
* FJKong fell asleep last night..02:50
pittiGood morning04:30
didrocksgood morning06:03
seb128good morning desktopers!06:12
* pitti waves to the desktoppers, guten Morgen!06:34
didrocksgood morning pitti06:34
seb128hey pitti!06:37
willcookemorning all07:53
didrockshey willcooke07:55
seb128hey willcooke07:56
Laneyhup hup hup08:03
didrockshup Laney too08:03
Laneyhey didrocks08:06
Laneyvat iz up08:06
seb128hey Laney08:08
seb128hoe gaat het?08:08
Laneyalles goed!08:09
Laneyen met jou?08:09
seb128goed, danku :-)08:09
Laneydutch high five!08:10
* Laney screams at all iso builds failing08:13
Laneylooks like debootstrap is busticated08:13
Laney"Could not apply the stored configuration for monitors"08:21
Laneyand it's in like 640x48008:21
Laneyokay, 1024x768, but that's just as bad :P08:22
Laney"Unknown display"08:22
seb128Laney, when/how?08:25
Laneyjust now when I booted08:26
Laneycould have been not quite plugged in correctly, works now after jiggling the cable08:26
Laneyor re-detecting would have worked anyway08:26
Laneysee if it happens again08:26
seb128k, still weird :-/ if it can't apply the config it should default to whatever xorg is doing which should be the native resolution08:26
Laneyit had a big error about not being able to query the EDID08:27
Laneyso probably defaulted to some emergency/safe resolution08:27
Laneyah, pitti is fixing debootstrap already08:40
Laneythat is the best news!08:40
pittiLaney: yeah, fixed now08:40
pittiLaney: yesterday evening's first attempt didn't work, so this morning I added some debugging to debootstrap (most importantly hte ability to use a local .deb), and fixed it for good08:41
LaneyI got 36 or so emails about isos failing to build :-)08:41
pittigot accepted into wily some 20 mins ago (argh slow adt-nova argh), should hit archive.u.c. any minute now08:41
* Laney retries ubuntu as a test08:41
seb128pitti, are you looking at the shotwell autopkgtest issue? just asking to not dup work08:44
Laneyoh weird, I was going to merge that one soon, was on my list08:46
pittiseb128: I'm not; I just had a quick look, and it's due to uninstallability (so not infrastructure)08:51
seb128pitti, k08:51
seb128Laney, that one = ?08:51
seb128please do08:52
seb128I just mentioned it because I got emailed by jenkins08:52
Laneyseems someone already did?08:52
Laneyor was it 0ubuntu1?08:52
Laneyah yes08:52
Laneyuninstallability> doesn't look like it - seems like an autopilot failure to me08:53
seb128robert_ancell updated it08:53
Laneylet the uploader deal with it ;-)08:54
seb128yeah, I was unsure if those evdev warning were normal08:54
Laneyseems you only get stdout if it fails, so can't confirm from a successful run08:55
seb128I'm going to beat robert_ancell with a stack for that update08:56
seb128well, after I try it :p08:56
seb128I emailed upstream with https://mail.gnome.org/archives/shotwell-list/2015-February/msg00000.html09:01
seb128unsure if robert_ancell did something about it09:02
Laneyoh, it got a headerbar?09:03
Laneyquite glad that he got to it first then :)09:03
pittiLaney: ah, it is now; the previous run (#16) was uninstallability (http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/wily-adt-shotwell/16/ARCH=i386,label=adt/console)09:07
pittibut that's fixed now indeed09:07
Laneynod, sorry, didn't look back at all09:07
pittiLaney: so I suppose the UI changed, and the autopilot test needs adjusting09:07
seb128don't fix it09:08
seb128the update is buggy09:08
seb128emailing rob09:08
Laneytag a bug "block-proposed" + assign09:09
Laneyit looks okay to me though09:09
Laneywhere do you see a problem?09:09
seb128Laney, open the preferences dialog09:10
seb128or the export one09:10
seb128or the publish one09:10
seb128e.g any dialog09:10
seb128Laney, https://mail.gnome.org/archives/shotwell-list/2015-February/msg00002.html has details09:10
Laneyoh just the dialogs, I see!09:10
Laneymuch better than it being the main UI09:13
Laneythere's a property that you can watch for dialogs09:13
seb128I should have Cced you on that email to robert_ancell09:17
seb128want me to resend with you in Cc?09:17
Laneyseb128: you can just give a link to https://git.gnome.org/browse/file-roller/commit/?id=0f2dab08dc8c577a89a32aeaa1f2467dcaf8c949 which is one I did a while ago09:22
Laneyokay, shotwell is vala, but the idea is the same09:22
seb128Laney, thanks09:22
Laneyother file-roller commits have more complex cases but it doesn't look like shotwell has those09:22
Laneye.g. custom items in the header, .ui files, etc09:22
seb128Laney, done09:23
seb128thank *you* ;-)09:23
seb128Laney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shotwell/+bug/1456965 as well09:27
ubot5Launchpad bug 1456965 in shotwell (Ubuntu) "Shouldn't use CSD under Unity" [Undecided,New]09:27
=== dupondje_ is now known as dupondje
willcookeupgraded my desktop-next machine and now all I have is a flashing caps-lock light10:38
czajkowskiwillcooke: oops10:38
willcookeOne strange thing I noticed was that after the upgrade "reboot" and "shutdown" commands were seemingly missing10:39
seb128willcooke, kernel issue? did you try booting a previous one?11:50
seb128well at least the led is usually a kernel issue11:50
willcookeseb128, tbh I've screwed around with it so much I dont think there was a valid set up on there.11:51
willcookeI've resintalled and it's fine now11:51
willcookeOnce I've got this demo sorted for the sales engineers I will see if I can break it again11:51
seb128or maybe your init got screwed, reboot should be there with systemd-sysv but I don't think that has to be there for the system to work11:52
seb128didrocks, pitti, ^ right?11:52
seb128willcooke, k11:52
didrocksleds flashing generally means a kernel issue, indeed11:55
pittiseb128, willcooke: maybe your $PATH didn't include /sbin/11:55
pittiseb128, willcooke: reboot and friends are in upstart-sysv or systemd-sysv, and you should have either installed11:56
seb128didrocks, pitti, seems like willcooke reinstalled so I guess we are not going to debug that...11:57
pittialthough I just noticed that init depends on systemd-sysv | upstart11:58
pittithat needs to be | upstart-sysv11:58
pitti(fix uploaded)11:58
pittibut that only seems tangential11:58
willcookedon't sweat it, that machine has had so many strange hacks applied it's not a valid install11:58
seb128pitti, I guess that .cache/upstart logs being mostly empty/non existant is a feature and session logs are supposed to be in the journal nowadays? (even things started from gnome-session)12:02
pittiseb128: no, not at all -- session bits haven't changed at all12:05
pittiI have tons of logs in ~/.cache/upstart12:05
seb128pitti, I've only 6 non .gz logs in there and most of the things are missing12:06
seb128journalctl seems to have a mix of session things as well12:07
larsuI thought everything started from gnome-session logs into the journal these days?!12:18
seb128seems so12:21
=== dbarth_ is now known as dbarth
didrockspopey: my eyes!12:22
larsuthink of his eyes!12:22
seb128larsu, hey, that's a bit confusing still, need to get used to it I guess12:22
seb128the journalctl log is just not well formatted and not easy to read12:23
larsuseb128: yeah... it's definitely worse right now than what we had, since some things are in the journal and some aren't12:23
larsuseb128: use gnome-logs ;) (and read the journalctl man page, it's got some good stuff)12:23
seb128larsu, is gnome-logs packaged?12:24
seb128seems it is12:24
larsuseb128: yes, but I don't know which version tbh (you need the one with my patches *cough*)12:24
seb128I should perhaps try it (or we should perhaps ship it by default if it's good?)12:24
seb1283.14.2 it seems12:24
larsuyes, it is and we should12:24
larsuI've been planning some more stuff for it, but didn't have time yet12:24
larsuI can add menubar etc. upstream if we decide to ship it12:25
mdeslaurpitti: you're upower upstreeam, aren't you?12:41
mdeslaurpitti: think you could review my patch when you get a chance? https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9022212:41
ubot5Freedesktop bug 90222 in general "Upower no longer handles bluetooth mice properly" [Normal,New]12:41
popeydidrocks: :D12:43
pittimdeslaur: oh, with a test case! ♥12:44
mdeslaurpitti: of course! :)12:46
seb128some other potential patches on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upower/+patches ;-)12:46
mdeslaurseb128: hey, mine first :)12:47
pittiseb128: oh, I didn't know about +patches, nice!12:47
seb128pitti, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/206524480/0001-rules-support-Logitech-Unifying-in-Linux-3.19.patch seems like something useful12:47
seb128that's bug #144883412:47
ubot5bug 1448834 in upower (Ubuntu) "mouse battery not shown after upgrade" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144883412:47
mdeslaurseb128: I think that's upstream already12:48
* mdeslaur remembers seeing something similar12:48
seb128mdeslaur, right, that bug is a request to backport to vivid12:48
pittimdeslaur: how is your test different from _add_bt_mouse()?12:48
* pitti compares the code in more detail12:48
mdeslaurpitti: device is "hid" and there is an extra "input" subdirectory12:48
mdeslaur("hid" instead of "bluetooth")12:50
pittimdeslaur: applied13:08
pittiseb128: cleaned up13:08
mdeslaurpitti: sweet! thanks! :)13:12
seb128pitti, danke13:12
willcookeqengho, pingaling13:14
willcookehrm, contextless pings.  Must stop doing that13:15
seb128kenvandine, hey13:25
seb128kenvandine, what's the status of approved u-s-s fixes and landing?13:25
seb128kenvandine, it's a bit ridiculous that trivial/obvious one liner fixes like https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/battery-correct-init-height/+merge/256115 don't land13:26
kenvandineseb128, hey, i'm trying to land a few at a time13:28
kenvandinebut it's slow going13:28
kenvandinei can't land to wily first13:28
seb128why not?13:29
kenvandinebecause of the adt failures from autopilot/uitk13:29
kenvandineit gets held in proposed13:29
seb128can't we just flush think to wily?13:29
kenvandinethey are working on that13:29
seb128are those real failures?13:29
seb128or buggy tools?13:29
seb128can't we just override the results?13:29
kenvandineautopilot stuff that needs upstart13:29
kenvandinethey have a fix, just last i heard it wasn't landed yet13:30
kenvandineseb128, do you know where the setting to enable ntp gets stored on disk?13:33
kenvandinewe need to add the path to the whitelist so it persists on the read-only image13:33
seb128kenvandine, hum, let me check13:36
=== vrruiz is now known as rvr
seb128kenvandine, what settings are you talking about? how do you enable/disable ntp? using the set-ntp timedated flag?13:52
seb128kenvandine, it enable/disable the job, at least under systemd13:54
kenvandineyeah, i just need to know how that gets stored13:54
kenvandineit's only persisting over reboots if the device is writable13:54
kenvandinenot on read-only13:54
kenvandineso we're missing a path in the writable whitelist13:54
seb128kenvandine, seems to rename /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate to /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate.disabled13:55
kenvandineseb128, about the landings, they'll speed up once the autopilot issue gets resolved13:57
kenvandinewhich should be soon...13:57
seb128kenvandine, can't we just override the test to get it to migrate?13:57
seb128or keep it in proposed and do other landings13:58
kenvandinethere are lots of things we could do :)13:58
seb128that "charge graph has a wrong initial value" bug is stupid, that fix shouldn't take that long to land13:58
kenvandinebut the fix should have been quicker than this13:58
seb128it should land in vivid as well imho13:58
seb128graphs look wrong atm13:58
tjaaltonevolution-source-registry takes 370MB RAM on my desktop.. can I disable it somehow?13:58
kenvandineyeah, agreed13:58
seb128tjaalton, rm? mv? apt-get remove?13:58
kenvandineit has to be on the ota4 milestone or qa isn't going to look at it13:58
seb128kenvandine, let me ping Pat13:59
tjaaltongood idea13:59
seb128tjaalton, does it take as much if you restart it?13:59
kenvandineseb128, and i'm quite busy on content-hub right now, so not much time to spin wheels on settings landings... i'd love some help getting landings in wily :)13:59
seb128kenvandine, I would be happy to handle landing if you refresh my memory on what to do14:00
kenvandineseb128, this systemd-shim and persistance is on the ota4 milestone, so gotta get that done too14:00
seb128kenvandine, I know how to drive the system, I'm just not uptodate on "politics"14:00
kenvandineeasier for wily :)14:00
seb128no qa needed there?14:00
kenvandineand i bet you could get away with more than 3 fixes per silo for wily :)14:00
seb128can we just flush the pending queue to wily?14:01
kenvandineafaik we aren't gating on qa for wily right now14:01
tjaaltonseb128: the parent seems to be upstart --user, but initctl doesn't show it14:01
kenvandinewhich worries me... because then if they block a backport to vivid later we have to rework stuff14:01
kenvandinebut... they don't have the resources to verify every fix for wily and vivid14:01
seb128kenvandine, confirmed the file rename on my bq rtm rw btw14:02
kenvandineyeah, i did too14:02
kenvandinethanks for that!~14:02
kenvandinenow to figure out who to go to about fixing that in lxc-android-config now14:02
seb128kenvandine, good luck, I think rename don't play along with the bind mount hack14:03
Laneyrenames are bad14:03
seb128kenvandine, you might need something along http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-systemd/systemd.git/commit/?h=ubuntu&id=10f312d34a39cb2c5738d48705498fdfec38e9f014:04
seb128in systemd-shim14:04
seb128e.g make it rename /etc/writable/... rather than the normal file14:05
seb128I just did a hack like that for whoopsie yesterday14:05
kenvandineseb128, so you know how to fix something like this?14:07
kenvandinemaybe you could do it :)14:08
seb128kenvandine, lol, nice try14:08
kenvandinei have the partial systemd-shim fix in silo 3514:08
seb128well, I'm unsure that's needed there14:08
seb128and I can't see I'm a fan of the change I submitted for whoopsie14:09
seb128waiting for somebody to review that one first before considering copying that somewhere else14:09
kenvandinersalveti, i assume you're not the guy to go to for lxc-android-config anymore?14:09
Laneyit feels disturbing to be sprinkling this around everywhere14:09
seb128Laney, well, less disturbing that having our phone buggy for users14:10
seb128Laney, do you see any other option?14:10
Laneydon't know, could try to think14:11
Laneynot interested in a trolling argument14:11
seb128well, me neither14:11
LaneyI'm not saying that not fixing it is better14:11
seb128I'm just saying that we didn't figure out a better way to do this14:11
Laneybut also doing weird hacks is not good14:11
seb128I don't like it either14:11
seb128right, I think we agree14:11
seb128I just don't have anything better to propose14:11
seb128it's the less sucky option we have atm afaik14:12
kenvandinersalveti, got a minute to look at a fix we'll need related to writable paths and lxc-android-config to let us know if it would work?14:17
kenvandineenabling/disabling ntp  renames between /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate and /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate.disabled14:18
kenvandinersalveti, is that something we can handle?14:18
rsalvetikenvandine: got a minute now :-)15:35
rsalvetiguess this is the conversation that is happening at phablet now15:35
* Laney screams at jffi15:45
* larsu calms down Laney with a cookie and some tea (with milk)15:46
LaneyI have jelly and tea atm15:46
* Laney transmits a picture15:46
larsuooh nice15:46
larsuplease do transmit15:46
* larsu wonders why totem resets active-plugins gsettings key when starting15:47
LaneyI wonder what sin I committed in a previous life to be having to try and compehend java build systems15:48
larsuwow. totem writes that key thrice on startup15:51
* larsu shaves yet another yak15:51
larsuseems to be libpeas' fault though15:51
Laneyyou have to fix this for that bug?15:51
larsunope, I don't have to15:52
larsuI guess you're telling me to get my priorities straight? >P15:52
Laneyah, one of those15:52
Laneyup to you15:52
larsuI mostly need it to work to test turning on/off plugins15:52
larsubecause they insert menu items15:53
larsuand apparently some are not turn-aoofable15:53
seb128Laney, kenvandine, pitti, any comment/opinion on http://paste.ubuntu.com/11246865/ to filter out locales which correspond to a separate language?15:53
seb128Laney, kenvandine, pitti, basically list xx_YY.UTF-8 locales if xx=YY (to have e.g de_DE work, that's a "de" directory on disk) or if "xx_YY" exists in /usr/share/locale-langpacks15:56
LaneyI think assuming that the country and the language are the same is a bad heuristic15:58
Laneyfails for zh_CN for example15:58
seb128zh_CN has a dir with that name15:58
LaneyIt's just an example15:59
seb128it's to catch fr_FR having no fr_FR but only "fr" on disk15:59
seb128same for de_DE being de15:59
LaneyI think that libicu has a facility for this if you are trying to keep the 'main' language15:59
seb128no, I don't want to keep the main language15:59
seb128because en_AU would give me "en" which is a dir on disk16:00
seb128but we don't want en_AU listed16:00
Laneywhat is this comparison doing in addition to looking at the directory?16:00
seb128making de_DE listed16:00
seb128because /usr/share/locale-langpack/de_DE doesn't exists16:00
seb128only /usr/share/locale-langpack/de16:01
seb128we would have no german listed at all without that bit16:01
seb128I assume that "xx_XX" is shortened to dir "xx"16:01
seb128but I might be wrong16:01
Laneythe code already builds a list16:01
Laneyso you can say 'give me the likely locale for "de"'16:01
seb128list of?16:01
LaneyI think16:02
Laneyor at least you could make it do that16:02
seb128I'm not sure to understand what you mean "likely locale"16:02
LaneyI remember attente adding some knowledge of this concept16:02
Laneyhe called it likely, it's what you're trying to do here I think16:02
seb128    // Should be true if locale is the default for its language.16:02
seb128    // e.g. 'en_US' is the likely locale for 'en', 'en_CA' is not.16:02
seb128    bool likely;16:02
seb128en_US has its own dir16:03
seb128I don't want that shortened16:03
Laneyyou could only do this lookup if you need to16:03
seb128that is reverse compared to what I want no?16:03
Laneyso you have 'de', that's not a locale, so find out what the likely locale for 'de' is16:04
seb128well, I don't have "de"16:04
seb128I've the output of locale -a16:04
seb128and I want to filter out the ones with no translation installed in /usr/share/locale-langpacks16:04
seb128so my current way is to split .utf-8 and check if the remaining bit exists in the dir16:05
desrtpitti: hey... question...16:05
seb128that works for e.g en_US16:05
seb128or en_GB16:05
Laneyso you want to list that directory, make sure they are all locales by doing this 'likely' lookup16:05
desrtpitti: is there some API i can use for apport to report an issue?16:05
Laneyand then intersect this with the locale -a output16:05
desrtie: i have a library that detects a critical problem, but can proceed anyway... and i don't want to bother the user16:06
desrtand i want apport to file a bug against the correct program, etc.16:06
Laneyor do this step by step, whatever16:06
larsudesrt: yes, but please don't16:06
seb128Laney, sorry I don't understand :-(16:06
larsudesrt: instead, let's route all criticals to apport16:06
desrtlarsu: that's sort of what i'm getting at...16:06
larsudesrt: ah, I thought you wanted to do that for the specific case we were discussing16:07
desrtwell, that too16:07
seb128Laney, what you described, the dir has "en", the locale list not, that wouldn't intersect ... or you would suggest to transform "en" to the likely locale, e.g "en_US"?16:07
larsudesrt: well, don't. :)16:07
desrt(for those who were not watching our private conversation: we're talking about the dconf-writes-on-startup problem)16:07
attenteu-s-s should already be converting en to en_US iirc16:07
larsuman, I wanted to keep the mystery alive16:08
desrtlarsu: sorry.  not friday yet :)16:08
attenteat least for the purpose of listing it as the first 'en' locale16:08
seb128attente, right, what I'm trying to do is reverse16:08
seb128from the locales list, filter out those which don't have translations in /usr/share/locale-langpacks16:08
Laneyseb128: Indeed16:09
attenteseb128: oh, so if only 'en' is installed, then 'en_US' should still work even if it doesn't exist?16:09
seb128en_US has its own dir16:09
seb128but e.g de_DE doesn't16:09
Laneyuse de instead of en16:09
seb128I though that maybe xx_XX cases would short to "xx"16:10
seb128so I check for that16:10
attenteoh. that doesn't work?16:10
seb128Laney is challenging it being the right thing to do16:10
seb128it does16:10
larsudesrt: ARGH this is even wrong in the docs: https://developer.gnome.org/libpeas/1.14/PeasEngine.html#PeasEngine--loaded-plugins16:10
seb128it's just that Laney think the likey thing is better16:10
seb128so I'm trying to wrap my head around that16:10
attentethe likely thing is only going from 'en' -> 'en_US' though16:11
seb128it seems more complex to me so far, but maybe I'm going to be able to grasp it ;-)16:11
attentenot in the other direction16:11
Laneyyou have en_US in the list of locales16:11
attentei'm not sure how to do the other direction other than just trim the suffix16:11
seb128I think Laney wants me to throw the dirnames to the likely() converter16:11
seb128and use that list16:11
seb128that seems more work though16:11
seb128I'm trying to think if I agree it's a better way ;-)16:11
Laneydoesn't the code have this list anyway?16:11
Laneyor almost have it16:12
seb128not yet at the place I want to exclude locales16:12
Laneyis there going to be a separate place for format locales?16:13
seb128not in the current design16:14
seb128but who knows in the futur16:14
Laneywhat about things which aren't translated via langpacks?16:15
LaneyI suppose we don't include all locales currently16:16
seb128no, the goal is to list things that have translations on the device16:16
seb128no point picking a language which is not installed16:16
Laneythey're not all installed centrally though16:17
seb128if a language has no string in the langpack I guess we can claim it's not translated enough to be supported16:17
Laneynot sure how click packages are translated16:17
seb128you mean?16:17
Laneybut I would guess that they ship that themselves16:17
Laneyor any universe app16:17
Laneycan't select those languages16:17
seb128well, you don't want to advertise a language if the base OS has 0 translation for it16:18
seb128even if some click has some16:18
seb128it's like "oh, nice, esperanto is listed in the languages (because d_sert submitted and app and included some translations)16:19
seb128but then you select it and nothing displays in esperanto16:19
seb128-> disappointed16:19
seb128the langpack approximation is not perfect but I think it's good enough?16:20
Laneyoh I translated my favourite app to my language becaue my english isn't very good but the system won't let me pick it :(16:20
attenteoh. so this is a question of whether filtering by installed langpacks is the right thing to do to begin with16:21
LaneyI moved it on a bit ;-)16:21
Laneythat is also a problem with what we have atm16:21
seb128Laney, well, it's about setting expectations as well16:22
seb128anyway, I discussed it for over an hour yesterday with mpt16:22
LaneyI could imagine "install additional languages" which downloads the langpack16:22
Laneyand maybe shows you % translated if that's possible16:22
seb128we didn't find a good/robust way to flag valid languages16:22
seb128we need something that simply the current list even if not perfect16:23
seb128Laney, sure, I'm happy to revisit our code the day we have click langpacks16:23
LaneyI'm not rejecting your solution16:23
seb128which is on the roadmap16:23
seb128but not being worked on yet16:23
Laneyit's okay to suggest ways in which it could be better though16:23
seb128I would like to land the first step though16:23
seb128then we can discuss futur16:23
seb128we sort of collide both topics now and I'm unsure which ones you would like to see fixed for the first landing16:24
Laneythat's why I gave you feedback on the code first16:24
Laneyand then started talking about the merts of the approach16:24
seb128yeah, just trying to recap what needs to be changed16:24
seb128so you would for the first landing do a dirList.likelyLocale() iteration to transform the list16:25
seb128then match on that?16:25
Laneyone second, moving back upstairs16:25
Laneygetting cold16:25
seb128why do you think it's better than the simple xx=XX check?16:25
pittiseb128: that won't work in some cases like sv_SE, or sr_RS@latin, but probably a good first heuristics16:25
* pitti <- just a quick drive by; sorry, uber-busy today, and need to leave to sports16:26
pittidesrt: the python API is quite rich; for C, you basically need to drop a report file into /var/crash16:26
seb128pitti, ok, thanks16:26
pittidesrt: we have some helpers like /usr/share/apport/recoverable_problem which you can call with arguments16:26
pittidesrt: maybe you can already use that, maybe we need someting similar16:27
* pitti waves, sorry16:27
seb128pitti, do you know of a better heuristic?16:27
desrtpitti: i'll take a look16:27
seb128pitti, have a good evening16:27
seb128pitti, let's chat tomorrow16:27
Laneyseb128: I just installed all langpacks and there's 'xh' which corresponds to 'xh_ZA' and 'te' -> 'te_IN' for example16:34
seb128Laney, yeah, pitti mentioned sr_RS16:35
Laneyactually only en and zh have variants translated it seems16:36
didrockshave good evening guys16:38
Laneythis guy quits too fast16:38
seb128Laney, so you think maybe not listing variants out of en_XX zn_XX ones?16:43
Laneythose are the ones we have now but I guess there could be more in future16:45
LaneyI was mainly trying to support my original idea ;)16:46
larsudesrt: I need a hidden-when=action-missing-or-disabled16:46
seb128Laney, would your original idea work in all cases?16:46
seb128I'm trying to do that bug get some issues16:46
Laneyif the likely information is right ...16:47
seb128qWarning() << "likely" << likelyLocaleForLanguage[language];16:48
seb128that always return "" for me16:48
seb128I'm probably doing something wrong16:48
seb128or that code doesn't work16:48
seb128shrug, the likely things works by calling "/usr/share/language-tools/language2locale"16:50
seb128which is some script hackery16:50
Laneyah that contains the mapping16:56
Laneywould be better if that was dynamic, not sure if anywhere has this info16:56
desrtlarsu: 'disabled' also hides actions when they're missing16:57
desrtsince missing actions are always disabled...16:57
larsuoh that makes sense of course! thanks :)16:57
seb128Laney, thanks for the input, I think I'm going to think about this overnight17:00
seb128I don't like much that likely thing17:00
seb128calling some external shell script on every locale17:01
seb128that probably contribute to that panel being slow to open17:01
seb128I would like to remove that rather than stack more use to it17:01
Laneyit's not going to make it be called any more times ...17:01
seb128so maybe just loading the file with the map list17:01
seb128right, but I want to remove those calls now that I saw them :p17:02
LaneyI don't care for the specifics, it's the idea17:02
Laneyit basically comes down to reading this main-countries file and some fallback cases17:02
seb128those locales things are more difficult that they should be :-/17:03
seb128on that note have a good evening everyone17:03
seb128Laney, thanks again for the feedback ;-)17:04
Laneyseb128: you could make it accept multiple inputs and output them all, then you only have to call it once17:04
Laneyinstead of reimplementing it in C++ ;-)17:04
Laneyno worries17:04
Laneybye from me too!17:04
seb128bye :-)17:05
Laneygod damn jffi defeated me17:05
Laneyi'll be back tomorrow to take it on again17:05
* willcooke -> EOD17:08
desrtthis guy quits too fast17:09

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