
lotuspsychjegood morning05:37
lotuspsychjeki7mt: morning :p07:55
ki7mtMorning .. how goes it07:55
lotuspsychjefine mate tnx07:55
ki7mtIm to my eye in Git ion Launchpad .. what an adventure this has become07:56
lotuspsychjewhats your purpose07:56
ki7mtIt's working pretty good .. but they have a ways to go before it's at the BZR quality of integration07:56
lotuspsychjeyeah with git07:57
lotuspsychjewhat are you doing exactly07:57
ki7mtOk, it's allot easier to manage branches, features and such. Plus I can work diffferent branches from different boxes and not have to worry.07:57
lotuspsychjeremember our talk about hp + ubuntu= http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/05/new-ubuntu-laptops-available-from-ebuyer-2-207:58
ki7mtwow, is that your UK Store ?07:58
lotuspsychjeno, im in belgium07:59
lotuspsychjebut my idea gets spreaded :p07:59
lotuspsychjei would rather plug samsung 850 pro in those machines :p07:59
lotuspsychjecheap beasts07:59
ki7mtLOL .. told you .. gotta be quick in that market :-)07:59
lotuspsychjeyeah :p but in my country not many ubuntu yet07:59
ki7mtPlus they probably have lots of buying power, and get the base units cheap07:59
lotuspsychjei tryed to contact HP but never got mail from them08:00
ki7mtIt's flippen hard to find descent bare-bones laptops, Im always looking for them.08:00
lotuspsychjeme too, im real curious how they got those08:00
lotuspsychjeand how much they cost without win + hd08:00
ki7mtThey probably already have a big purchase contract in place, then made a deal with HP08:01
lotuspsychjeyeah that would make sense08:01
lotuspsychjei dont have the money for big purchases08:01
ki7mtThey probably use / sell to HP laptops to companies, or have a big channel partner deal for servers.08:02
lotuspsychjei need a fast company that can deliver barebones one by one08:02
lotuspsychjeits bad idea to have much hardware in store08:02
lotuspsychjeevery customer has other needs right08:02
ki7mtGood luck with that .. they want million dollar commitments and buying orders like 100 units at a time or something08:02
lotuspsychjeso you think their so cheap because of the big ammount they ordered?08:03
ki7mtI really like the Laptop Idea, Im going toward the Micro Market, Mini-ITX, RPI2's CubiBoards, the stuff you can get one at a time.08:03
lotuspsychjeyeah im thinking of replacing the regular desktop into those08:04
ki7mtIm in the same boat as you, can never source descent Laptops in low volume.08:04
lotuspsychjewell i have found one or 2 companies who did mail me08:04
lotuspsychjelemme check holdon08:04
ki7mtMini-ITX is a fraction of the cost of a full desktop. Loaded with an SSD it's lightning fast.08:05
lotuspsychjethey can deliver everything besides barebone laptops08:06
lotuspsychjeand this one everything08:06
ki7mtThat's not a bad price, 399 EU .. I didn't look at the specs though08:07
lotuspsychjethose clevo barebones might be an idea perhaps08:07
ki7mtYeah, Im pretty picky though. I like only Enermax PSU's, and Intel CPU's .. Im partitial to ASUS MB's but will use others if I have too.08:08
lotuspsychjeyeah intel cpu and wifi we discussed last time, would rocknroll08:08
ki7mtI tend to stay with wat is supported most, and has rock solid reliability08:09
lotuspsychjeill surely use that08:09
lotuspsychje+ubuntu hardware 4 life08:09
ki7mtLook into the I3's m8 .. you can save allot of Duckies gettign a Dual core i3 3.6 / 3.8 CPU .. most folks never max out their box for normal computing.08:09
lotuspsychjeyeah indeed + ssd will go lightning fast08:10
ki7mtIt's still a Dual core, but it's half the price of an i508:10
lotuspsychjeand who needs game machines anyway these days08:10
ki7mtYes, spend the money on an SSD +i3 and it's a rocken fast box.08:10
ki7mtGame boxes are different of course, so is Dev boxes, but we're talking about the average user that doesn't have 2 grand to spend on a box.08:11
lotuspsychjeyour full of good ideas im gonna use :p08:12
ki7mtI could easily spend 3000/4000 bucks on a high end game box, but, do they really "need it" == NO .. they just "want it"08:12
lotuspsychjessd i3 ubuntu08:12
ki7mtI just helped a guy build an i3 + SSD a week or so ago .. he's over the moon with it, says its the fastest box he's ever used. Has Ubuntu on it of course.08:13
lotuspsychje: ) nice08:13
lotuspsychjeand you use LTS also?08:14
lotuspsychjeor latest08:14
ki7mtThat's all I ever recommend .. I test the in-between releases, but I don't use them daily.08:14
lotuspsychjeme neither08:14
ki7mtLTS that is08:14
lotuspsychjewhat i wanna achieve is to become cheaper of those big multinational stores08:15
lotuspsychjeand more stable/fast08:15
ki7mtIm on 14.04 here and very happy with it. 15.04 is pretty good though. But, there's nothing earth shattering for the "normal user" .. the devs need it for systemD testing, but the average user can't tell the difference.08:15
lotuspsychje16.04 sounds promising also :p08:16
ki7mtWhy these folks want a distro that only has 9mo of support is beyond me.08:16
lotuspsychjethey talking on that convergence08:16
lotuspsychjeyeah me neither08:16
lotuspsychjei would put most of the focus on LTS08:16
lotuspsychje14.04 has been the best ubuntu ever08:16
ki7mtYup, my next upgrade with be 16.0408:16
lotuspsychje: )08:17
lotuspsychjei dint have 1 box yet that couldnt install 14.0408:17
ki7mtBut I ahve 14.10 and two or three DE's in 15.04 on this box.08:17
lotuspsychjei installed more then 30+ already08:17
ki7mtthis is the box Im on now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11240721/08:18
lotuspsychjewhat you think of internet of things?08:18
lotuspsychjeall those disks :p08:18
ki7mtHas win64, a win64-server, and somthign like 6 or 8 primary partition installs.08:18
ki7mtYeah, I laugh when somebody says they cant multi-boot Ubuntu .. LMAO08:19
lotuspsychjei only singleboot ubuntu08:20
ki7mtI have have apps I have to work with in Windows, so I gotta test them there.08:20
lotuspsychjewould be nice one day to have a real emulator08:20
lotuspsychjelike a multi Os deamon tools08:21
lotuspsychjeto 'run' every software on any Os08:21
ki7mtThis is one of my Win/Linux cross over projects: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jtsdk/08:21
ki7mtCheckout the features, that instal has: Mingw in one env, MSYS in another env, Cygwin in another, can compile Python2 and 3 apps, Plus QT5 apps.08:22
lotuspsychje    QT5 + mingw32 (GCC 4.8.0) winpthread Tool Chain08:23
lotuspsychje    MinGW32 (GCC 4.8.1) pthread Tool Chain08:23
lotuspsychje    MSYS Base Environment + Autotools08:23
lotuspsychje    Cygwin x86/32bit Bash, Gnu Coreutils, Git, SVN + much more ...08:23
lotuspsychje    Python2 / Python3 with Tcl/Tk in Seperate Environments08:23
lotuspsychje    InnoSetup and NSIS Installer Build Applications08:23
lotuspsychje    Build Scripts for WSJT, WSJT-X, WSPR, WSPR-X and MAP6508:23
lotuspsychje    Build Scripts for All WSJT Documentation08:23
lotuspsychje    Supports Win32/64 and Linux x86/x86_6408:23
lotuspsychjenice list08:23
ki7mtYeah, was a PITA to get working on Windows08:23
ki7mtI wrote all of the custome /etc/skel stuff and all the build scripts in DOS !!! major nightmare.08:23
lotuspsychjesounds crazy08:24
ki7mtBut I do have a slick Cygwin installer script though, fully automated.08:24
ki7mtYeah, this is even more crazy ..08:24
lotuspsychjeyeah im also a handy package fan08:24
ki7mtIt was all done so I could get the apps ported to Linux08:24
lotuspsychjeto ease up our linux life08:24
ki7mtOh yeah, and the scripts also built the Win32 installers, for the applications they compile, that was an interesting learnign curve :-) I did all the InnoSetp, the other Devs did the NSIS08:26
ki7mtBut, the guy that is the Main developer, Joe (K1JT), he's a Nobel Prize Winning Astrophysicists .. so I was happy to help08:27
ki7mtIt's not every day you get to interact to a Nobel prize dude08:27
lotuspsychjegotta split mate breakfast with wife08:28
lotuspsychjesee you next interesting discussion :p08:28
ki7mtThis dud has won more awards the Forest Gump: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Hooton_Taylor,_Jr.08:28
ki7mt.. dude ..08:28
lotuspsychjebbl :p08:28
ki7mtOk, I need to go get ready for my UBuntu Menbership Interview... CUL08:29
BluesKajHi folks13:16
=== EriC^^ is now known as explosive
=== explosive is now known as EriC^^
lotuspsychjeevening to all18:29
lotuspsychjedaftykins: hello mate :p18:29
lotuspsychjehows it going?18:29
daftykinsall the better for not being in #ubuntu right now that's for sure ;)18:29
daftykinsbut yep all good here thanks - and yourself?18:29
lotuspsychjegreat, whats happening in main?18:30
daftykinsah i just got tired of the trolls last night18:30
OerHeksHi lotuspsychje daftykins18:30
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: hello18:30
OerHeksthis brad dude too, wants to install on external usb318:30
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: he's on here since this morning18:31
daftykinsah that one was in yesterday18:31
daftykinsin some ways i suppose you have to admire those that are willing to take multiple days to get ubuntu on their machine18:32
daftykinsthat guest Eric had been helping seems to have taken a week18:32
lotuspsychjeyeah i told eric he's being following by shadow trolss18:32
lotuspsychjeand nobody use !who anymore18:34
lotuspsychjelooks like a jungle out there18:34
OerHeksIf you can stand helping in #ubuntu, you sure would earn a job.18:36
daftykinsi love the smell of napalm in the morning.18:36
OerHeks.. wait ... i am jobless18:36
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: lol18:37
lotuspsychje1st line helpdesk linux $$$$$$$$$18:37
OerHeksNo, 2nd line pls18:37
OerHekslet the 1st write down something usefull18:38
lotuspsychjeits more like 10 lines at the same time :p18:38
daftykinsassuming it can be extracted from the helpee unakin to blood from a stone ;)18:38
lotuspsychjeLiebknecht: hi18:38
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: eric was installing snappy on qemu the other day18:39
lotuspsychjefooling around a bit18:40
Liebknechtlotuspsychje: huh18:40
lotuspsychjeLiebknecht: ah we thought you were idling :p18:40
lotuspsychjeyou are alive!18:40
OerHekstgm is now in snappy, working on something.18:40
lotuspsychje!info tgm18:41
ubot5Package tgm does not exist in vivid18:41
OerHeksi follow that stuff too18:41
lotuspsychjewhats tgm18:41
LiebknechtSorry I've been really busy18:41
OerHekserr no, ubuntu member Thomas <tgm4883>18:41
lotuspsychjeLiebknecht: no sweat18:41
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: ah!18:41
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: did you read that article on apt-get will use snappy?18:42
OerHeksYes, awesome.18:42
lotuspsychjesounds a rocksolid idea18:43
OerHeksNext step, after DM, packaging.18:43
lotuspsychjebut the cloud, i dont like too much18:43
lotuspsychjethe idea of data get stored on remote frightens me18:44
Liebknechtlotuspsychje: I've also been bouncing from Ubuntu, Win10, and Arch18:45
LiebknechtI should just get 1TB drives and put them all on my system haha18:45
OerHeksi love this rant > http://www.networkworld.com/article/2923882/opensource-subnet/ubuntus-shuttleworths-call-to-arms-in-open-source-stirs-up-controversy.html18:46
lotuspsychjeLiebknecht: hows arch these days?18:46
Liebknechtlotuspsychje: easier to install18:46
Liebknechtlotuspsychje: Much, much easier18:46
OerHeksnot the rant, but you will read an interest and admire in that story18:46
daftykinslawl arch18:49
ki7mtdaftykins, Can I send you a quick pm ?18:54
daftykinser sure18:56
* lotuspsychje_ doesnt like timeouts oO19:10
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: no guest users follwing you, its all clear :p19:38
EriC^^lotuspsychje: hehe19:38
daftykinsi had highlights from that guy too19:39
daftykinsi didn't really get why he/she had so many issues installing19:39
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: that guest you helped so long19:40
EriC^^oh, guest21212121219:40
daftykinsthe one with the kernel panic on boot, seemed to be getting into a real mess with EFI vs. legacy early on?19:40
ki7mtwhy do people insist on using the root account on a Sudo system19:56
lotuspsychjedont have a clue19:56
lotuspsychjethats asking for trouble19:56
ki7mtYeah, I know, but this guys thinks it's ok.19:57
lotuspsychjeno wonder things break so much19:58
lotuspsychjeki7mt: i wonder why he needs that file anyway lib..20:01
daftykinsoh dear you've not got back that one that runs X as root?20:03
lotuspsychjeyes we do20:03
daftykinsugh, what was the nick?20:03
daftykinshrmm must've changed20:04
lotuspsychjewell he apt-get install a lib with root20:04
ki7mtThe problem is, dpkg / apt-get authiticates through the sudoers file, root, is not in there %admin is, and his sudo admin user.20:05
ki7mtUnder an account that is, it's in there as a user20:05
ki7mtLike so: # Allow members of group sudo to execute any command: %sudoALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL20:06
EriC^^ki7mt: that shouldn't matter20:09
ki7mtBut if root is not in that group, when dpkg / apt-get tries to authenticate it will fail would it not?20:10
EriC^^i dont think it authenticate, it just runs the program with uid=020:10
EriC^^we always install stuff from chroots and you're root there20:11
ki7mtThat's from like a LiveCD or something right?20:12
EriC^^in debian you don't automatically get a sudo'd user and you can install stuff as root too20:12
ki7mtor on a bootstrap install where (sudo, the application) has not been installed to the user space /usr/bin etc20:13
ki7mtYes, Debian is different.20:13
lotuspsychjebut apt-get isnt meant to be runned by root on ubuntu right EriC^^20:13
lotuspsychjesudo instead?20:13
ki7mtNot on Debian, you use root unless you install sudo20:13
EriC^^why not? it literally doesn't use any environment variables of the user20:14
EriC^^sudo is a suid program > runs apt-get for you with uid=020:15
lotuspsychjedoesnt it hold a security risk when your root instead of sudo20:15
EriC^^how so?20:16
lotuspsychjevunrable package perhaps or whatever20:16
ki7mtYes, thats is where I think it gets hung up when you enable the root account, somehow, exactly where Im not sure. But I've hit this same issue, many times and never found the exact reason why.20:16
EriC^^it's the same as running it as root, except sudo might use a different environment that's passed to apt-get20:16
EriC^^lotuspsychje: same thing, if the package had some type of vulnerability it would still have uid=0, actually with sudo it might be worse cause it might know the user you use20:17
lotuspsychjei see20:17
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: but if someone takes over the system tru lets say vnc, and sees the terminal with root...he could do nasty things right20:24
EriC^^lotuspsychje: yeah, i'm not saying logging in as root is a good thing at all20:25
EriC^^just that using apt-get as root won't break anything20:25
EriC^^logging in as root is pretty stupid, i guess except someone has a good reason or something20:26
lotuspsychjenever tryed it myself :p20:26
ki7mtI have and paid the price for it .. LOL .. reimaged the box shortly after :-)20:26
ki7mtI needed something for a web-server custom compile, and stupidly followed a how too .. bad idea !20:27
ki7mtHere's another example, broken box, via activating root user: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187755720:29
lotuspsychjeonly bad news indeed20:29
lotuspsychjeunless like EriC^^ says, you have a real good reason and know what your doing20:30
ki7mtthat's pretty old though, but Im sure there are more rescent examples to be found .. lol20:30
EriC^^yeah chown -R myuser: / will break things :P20:30
EriC^^it's pretty easy to make a mistake if you're logged in as root all the time20:30
ki7mtI do, when Im on a real root system, no problem, but this RootSudo stuff, man I avoid it like the plague20:30
EriC^^let me delete some stuff ... rm -r * , oh crap why is my desktop disintegrating20:31
ki7mtLOL yeah, clean out the ole trash bin in /20:31
lotuspsychjeon windows you dont even need to be logged in as admin, rootkits find their way in anywayz20:32
ki7mtYeah, the hacks bust it for you, dont have to do anything at all normally :-)20:32
lotuspsychjei read lot of security news, its crazy what they can do these days20:33
lotuspsychjeits like the whole world is one botnet20:33
ki7mtAt least with *Nix, if I bust it, I got no one else to blame :-)20:33
lotuspsychjeki7mt: i recently scanned with clamav as test, its database holds those recent linux exploits too20:34
ki7mtYeah, I dont enable anythiny in browsers and all email is txt . no HTML20:34
lotuspsychjelol oldskool lynx style20:34
ki7mtYeah, Lynx rules !!20:34
lotuspsychje!info links20:34
ubot5links (source: links2): Web browser running in text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8-2 (vivid), package size 358 kB, installed size 1093 kB20:34
lotuspsychjethats a nice one20:35
ki7mtI think Links is the oldest browser out there, or at least close to it.20:35
lotuspsychjei downloaded music livesets on soundcloud with it without lags :p20:35
ki7mtLynx and Midnight Commander Babe :-)20:36
lotuspsychjeand a green on black terminal20:36
ki7mtThat's all I need really, if I could learn how to use IRSSI I'd use that too.20:36
lotuspsychjei dont find irssi handy20:36
lotuspsychjexchat all the way here20:36
lotuspsychjealso green on black20:37
ki7mtIv'e tried, allot, but I just can't get the hang of it.20:37
lotuspsychjeto change channels with ctrl20:37
lotuspsychjebit unhandy20:37
ki7mtSome guys say it the best there is, and there's a stupid number of modules / plugins for it20:37
ki7mtIve probably spent more time messing with plugins than actually using it, prob why I sux at it.20:38
ki7mtwhere did the root guy go .. seems he left20:39
lotuspsychjehe broke his system :p20:40
ki7mtIt's definately Borked', how bad, nobody knows.20:41
ki7mtIt really annoys me that I can't find why enabling that account causes the problem.20:41
EriC^^ki7mt: you mean enabling the root account as in setting a password for it?20:42
EriC^^or doing sudo -i; then typing apt-get install something?20:42
ki7mtEnabling the root account, why that breaks things20:43
lotuspsychjeki7mt: http://oi57.tinypic.com/fub3o3.jpg20:44
ki7mtOk, that's cool .. that's about how smart I feel on this root issue :-)20:44
ki7mtYeahh, Mooooooo20:45
ki7mtwe have plenty of that around my place here thousands of Moooo Cows20:45
lotuspsychjei bet my country has more20:45
ki7mtI dont know20:45
lotuspsychjei loose20:46
lotuspsychjemore cows in usa20:46
lotuspsychjeso far for quality ubuntu discussions oO20:46
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: lol20:48
lotuspsychjenite nite21:05

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