
bfillerkenvandine: I'm testing silo 35 and am really confused, I put my comments in the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/139012001:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 1390120 in systemd-shim (Ubuntu) "Manually set time and date reverts to Automatically on restart (Ubuntu Phone)" [High,Confirmed]01:46
kenvandinebfiller, i just replied to your comment02:10
kenvandinebfiller, we're only looking at the change between auto and manual, not about actually changing the time02:11
bfillerkenvandine: what is automatic supposed to do?02:11
kenvandineenables NTP02:11
kenvandinethis systemd-shim does properly fix that, without it NTP isn't supported02:11
kenvandinebut... it only really fixes it for devices that are read/write02:12
bfillerkenvandine: I'm not seeing the time update when switch to automatic though02:12
bfillerI have read/write02:12
kenvandinewe need to figure out where the daemon sets the state and add it to the whitelist of writable paths02:12
kenvandinewell that would be a different bug :)02:12
kenvandinei bet NTP doesn't change the clock immediately after enabling it02:12
kenvandinewhich would be a different bug02:13
kenvandineso besides that, we have 2 problems02:13
bfillerkenvandine: yeah, think there are a few bugs actually. Once I set my time manually I cannot change it back and have it persist across reboots02:13
kenvandinesystemd-shim in wily and vivid doesn't support NTP02:13
kenvandineso changing auto/manual does nothing at all02:13
kenvandinemy patch fixes that, so it does change the state02:14
kenvandinebut we aren't letting the state persist02:14
kenvandinewe need a fix in lxc-android-config for it to persist02:14
kenvandinebut i haven't been able to figure out what path to add02:14
bfillerkenvandine: ok02:15
bfillerkenvandine: seems less critical than my clock now being stuck at Weds May 20th and not being able to chagne back :)02:15
bfillerseriously I'm stuck02:16
bfillerit's bad02:16
kenvandinei tried pinging a couple people today to ask about the path... but couldn't figure it out02:16
kenvandinethat's bad02:16
bfilleronce you actually change it manually you can never get the old time back. keeps it until you reboot then reverts to the changed time again02:17
bfillerI'll file a bug02:17
kenvandinethat's bad02:17
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thostr_robru: regarding your comment for ci sheet line 66: have you expected just a two line diff?06:36
robruthostr_: well i was told it was a simple fix and then the diff came out 2mbs, so something's wrong there06:39
thostr_robru: 2mbs?06:44
robruthostr_: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-038-1-build/ it's right there. What are you looking at?06:45
thostr_robru: I was just looking add the MP07:02
thostr_Wellark: ^ why does the diff show all src files it seems including doc?07:02
Wellarkthostr_: for which one?07:03
thostr_Wellark: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-038-1-build/07:03
robruthostr_: yeah so most likely they did a release to vivid and then never released to wily, so this diff includes a bunch of previous landings. Needs Wellark to confirm what's going on and verify ski contents. Could very well be a harmless sync but i can't be sure on my own07:03
thostr_robru: yes, we restructured stuff in between, so this explains07:04
Wellarkrobru: yep07:04
WellarkI will double check the diff07:04
Wellarkrobru: so yes. there was a langing07:06
Wellarkwhere packages where built and released against vivid+overlay07:06
Wellarkbut source merged to 15.10 trunk07:06
robruWellark: k. Just need you to smoke test the silo then Mirv can publish it to wily for you.07:07
Wellarkso now, the wily diff (when looking deltas between packages) looks huge07:07
Wellarkthe repo diff is not huge07:08
Wellarkexcept for the .po update07:08
Wellarkwhich generates a lot of noise07:08
WellarkMirv: --^07:08
robruWellark: yeah, it's 2mbs of diff ;-) just want you to test it a bit to make sure nothing's gone wrong with such a huge diff07:09
Wellarkrobru: ok. everything OK. ;;; ship it ;;;07:12
Wellarkthe vivid overlay should look sane07:13
Wellarkthat was just wily missing a round of packages07:13
WellarkMirv knows the details07:13
Wellarkrobru: may I already have the vivid silo while waiting for Mirv? :)07:15
Wellarkoh, seems the spreasheet fixed it self07:17
robruWellark: one sec07:21
robruWellark: ok, silo 19 for vivid07:24
Wellarkrobru: <307:24
robruWellark: Mirv should be around soon if you need anything else, I'm out since it's half past midnight here ;-)07:24
Wellarkrobru: I could hug you07:34
Wellarkbut I don't know your IP07:34
robruWellark: lol, you're welcome07:36
MirvI've been around for 3h now :)07:42
Mirvsorry, just super focused on Qt syncing07:42
WellarkMirv: I know you like to play around with your hobbies, but we have actually important stuff here to land07:43
WellarkMirv: :P07:43
MirvI see it was published in the end, so now only vivid overlay to go07:44
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=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo or CI Train support? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: otto is broken for a while now and in process of being removed; Whole QA team in the US timezone this week; Low on silos
Mirvkenvandine: I think I maybe never replied, but there's now bug #1456886 open about the adt problem plus someone just forced most of the stuff in regardless of that08:20
ubot5bug 1456886 in ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "u-s-s-o-a fails autopkgtest in proposed" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145688608:20
pedronistrainguards: hi, question, I have a device-indepedent fix that may need to go in vivid overlay,  I have a mako, I'm a bit confused which channel I should use to test on? (also for the landing process)09:02
sil2100pedronis: hey! I know this can be a bit confusing ;)09:10
sil2100So, generally:09:10
sil2100For mako the best 'stable-overlay' channel is ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu, as this is the community channel, but nothing would happen if you would test it on ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en, as it also has mako images09:11
sil2100Both have the same rootfs but different custom tarballs09:11
sil2100If your fix is device independent, it shouldn't matter09:12
sil2100I think generally QA recommends using ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en as every change gets eventually released on krillin, and that's the place where krillins are flashed from09:12
pedronisthanks, bit confused because I don't see ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu in udf query09:12
pedronisanyway I can use the other one as you said09:13
sil2100Maybe slangasek didn't set it up yet? I'll check with him later09:13
pedronisubuntu-device-flash query --device=mako --list-channels09:13
sil2100Use the ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en in this case09:13
pedronisyep, thanks09:13
WellarkMirv: whoops09:52
WellarkI accidentally pushed lp:~unity-api-team/indicator-network/lp1456307_15.04 to trunk..09:53
MirvWellark: sounds like your merge skills need some finetuning09:53
MirvI accidentally the whole trunk09:54
Wellarkhow do I revert this without breaking silo landing09:54
MirvWellark: bzr uncommit, bzr uncommit, bzr revert, bzr push --ovewrite (..while triplechecking you're not breaking anything _more_)09:54
MirvWellark: plus have a copy of current status etc in another dir09:55
WellarkMirv: LP already considers the MP merged09:55
Wellarkif I force push...09:55
Mirvwell I guess you could manually mark the MP as not merged09:56
WellarkMirv: where do I need the revert?09:57
WellarkI've uncommitted the revisions in the MP now09:57
Wellarkso push --override to the trunk should do the trick, right?09:57
MirvWellark: I'd start with the currently mangled trunk and uncommit there, but if you think you get to the same status with your branch, yes go ahead09:57
Mirvbzr revert is just optional that gives you easier possibility to review how the branch looks without those newer commits09:58
WellarkMirv: ok. let's try09:59
WellarkMirv: https://imgflip.com/i/lqxxm09:59
Wellarkok. fingers crossed10:01
WellarkMirv: ok. the build started10:02
Mirvlooking good10:13
dbarth_hey there trainguards, can i get a binary copy of oxide for a silo request on line 71? thanks10:33
Mirvdbarth_: sure thing10:47
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* sil2100 off to prepare some lunch11:59
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Mirvhmm, why has ppa-purge stopped working for me12:26
MirvI guess because it hasn't, actually12:36
WellarkMirv: line 67 ready to land12:37
Wellarkbut we need a QA Grand for it12:38
WellarkMirv: the diff looks huge12:38
Wellarkbut that's the .po update12:38
MirvWellark: published12:47
Mirvsil2100: what do you think of landing uitk already landed to wily to vivid-overlay? it fixes all the wanted milestone bugs but also has a few other changes.12:49
WellarkMirv: <312:49
bzoltanMirv: sil2100: changes like a dozen of bugfixes... including a super critical one... namingly the version separation12:51
WellarkMirv, sil2100: any idea why the (Ubuntu RTM) bug did not get marked as Fix Released?12:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 1456307 in indicator-network (Ubuntu RTM) "pkg-config file name for connectivity-qt has changed" [Critical,In progress]12:51
Wellarkor are the updates run in delayed manner?12:52
MirvWellark: vivid-overlay is not rtm, it's vivid-overlay PPA. Launchpad currently does not understand the overlay as any sort of bug target. having that feature is one of the benefits of the ubuntu-rtm way of life.12:52
Mirvnot sure of the plans, it'd be annoying to close every bug by hand12:53
WellarkMirv: someone told me yesterday that citrain will close the bugs targeted to ubuntu rtm even if the landing happens to vivid+overlay12:54
Wellarksil2100: was it you? :)12:54
bzoltanMirv: sil2100: I will have a meeting soon with bfiller and pmcgowan, so I will ask their opinion. I hope that the fear driven development is the past :) We have massive QA process on the UITK.12:55
MirvWellark: oh, that'd be good news! :)12:55
cjwatsonMirv: we handed over a launchpadlib script that you folks could run for this purpose.12:56
Wellarkbzoltan: fear driven development is more interesting! https://imgflip.com/i/lqxxm12:56
bzoltanWellark:  LOL :) nice one12:57
sil2100Wellark: not setup yet ;) It'll be released soon!12:58
* sil2100 still didn't finish settin that up12:58
Wellarksil2100: oh, ok :)13:02
Wellarkwill close the bug manually then13:02
jodhjibel: Hi - ogra_ suggested I ping you about testing the fix for bug 1447756 (ci train spreadsheet row 61).13:15
ubot5bug 1447756 in Canonical System Image "segfault in log.c code causes phone reboot loops" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144775613:15
ogra_jibel, testing that will be rather problematic for QA ... since you need an affected device13:16
ogra_jibel, i'd suggest leaving the testing of the fix to ondra (whio has an affected device) and you guys just do some regression testing to sign it off13:17
ondraogra_ I gave phone back to Andy, so hard one to test13:17
dobeyev: ok, thanks13:18
ogra_ondra, well, it needs to be tested for vivid (afaik it was only tested with the wily silo yet) ... and Qa needs to sign it off somehow ...13:19
ondraogra_ I can test on some devices in the office tomorrow13:19
ogra_ondra, good, you need to make that out with QA (jibel) though ... they are the ones sayinf yay or nay :)13:20
ondraogra_ OK13:21
abeatosil2100, now that spreadsheet is (kind of ;) working again maybe you can remove line 2213:22
sil2100abeato: hah, sure ;)13:22
abeatosil2100, thanks13:22
jodhondra: ogra_: jibel: pat has specified on the bug that "We ... need the fix to land by May 21".13:23
ogra_jodh, pat has no power if QA doesnt let it in :)13:24
ogra_they are the ones you need to convince :)13:25
jodhogra_: understood, but do we know why the 21st is the key date here?13:25
ogra_next OTA landing lockdown i guess13:25
jodhogra_: ondra: in prep for QA testing, does someone need to make the modified boot.img (which does not specify '--no-log' in /proc/cmdline) available?13:28
dbarthtrainguards: we have validate oxide 1.7.8 in silo 038; do you prefer to land that via the silo, or get the update from the security team ppa?13:31
sil2100dbarth: did QA verify it as well?13:38
dbarthsil2100: not yet13:39
dbarthsil2100: apparently, it's safer / quicker to go with the silo13:39
dbarthsil2100: as the security update may be delayed (for other releases as well) to tomorrow13:39
dbarthsil2100: this way we can secure the vivid release for the image13:40
sil2100dbarth: I would go with the silo as well, since our silo has a higher pin priority basically13:40
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abeatotrainguards, could I get a silo for line 71 ?13:55
sil2100abeato: on it13:56
sil2100abeato: uh, sadly, still all ouot of silos13:57
abeatosil2100, ok13:57
slangaseksil2100: yes the last round of channel renames hasn't been done yet14:21
slangaseksil2100: I was waiting for fallout from the last round, apparently there's been none :)14:21
sil2100slangasek: all seems to be fine so far ;)14:22
sil2100I updated the developer channel page today even14:22
sil2100slangasek: could you create the /ubuntu channels then?14:23
sil2100I suppose those could be nice to have for non-krillin users, as currently they don't really have any solid channels to use14:23
slangaseksil2100: yes, I don't know that I'll get time to create them today though - and if we're doing the key rotation tomorrow I may not have time tomorrow either and I'm off on Friday and Monday.  So it might be next Tuesday before it gets done14:29
sil2100ACK, thanks :)14:30
sil2100jibel, davmor2: hey! Could you also prioritize the sign-off of silo 21?14:31
sil2100jibel, davmor2: it has a fix for the bootloop issues14:31
davmor2sil2100: no14:32
pedronistrainguards: I added ralsina as a second lander to line 74. in case a silo gets free while I'm not around but he is14:41
kenvandinebzoltan, when can we get the upstart branch for uitk landed in wily?  it'll fix the adt tests and unblock the proposed migrations14:44
kenvandineseb128, ^^  that's the fix that will unclog the plumbing for wily :)14:44
bzoltankenvandine:  with the next landing yes14:44
sil2100pedronis: ok14:45
kenvandinebzoltan, eta?14:45
bzoltankenvandine:  I am pushing the OTA4 landing right now ... so I can take it on Friday and hopefully it will land on Monday or on Tuesday. The UITK landing is a heavy process.. only the silo validation is an 18 hours job14:45
kenvandineit's just a missing depends... i miss the days of just using dput for simple packaging fixes :/14:46
seb128kenvandine, great14:47
kenvandinesort of... we'll have to wait nearly another week for the depends fix :/14:48
kenvandineMirv had said they flushed the queue, but the excuses page still shows it's blocked14:48
barrysil2100: i am going to have a new version of system-image to go into the train to replace the existing one in wily landing 11.  i'm bumping the version number to -0ubuntu2.  should i just blow away the existing silo and create a new one?14:49
sil2100barry: let me see what's in 1114:49
kenvandineseb128, and the fix was proposed last week... anyway i'll stop complaining14:49
dobeytrainguards: is the spreadsheet messed up again?14:50
barrydobey: it seems unresponsive14:50
sil2100dobey: it looks fine here so far, but maybe it started being broken again14:51
sil2100Let me check if I get an error notice in 5 minutes14:51
sil2100barry: so, we would need to merge silo 11 first I think14:51
dobeysil2100: i think row 50 is landed, but the status column doesn't show it as "Landed" with the green background14:51
sil2100barry: ah! Or maybe not, as you said you want to replace it completely14:51
barrysil2100: that version got stuck in promotion and it won't clear without the fixes i want to upload next14:52
barrysil2100: yep14:52
sil2100barry: ok, feel free to free it up then and re-do it from scratch14:52
barrysil2100: +1 thanks14:52
sil2100dobey: well, that's a known bug14:52
sil2100dobey: the spreadsheet is too slow to notice releases to the overlay PPA and sometimes doesn't notice a silo landing14:53
sil2100I'll fix it up in a moment14:53
barrysil2100: sanity check: click Clean, enable ONLY_FREE_SILO and nothing else.  right?14:53
sil2100Not much we can do about that long term14:53
sil2100barry: yep :)14:53
barrysil2100: thanks!14:53
dobeysil2100: ah ok14:53
dobeycharles, thostr_: ^^ see what sil2100 said about status in spreadsheet of things landing in vivid overlay re: i-power landing14:54
sil2100dobey: this will take a moment as I need to fill some additional info as well14:55
* sil2100 sighs14:55
sil2100The spreadsheet needs to die14:55
barrysil2100: i think it already has several times :)14:56
barrymaybe it's like a cat14:56
dobeysil2100: no worries. spreadsheet does need to die14:58
sil2100mzanetti: ping15:02
sil2100mzanetti: you saw that unity8 in silo 32 failed to build?15:02
sil2100mzanetti: I think you're missing a dependency... connectivity-qt1 is not found by cmake15:03
mzanettisil2100, no... the dependency had a bug in the pkgconfig module15:03
mzanettisil2100, should be fixed now. will trigger a rebuild15:03
=== oSoMoN__ is now known as oSoMoN
oSoMoNtrainguards: can I have a silo for line 75, please?15:07
sil2100oSoMoN: hey! We're out of silos right now...15:07
sil2100mzanetti: does silo 3 have the fix in it?15:07
mzanettisil2100, the problem is in connectivity-qt, not in unity15:09
mzanettis/is/was/, apparently15:09
sil2100Ok, so it's safe to publish silo 3 then?15:10
sil2100hm, maybe I'll wait for the 32 to finish building15:10
oSoMoNsil2100, is there a waiting list for landing requests without a silo?15:13
sil2100The spreadsheet is the waiting list ;)15:13
sil2100There's a few of those already15:14
sil2100Silos shouldn't be limited15:14
mzanettisil2100, ok. silo 3 seems to be building now. at least it succeeded for amd64. but still I'd say we wait for the complete build, just to be sure15:28
sil2100Let's maybe change silo 3 back to not ready for ladning then15:33
sil2100Just so that we land both at the same time15:34
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oSoMoN_sil2100, dbarth_ says silo15 can be recycled for line 7515:41
sil2100oSoMoN_: ok, will we land silo 15 later?15:45
oSoMoN_sil2100, the MR in it is not entirely ready to land yet, so we will request another silo at a later time15:46
sil2100oSoMoN_: ACK15:46
mzanettisil2100, ok. finished building16:02
sil2100mzanetti: could you test if everything works on vivid? Then we can hand it over to QA for sign-off16:02
mzanettisil2100, ack16:02
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bfillersil2100: can I have a silo for line 64 please?16:12
sil2100bfiller: sadly still no free silos ;/16:18
sil2100We might need to scan for any ones that we can free up16:18
bfillersil2100: ok16:19
sil2100kgunn_: hey! When would silo 004 be ready for landing?16:20
kgunn_sil2100: so that's full shell rotation, we'd ideally want to land that post RC image16:22
kgunn_we did discuss potentially landing in wily asap, then sync'ing later to vivid+16:22
sil2100The silo is configured for wily right now so it potentially could16:23
kgunn_it's ultimately mzanetti's decision16:23
* mzanetti reading16:23
sil2100ogra_: hey! You guys have silo 27 but didn't build it yet16:23
kgunn_sil2100: is there a problem with that silo hovering around ?16:23
sil2100ogra_: will that be used?16:23
sil2100kgunn_: well, normally not, we're just low on silos so I'm asking around ;)16:24
ogra_sil2100, not sure what that is, i only know about 16 for lxc-android-config16:24
sil2100ogra_: it's also lxc-android-config16:24
ogra_yes, i see that16:24
sil2100Bug #1454625 - Cannot send MMS for combined contexts when wifi is connected (spreadsheet row 61).16:24
ubot5bug 1454625 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Cannot send MMS messages with combined contexts with WiFi connected" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145462516:24
sil2100Maybe it's abeato's landing16:25
ogra_same bug16:25
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ogra_likely the wily sync16:25
ogra_building now16:25
sil2100Might be16:25
mzanettisil2100, I think I'll land silo 4 to wily asap when 3 and 32 are out of the way16:27
sil2100Ah, right, hm, we'll have to land 3 first probably as it has a sync16:28
kenvandineogra_, sil2100: i have lxc-android-config in silo 25 now waiting for qa verification16:32
kenvandinesilo 35 rather16:32
kenvandineogra_, oh... and the same version is in silo 1616:33
kenvandinei really wish that used bzr branches...16:33
kenvandineogra_, also for ota4... should we maybe combine those in one silo?16:34
ogra_kenvandine, 013 too16:35
kenvandinesilo 13 won't be landing for ota416:36
ogra_oh ?16:36
kenvandinei was just thinking combining the silos we need for ota416:36
ogra_then tethering will regress16:36
kenvandineno, it's not really ready...16:36
abeatosil2100, ogra_ yes that's the sync16:36
kenvandinewe never landed hotspot :)16:37
ogra_not hotspot :)16:37
kenvandineoh that also has a fix for that?16:37
ogra_wired ...16:37
ogra_yes, the lxc-android-config package has it16:37
kenvandinei thought it was just the fix we needed for hotspot to work16:37
ogra_we combined both16:37
ogra_probably should rip that apart again16:38
ogra_i wasnt aware hotspot would land16:38
ogra_*would not16:38
kenvandinesince we don't have handy bzr branches to handle lxc-android-config o16:38
kenvandinei'd be in favor of combining all of the ones we need for ota416:38
ogra_feel free to switch it :)16:38
ogra_long term i need to hand it to someone anyway with my new duties ...16:39
ogra_want to adopt it ? :)16:39
kenvandinei spent a bunch of time trying to figure out who to ask about it :)16:40
ogra_you wouldnt have to anymore in that case :)16:40
kenvandinethat's ok...16:40
ogra_(and if you dig deep enough into the code, there is a pot of gold hidden underneath ... )16:41
* kenvandine doesn't believe ogra_16:41
* ogra_ tries everything :)16:41
kenvandineso we'd have to manually merge all these together... a mess16:41
ogra_i think all changes are in different files16:41
kenvandinemaybe not to bad16:42
kenvandineogra_, so i assume you aren't volunteering to do it?16:43
ogra_not 15min before EOD ... my GF would kill me if i did ... i can offer tomorrow morning though16:44
kenvandinei'll do it :)16:44
ogra_shouldnt be to hard i think16:44
ogra_changelog merging will be the most work i guess16:44
kenvandinei'll pull the changes from 13 and 16 and put them with mine in 3516:44
ogra_let me check 13 again in detail16:45
ogra_yeah, it only has the tethering fix there16:45
ogra_trivial one liner16:46
dobeyev: were you testing by having jenkins do a rebuild on an existing MP?16:46
ogra_16 is a bit more but in a different file ...16:46
kenvandineogra_, oh, silo 16 is a wily landing16:47
dobeyev: or should i be bugging whoever is current vanguard? your message in my awaylog this morning was the last thing i'd heard re: coverage for unity-scope-click16:47
ogra_abeato, awe, can you do your testing of silo 27 (vivid MMS fix) with kenvandine's silo 35 instead ?16:47
ogra_kenvandine, it would have been a sync16:47
ogra_kenvandine, vivid definitely needs the fix16:47
aweogra_, I have to defer to abeato on this one...16:50
robrualex-abreu: so https://code.launchpad.net/~abreu-alexandre/ubuntu-html5-theme/fix-page-actions/+merge/259515 has a new commit that you didn't build.16:50
robrualex-abreu: you need to rebuild the silo and re-test16:50
alex-abreurobru, oh sorry, I'll rebuilt & retest16:50
robrualex-abreu: thanks16:51
kenvandineogra_, what's in silo 13 also removes two files that aren't mentioned in the changelog16:53
kenvandinelib/systemd/system/ofono.service.d/lxc-android-config.conf and lib/systemd/system/rild.service16:54
ogra_thats not 13, is it ?16:54
kenvandinewell, it's not there :)16:54
kenvandineand it is in 0.221 in the archive16:54
kenvandinethere was two revisions uploaded to the silo 13 ppa16:54
kenvandineoh... wait16:54
kenvandinei bet that was added after16:55
ogra_thats what the package details page in the PPA gives me16:55
kenvandineyeah, those are new16:55
kenvandineyeah, but 0.221 was also uploaded to that ppa16:55
kenvandinedidn't match what ended up in the overlay ppa16:55
ogra_not by me i think16:55
kenvandinersalveti did the first one16:56
kenvandinethe wpa supplicant fix16:56
ogra_ok. we only need the last one then16:57
abeatoogra_, which is the issue with the wily silo?16:59
ogra_abeato, kenvandine wants to merge all lxc-android-config landings because we have so many clashing landinhs of it17:00
kenvandineabeato, just for the vivid landing17:00
abeatoogra_, ok, that is fine for me17:00
kenvandineonly trying to grab the changes needed for ota417:01
ogra_you would just have to test his silo then17:01
abeatokenvandine, what I changed is a script called 03mmsproxy17:01
ogra_and drop 02717:01
kenvandineabeato, ok, i'll do that17:01
kenvandineabeato, i'll ping you to test it ok?17:01
abeatokenvandine, ok, but I am almost eod so please send me an e-mail17:02
ogra_trainguards, you can wipe silo 27, it will get merged into silo 3517:02
robruogra_: thanks17:02
abeatokenvandine, in case you need it the new script is in comment #5 of bug #145462517:03
ubot5bug 1454625 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Cannot send MMS messages with combined contexts with WiFi connected" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145462517:03
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alan_gsil2100: what need to be done to have mir-0.13.0 on wily?17:06
pmcgowansil2100, added comment to bug #1447756 we should land it17:09
ubot5bug 1447756 in Canonical System Image "segfault in log.c code causes phone reboot loops" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144775617:09
sil2100pmcgowan: I know, waiting for sign-off17:18
fgintherdobey, regarding adding coverage for unity-scope-click, what is the right magic for generating coverage? The usual method of adding "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=coverage" and "make coverage-xml" isn't working17:25
fgintherdobey, for example: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity-scope-click-wily-amd64-ci/13/consoleText17:26
dobeyfginther: i think it needs -DENABLE_COVERAGE=yes or something17:32
dobeykyrofa: ^^ is that how the cmake-extras thing works?17:32
kyrofadobey, lower-case: -Denable_coverage=ON17:34
kyrofafginther, ^^17:36
kyrofafginther, check out the bottom of the HACKING file17:36
dobeykyrofa: is that specific to the scope, or is that what the cmake-extras module requires?17:37
kyrofaThe `enable_coverage` variable is used within cmake-extras17:37
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fgintherkyrofa, thanks for clarifying17:38
kyrofafginther, dobey: Note that my answer stands for cmake-extras in vivid, but I just took a look at cmake-extras trunk and it seems different17:42
dobeyyeah i don't see that in wily17:42
kyrofafginther, dobey: where they're using the coverage build type17:43
fgintherkyrofa, so "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=coverage" ?17:43
fginther(which is what other projects use)17:43
dobeyi think the click scope iswrong now17:44
kyrofaIf it's using what I see here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cmake-extras/cmake-extras/trunk/view/head:/EnableCoverageReport.cmake yeah. But dobey is right-- that will bust the scope17:44
kyrofadobey, fginther well that sucks. We want to land the same, right?17:45
sil2100alex-abreu: hey, I'll ACK your landing (silo 26) but please fix in the next release the debian/control, as one of the dependencies has different ident than other entries17:45
dobeykyrofa: i'm digging deeper :)17:45
fgintherkyrofa, the existing CI tools are setup for using CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE. if the unity-click-scope source is updated to use the same, it should just start working17:45
fgintherkyrofa, dobey, as it's currently setup, the build is generating an empty coverage file using the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE option17:46
kyrofadobey, I'm checking to see if it's been updated on vivid17:46
alex-abreusil2100, hey thx17:46
kyrofadobey, what version is in wily?17:49
kyrofaI bet the newer one is in vivid overlay, huh?17:49
dobeywell, vivid now and wily are the same now17:49
dobeyfor cmake-extras17:49
kyrofadobey, vivid+overlay, or vivid stock?17:50
sil2100kgunn: hey! Since I don't see alan_g, there is an entry for the wily mir sync but we're lacking silos right now17:51
dobeykyrofa: overlay. of course17:53
dobeykyrofa: vivid == (vivid + overlay) for our purposes :)17:54
* kyrofa starts using the overlay before anyone notices17:55
kyrofadobey, I'll fix this17:55
dobeyah, i see. michi fixed that17:57
kyrofadobey, in cmake-extras?17:58
dobeywas seeing where it changed17:59
kgunnsil2100: ack18:13
mzanettisil2100, just FYI: 32 tested18:25
sil2100Now just sign-off and we can land both18:28
sil2100I would wait with silo 3 too since in case QA finds something, you could then fix 3, sync to 32 and re-loop18:28
sil2100But since they already tested 3 I suppose all should be good :)18:28
dobeyfginther: so is the coverage build enabled for lp:unity-scope-click MPs now? so when kyrofa makes an MP to fix this issue in our CMakeLists.txt, we should see an actual coverage report on jenkins when it builds the tests for that branch?18:30
fgintherdobey, yes, it should be good to go. It may need to be tweaked, but it currently matches most other projects that collect coverage18:36
dobeyfginther: ok, i think when kyrofa has a branch to fix the issue, we'll be good then. thanks18:39
pmcgowansil2100, davmor2 is there any way to look at the QA trello board and know which landings were to vivid?18:39
sil2100pmcgowan: I think all of them are for vivid18:42
sil2100pmcgowan: normally they have that 'Vivid' tag on them18:42
pmcgowansil2100, lots are wily, cant tell the diff anymore19:04
pmcgowansil2100, maybe I am wrong19:05
pmcgowanbut seems the green tag is "trunk" not really vivid since I see landings to wily not vivid19:05
sil2100We don't do sign-off for wily as far as I know19:07
sil2100At least hm, I don't think we agreed on that explicitly19:07
pmcgowansil2100, so perhaps its just the auto merge and bug closing we lack, so I cant see whats happening19:08
pmcgowansil2100, no these are wily silos it seems, and qa is approving them19:09
sil2100pmcgowan: well, from the silos currently in the queue and being tested all are for vivid19:14
sil2100But I need to go now - I'll make sure to check everything tomorrow and give you a sign if QA is doing something unexpected or not19:15
pmcgowansil2100, thanks19:16
kyrofadobey, https://code.launchpad.net/~kyrofa/unity-scope-click/1457170_update-cmake-extras/+merge/25967119:20
dobeykyrofa: cool. let's see what jenkins does with it. actually i guess we can get rid of the usage of enable_coverage completely here?19:23
kyrofadobey, we could, but it would require more work. We don't need it on the call to cmake (i.e. -Denable_coverage), but the enable_coverage variable is used by all the tests so they can link to gcov (without using --coverage)19:27
kyrofadobey, To get rid of it entirely we'd have to check the build type in each of those19:27
dobeykyrofa: but https://code.launchpad.net/~michihenning/cmake-extras/cmake-extras-coverage/+merge/258021 fixes that i think19:28
kyrofadobey, Adding --coverage to tests means they will be instrumented as well. Not what we want... right?19:29
kyrofadobey, but they DO need to link to gcov19:30
kyrofadobey, (which --coverage ALSO does)19:30
dobeykyrofa: i'm not 100% sure what it means19:30
dobeykyrofa: i guess having the tests instrumented doesn't matter, because in the tests, all the code should definitely be called, so it should always be 100%, no?19:31
kyrofadobey, seems odd to get a coverage report for one's tests...19:32
dobeykyrofa: well, if you have code in the tests that isn't being run, you know something is very wrong :)19:32
kyrofadobey, haha! Although, doesn't unity-scope-click have disabled tests?19:33
kyrofadobey, we may want to talk to michi and pete-woods about this19:34
dobeykyrofa: if so, then it will show us :)19:34
kyrofadobey, because I think they do plan on fixing this19:35
kyrofadobey, and all three of us hit this at the sprint19:36
dobeywell, that cmake-extras branch is one that michi made, and it landed only last week, so i presume he resolved to do it that way for some reason19:36
dobeyanyway, i think we should just do it that way, and if we decide it should be changed, then fix cmake-extras19:37
kyrofadobey, alright, give me a few then19:38
dobeykyrofa: sure, waiting to see what jenkins does with the branch anyway :)19:39
kyrofadobey, does it need to be approved though, before jenkins does anything?19:40
kyrofadobey, or does it just pick it up?19:40
dobeyno, it will pick it up19:40
ToyKeeperFWIW, QA is back online now.20:01
kyrofadobey, done: https://code.launchpad.net/~kyrofa/unity-scope-click/1457170_update-cmake-extras/+merge/25967120:01
davmor2pmcgowan: sorry we were without internet hafl the day20:01
davmor2pmcgowan: I have no idea let me ask the guys who migh know]20:01
davmor2pmcgowan: jibel is in a discussion right now and will ping you after20:05
pmcgowandavmor2, thanks20:05
robruok, there's only 2 silos free and 3 people requesting. who wants em badder than anybody else?20:42
robrucharles: awe: ChrisTownsend ^20:42
charlesrobru, oh me me :)20:43
charlespick me, pick me!20:43
ChrisTownsendrobru: What about folks further up the queue like say, bregma?:)20:45
robrucharles: you need mp urls not lp: branch shortnames20:45
charlesrobru, wups, fixing20:45
awehow we can we be short silos still?20:45
robruChrisTownsend: i can't even20:45
robruawe: well, RTM died and now everybody who would have wanted an RTM silo now wants an ubuntu silo. so basically we increased the number of silos from 30 to 40, and then doubled the demand for the original 30 silos.20:46
* awe wonders if silo-023 can be cleaned up? cyphermox ^^20:46
aweit's not even for a phone landing20:46
bregmakeep in mind the Trusty silo will probably take longer to clear because of the entire SRU process20:46
cyphermoxah, yes, it can, verification-failed anyway.20:46
cyphermoxrobru: ^^20:46
robrucyphermox: ok thanks20:47
* awe hopes silos open up tomorrow too20:47
robruseb128: I'm freesing silo 1 because it sat in UNAPPROVED for a month and a half, and we're out of silos.20:47
ChrisTownsendrobru: Right, mine is an SRU, so it'll tie up a silo for a while.20:47
charlesrobru, row 79 col F fixed20:49
bfillerrobru: can I have a reconfigure on silo 29 please20:49
robrubfiller: one sec20:49
robruawe: what's going on on row 80? what package do you want synced?20:49
awesorry for not making that clearer20:49
awejust update comments20:50
robruawe: I don't understand why you have an MP if you want the package synced. it's one or the other.20:50
awewe discussed this via email thread... I included the mp, as it's got test results in it20:51
fgintherkalikiana, are the tests for lp:ubuntu-ui-toolkit/staging in better shape now? I see that the build-time tests are generally passing now20:51
aweI will manually merge; I didn't realize it'd be a problem to include it even though we're doing a copy20:52
robrucharles: ok you got silo 120:52
charlesrobru, thanks20:52
awerobru, should I remove it?20:52
robrucharles: you're welcome20:52
robruawe: well if it's in the row there the train will see that and try to build a new package20:52
aweok; I'll remove and mention in comments20:52
robruawe: ok20:52
robruawe: check 80G20:53
robruawe: and do you want that in the overlay ppa or is it really a vivid sru?20:53
aweoverlay ppa20:54
awedid I get the target distro wrong then?20:55
robruawe: no there's just a separate field for that20:56
robruChrisTownsend: ok you got silo 21, but please please please once it's published, lean on the SRU team hard to get it accepted into proposed asap, it's really not acceptable to have a silo languishing in UNAPPROVED for 2 months.20:56
robruwhich is apparently the norm for SRUs, not criticising you personally20:57
ChrisTownsendrobru: Trust me, I know.:)20:57
awerobu, got it; updated20:57
ChrisTownsendrobru: Thanks!20:57
robruChrisTownsend: you're welcome20:57
* awe doesn't miss the SRU process20:57
ChrisTownsendawe: ;-)20:58
robruawe: ok you got 2320:58
bregmaif the SRU team didn't go around having families things would probably go quicker20:58
robrubregma: how selfish of them!20:58
bregmaI know, right?20:59
awethanks robru!20:59
robruawe: you're welcome20:59
robrubregma: you want a silo? or are you too close to EOD to make use of it?20:59
aweChrisTownsend, I actually got asked about FISH the other day; hack, cough...20:59
ChrisTownsendawe: Oh gawd...20:59
bregmarobru, both lines 62 and 76 are waiting for silos, but I could combine them into 1 if there's only 1 silo to give out21:00
robrubregma: there is in fact only one ;-)21:00
bregmathey're not related, but it wouldn't hurt anything21:00
camakotrainguards, ^^21:00
robrucamako: party's over dude, you missed it.21:01
camakorobru, no more silos?21:01
charlescamako, bregma's clearing one a few lines up in scrollback21:01
bregmarobru, I merged 62 into 76, so 62 can be deleted and 76 given a silo21:01
robrucamako: there's only one free and bregma has dibs. I just freed 3 for 3 other people, I'll see if there's any others I can free21:01
robrubregma: great thanks21:02
camakorobru, appreciate it :-)21:02
bregmawill you delete line 62?  I don't want to be blamed for breaking the sheet21:02
robrubregma: yeah i can do it, no worries21:02
bregmaI don;t even like to keep it open in my browser, just in case21:03
robrubregma: that's probably for the better ;-)21:04
robrubregma: oh there you go, 2621:04
bregmawoo-hoo!  building....21:05
* bregma is inappropriately excited21:05
robrubarry: !!21:06
barryrobru: waaaaht?21:07
robrubarry: your silo 11, it just landed, except the merge failed because the train doesn't have write access to ~ubuntu-managed-branches21:07
robrubarry: so I'm gonna need you to merge that manually21:07
barryrobru: i could have sworn that's how we used to do that21:07
robrubarry: dunno, i suppose it's possible somebody removed the bot from the team but I'm not aware of it21:08
barryslangasek: do you know anything about this ^^21:08
robrubarry: anyway, your branch is safe at lp:~ci-train-bot/ubuntu-system-image/system-image-ubuntu-wily-proposed, please push it to the right place yourself21:08
robrubarry: meanwhile I need to free your silo because there's a crunch on21:08
barryrobru: ok21:09
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barryrobru: that's fine.  i'd like to figure this out for next time though21:10
robrubarry: yeah, two possible solutions, either have a branch somewhere else that is owned by a team that ci-train-bot is in, or get ci-train-bot added to ~ubuntu-managed-branches. Either way is equally good for the train, but one of those solutions has political implications of course.21:11
robrucamako: ok you got silo 1121:12
barryrobru: i think that's exactly what ~ubuntu-managed-branches is supposed to be for.  look at the team description on lp!21:13
robrubarry: oh, hrm. I was thinking that was something else.21:13
barryrobru: ~ps-jenkins is a member of that team, so i guess ~ci-train-bot should just be added, but maybe slangasek can weigh in on that21:14
robrubarry: yeah that seems to be the case. we switched from using ~ps-jenkins to ~ci-train-bot back in december. I guess you didn't do a landing this way since before then21:14
barryrobru: correct.  and it looks like s-i is the only code in the team21:15
camakorobru thanks21:15
robrucamako: you're welcome21:15
barryrobru: i don't have perms to add the bot, so i'll email stgraber about it21:15
robrubarry: just pinged him, he says it's done ;-)21:16
barryrobru: \o/21:21
barryanyway, manual merge is done21:21
robrubarry: alright, sorry for the hassle21:24
barryrobru: no worries.  glad it was easy to clear up.  landings may happen more quickly going forward21:24
mzanettirobru, hey, could you please publish silos 3/32. We're a bit in a hurry with another silo that's blocked on that21:30
mzanettiit's a sync-pair21:31
robrumzanetti: 32 is waiting on qa and 3 is not even marked as being ready for publishing.21:34
mzanettirobru, ah... sorry... I misread... thought QA had signed it off already21:35
mzanettifor 3 I'm sure it actually was QA signed off already21:35
robrumzanetti: if you think 3 is ready (eg if you tested it and you're satisfied), just mark it ready and I can publish21:36
mzanettinot sure what happened there21:36
mzanettiyeah. I tested both21:36
robrumzanetti: wily doesn't need qa. you just have to test it yourself21:36
mzanettiyeah. I think that's actually the problem... QA tested 3 and then realized that it's actually wily21:36
mzanettiso they removed it again21:36
mzanettiI'll clean up the mess21:36
robrumzanetti: oh weird, I dunno21:37
robrumzanetti: just set 39K to yes and 39I to N/a21:37
robrumzanetti: not sure why it says qa granted but tests not passing, that makes no sense21:37
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slangasekrobru, barry: hmm why is stgraber the only admin of ~ubuntu-managed-branches?22:31
barryslangasek: great question22:31
slangasekrobru: did you figure out why the bot wasn't a member of that team?  Was it just because there hasn't been a landing since we switched bot accounts?22:32
robruslangasek: that is strange22:32
robruslangasek: yeah I think that's why, I can't see any other reason22:32
barryslangasek: yep that's why22:32
slangasekwell, since you say that system-image was the only code in there, it may be that he was the admin because he was the system-image maintainer at the time22:32
barryslangasek: you and i at least should be admins22:32
slangasekso yeah, all a natural consequence of local decisions22:32
slangasekbarry: indeed22:32
barryslangasek: can you make that happen?22:33
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dobeyfginther: so https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-builder-wily-amd64/8/ seems to have found the covearge.xml, but i don't see how to view the coverage report22:55
slangasekbarry: apparently I can! ;)22:55
barryslangasek: :)22:57

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