
barrydkMore almal04:41
Kiloshi inetpro  barrydk  mazal  and others05:34
mazalMore oom05:38
inetprogood mornings06:36
Kilosohi inetpro  06:56
inetprohi Kilos06:57
inetprosorry for just fading away last night06:57
* inetpro decided to go sleep early06:57
Kilosnp  , better to sleep when you get a chance06:58
Kilosi watched the idiot box most of the time06:59
pieter2627morning all07:15
grembleI didn't think vi still got updated, but I got a vi update last night07:30
Kiloshi there gremble  07:30
Kilosdag pieter2627  07:30
grembleHey Kilos 07:30
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  07:40
grembleI hate electricity07:47
MaNI2you should work for Eskom then07:51
grembleEskom has lots of other shit that I dislike even more07:52
MaNI2or government07:52
grembleLike regular working hours07:52
MaNI2they both hate electricity and are working on eradicating it07:52
grembleThey like money more than they dislike electricity07:53
Kilosnow they are talking about 6 new nuke stations08:01
grembleAs long as they do it better than the japanese08:03
grembleThey have big dreams, but that doesn't solve the problem that we have now08:03
Kiloswhew they cant even maintain the coal ones properly08:03
Kiloswe got years of load shedding ahead08:03
grembleI'm going into the candle making industry08:04
Kilosthere is a cool tesla power thing, but very expensive08:04
Kilospower ball or something08:04
MaNI2powerball? :p08:17
Kilosgremble pie08:40
Kiloswrong key08:40
Kilosgremble  pieter2627  we have a chair for next tuedays meeting, would one of you guys like to have a go at chairing the following one?08:41
=== ubuntiste-msakni is now known as elacheche
pieter2627Kilos: this will be the first meeting that i'll attend08:55
Kilosnp if you are planning to stay involved with us you could keep notes of how to do it and then set up when you have the confidence to give it a go08:57
Kiloswhy not here by me08:59
qwebirc69408Hey Everyone. Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but im looking for a small Linux Server e.g. http://zareason.com/shop/Breeze-Server-5880s.html that i can buy in SA. Do you know of any local retailers? Thanks.09:38
ThatGraemeGuyI'm not getting what's so special about that server?09:45
ThatGraemeGuyLooks like any old pc really09:45
stickyboyAnyone ever been to Sudan?09:59
inetprowb CuttingEdge10:05
KilosCuttingEdge  wb10:05
Kilosyou got lost in action10:05
qwebirc69408Nothing special at all really... Just want to know where I can get one in SA (Seems kind of standard to me but can't seem so find :)10:23
=== MaNI3 is now known as MaNI
arnaudmezhi Kilos10:24
arnaudmezhi nuvolari10:24
Kiloshi arnaudmez  10:24
arnaudmezhi inetpro10:24
arnaudmezhi Squirm10:24
KilosMaaz  google  breeze server 5880s for sale in south africa10:27
MaazKilos: "Tower Servers - For sale South Africa - Special Deals - FirstShop" http://www.firstshop.co.za/tower-servers-c-90 :: "HP® South Africa | Laptop Computers, Desktops , Printers, Servers ..." http://www8.hp.com/za/en/home.html :: "IBM Products - South Africa" http://www.ibm.com/products/za/en/ :: "Dell homepage - Computers, notebook PCs, printers, servers, and10:27
Maaz..." http://www.dell.co.za/ :: "Dedicated Server Hosting | Web Server South Africa | Mic…10:27
qwebirc69408Thank you :)10:33
Kilosdoes that help qwebirc69408  ?10:33
Kilosi see you are here from our site10:34
Kilosyou can get here directly with an irc client installed10:34
qwebirc69408I'm browsing now.. I can't seem to find a low-end server with wireless network adapter (Needing to make an Access Point) 10:41
Kilosi dont know anything about servers but cant you add a wifi adapter afterward?10:47
qwebirc69408Ya, For sure, But I'm wanting to get a product with everything in one package because I am looking to buy in bulk in the future...10:52
Kilosjust hang around here, maybe someone will have an idea for you10:52
grembleI am reasonably sure that servers don't come with wifi-adapters as standard11:00
grembleBecause the network speed of wifi is much too low for general server use (hosting data, applications etc)11:01
qwebirc69408Oh, I seee - That does make sense, Although all access to the server will be through wifi anyway so there would need to be a good wireless adapter at some point. Would you recommend having a seperate wireless router?11:29
grembleThat would probably be your best bet, but I am no networking expert. I don't know what technologies are available. I suspect that it would make even more sense to get a switch so that you can have both wireless and wired facilities available in a secure way. 11:33
ThatGraemeGuydon't make servers be network equipment11:59
ThatGraemeGuyif you want a wireless AP, use a wireless AP11:59
Kilosoh my , meeting missed13:04
inetprogood evening17:15
Kiloshi inetpro  17:23
inetprohi Kilos18:07
inetprowhere's everybody today?18:07
Kilosi dunno18:07
inetproKilos: did you miss your meeting today?18:09
* Kilos ashamed18:10
* inetpro spying on him :-)18:10
Kilosbut so did everyone else18:10
inetprolet me help you just another step further18:10
inetprogo to https://www.google.com/calendar/18:10
Kilospoor 2 new guys gotta wait 2 more weeks18:10
inetproKilos: do you see the calendar there?18:11
Kilosfunny looking calender18:12
inetprojust hang on while I link the fridge's calendar to my calendar18:12
Kilosoh my18:12
Kiloswe gonna break the fridge18:12
inetprook, let's just make 100% sure18:14
inetproyou see that there's supposed to be a meeting now?18:14
Kilosi see a red line18:14
inetproKilos: ?18:14
inetproyes, and?18:15
Kilospatience man18:15
Kilosand a little red triangle18:15
inetprono... not that18:15
inetprook, looks like we have linked the fridge's calendar here yet18:15
inetprogo to http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars/fridge/18:16
inetprolook at the bottom left, see ICAL XML HTML?18:16
inetpronow look on the right hand side, see "+Google Calendar"?18:17
Kiloswe did ical with thunderbird right?18:17
Kilosyes i see that18:18
inetproclick on "+Google Calendar"18:18
inetpronow go back to https://www.google.com/calendar/18:18
Kiloshee hee18:18
Kilosi did18:18
Kilosits there18:18
inetpronow, next step18:19
inetproon the left side under Other Calendars you see the new calendar?18:20
Kilosi see my calenders and other calenders18:20
inetprowhat do you see on the left?18:21
inetproclick on other calendars18:21
Kilosi ticked the arrow next to it and see18:21
inetpronow click on the little triangle to the right of the calendar's name18:21
Kilosholidays in za and fridge calender18:21
inetprofridge calendar18:22
inetproclick on the little triangle to the right of the fridge calendar18:22
inetproyou see multiple options18:23
Kiloslots ya18:23
inetproclick on edit notifications18:23
inetproit says, "No notifications set"18:23
inetproclick on "Add a notification"18:24
inetprochoose Email18:24
inetproand choose 1 days before the event18:25
inetprothen click save at the top or at the bottom18:25
Kiloswiat a bit18:25
* inetpro waits18:26
Kilosi ticked popups 30 mins and 10 mins before as well as email18:26
Kilosis that ok18:27
inetpropopup will only help if18:27
Kilosim here ya18:27
inetpropopup will only help if you are on the calendar18:28
inetpronot very useful18:28
Kiloswill the email still come?18:28
Kilosuh oh18:28
inetprounless you have a mobile phone that is also linked to your google calendar18:28
Kilosno i dont carry a fone around18:29
inetprolinking the phone is actually very useful18:29
Kilosif you carry it ya18:29
Kilosi work with sheep and forests so not good to carry fone18:30
Kilosim half way through that forest of those thorn trees18:30
inetpromodern farmers all have a phone with them these days18:30
Kilosya but they have labourers18:30
Kilosi have me18:30
inetproeven my gardener carries a phone with him18:31
inetproand he even send me a whatsapp message when he needs something18:31
Kiloshalf the time my fones battery is flat18:31
Kilosthey too clever18:31
inetprono, you don't need to be clever... it is very easy to use these days18:32
Kilosi really dislike whatsapping18:32
inetprodon't worry, that makes two of us18:33
* inetpro also don't likes google18:33
Kilosone day when im big ill buy a buntu fone and irc on it18:33
inetprobut I use them18:33
Kilosi did too to chat to boet in dubai but only till i got him onto mxit18:34
inetpromixit is even worse18:34
Kiloshe is on a course in switzerland now18:34
Kilosmxit pidgin be very lekker18:34
inetprothey are all abusing their powers to fool their users into believing that it's the only option 18:34
Kilosthats what i use with tara and ian and debs18:35
inetprowe used IM on open source technologies long before google even started it18:36
Kilosoh i wanted to ask you18:36
inetproand before mixit came to live18:36
Kiloswhere is your site? and blog?18:36
* inetpro gave up on maintaining his blog long ago18:36
Kilosand your site?18:37
inetprowhat is that?18:37
* inetpro don't really need a site18:37
Kilosone of those things you made me do remember18:37
Kiloshi qwebirc9738  18:38
Kilosyou like our site?18:38
* inetpro don't want to be famous18:38
Kilosnor me18:38
Kilosi just want peeps to say hey you remember that old fool that drove us nuts18:39
Kilosohi superfly  18:39
Kiloshi williamk  wb18:39
inetprowb williamk18:40
williamkHi Kilos, all18:40
Kiloshows things by you williamk  18:40
williamkNot to bad, sorry I missed the last meet up18:41
inetproKilos: actually I made a mistake18:41
inetproyou should rather set this: Daily agenda: Receive an email with your agenda every day at 05:00 in your current time zone.18:41
Kilosits ok we got one next tuesday again18:41
Kilosai! inetpro  18:42
inetproKilos: it's on the same page18:42
Kilosi see it18:43
Kilosbut every day?18:43
inetproif there's no meeting it will not send anything18:43
inetprobut it is useful, you'll see18:43
Kiloswhy dont you put our meets on the fridge too18:43
Kilosok ill do it18:43
inetproI think we used to have it there18:44
Kilosfix it18:44
inetproor maybe it was on its own18:44
inetprocan't remember18:44
inetprothink it was when drubin was still active here18:45
Kilosis that all buntu stuff or locos meets too18:45
inetpropart of the job of ubuntu official members18:45
Kilosoh we dont have any18:45
Kiloswilliamk  did you want to know anything?18:46
inetpronow when do we talk about and vote for our next chair?18:46
Kilosyou got it in the list18:46
Kilosso i dunno18:47
inetproI see people are very busy these days... everyone ignoring emails18:47
inetpromaybe just ignoring me :-)18:47
Kiloslol like you do to me18:47
williamkKilos, no just would like to attend this more18:47
Kilosjou beurt is jou beurt18:47
Kiloswilliamk  set it so that youre here all the time18:48
Kilosthen set it to show afk18:48
Kilosso only when you at the pc peeps will see you active18:49
inetprocan we call for a quick adhoc meeting tomorrow evening?18:49
inetproor Friday18:49
inetproor Saturday18:49
Kiloshow many do you need for a quorum18:49
Kilosnow is good18:49
Kilosor you can send another mail out18:50
inetproit's better to give at least a day's notice18:50
Kilossaturday night or friday night18:50
inetprosome people get only the daily mail18:50
Kilosya and some a weekly digest hing18:50
Kiloslol someone told me to do that way back when i started here18:51
Kilosone massive pile on friday i think it was18:51
Kilosnow i read and delete mails every hour about18:52
MopkopGood evening!18:57
Kiloshi Mopkop  18:57
williamkHi Mopkop18:58
MopkopSorry I have been absent. Had some church stuff to take care of.18:58
MopkopWhat did I miss?18:58
Kilosask inetpro  18:58
MopkopDid Inet find a chairperson yet?18:59
inetproum... kilo?18:59
MopkopFor the meating I mean.18:59
Kilosnope dont you see the mail?18:59
inetproask inetpro?18:59
MopkopKilos: Yes, I do that is why I am asking.18:59
Kiloswe want guys to step forward i think then he wants us to vote19:00
Kilosinetpro  tell him19:00
Kilosinetpro  <Mopkop> What did I miss?19:00
inetproKilos:  Set Digest Mode means, " If you turn digest mode on, you'll get posts bundled together (usually one per day but possibly more on busy lists), instead of singly when they're sent. If digest mode is changed from on to off, you may receive one last digest. "19:01
Kilosthats no good19:02
inetproKilos: I want us to do it the right way19:02
Kilosyes inetpro  thats why i said please tell him what you want to do19:02
inetproKilos: it is up to the mailing list administrator to set the frequency19:03
Kilosoh on the calender thig19:03
inetproMopkop: nobody has responded to my email yet19:03
inetproif nobody responds by tomorrow I will call for a meeting 19:04
inetprobut I was saying earlier we should at least give a day or two notice 19:04
Kilosyour first mail went out 2 days ago but take it from today, thats ok too19:05
inetprobecause some people subscribe and set divery to digest mode19:05
Kilospeeps dont read mails anymore19:05
inetprohmm... 19:06
inetproKilos: why the rush?19:06
Kiloswhy not set a meet here for sat if no one answers19:06
Kiloswell tomorrow is thursday19:06
inetproI don't mind Saturday, then you can have it without me :-)19:07
Kilosdont leave till tomorrow what you can do today19:07
Kilosoh no thats no good19:07
inetprohaha 19:07
Kilosi propose you for chair19:07
inetprosorry oom... have something happening on Saturday19:07
Kilosmust i vote via mail?19:07
inetproKilos: you are welcome to vote via email, maybe that will trigger the conversation19:08
Kilosis that how its done19:09
inetproai! :-)19:10
inetprogood enough for me19:10
Kiloswilliamk  you come here to mix with the nutcases19:10
Kilosthats how we vote19:10
Kilos+1 0 -119:11
inetproKilos: of all the peeps here you should know that we have no rules set in stone here 19:11
inetproonly inetpro's rules count19:11
Kilosya often life changes things19:11
Kilosrules are made to be broken19:12
inetproMopkop: you still here?19:13
Mopkopinetpro: Yes, I'm here :)19:14
MopkopWhere is the agenda again?19:14
Kilosin the topic bar19:14
MopkopKilos: Got it. Thank You!19:15
Kilosminutes also used to be there19:15
Kilosi dunno where they are now19:17
MopkopI like how the leadership on here is always trying to get other people to take initiative. That is how they teach us at Uni how church leaders should be :)19:17
Kilosask the guy that sets the rules19:17
Kilosthats how i became bald19:18
MopkopKilos: There is a link in the Agenda, I think.19:18
inetproas easy as that19:19
williamkKi;os, don't mind the nutcases, as long as it works19:19
Kiloshi gremble  19:20
inetprowilliamk: are you calling us nutcases?19:20
inetprowb gremble19:20
Kilospeeps are missing here19:21
KilosMaaz  seen zarw19:21
MaazKilos: zarw was last seen 1 year, 9 months, 22 days, 2 hours, 17 minutes and 19 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2013-08-06 10:04:08 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2015-05-17 23:49:31 PDT19:21
KilosMaaz  seen wraz19:21
MaazKilos: wraz was last seen 24 days, 23 hours, 44 minutes and 46 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2015-04-25 12:36:56 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2015-05-12 15:51:25 PDT19:21
williamkinetpro first sign is denial19:22
grembleIf both a sane and an insane person would say that they are sane, then asking them is obviously not a good sanity test19:23
Kiloshi spinza  19:24
Kilosyou still alive?19:24
inetprogremble: did you see my tweet about, "The Fascinating Math of How Wrinkles Form"19:25
grembleI did. I didn't look at it yet19:25
* inetpro was thinking about gremble when seeing that19:26
grembleIt is not about skin wrinkles though?19:26
inetproit's about maths19:26
Kilosinetpro  thank you for the help with calender reminders19:27
inetproKilos: it's a pleasure oom19:27
inetprohope it works for you19:27
Kilosi nearly forgot to ty then youd sulk for a week19:27
* Kilos hides19:28
* Kilos is not here19:28
inetprooh ofcourse, he's on the moon19:29
* inetpro just posted it here for the man on the moon19:29
Kilos4 new members on the 4th19:31
Kilosat midnight19:31
grembleThat article was quite interesting19:32
Kiloswilliamk  whats news with the book project19:34
inetprooh gremble, before I forget again... I wanted to know, why did you remove your wiki page?19:34
williamkKilos Jacques set up Booktype ( ), people must start using/learning it19:39
williamkBooktype manual : http://sourcefabric.booktype.pro/booktype-20-for-authors-and-publishers/what-is-booktype/ 19:39
Kilosoh no one started yet?19:40
Kilosjacques hasnt been  here this week i think'19:40
KilosMaaz  seen jacques_stry19:41
MaazKilos: jacques_stry was last seen 2 days, 13 hours, 59 minutes and 50 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2015-05-17 22:41:22 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2015-05-18 06:20:56 PDT19:41
williamkjust 4 people registered19:41
Kilosmaybe try advertise it more19:41
Kilostell all you lug peeps to tweet it and fb it19:42
inetproKilos: oh wow!19:43
* inetpro only went to read the meeting logs now19:43
grembleinetpro: it served no purpose other than being an additional page with irrelevant information. Also, I like to remember where I serve my personal info and limit such activities as much as possible.19:43
inetpromost of the membership board forgot?19:43
Kilosall of them19:44
inetprogremble: hmm...19:44
Kilosdholbach mailed us after time was over19:44
inetproI understand19:44
Kilosbad show19:44
inetprogremble: but I still think you would be an excellent candidate for membership19:44
grembleinetpro: besides for the fact that I don't like/use ubuntu? :P19:45
inetproKilos: kick him19:45
Kiloshe uses linux19:45
inetprono don't kick him19:46
inetpromakes for some very interesting conversations here19:47
grembleDid any of the network people ending up helping the guy that wanted a wifi server?19:47
* inetpro missed it19:48
inetprono idea19:48
grembleOh he was just told to make a wireless AP19:48
Kilosapart from you some gave ideas gremble  19:48
grembleAnyone know of SFD this year?19:50
Kilospro mentioned something19:50
Kiloswould be cool to have a UH there inetpro  19:51
Kilosubuntu hour19:52
grembleIf it is anything like last years, I doubt there will even be an hour19:52
inetproKilos: no19:52
Kiloswb Mopkop  19:52
inetprono need for UH at that event19:52
* inetpro wants to try and organise ubuntu freebies for the event19:53
Kiloswhat kinda freebies?19:53
grembleI still have a handfull of stickers from Stallman's visit19:53
inetproKilos: CD's19:54
Kiloshi Langjan  19:54
Kiloswhat broke19:54
LangjanHi Kilos 19:54
Langjanjy maak my senuweeagtig om te kom hallo se19:54
Kiloshaha nee man ek terg19:55
Langjanweet ja19:55
Langjanmet tong in die kies 19:55
Kiloshoe gaan dit oom19:55
Langjangoed dankie en jy?19:55
Kilosjou vriend was hier vit 10 sekondes19:55
Kilosgoed dankie19:55
LangjanOk wanneer was dit? 19:56
Kilospaar dae terug, net in  en uit, niks gese nie19:56
inetproKilos: stuff like this: https://twitter.com/ubuntuza/status/60039620598681190519:56
LangjanO ja ek het hom net gewys op sy tweede masjien19:56
inetproor more like this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFSzvVoWgAMXct3.jpg19:57
Kilosal twee op buntu nou?19:57
inetprogremble: http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/201519:58
Kilosfreebie laptop inetpro  19:58
LangjanI discovered his older machine had the same ddr2 as my laptop so we swapped so he has 2gb and installed ubuntu 14.04 on both, he is very happy thus far19:58
inetproKilos: ideally this: https://twitter.com/silbs/status/59668828427066573019:59
LangjanMine seems to be no change on 1Gb from 2Gb19:59
Kilosis your a faster one19:59
grembleinetpro: So it hasn't been put on the wiki yet?19:59
Kiloswow inetpro  get me some too20:00
inetprogremble: no20:00
grembleI hope that someone has started making phonecalls or something at least :P20:00
inetprogremble: but I see kmf wants to join our meeting on Tuesday20:00
LangjanDunno, got it with 1GB memory then upgraded to 2 but cannot see the difference20:00
Kiloslong time no hear from him20:00
inetproprobably to start the conversation for organising the event20:00
grembleFisher, the guy that organised last years' meeting?20:01
inetprogremble: yep, https://twitter.com/kmf20:01
Mopkop1My Pidgin drop die heeltyd...20:01
grembleI've met him. Nice fellow. 20:01
Kiloswell Langjan  as long as you all happy thats good20:01
LangjanYes he is very happy, like a kid withh a new toy20:02
Kilosman Mopkop1  kry hexchat20:02
grembleI don't know if I will make the meeting, but I am pretty keen to help if I can20:02
inetprogremble: great!20:02
LangjanOK Kilos  just dropped in to say thanks and all is fine20:02
Mopkop1Anyway: Good Night everyone! Going to sleep now.20:02
inetproKilos: remind me of his promise :-)20:02
grembleLast year I was installation support for ArchLinux haha20:02
Kilosty Langjan  thoughtful of you. look after yourself20:02
Kilosinetpro  whose promise20:03
LangjanWill do thks Kilos  you also20:03
inetprooh by the way, welcome back oom Langjan... nice to see you here and sorry for ignoring you20:03
LangjanNo problem inetpro , can see youre busy20:04
Kilosat least he says sorry to you20:04
inetproKilos: 05/20 22:02:16 <gremble> I don't know if I will make the meeting, but I am pretty keen to help if I can20:04
Kilosme he ignores and ignores the apology too20:04
Langjanthks to all who helped me and suiram20:04
* inetpro even missed mopkop saying good night20:04
Kilosoh ok inetpro  20:04
inetprostruggling to see all conversations20:05
Kilosyou welcome anytime Langjan  20:05
LangjanOK slaap lekker julle jongmanne20:05
Kilosjy ook dankie oom20:05
inetproLangjan: goeie nag oom20:05
Langjanen nogmaal dankie20:05
Langjannag inetpro 20:06
inetprohoop hy bly gelukkig20:06
Langjanslaap lekker, dankie20:06
Kilostough old men, happy with unity20:06
grembleI think I am doing Software Carpentry instructor training in August. We could probably host a training event that day :o20:09
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:12
grembleI think I am also going to do the sleeping thing20:16
grembleGood night20:16
williamkGood night all21:00

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