
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
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sturmflut2mcphail: Ping05:24
sturmflut2mcphail: My template is completely broken, the whole thing can be simplified to the point where run.sh is no longer necessary, but until https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsdl2/+bug/1448544 is resolved things won't work anyway I think05:27
ubot5Launchpad bug 1448544 in libsdl2 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] SDL_Init() crashes on the bq Aquaris E4.5 phone" [Undecided,New]05:27
dholbachgood morning06:30
sturmflut2dholbach: morning!06:42
dholbachhey sturmflut206:45
dholbachballoons, bzoltan, I have qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu 3.1.1+15.04.20150420.1-0ubuntu2 but still don't have the new html5 template with the cool tests07:09
dholbacham I doing it wrong?07:09
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davidcalleGood morning!07:27
bzoltandholbach:  let me check it07:36
bzoltandholbach:  I just copied the  qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu - 3.1.1+15.10.20150514-0ubuntu1~0vivid2 to the SDK PPA07:38
bzoltandholbach:  wait a sec .. it is conflicting07:39
bzoltandholbach:  The  qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu - 3.1.1+15.10.20150514-0ubuntu1~0vivid2 was many days ago released in the SDK PPA07:40
dholbachbzoltan, oh... I just had the staging ppa... could that be the issue?07:43
bzoltandholbach:  It is indeed the issue07:44
dholbachso I would need to enable both(?)07:45
dholbachdpm, does the help app show up in German for you?07:48
danielbeHi bzoltan. I would like to create a ubuntu 14.10 click chroot on ubuntu 14.04. The command I use is "sudo click chroot -a armhf -f ubuntu-sdk-14.10 create"07:48
danielbeHowever, the kit creation fails: "E: Unable to locate package qtsensors5-dev"07:49
danielbeDo you have an idea what I could do?07:49
dpmdholbach, I haven't tried, let me change the language of my phone and reboot, just a minute07:50
dholbachthanks dpm07:51
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dholbachdpm, it doesn't work for me - neither on the desktop, nor on the phone08:03
dpmdholbach, same here, interface is in English08:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 1456929 in Ubuntu Help App "Translations don't show up on the phone" [High,Triaged]08:05
dholbachdpm, starting this on the desktop with the ubuntu-html5-app-launcher I get http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11240590/08:06
dholbachwhich leads me to believe that it's a but for dbarth_'s team08:06
dpmdholbach, it is. Looking at the first line, it does not detect the language correctly08:07
dpmdholbach, I thought they had fixed that bug08:07
dholbachdbarth_, alex-abreu: ^08:08
dholbachis that unity-webapps-qml?08:08
dholbachor is it oxide?08:08
dholbachdbarth_, I assigned this to https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-webapps-qml/+bug/145692908:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1456929 in Ubuntu Help App "Translations don't show up on the phone" [High,Triaged]08:14
dholbachthanks for confirming dpm08:14
bzoltandholbach: The staging is for development releases. I would disable it.08:50
bzoltandanielbe:  what version of the qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu  package do you have?08:50
dbarth_dholbach: you use navigator.language if i remember08:50
dholbachdbarth_, yes08:51
dholbachuserLocale = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage;08:51
dholbachdbarth_, ^08:51
danielbebzoltan: I create the kit chroot from the command line on a amazon AWS server running the official ubuntu 14.04 LTS image.08:51
bzoltandanielbe: You need to enabled the SDK PPA -> `sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa`08:53
danielbebzoltan: Here is the result when running "sudo click chroot -a armhf -f ubuntu-sdk-14.10 create":  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11135043/08:53
bzoltandanielbe:  and apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade08:53
danielbebzoltan: will dist.upgrade not upgrade the server to 15.04?08:56
bzoltandanielbe: :) No, the apt-get dist-upgarde is a legendary misunderstood command... it does not upgrade your distro to a _different_ release. It is upgrading the actual release. The diff compare to the upgrade is that it pulls kernel upgrades and upgrades packages installed from PPAs08:59
danielbebzoltan hehe :-)09:00
bzoltandanielbe:  for more details `man apt-get` and just /dist-upgrade09:01
dbarth_dholbach: the variable is correctly set afaict; testing oxide 1.7.8 currently on vivid dev-proposed from yesterday09:02
dbarth_ie it says fr-FR09:02
dbarth_however, i still see the english text in help-app09:03
dholbachdbarth_, you can branch lp:help-app and run "make launch" in there09:03
danielbebzoltan: it worked. Thanks!09:09
bzoltandanielbe: Good to hear :)09:12
* bzoltan dreams of a Control panel -> developer mode ON/OFF what triggers an add-apt-repository sdk PPA and apt-get install sdk :)09:16
dbarth_oSoMoN_: as far as i see the ctr issue is not due to 1.7.8; it is the same with the standard arale image09:42
justCarakasdoes anybody know when this will finally be fixed ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/1309042 I still cant use the calendar on my phone because of this09:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 1309042 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Calendar sync only syncs the default calendar" [Wishlist,Confirmed]09:59
oSoMoN_dbarth_, and CTR works here on my krillin with 1.7.810:01
mcphailsturmflut2: thanks for getting back to me about the SDL framework. I'd come to the same conclusions but think it is fixable. I've had a build working on the device and I'm going to try to recreate that10:04
mcphailpopey: ^ sturmflut2's sdl build has the same problems you have been seeing. I'm following up a hunch I have about the way SDL copes with dynamic libraries. Hopefully make some progress tonight10:08
popeymcphail: super10:12
popeymcphail: i had a play yesterday, and build sdl2 with the mir options enabled, and then dpkg -i'ed the debian package on my phone but it still didn't work.10:12
mcphailpopey: SDL_INIT_VIDEO is behaving unpredicatably. It isn't finding Mir. I'm going to make a debug build of both tonight and single step10:14
mcphailSDL probes for the video libraries at runtime, so it can fail even if it is built with Mir support10:16
mcphailThe interesting thing is my previous build worked for a dummy app, and sturmflut2 got his build working once10:17
mcphailknowing it is possible makes it more agonising10:18
popeyballoons: when you're about, I could do with some help with failing ap tests.10:24
dpmdholbach, so one thing that I did for the workshop was to create developer live ISOs with the SDK, a click chroot and cordova-cli & tools. Do you think we could put a link to it on the developer training pages? Or perhaps host it somewhere else?11:02
dpmdholbach, right now they live at http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/ISO/11:02
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popeydpm: how well did it run off USB?11:15
dpmpopey, pretty well for my use case, but then I was only running cordova-cli commands. I did start Qt Creator and it was reasonably quick, but I didn't start creating QML apps11:16
mivoligoHi everybody. I have a question: is it OK to use "qmlproject" template for creating new project for 15.04? Or is it better to use "cmake" or "qmake"?11:23
dpmmivoligo, I think either bzoltan or zbenjamin might be able to help on that question ^11:24
mivoligodpm: thanks11:24
dholbachdpm, sure, no objections11:26
bzoltanmivoligo:  i would suggest to use qmake project type. It will be easier to extend it tlater with qml plugins and it is easier to add translations. Choose qmlproject only for prototyping or if you are 100% sure that you will be happy with QML+JS only without i18n11:33
mivoligobzoltan: hmm... for 14.10 I was able to add i18n to qmlproject11:34
mivoligobzoltan: but I'll go with qmake as you suggest11:35
dholbachdbarth_, so any idea why it might be broken?11:39
kalikianat1mp: can you re-approve this branch? I synced with staging due to a conflict https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/newJsonApiCheck/+merge/23583011:41
t1mpkalikiana: did you rerun qmlapicheck.sh as well? we have some new API in staging now11:47
seb128hey there11:55
seb128I get those warnings in wily/qtcreator when trying to run something on the device11:55
seb128"desktop_Exec (samecards): found unexpected Exec with architecture 'all': ./qtc_device_debughelper.py""11:55
seb128is that expected/known?11:55
seb128the program doesn't start, not sure if that's the issue though11:55
seb128bzoltan, ^ do you know?11:55
seb128it also displays warnings about ""QtMultimedia/plugins.qmltypes:0:0: only one import expected" and about the debug profile not being for distribution11:56
seb128(but I'm not trying to distribute, just to local test)11:57
kalikianat1mp: yes, the .api is updated also11:57
bzoltanseb128:  I do not think it is an issue.. after all it is a warning.11:57
seb128bzoltan, any idea how to debug why the app is not showing on the device?11:58
t1mpkalikiana: ok. happroved11:59
bzoltanseb128: you can check if you use a minimalistic qml app with the very same manifest and apparmor file11:59
seb128bzoltan, check what? the project I'm trying with is a small one which I've published in the click store and not touched since, it should be working12:00
bzoltanseb128: does it run on the desktop?12:00
bzoltanseb128:  what version teh device image is? wily or 14.09?12:01
bzoltanseb128: do you have the right framework? Anyway the QtC has few windows atthe bottom... the app output and the issues usually show the logs12:02
seb128yes, I've the right framework12:02
seb128well, I mentioned the things I saw in the logs12:02
bzoltanseb128:  so the fw should be ubuntu-sk-14.1012:02
seb128that's what I'm using12:02
bzoltanseb128:  is the project public? I can test and see12:03
seb128bzoltan, it doesn't have to do with the project, I tried on several ones, I guess something wrong in wily/the machine/user config/device12:04
seb128those are cmake + translation ones12:04
seb128not sure how to debug though12:04
bzoltanseb128:  if you would pastebin the content of the "Application output" and "Compile output"12:09
seb128bzoltan, shrug, my device went flat over lunch, doing that in a bit, need to charge some before12:11
seb128sorry for trying to help though ;-)12:11
bzoltanseb128: :)12:12
dholbachseb128, do you know somebody who can approve these strings? https://translations.launchpad.net/help-app/trunk/+pots/help/fr/+translate?show=new_suggestions :)12:12
dholbachrpadovani, do you know somebody who can approve these strings? https://translations.launchpad.net/help-app/trunk/+pots/help/it/+translate?show=new_suggestions :)12:13
dholbachdpm, do you know somebody who can approve these strings? https://translations.launchpad.net/help-app/trunk/+pots/help/es/+translate?show=new_suggestions :)12:13
dpmdholbach, I have permissions, but I'm not officially part of the team, so I don't want to thread on anyone's toes. I think it'd be good to send an e-mail to ubuntu-translators, and I'm sure the Spanish team will approve them in a matter of minutes :)12:14
seb128dholbach, dpm can12:16
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dholbachseb128, ^ good luck with that :-P12:16
seb128dholbach, ^_^12:17
dholbachok guys... it was worth a try :)12:17
seb128bzoltan, shrug, sorry I started to type something and changed my mind, it was meant as "thank you for trying to help though" ... ;-)12:20
bzoltanseb128:  I parsed it :) no worries, ping me if you need help12:20
seb128bzoltan, sure, thanks12:20
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dbarthdholbach: nope, not yet12:35
dholbachdbarth, does it look to you like a problem with the app or with the html5 app launcher or something?12:37
dholbachdpm, hum... looked like the training material links went to https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/community/blog/training/ - no wonder I couldn't find it12:40
dpmdholbach, oh, weird12:41
dholbachI moved it to its proper place again12:42
dholbachthe page will need some changes though to use your images12:43
dholbachhum hum12:43
dbarthdholbach: for me oxide and the container are initialized with the right variables afaict12:43
dholbachI'm not sure if I'll get around to that today12:43
dholbachlet me file a bug12:43
dholbachdpm, https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com/+bug/145702712:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 1457027 in Ubuntu Developer Portal "Use http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/ISO/ on /community/training" [Undecided,New]12:44
dpmdholbach, it's not that urgent, I was just mentioning it as something that might be worth doing12:45
dholbachyes, I agree12:46
dholbachok cool then12:46
dholbachI'll mark it as high importance12:46
dpmgreat, thanks12:47
dbarthdholbach: simple error in the code12:53
dbarthdholbach: you try to load that file:12:53
dbarthGET file:///opt/click.ubuntu.com/help.ubuntucoredev/0.2/www/index.fr-FR.html12:53
dbarthwhich does not exist12:54
dbarthindex.fr.html exists though12:54
dholbachdpm, ^12:57
dholbachdbarth, thanks for your help12:59
rpadovanidholbach, drop a mail to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClaudioArseni13:12
popeyballoons: do we have any autopilot experts?13:33
balloonspopey, experts for?13:53
didrocksstupid QML question, but in https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/qml/tutorials/building-your-first-qml-app/, I see that the Column in popover is using height: <pageLayout>.height instead of bottom: parent.bottom, do you know why? Does the columns needs an explicit width but not an explicity width?13:53
didrocksthe relevant snippet is at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11245271/13:53
popeyballoons: bug 145705113:55
ubot5bug 1457051 in Ubuntu Calendar App "test_weekview.TestWeekView.test_day_to_week fails on trunk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145705113:55
popeyballoons: running calendar AP tests from trunk, I get about 9 failures every time. So I can't upload to the store as a result.13:56
balloonspopey, is this on your device or ?13:58
balloonsahh indeed i see it is.13:59
popeyballoons: yes, my nexus 714:00
popeybeen battling these all morning14:00
popeyabout ready to push a merge that rips out all autopilot tests for all the good they are14:00
popeyrunning other tests which fail sometimes, pass sometimes.14:01
balloonspopey, the standard for these tests is the jenkins run during build. It doesn't say much about it working on the device. I'm happy to have the conversation again in our call if you wish14:02
popeythey sometimes fail during build14:03
popeythats what I'm tryin to confirm14:03
popeybut _different_ tests fail _differently_ so I have zero confidence anywhere14:03
popeytesttools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: Color(56, 180, 74, 255) == Color(56, 180, 74, 255)14:04
popeyfor example14:04
seb128bzoltan, hum, so after recharging the phone and reboot things work, dunno what was wrong but thanks anyway for replying ;-)14:15
seb128those warnings are still displayed so indeed they were not the issue14:15
bzoltanseb128:  black magic it is :)14:15
balloonspopey, you can't hit a non-existent target. I would push the app14:27
mcphailAn I right in thinking if I run "apt-get install" in a click chroot terminal opened by the "run" command, everything will go back to virgin state when I log out?14:39
mcphail(it took over 2 hours to set up the chroot last night due to my dreadful internet connection and I don't want to have to set up a fresh chroot if I can avoid it)14:47
popeysurely it keeps everything?14:49
popeyzbenjamin: will know more :)14:50
mcphailpopey: I've read different things in different blogs. The guide in the Ubuntu SDK pages suggests if you use the "run" invocation everything will go away (which is what I want)14:50
mcphailbut I read another blog which hinted that wasn't the case14:52
dholbachballoons, can you reply to vthompson's question on https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/help-app/grooveshark-remove/+merge/259632?14:52
balloonsdholbach, sure14:57
dholbachthanks balloons!14:58
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zbenjaminmcphail: well afaik it _should_ go back if its in run. At least in the parts that are covered by the overlayfs. So changes in /home and /tmp are persistent15:18
mcphailzbenjamin: brilliant. That's what I hoped!15:19
zbenjaminmcphail: but you can try yourself15:19
zbenjaminmcphail: log into run, then touch a file in , lets say /etc or /usr, logout. In the next session it should be gone15:20
mcphailzbenjamin: don't worry - I won't hold it against you if it doesn't work :) Just needed a bit of reassurance. Spent more time wrestling with chroots than being productive last night15:20
zbenjaminmcphail: err, yeah i know the chroots are a pain.15:21
mcphailzbenjamin: I'm beginning to get the hang of things (maybe even like them). They're just a bit opaque. All the click stuff is a bit opaque wrt documentation, help files, bash completion etc15:22
zbenjaminmcphail: yep i know15:25
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bzoltanmcphail:  the click chroots are not like pbuilder builders... if you install there packages then they will stay there16:02
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bzoltanzbenjamin:  I am not sure if I understand you .. if you log in to the click chroot with maint and apt-get install then the package will be installed for real16:05
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zbenjaminbzoltan: no if you log in with click chroot RUN they won't16:15
zbenjaminbzoltan: the overlayfs will revert all changes to the rootfs16:15
bzoltanzbenjamin:  ehh.. of course.. with run16:18
* bzoltan should EOD16:18
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kalikianazsombi: updated https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/noCopyPass/+merge/25949717:25
zsombikalikiana: is the common test only tests 1.2, right?17:26
zsombikalikiana: I wonder wether should we dupe tat as well...17:27
kalikianazsombi: yep. I added the 13 suffixed for 1.317:27
zsombioh yes17:27
zsombikalikiana: naming convention for the test...17:28
zsombikalikiana: ok, fine, happroving17:28
kalikianazsombi: as an example we have tst_page13.qml as well17:28
kalikianaso that's what I went with17:29
zsombiyep, fine17:29
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learnerhey guys, do you know of a high end tablet that I can install ubuntu desktop on and use for development?17:50
kalikianalearner: asus t300chi17:50
learnerI need something with a high res (at least 1080p if not more) and a good graphics that can support compiz17:50
MasternoobHey i try to get into app developement (wanna help with the calendar app), i got the sources from the bazaar repo but i can't find a project file for the sdk17:52
MasternoobIs this deployed somewhere else or do i need to create my own project?17:52
learnerkalikiana, that seems interesting17:53
DanChapmanMasternoob: have you tried opening the CMakeLists.txt file in the top level folder with QtCreator?17:57
Masternoobthat works...thank you :)17:57
learnerwhat about teclast x10HD17:58
DanChapmanMasternoob: your welcome :)18:01
MasternoobWhen i try to build the calendar app i get "INTLTOOL_MERGE-NOTFOUND: not found", does anyone know how to fix this?18:42
nik90Masternoob: Do you have intltool installed in your chroot? (my logs start from your question above and thereby I might have missed something)18:46
Masternoobi guess not, doesn't this happen automatically? How do i install it?18:51
nik90Masternoob: Tools->Options->Ubuntu and then click on the maintain button of a kit you're using18:53
nik90Masternoob: and then install by "apt-get install intltool"18:53
nik90Masternoob: Background info on this, the chroot you're using to build your click package is missing the intltool which is necessary to generate the .pot files (translations) and is thereby complaining about it. Installing it in the chroot should fix it.18:54
MasternoobHmm, the package was missing but i still get the same error18:57
nik90hmm strange19:04
nik90Masternoob: are you trying to build and run this on your laptop or on the phone/emulator?19:05
Masternoobon my pc19:05
nik90Masternoob: try installing the package on your pc then..the chroots are needed only when you are trying to build against a different arch19:06
nik90which doesn't seem to be in this case19:06
Masternoobit is installed on my pc19:06
nik90not sure then what could be causing that error19:08
Masternoobhmmm i will try to investivate this further tomorrow...need to go now19:09
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taiebotHi all, I have never developped anything but i am looking for some help would like to port an app from meego to UT https://gitorious.org/meego-ux/meego-app-satk/source/6296ebb569697c5a80ee6b518ccf8c331d7cb840:doc/sim_toolkit_design_draft.txt#L719:29
taiebotWould like to port Sim toolkit to UT19:30
taiebotbecause i get this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+bug/132383719:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 1323837 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Sim toolkit is not available on UT" [Wishlist,Triaged]19:30
mivoligonik90: ping19:40
nik90mivoligo: pong19:40
mivoligonik90: I don't know if you noticed but there's bug in Timer when you set it for few hours and it ends after midnight19:41
mivoligonik90: the Alarm is set in 6 days19:42
mivoligoand some hours19:42
nik90mivoligo: hmm...if you give me more details to reproduce it, I can test it out. I usually set timers for less than an hours and so haven't hit the bug.19:42
mivoligonik90: set it now for 10 hours for example19:43
* nik90 tries19:43
nik90mivoligo: yup ... it set it for 27th May 07:4319:44
nik90instead of 21st May 07:4319:44
mivoligonik90: yes, and I have no idea why that is19:44
nik90mivoligo: where in the code do you set the alarm date? let me take a look at it19:45
mivoligonik90: I'm passing end timer date to alarm.date and in console.log it is fine http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mpredotka/timer/trunk/view/head:/Main.qml#L28419:46
mivoligonik90: but somehow Alarm gets it wrong19:46
nik90mivoligo: hmm so console output correctly shows 10 hrs later date..but alarm.date gets it wrong? strange19:48
mivoligonik90: yep, check in your log19:48
nik90hmm yes console shows the correct time19:50
mivoligonik90: is the alarm.date taking only hours and minutes from Date into consideration or something?19:50
nik90mivoligo: no it should take the whole date object into consideration..it is really strange that it is a full 7 days later..19:51
mivoligonik90: BTW: is Date in your log GMT?19:52
mivoligoor your local?19:52
nik90mivoligo: well it reads Thu May 21 07:43 GMT +020019:53
nik90which is local19:53
mivoligonik90: I'm going AFK for some time, please let me know if you have any ideas what might be the problem, will be back later :)19:54
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nik90mivoligo: sure. I will also try to check with zsombi tomorrow since this is a rather interesting problem that I would like to know the answer to as well ;)19:55
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mcphailnik90: mivoligo: is it the same problem as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1442518 ?20:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 1442518 in Ubuntu Clock App "Enabling alarm after midnight schedules it for the next day" [High,Confirmed]20:39
nik90mcphail: no that's a different bug local to the clock app20:42
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davidcallemzanetti, ping20:58
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mivoligonik90: thanks21:09
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mcphailsturmflut2: making very little progress with the sdl thing. Still getting segfaults in SDL_INIT_VIDEO with my build of sdl. Is your segfault similar: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11249985/ ?21:10
mivoligonik90: I've added "console.log(alarm.date)" before and after "alarm.save()". Output after "alarm.save()" shows the wrong date. So I guess there's something wrong with the save function in the Alarm code21:14
nik90mivoligo: true..I am checking the docs to see why it might do that21:15
mivoligonik90: have a link to alarm code somewhere?21:16
nik90mivoligo: clock's?21:17
nik90mivoligo: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/utopic-3.0/view/head:/app/alarm/EditAlarmPage.qml#L6221:17
mivoligonik90: is it part of the clock?21:17
nik90sry I meant clock app's? that's the link to the code21:18
mivoligoI mean the Alarm component21:18
nik90mivoligo: oh no the Alarm component is part of the SDK. I was checking the API docs21:18
mivoligoah, ok21:18
nik90mivoligo: as long as the alarm.date is set to a time in the future, it should work as expected according to the docs. Considering that the alarm.date printed in the console is as expected, this has to be a bug in the sdk.21:20
nik90mivoligo: otherwise it should spit out alarm error codes which doesn't happen either21:21
nik90mivoligo: curious, but when did this bug start?21:22
mivoligonik90: it was there all the time21:22
mivoligonik90: but I've noticed it maybe 3 days ago as one don't set so long timers very often :)21:23
mivoligonik90: do you know if I can somehow change the icon for the alarm in the dropdown list?21:26
nik90mivoligo: definitely not in RTM..but I hear this is something that vivid will support in order to accomodate 3rd party apps and also reminders app etc.21:26
mivoligonik90: great21:27
nik90mivoligo: Although since you are using the Alarms API it might be hardcoded in the SDK.21:27
nik90mivoligo: whereas if you used the QtOrganizer API you can set what you want21:27
mivoligonik90: true, but I've no idea how to use it :)21:28
nik90mivoligo: if you present a compelling use-case in a bug report to the SDK project, that can be changed through a API in the Alarms API. But that said the earliest that might happen is in Ubuntu.Components 1.3 or 2.021:28
mivoligonik90: Alarms is easy21:28
mivoligonik90: oh, one more thing if you have time21:33
nik90yeah shoot21:33
nik90mivoligo: I am just hacking on fahrplan atm21:33
mivoligonik90: as my app is not working in 15.04 properly, could you pull the code, change imports and check if it will work then?21:34
nik90mivoligo: change imports to UC 1.2 ?21:35
mivoligonik90: yes21:35
nik90mivoligo: sure21:35
mivoligonik90: great :)21:36
mivoligonik90: I wonder if that is the reason of Alarms not working in 15.0421:37
nik90mivoligo: well clock app did not migrate to UC 1.2 yet and alarms still work on vivid for it.21:38
nik90from what I followed, UC 1.2 Alarm changes were made in the background, but mostly performance fixes..either way rather than speculate I will test it out and let you know21:38
mivoligonik90: thanks21:39
mivoligonik90: I have to finish. Have a good night o/21:39
nik90mivoligo: nite o/21:39
popeymcphail: any luck this evening? :)22:13
mcphailpopey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11249985/ - No :(22:15
mcphailpopey: I see there is a GBA emulator in the store built with SDL1.2. No idea why that should work. Experimenting with it just now22:16
popeytime for a mir bug report perhaps with a step-by-step process22:18
popeymaybe also tak libsdl222:18
popeybschaefer: (in #ubuntu-touch, but not here) may be worth pinging - he maintains the mir/sdl support22:19
mcphailpopey: i'm almost tempted to switch to the emscripten javascript build of SDL in a webapp :)22:21
popeyhah, i tried that too22:21
popeywith scummvm22:22
* popey trundles off to bedlington22:22
mcphailGah - the GBA emulator works as well! How does that happen?22:24
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davidcallejdstrand, around?22:33
jdstranddavidcalle: for a moment22:34
davidcallejdstrand, ok, quick question : can two apps bundled in the same click, share data (eg. a db file)?22:35
jdstranddavidcalle: yes22:36
jdstranddavidcalle: see https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/platform/guides/app-confinement/ (Runtime environment)22:37
davidcallejdstrand, so I understand it's different for the case of a scope + an app (if I read correctly https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu/+bug/1384286)22:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 1384286 in click-reviewers-tools (Ubuntu Vivid) "add directory allowing scopes and apps to share data" [High,In progress]22:39
jdstranddavidcalle: that is correct22:39
jdstranddavidcalle: that is because scopes run in the background potentially without the users knowledge22:40
davidcallejdstrand, do scope devs have anything specific to do to enable that (like a special policy group?)22:40
jdstranddavidcalle: scopes can read from the app directory in @{HOME}/.local/share/@{APP_PKGNAME}/22:41
jdstranddavidcalle: they just can't write to it22:41
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davidcallejdstrand, and the app can't read @{HOME}/.local/share/unity-scopes/leaf-net/@{APP_PKGNAME}/*22:42
jdstrandthat is correct22:43
davidcallejdstrand, thanks! There is a scopes design guide coming soon, and I wanted to have a better understanding of that.22:45

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