'm not sure if wpa_supplicant actually needs it installed12:51
ogra_(it is just helpful for debugging to see if there is an AP connection)12:52
ogra_rickspencer3, check the dmesg output when connecting the thing ...12:53
ogra_dmesg | tail -50 ... or so12:53
ogra_(or -100 for more lines)12:53
tbralso checking the packet counters for the interface might give an indication if there is anything working12:53
ogra_in ifconfig that is12:54
rickspencer3let me do ifdown/ifup and get dmesg first12:54
* ogra_ needs to move for a meeting ... brb12:55
rickspencer3ogra_, kk12:55
rickspencer3^for when you get back12:56
asacrickspencer3: you have your interfaces files in a paste?12:57
rickspencer3asac, yes, let me get you the latest12:58
rickspencer3asac, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11244393/12:58
rickspencer3this time I removed my password ;)12:58
ogra_[ 1894.677595] musb-hdrc musb-hdrc.1.auto: VBUS_ERROR in a_host (91, <VBusValid), retry #1, port1 0000050713:00
ogra_missing firmware ?13:00
asacrickspencer3: does that dongle work on your desktop?13:00
asacgood to check there first before trying to go embedded :P13:01
rickspencer3asac, yes, but ... for all I know I had some non-free drivers installed13:01
rickspencer3I don't recall installing non-free drivers, though, tbh13:01
rickspencer3I haven't used the thing in quite some time13:02
* rickspencer3 tries on laptop13:02
ogra_well, might be that it needs a realtek driver or firmware13:02
rickspencer3I plugged it into this laptop and it started blinking instantly13:02
rickspencer3and network manager sees all the networks with it13:02
ogra_check if you have /lib/firmware/rtlwifi/13:02
rickspencer3ogra_, on my laptop, yes, there are a bunch of files in there13:03
ogra_might be needed by that card13:03
rickspencer3ogra_, it looks like I have the exact same files on this laptop as on snappy13:05
rickspencer3let me confirm that I use the card13:05
rickspencer3works perfectly on the laptop13:07
rickspencer3ogra_, rtlwifi looks exactly the same13:08
elopiomvo: I was going to ask why the selftests were in a separate branch.13:16
elopionice work there.13:17
mvoelopio: thanks! I am in a meeting right now, but I would love to get your input in how we can make the tests better and what needs to be changed on the CI side once we move the tests into snappy itself13:17
elopiomvo: ok, lets talk. I think today we are full of meetings on the sprint. Maybe better tomorrow.13:22
mvoelopio: ok13:28
=== vrruiz is now known as rvr
rickspencer3Chipaca, sorry, I forget, you told me to look at go-example-webserver for a template for a new go snap, right?14:24
sergiusensmvo: I preferred having $origin in there as well, but what apparmorish thing will we break?14:30
sergiusensmvo: the security tools have no concept of origin/namespace, so maybe we can teach it through _$version.yaml?14:30
beowulflool: hey, sorry, was it you who pinged me about webdm icon size on an xps screen?14:40
* beowulf wants to know if it's a 4k screen, and if the pixel density is 141 or 28214:41
Chipacarickspencer3: yes, want the url again?14:43
rickspencer3Chipaca, no thanks, I branch snappy-examples, just wanted to make sure I was using the right project in there14:43
Chipacarickspencer3: it's the one that seems closed to what you said you wanted14:44
rickspencer3thanks Chipaca14:44
Chipacarickspencer3: or rather, to what i understood you said you wanted14:44
noise][rickspencer3: fwiw, i got a wifi dongle working on my bbb with just the config file14:47
rickspencer3noise][, what kind of dongle?14:47
rickspencer3brand, I mean?14:47
noise][cheap? :) lemme check14:47
rickspencer3it just seems weird that it works instantly with the laptop and not with snappy14:48
noise]["LB-Link" , Manufacturer: Realtek14:48
noise][interface came up on 1st try but wasn't pinging - i had to disconnect the ethernet and reboot for it to actually work14:49
rickspencer3noise][, can you paste-bin your config for me?14:52
noise][added that, did the chmod as in the blog post and was good to go14:54
beowulfChipaca: hi, where did you get/create the icon for 8nzc1x4iim2xj1g2ul64 4314:54
Chipacabeowulf: isn't it the hello world one?14:55
beowulfChipaca: so you copied it from little jimmy?14:55
Chipacabeowulf: revision 42's description was "hello world"14:56
Chipacabeowulf: I did not invest significant amounts of time in that package14:56
beowulfChipaca: understood, i'm just curious as to where the broken svgs came from14:56
Chipacabeowulf: ehlo wurld14:56
beowulfthey're missing xmlns and xmlns:xlink attrs, so browsers turn their nose up in disgust14:57
Chipacabeowulf: i blame ... barry!14:59
barrysure, why not? :)14:59
Chipacaalways breaking svgs15:01
Chipacait's what he does between gigs15:01
mterryjdstrand, is a confined app allowed to run inotify_init1()?15:20
jdstrandmterry: not atm. that is one of the things that is queued up for the ubuntu-core-security SRU15:22
mterryjdstrand, interesting.  Right now my app halts on that call.  Is that expected?15:23
mterryjdstrand, that's an intense version of failure15:23
jdstrandmterry: to unblock yourself, modify /var/lib/snappy/seccomp/profiles/<profile for your app> to include inotify_init115:23
jdstrandmterry: that is a limitation of seccomp15:23
mterryjdstrand, ah really?  ok15:24
jdstrandyou can log or kill15:24
jdstrandyou can't log and silently fail15:24
jdstrandsorry, you can log and kill, you can't log and not kill15:25
mterryjdstrand, is there an example of some package.yaml that allows this call?  Or do I have to really manually modify this thing as a temporary hack?15:25
jdstrandmeh, I am really not explainging myself15:25
mterryjdstrand, I think I get ya15:25
jdstrandyou can log and allow. you can log and kill. you cannot silently fail15:25
jdstrandyeah-- add that to your profile and you'll be fine15:26
mterryjdstrand, would i have to do all the inotify_* api then I guess?15:26
mterryjdstrand, you mentioned being queued up for an SRU, but I'm on wily/rolling15:26
mterryjdstrand, will wait for end of meeting, sorry15:27
jdstrandmterry: maybe, maybe not. this is what we will be adding: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11246583/15:27
jdstrandmterry: oh, if you are on wily, I can get this uploaded soonish15:27
mterryjdstrand, this inotify thing blocks any app using the sdk.  that's how I hit it  :)15:36
mterryjdstrand, because QFileSystemWatcher uses inotify15:36
ogra_dholbach, just FYI, chatroom works for me now ... i'll diff the changes i did on the snappy system to get it to work and push that to the branch15:37
* dholbach hugs ogra_15:37
* ogra_ finds it weird to watch himself from two different angles while working :)15:37
dholbachI'm going to be off the grid for a few days starting in just a few minutes, but I'll test the instructions again as soon as I'm back and publish the tutorial :)15:38
ogra_dholbach, cool15:38
ogra_i'll probably do a series of blog posts packaging other nodejs stuff15:38
ogra_since i need to update all of my packages anyway15:39
ogra_(and most of them use node)15:39
* ogra_ wants os.js in the store ... thats really awesome :)15:40
ogra_full desktop in a browser :)15:40
Chipacawe should make sure snappy runs on the in-browser linux emulator thing15:41
Chipacathen use that to run os.js15:42
jdstrandmterry: yes, it was an omission in part because no one until now has tried to use it. we decided to add it, but cause no one hit it, it wasn't top priority15:42
jdstrandmterry: I'll get that uploaded to wily today/tomorrow15:42
mterryjdstrand, understood.  Not pushing ya, just saying how I hit it  :)15:42
jdstrandthank you for bringing it to my attention15:47
tgm4883Is there some documented process to go from making regular deb packages to snappy packages? We've got an automated process for making deb packages, but it seems from my reading we need to build binaries then put those in a snappy package before uploading it17:49
rickspencer3tgm4883, I think mterry might have made a script to help with that17:50
tgm4883rickspencer3: that would be handy. I'd like to get that figured out, then figure out how many dependencies I'm supposed to package as well (eg. mysql-server)17:52
tgm4883I mean, for a semi-complicated application that uses apache, mysql and listens for traffic on a non-restricted port, do I put all of that into the same snappy package?17:53
sergiusenstgm4883: yes if you intend to run them on the same server18:04
tgm4883sergiusens: can snappy packages depend on other snappy packages?18:04
tgm4883because installing a separate mysql snappy package and just referencing it over the network would work in theory18:05
tgm4883there a bit of this that I'm not sure how it will work. For instance, a mysql snappy package upgrade and rollback. What happens to the database in that scenario?18:06
tgm4883I think our mythtv and snappy work really well together in theory, and I'd like to have a mythbuntu snappy release for 16.04, but I'm just having trouble finding what I need for all this18:07
sergiusenstgm4883: I'm not sure how the rollback is going to evolve in the future, but right now your data from version 1 get copied over to a data location for version 2; if you rollback to version 1 you essentially rollback to binary and the data18:09
tgm4883sergiusens: so the old data then? that actually sounds perfect18:10
sergiusenstgm4883: yes, it solve not needed to solve inconsistencies a possible updated version might have caused to your data18:11
sergiusensdata is essentially versioned in this sense18:11
tgm4883awesome, I really like that. With MythTV, if you upgrade from 0.27.X to 0.28.X (which is a major version upgrade) and don't like it. Rolling back means doing a mysql db restore (hopefully a backup was made). This would solve that I think18:13
tgm4883sergiusens: so our mythtv snap would need apache, mythtv, and mysql. How far down the dependency hole do I need to go? I'm sure apache and mysql have their own libraries and such they pull in as well18:14
sergiusenstgm4883: maybe this will solve it for you https://github.com/mikix/deb2snap18:16
tgm4883sergiusens: yep, I think that will help a bunch, thanks18:32
Chipacamterry: just for the record19:24
Chipacamterry: and so you don't feel i've just butted in over what you were saying with sergio19:25
Chipacamterry: i was of the same opinion as you initially, but then we talked with sergio about it (part of his reasoning is in the mp)19:25
Chipacamterry: and, yeah, we want to test what we control19:25
Chipacamterry: in the fullness of time the test would be "the error fits this type: <very specific error type>"19:25
Chipacamterry: we'll have to do that when we ourselves internationalize our strings19:26
Chipacamterry: but meanwhile... this19:26
sergiusensChipaca: what was mterry telling me though?19:26
* sergiusens is lost19:26
Chipacasergiusens: C.UTF-819:27
sergiusensChipaca: oic, that comment was from mterry not you :-P19:27
Chipacagreat minds etc etc19:27
mterrysergiusens, Chipaca: well OK, I get testing what we control19:27
mterrysergiusens, Chipaca: so for this MP, fine.  But *also* when we do test our own strings, we should probably run as C.UTF-819:28
Chipacamterry: hmmm... but then catching the ones we're testing wrong is harder :)19:28
sergiusensmterry: yeah, we should add that to the suites19:28
sergiusensmterry: as well ;-)19:28
mterrygroup hug!19:29
sergiusensChipaca: this brings the need to bring in that go code we have for gettext19:29
* sergiusens joins the hug19:29
rickspencer3sooo, if I just want to have an app that uploads a certain image in a certain directory every n minutes ... it just occurs to me that I could make a snap out of shell script?19:31
rickspencer3would it be that easy19:31
Chipacarickspencer3: ssh, we're hugging, come back later19:31
Chipacarickspencer3: that sounds suspicioulsy like the camera snap19:32
Chipacarickspencer3: i think asac wrote that one19:32
rickspencer3Chipaca, you mean lool's web cam snap?19:32
Chipacabased on a look snap19:32
sergiusenslool wrote it iirc19:32
rickspencer3I don't think it uploads, though19:32
Chipacarickspencer3: yeah19:32
Chipacarickspencer3: ok, expand on "uploads" :)19:33
rickspencer3sorry to be dense, but a light bulb just cam on over my head19:33
sergiusenscorrect, doesn't upload19:33
rickspencer3Chipaca, I want to upload the image to the cloud19:33
sergiusensrickspencer3: should be doable19:33
rickspencer3and it just occurs to me I can stop with this go code and use curl in a loop with sleep in shell script19:33
* rickspencer3 checks if curl is available19:34
sergiusensrickspencer3: doing the loop in go is relatively easy19:34
Chipacarickspencer3: you'd need to bundle something that POSTs19:34
Chipacarickspencer3: no curl19:34
rickspencer3sergiusens, yeah, but CreateFormField looks hard19:34
Chipacarickspencer3: no wget19:34
rickspencer3so there goes that19:34
Chipacarickspencer3: what are you writing it in?19:34
* rickspencer3 goes puts tail between legs and returns to go docks19:34
rickspencer3Chipaca, this is my first Go program19:35
Chipacarickspencer3: i've got to go put boys to bed, but when i return i can point you at code you can copy-paste for the POSTing19:35
Chipacathat is if sergiusens doesn't beat me to it19:35
rickspencer3that would be nice19:35
rickspencer3I was going to use imgur to start, since I already have an API key19:36
rickspencer3but need a nicer cloud service for it19:36
Chipacarickspencer3: you'd do oauth2?19:42
Chipacarickspencer3: that's probably rather tricky for a first go program :)19:42
rickspencer3Chipaca, doesn't look that way19:42
rickspencer3I just need to supply the api key in the form data19:42
rickspencer3what I really need is a place that I can upload to and have a known url, but, ironically, I *just* canceled my shared hosting account19:43
Chipacarickspencer3: from the imgur api i'm reading, it's oauth219:44
Chipacarickspencer3: e.g. https://github.com/Imgur/imgurpython/blob/master/examples/auth.py19:44
Chipacarickspencer3: that's imported by the other example, upload.py19:45
Chipacarickspencer3: maybe you're using an old api? or maybe i'm missing something19:45
rickspencer3perhaps they changed it19:46
Chipacarickspencer3: if you show me how you would've used curl (edit out the key if you will), i'll implement that in go19:46
rickspencer3in the past I just included my api key in the post data19:46
rickspencer3Chipaca, too much yack shaving with imgur19:46
rickspencer3let me find a better place to host it19:47
rickspencer3maybe I'll make a little web server on canonistack or something19:47
rickspencer3Chipaca, thanks for the offer, I will probably take you up on it later19:48
sergiusensrickspencer3: it can also be snappy/canonistack19:48
rickspencer3sergiusens, inception!19:48
rickspencer3but, yeah19:48
Chipacarickspencer3: sure, i'll be around for a few hours still19:48
rickspencer3so I would make a snap that accepts the form post19:48
rickspencer3for that matter, I could make my pi2 the server and my bbb the hub19:49
rickspencer3oops, I *could* do that, I mean to say :)19:50
Chipacarickspencer3: if you're doing that, you could blat it using netcat :)19:52
sergiusensrickspencer3: pseudo code http://paste.ubuntu.com/11250452/19:59
sergiusenswell, the post is there but the what and where's are open19:59
sergiusensChipaca: ^ not sure that satisfies you20:00
sergiusensChipaca: I forgot if there is a way to not need an http.Client{} instance and have a Post with headers and a body20:02
loolbeowulf: yes, well I raised the issue actually; with webdm from store from 10 days ago or so, there's a fixed amount of icons whatever the screen size and browser zoom levels; it would seem like it should be adapted20:13
sergiusensChipaca: I pushed updates to TheOrigins MP; the security.md was just a bad merge20:15
Chipacasergiusens: hah20:15
sergiusensChipaca: I merged trunk as there were conflicts and those were the conflicting lines, but the nice coloring failed to show :-P20:15
sergiusensoh, jdstrand I forgot to ask, if I change frameworks to live in /frameworks/$package_name/$origin/$version what are the apparmor implications?20:16
sergiusenssame for /apps btw20:16
sergiusensI guess it means we move away from APP_ID == $package_name[.$origin]_$binary_$version20:17
sergiusensI guess my question is, can the templates learn about $origin to know how to expand all the dirs?20:18
sergiusensAnd remove it from the APP_ID itself20:19
mterryjdstrand, can default-confined apps bind abstract sockets?20:20
mterryjdstrand, looks like no?  But I'm not an expert on this syntax20:30
Chipacatyhicks: you around?20:43
tyhicksChipaca: hello!20:44
Chipacatyhicks: thanks for the review(s)!20:44
tyhicksChipaca: no problem - thanks for all the quick fixes :)20:44
Chipacatyhicks: was wondering one thing20:44
Chipacatyhicks: wouldn't it be better/simpler if we mounted our own tmp, at this point20:44
Chipacatyhicks: it'd get unmounted (and nuked) on process exit, right?20:45
tyhicksChipaca: what you have now is getting unmounted on process exit (but the source dir isn't being removed)20:46
tyhicksChipaca: if we mounted our own tmp, where would it come from?20:46
Chipacaoh, drat20:46
Chipacatyhicks: i was thinking tmpfs /tmp. and that's not a given20:46
tyhicksI thought about that20:47
tyhicksbut I think we're really close to landing these changes and I think what you have now is a good solution20:47
Chipacaabout cleanup, it'll have to be done by cron or something similar i guess20:47
Chipacatmpreaper or whatever it's called20:47
Chipacanot sure if there's a better way20:47
Chipacaunless we can rmdir something that's the source of a bind mount20:48
tyhicksI don't think we can rmdir that20:48
* Chipaca grins eveily and goes off to try20:48
Chipacawell, you can rm an open file. i don't think it'll work either, but :)20:48
tyhickswhat we can do is chdir to the directory that mkdtemp() creates, then rmdir(".)20:49
jdstrandmterry: no. we will have a mechanism for that when the 'sockets' yaml is implemented (see docs/security.md for details)20:49
jdstrandmterry: what is it that you are trying to do?20:49
tyhicksChipaca: but changing back to the previous working directory is dangerous to attempt from the privileged section of the cod20:49
mterryjdstrand, trying to run a session dbus-daemon inside a snap20:49
mterryjdstrand, by default it tries to use an abstract socket20:50
jdstrandmterry: yeah, you can't do that20:50
mterryjdstrand, but I can ask it to use a path socket20:50
Chipacawell, that's weird20:50
jdstrandyes, you can20:50
Chipacatyhicks: i could rmdir the source just fine20:50
Chipacatyhicks: but then i couldn't create things in the target20:50
mterryjdstrand, I assume no access to system bus by default either20:50
Chipacalet me try that again20:50
jdstrandbut only apps shipped in your snap will be able to access the file based one20:51
mterryjdstrand, yeah20:51
jdstrandmterry: that is correct20:51
mterryjdstrand, I'm just trying to get a kiosk-style run of an sdk app (ubuntu-clock-app)20:51
mterryjdstrand, it's been interesting so far  :)20:51
jdstrandmterry: now, frameworks may ship a dbus service, and then ship framework-policy for clients to connect to it20:51
tyhicksChipaca: I see the same behavior you described20:51
mterryjdstrand, seems like that's what we'll need for this sort of use case20:51
Chipacatyhicks: yep, mounting foo -> bar, rmdir foo works, but then touch bar/blah fails with no such file or directory20:51
jdstrandmterry: see hello-dbus in snappy-examples20:52
jdstrandmterry: (and install hello-dbus-fwk and hello-dbus-app to see it in action)20:52
jdstrandmterry: this is part of the whole app isolation story. they really are isolated :)20:53
jdstrandmterry: but, like I said, there will be more flexibility for non-framework people when 'sockets' is implemented in the yaml20:53
jdstrandmterry: with that a 'server' will be able to specify the abstract socket path it will serve on, then the server snap can specify which client snaps can connect to it20:54
mterryjdstrand, I get it and the isolation is thumbs up for me.  I've just been trying to work around it for demo purposes20:54
Chipacatyhicks: the only problem i see with leaving the tmpdir lying around is if something misbehaves and respawns a bunch of times and you run out of inodes on tmp20:54
jdstrandmterry: if you were able to work around it, then we would have found a hole. if you do find a hole, please report it :)20:55
=== jkridner|work is now known as jkridner
tyhicksChipaca: yeah - I expect you'll run out of possible tmp dirs (from mkdtemp()) first20:55
jdstrandthat way I can close it for you :)20:55
mterryjdstrand, not like *WORK AROUND IT*, but just run a local dbus daemon for my snap20:55
Chipacatyhicks: ah, good point :)20:55
Chipacatyhicks: and i catch and abort on those, so \o/20:56
tyhicksChipaca: ah, there you go20:56
jdstrandmterry: I can't think of anything that would stop you from shipping multiple binaries/services within a single snap that would block you from using a file based path20:56
tyhicksChipaca: I think about this some more20:56
Chipacatyhicks: ok, i'll fix the issues you found already :)20:56
tyhicksChipaca: thanks! (note that I screwed up the white space in the patch I pasted for the apparmor profile)20:57
jdstrandmterry: but as soon as you are talking about running a service for other snaps to use, you are in framework (or the aforementioned future coordinated snap socket) territory20:57
mterryjdstrand, yeah no -- my problems are just discovering where a simple SDK app pokes out and fill in what it needs (now it's trying to connect to system bus and I have to figure out why and what to do about it)20:57
mterryjdstrand, right, I don't care about that use case right now20:57
mterryjust an internal-snap thing20:57
Chipacatyhicks: ah, i thought it was launchpad, or gmail, doing it for you20:57
jdstrandI see20:58
jdstrandok, well, good luck! :)20:58
mterryjdstrand, but it's hard enough that I may just throw up my hands and say "we need to get a proper sdk framework for this demo"20:58
tyhicksChipaca: that's always possible, too :)20:59
Chipacatyhicks: ooh! i should chmod 01777 it, too20:59
jdstrandtyhicks: curious, in our dbus testing, did you ever setup a name-based socket non-system bus service?21:00
Chipacai guess just for completeness :)21:00
tyhicksChipaca: I was going to suggest that but then when I noticed that it was 700, I kept quite21:01
tyhicksChipaca: if it needs to be world-writeable, please do set the sticky bit21:01
Chipacatyhicks: yeah, might as well leave it like that21:01
tyhicksjdstrand: I'm not following - do you have an example?21:02
jdstrandtyhicks: start a local non-system, non-session dbus server that listens on say, /tmp/foo.sock21:02
jdstrandrather than @foo21:02
tyhicksjdstrand: I probably did not test the scenario21:03
jdstrands/ server/-daemon/21:03
jdstrandtyhicks: that's ok. just wondering if you then we could point mterry out the apparmor tree21:04
mterryjdstrand, in my case it would be a session bus (you said non-session)21:05
jdstrandwell, isn't it just a private bus?21:05
mterryjdstrand, oh I suppose.  Like just for my snap.  But I guess I meant, it's a user bus21:06
tyhicksI know that people have used dbus mediation on private busses21:06
tyhicksI think mardy used one for online accounts21:06
jdstrandI guess it would use --session21:06
jdstrandbut you override --address21:06
tyhicksI can test this pretty quickly by modifying tests/regression/apparmor/dbus.conf (in the apparmor tree) and running the regression tests21:07
jdstrand--session --address=$SNAP_APP_DATA_PATH/foo.sock ...21:07
mterryjdstrand, exactly21:13
tyhicksjdstrand, mterry: I was able to run through the AppArmor D-Bus mediation regression tests after applying this diff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11251491/21:17
tyhicksjdstrand, mterry: They all passed21:17
jdstrandmterry: you might need the network-service cap21:18
tyhicks(ran on Wily, against apparmor 2.9.1-0ubuntu9 and dbus 1.8.12-1ubuntu5)21:18
jdstrandmterry: do you have seccomp denials?21:18
jdstrandtyhicks: thanks! :)21:18
asacChipaca: rickspencer3: right the webcam-demo snap takes snapshots and puts that in a directory that you can then look at with webrowser...21:20
asacyou could certainly improve it... make configurable the timeout etc.21:20
rickspencer3asac, I want to upload those images to a cloud21:20
rickspencer3that's the only enhancement21:20
mterryjdstrand, I'm not entirely sure what my current blocker is... I'm seeing failure to connect to /run/dbus/system_bus_socket.  I'm seeing capability denials for dac_read_search and dac_override21:20
mterryjdstrand, plus some other failures21:20
mterryeverything is dying21:20
mterryjdstrand, also.. a denial for a read on /home/ubuntu/apps/clockit.sideload/3/.local/share/com.ubuntu.clock/user-preferences ?  I would have expected that to be allowed21:22
mterryjdstrand, ignore tht21:23
mterryjdstrand, that's because I was mixing sudo and user files21:23
mterrySo just the system bus access...  I'll figure it out21:24
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