
josedaker: not sure if it's just me, but... has summit.ubuntu.com slightly changed? (design-wise)05:40
josedaker: nevermind. figured it out. sorry about that!05:41
josemhall119: hey, who should we talk about to get a CNAME for uos.ubuntu.com to uds.ubuntu.com.17:23
josedaker: ping17:25
dakerjose: pong17:26
josedaker: hey, you know if the summit favico is somewhere on the lp branch?17:26
josecan't seem to find it17:27
dakerah that's why https://assets.ubuntu.com/img/sites/ubuntu/favicon.ico17:28
dakerit's here https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-community-webthemes/ubuntu-community-webthemes/light-django-theme/view/head:/templates/website_base.html#L1117:29
dakersorry L1017:30
josegotcha, thanks. I'm gonna take a look and see what can be done17:34
josedaker: huh. that is weird. the favicon linked there is the new circle of friends, but summit.ubuntu.com shows the old one, the one with 3 colors17:35
dakeryes, i think the server is still configuerd to serve a default favicon so when the browser get's a 404 favicon, will try to call http://yoursite/favicon.ico17:36
dakerotherwise you'll get useless 404 errors in your apache logs :)17:37
mhall119jose: there's actually a plan to drop uds.u.c all together, and put it's content onto summut.u.c17:41
josedaker: I'll check that then :)17:41
josemhall119: sounds good then, I think that works17:42
mhall119tanya and the web team are pushing for that17:42
josemhall119: now, have you seen ^? the canonical server has an old favicon, should I bug IS about that?17:42
mhall119jose: on summit or on assets.u.c?17:44
josesummit has an old link and 404s, which defaults to the server favicon, which is old17:45
mhall119you can ask IS, I don't know if they put it there or if we did17:45
mhall119jose: we really just need to update summit to use the new theme from assets.u.c17:45
joseisn't that a bzr pull?17:46
mhall119no, different themes, just similar look17:46
mhall119will require template changes to summit17:46
mhall119but not too bad, we did it for the devportal already17:47

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