
=== markthomas is now known as markthomas|away
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
ruben23hi guys how do i install ncurses-devel in ubuntu server..?06:05
OpenTokixruben23: apt-get install libncurses5-dev06:08
ruben23 hi guys how do i install ncurses-devel in ubuntu server..?06:15
=== markthomas|away is now known as markthomas
rbasakhackeron: did you get anywhere with that?07:25
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
Sander^workHow come mount --bind from fstab dosnt work on ubuntu 6.10, but it does on ubuntu 12.04.. I did this small test: mkdir /tmp/test /tmp/test/works /tmp/test/mounted; echo "/tmp/test /tmp/mounted none bind 0 0" >> /etc/fstab; mount -a; ls -la /tmp/mounted08:42
rbasakBind mounting is a relatively recent kernel feature. I'm not sure it existed in 2006.08:46
Sander^workDo you know which kernel version it was introduced in?08:47
rbasakI'm not sure, sorry.08:47
Sander^workOk, thanks so far atleast, i'll ask in #kernel08:47
Sander^workrbasak, do you remember which file is the bootup init script?09:00
Sander^workso I can add --bind rules there.09:00
rbasakSander^work: I would put it in /etc/rc.local or write a separate init script. Cleaner than messing with the existing ones.09:06
Sander^workrbasak: is rc.local used after boot mounting in fstab?10:38
Sander^workI guess.10:38
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
harushimoquestion for people on ubuntu maas13:07
harushimoi've been stuck on the second step specifically geared towards clustering13:07
Mega1is there any here14:06
harushimocan anyone assist me on maas14:34
harushimoI'm having some problems14:34
hackeronrbasak: not had a chance yet - been dealing with others having this issue as well as setting up new customers - will try to have a look later to figure out what exactly is different going from 14.04 -> 14.10 -> 15.04 and just going from 14.10 -> 15.04 and why does the former not boot :/ - so bizare!14:43
rbasakhackeron: can't remember if I said this before, but maybe compare /etc between the two options?14:44
rbasakhackeron: you definitely ended up on the same kernel version?14:44
rbasakhackeron: maybe also compare package lists14:45
harushimoanyone can help with MAAS..that would be great14:48
kickinz1harushimo, please describe your problem, not sure I can help, but you would get more answer when describing the problem.14:53
harushimohere is my problem: for some odd, I update the configuration interface for the cluster. I get two errors message. Clashes with MAAS Dhcp as for the cluster.  Then I get a error message no connections to my cluster14:58
harushimoi'm following this documentation: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud/install-ubuntu-openstack14:59
harushimostep 3 is giving me the problem14:59
kickinz1harushimo, restart maas-dhcp service and maas-clusterd services14:59
harushimowould it be sudo maas restart maas-dhcp service and cluster services15:00
kickinz1harushimo, on which release are you running maas?15:01
kickinz1harushimo, (trusty, vivid)?15:01
harushimo14.04 server15:01
harushimoI'm guessing that is trusty15:01
kickinz1OK trusty, so you are running upstart. sudo service maas-???? restart15:02
harushimothank you15:02
kickinz1harushimo, did it make it work?15:03
harushimonope it says maas-dhcp unreconginzed service15:03
kickinz1I don't have a maas server nearby, so I don't remember the services names. You need to check in your /etc/init dir15:04
Seveasit's maas-dhcpd15:06
harushimothank you15:06
harushimoI'm still getting the same error message: Error: Unable to connect to cluster15:08
harushimoi don't understand why I need MAAS to run openstack?15:10
kickinz1You will need maas, as maas will take care of managing your hw infrastructure, to start/stop intall automatically the hardware, and create an environment for juju to use and model your openstack on it.15:15
kickinz1Then juju will ask maas a server, maas will start one, install ubuntu, keys, etc... on it, then tell juju it is ready, and juju will take over15:17
harushimoI want to be able to run cloud foundry15:18
harushimohence, I'm installed on these applications15:18
harushimoI mean installing15:18
kpettitAny good tricks for removing false positives for SSH checks?  I seem to get tons of those.15:21
kpettitwhoops sorry wrong window.  Doing some zabbix junk15:22
=== matsubara_ is now known as matsubara
kickinz1harushimo, I think you will get more help if you join #maas channel.15:29
harushimoif anyone answers there15:29
harushimoI'll delete the old and create a new VM15:29
kickinz1harushimo, OK15:30
harushimothanks for the help15:31
kickinz1harushimo, you are welcome15:31
harushimoluckily VM are easily destroy and create15:32
kickinz1harushimo, if you are trying to create a virtual openstack over vms, you might want to increase your host MTU to save you some headaches later on (for the tests purposes).15:34
harushimowhat do you mean MTU? I'm not used that acronym15:35
harushimoplease forgive me15:35
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
kickinz1harushimo, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_transmission_unit15:36
harushimohow do you increase that?15:39
kickinz1harushimo, so tune your host eth with 'sudo ifconfig eth? mtu 9000' for example, where 9000 refers to the size of the mtu (9000 is jumbo frames).15:40
kickinz1harushimo, it is just for the purpose of this test setup.15:40
kickinz1harushimo, from what I understood of your test, you will end-up with a virtual maas, serving virtual machines as server to deploy an virtualised openstack, on which you will then create virtual machines (nested virtualisation), to serve a cloud foundry service.15:42
kickinz1harushimo, I hope your host is a good one (as lots of RAM, CPUS and disks), forget it on a laptop!15:45
kickinz1harushimo, by disks, I meant fast disks.15:46
kickinz1harushimo, you will have 7 vm for underlying infrastructure, then the number of nested vm required for your service, so you need to create vms with enough ram to support the nested ones that will sit on top, (so you don't have to reconfigure the underlying machines at the end when creating your service).15:48
kickinz1harushimo, OK, sorry if I'm captain obvious.15:49
harushimoyour fine15:50
harushimoMy machine can handle it15:50
harushimoI have i7 with hyper threading enabled with 32 gbs15:50
harushimoit will be fine15:50
harushimoits a pretty powerful machine15:51
harushimotips are always appreciated15:52
eagles0513875__hey guys how can i use ufw and tell it to forward traffic from one port to another16:02
=== kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|bbl
kickinz1|bbleagles0513875__, does it helps you out 'https://gist.github.com/kimus/9315140' ?16:11
eagles0513875__kickinz1|bbl: 40416:12
kickinz1|bbleagles0513875__, https://gist.github.com/kimus/931514016:12
kickinz1|bbleagles0513875__, ^ opens right on my brower.16:13
eagles0513875__kickinz1|bbl: the first link you had ' as part of link16:13
eagles0513875__i saw that but im still a bit lost16:13
eagles0513875__i dont need nat though16:13
eagles0513875__i have node.js running with authbind to bind traffic to port 80 then in this app we have written its using the sails MVC framework and that in tern when im running it on said test server its on a different port16:14
eagles0513875__and im not able to connect to local host16:14
eagles0513875__either 1) i need to forward traffic coming in on 80 to the port sails is using16:14
eagles0513875__or the hosts file16:14
OnionnionI'm trying to use this PPA to install PHP 5.4 on a 14.04 server but apt-cache policy php5 isn't finding the 5.4 https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php5-oldstable16:15
Onionnionthe readme on there says it doesn't support 13.10 and above, but guides and tutorials are say it should work still16:16
kickinz1|bbleagles0513875__, sorry I need to go.16:16
eagles0513875__kickinz1|bbl: np16:17
tychicusjust went through the ubuntu openstack multi-install17:15
tychicuseverything went very smoothly, but after configuring the networks, I can ping the "public address" on the router, but can not ping any instances on the same network17:16
tychicusare there any tutorials that discuss how to do this on the ubuntu distribution of openstack17:19
tychicusI am guessing that there is something not quite right with the network configuration somewhere17:19
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== jvwjgames_ is now known as jvwjgames
=== kickinz1|bbl is now known as kickinzA|afk
ebonicsanyone know the most 'safe' but flexible chmod to use in general for webservers?20:21
ebonicsi would like to have everything just read only but it's not realistic when you're using some huge framework. certain directories need write access etc. is there a catchall i can use? how bad is 775 for everything?20:22
=== DenBeiren is now known as zz_DenBeiren
Slingebonics: bad20:38
Sling640 for files, 750 for directories20:39
Slingand then set 644/755 for any folders that need writing by the web app like upload/tmp/log/whatever20:39
Slingsee http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/FileSystemPermissions20:39
ebonicsSling, ok cool thanks20:41
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== utlemming is now known as utlemming_away
=== utlemming_away is now known as utlemming

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