
Unit193paultag: Ah, great. :D20:58
paultagUnit193: ♥ 20:59
paultagmy backlog is so big that I actually needed the tracker20:59
Unit193Hah, oh great...  I couldn't find the link to your todo, so figured just bump, had an excuse of a new version at least!21:00
paultagkeep them coming!21:01
paultagI can deal with incoming email loads now21:01
Unit193Hah, I popped a few things on mentors for the heck of it, playing a sort of "Debian roulette" :D21:02
dzhopaultag: how'd you do that?  declare email bankruptcy?  just nose down and slogged through a lot?  built a sophisticated phalanx of filters to sort it for you?21:46
paultagdzho: offloading it to a bugtracker21:46
paultagdzho: a SCRUM guy too21:46
paultagat http://z.ero.cool/21:46
jenni[ Taiga ] - http://z.ero.cool21:47
paultage.g. http://z.ero.cool/project/debian/us/921:47
jenni[ Taiga ] - https://j.mp/1HicrK421:47

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