
Unit193knome: US mirror! \o/08:08
ochosiUnit193: the us mirror doesn't seem to have vivid images though10:11
Unit193Yeah, noticed that bit...10:12
bluesabreyay! awwwww10:29
bluesabreUnit193: releasing an updated exo this week, re #d-xfce12:11
ochosiand hi and bye bluesabre :)12:11
ochosiUnit193: hmm, i wonder where we should put these sort of todo's down, the blueprints aren12:45
ochosit the right place12:45
ochosimaybe we should put it on the WIP trello that sean put up12:45
Unit193That'd work, and man I must be tired.12:46
ochosiyeah, i have a hard time deciding whether it's late or early for you :p12:47
Unit193This time, so do I.12:47
ochosiok, i put it down there12:48
ochosiif you can prep the package, i guess bluesabre can upload it12:49
ochosibut yeah, doesn't have to happen now that you're tired ;)12:49
Unit193Well, I'd rather the merge than an SRU. :P12:49
ochosielfy: i still haven't caught up with all my emails, but i'm planning on replying to all xubuntu related ones tomorrow, incl the QA incentive one, what's your stance on that btw?12:50
ochosiUnit193: totally agreed :)12:50
* ochosi rephrases12:50
Unit193Hah. :P12:52
ubottuMicro Release Exceptions are approved by the Ubuntu Technical Board on a per-package basis for packages that cannot be acceptably handled through the Stable Release Update (!sru) process. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/MicroReleaseExceptions for more information.12:55
Unit193ochosi: Hah, didn't mean you had to rename again. :P12:58
ochosisure sure ;)12:58
Unit193But, that'll help.12:58
micahgsomeone need an upload?13:28
Unit193We're looking to merge xfwm .3 then MRE it to vivid.13:28
micahgwhy MRE?13:29
micahgoh, right, we have that :)13:29
micahgwell, do you want to do the merge?  is bluesabre doing it? should I do it?13:30
Unit193I was going to later, unless you were good to.13:31
Unit193Sean is at work.13:31
micahgdo we know if he started it13:31
micahgdo we have an MRE bug already?  it would be trivial for me to do both uploads13:31
Unit193He hasn't been here for the discussion, so I highly doubt it since it's easy.13:31
micahgUnit193: if you want to file the MRE bug, I can do the upload13:38
elfyochosi: my stance is "I spent hours for little gain" 15:47
lderanwill have to help out with QA more16:05
elfyyou helping out wouldn';t have made any difference to that particular thing :D16:05
lderanmaybe :P16:06
elfyyou could have done it - but I would have double checked it - so no gain :)16:07
lderanfair enough16:09
lderantime for me to flee work and get started on xubuntu'y dev work this evening \o/16:09
elfyno slur intended - just one of those things that lead should have done is all 16:09
elfywoohoo 16:09
ochosielfy: that's not how i see it, but anyway, i'll reply17:13
elfyyep - it's all rather subjective anyway however we look at it :)17:14
Unit193Hrm, is the QA trello restricted?19:31
elfypublic viewable19:32
elfyonly people on the 'list' can post19:33
Unit193Hrm, OK.19:34
elfywhy? 19:34
Unit193Weird, first time I clicked the link about the jenkins fail, I got a "You're logged out", but now it worked.19:35
elfyok 19:35
elfymaybe you were doing that while I was editing it just a while back and there's an issue with it19:36
Unit193micahg: Ah, ochosi assigned bluesabre to that part, at least.20:36
* micahg feels like he's missing some magical tracking place20:36
Unit193No that was (mostly) all in here, just the note about new xfwm was in #xfce-dev.20:37
micahgok, well, please let me know if I need to merge/upload something20:38
ochosiUnit193, micahg: actually, if either of you wanna work on xfwm4 .3, i totally approve20:43
ochosii'm sure sean will use the time to work on/release exo, so please don't hold back20:43
micahgwell, I have the merge ready to upload to wily...20:47
Unit193https://sigma.unit193.net/source/xfwm4_4.12.3-1ubuntu1.dsc whoops..20:47
micahgUnit193: should I upload mine or are there other things that need to be fixeD?20:49
Unit193micahg: None that I know of.20:49
ochosioh, also, there were some other releases recently (thunar, xfdesktop) that might be good to go to wily (if they aren't there already)20:49
ochosiplus xfburn with gst1.020:49
Unit193micahg: I presume you have a link to https://sigma.unit193.net/~unit193/xfce412.html and the much less useful https://sigma.unit193.net/~unit193/xfce.html ?20:50
micahgnice :)20:50
* micahg will add more pins20:51
ochosiUnit193: we should really link to that some place where people can find it20:51
micahgcould probably publish on Ubuntuwire20:51
Unit193micahg: I stole it!20:53
micahgwhat did you steal?20:54
micahgok, well, let me know how I can help without stepping on toes20:55
Unit193(And updated it so it'd fine more stuff.)20:55
Unit193micahg: Hey, however you like at least works for me.20:56
micahgthere's this as well which is nice for Debian: http://pet.alioth.debian.org/20:56
Unit193I use dmd.20:56
micahgI can sync diskperf21:02
Unit193I think a few of those could be, but I didn't check further since we can't access them. :321:03
micahgI think we can sync fsguard also21:06
Unit193xfce4-mpc-plugin too?21:07
Unit193xfpm, think we're going to drop the tray icon.21:08
micahgI'll test that next21:08
micahgUnit193: want credit for that21:11
Unit193Sure! :D21:12
Unit193I need to find a workable meeting for packageset. :321:13
micahgand credited21:13
micahgI won't be at the Monday meeting21:13
Unit193Right, we talked.  I can't either.21:14
micahgok, going back to other things now21:15
ochosisorry, was afk there for a bit21:16
ochosiwhat got synced/updated/merged exactly now?21:16
ochosi(and yay, always good to see you guys at work :))21:17
micahg| tail -n4 :)21:18
ochosinice work :)21:19
micahgsync's are relatively painless, especially when the test builds are quick21:19
ochosithe MRE for xfwm4 to 15.04 is still up for grabs, right?21:20
micahgI can do the upload (it's just a backport, but I need the bug number)21:21
ochosik, either bluesabre or someone else can file the bugreport tonight or i can work on that tomorrow and whoever does it can then ping you with the bug#21:23
ochosigreat, thanks a bunch micahg!21:23
micahgI think i've done more uploads for wily that I have for utopic + vivid21:24
micahgochosi: np, nice to be useful21:24
ochosireally good to see you around more again, can't stress that enough21:24
ochosii also hope that means your job situation has loosened up a bit21:25
bluesabreping ping ping ping23:04
bluesabrehi everyone!23:04
Unit193Howdy, bluesabre.  Have fun filing the MRE! :D23:05
bluesabrebye everyone!23:05
* bluesabre makes his escape23:05
bluesabreMRE time, yay23:05
bluesabrexfwm for vivid, alrighty23:07
Unit193Suppose someone should pickup the new timeout and eyes plugins...23:12
bluesabreUnit193: from what I can tell, this should be sufficient... do you agree? http://paste.ubuntu.com/11253336/23:42
Unit193bluesabre: .2 is already in as a patch, IIRC.23:44
bluesabreah, even better23:52

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