
BigEars431Follow me on Twitter @BigEars43103:41
BigEars431Unit193: Okay i was just joking04:10
junknstuffhi all. wondering if anyone is virtualizing xubuntu 15.04 using parallels desktop? i'm running into an issue while installing parallels tools but google hasn't been much help.04:12
junknstuffthis is a fresh install of xubuntu 15.04 64bit, so i'm going to run sudo apt-get update and upgrade first to see if it resolves my issues04:15
junknstuffalso found this KB from parallels that i may try afterwards04:15
junknstuffupdates and the parallels kb not successful. would be nice to have the tools installed for seamless integration06:03
m14edgood day all, i am running xbuntu on a desktop, w/live disc ...release 13.x ,  how do  i enable sound for listening to internet radio thru adobe flash ?08:33
Unit193!eolupgrades | m14ed08:36
ubottum14ed: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:36
m14edcrap  , a bot that spews and a crowd of lurkers for a help channel08:37
m14edno one here can answer a simple question,,08:37
Unit193For an unsupported version, at 4am.08:38
m14edyah , it's always 4am somewhere charlie08:38
m14edmay your children be blessedwith08:39
m14edthe curse of the fleas of a thousand camels08:39
DoomBoom>sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev:i38609:51
DoomBoom"libsdl1.2-dev:i386 : Depends: libpulse-dev:i386 but it is not going to be installed"09:51
DoomBoomwhat does that even mean? why is it refusing to install it?09:52
brainwashDoomBoom: install the required package manually09:53
DoomBoomwith apt?09:53
brainwashand see what error message it returns09:53
brainwashsudo apt-get install libpulse-dev:i38609:54
DoomBoombecause I tried sudo apt-get install libpulse-dev:i386 and it gave me the same error for libglib2.0-dev:i38609:54
DoomBoomand when I tried to install that all hell broke loose09:54
DoomBoomwell not really because I aborted it09:54
DoomBoombut what it wanted to do09:54
brainwashwell, share the output09:54
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:54
DoomBoomyeah I'll do that09:54
DoomBoomthat's what I did just now, with -f which didn't change anything09:56
cousteauHi, I have a problem.  When I connect a certain USB device (FTDI) it auto-disconnects.  "[  545.993177] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now disconnected from ttyUSB0"  (0.007 seconds after detecting it)09:56
cousteauHappens only after I log in; if I reboot and login on a TTY but not graphically, it remains connected (and `ls /dev/ttyUSB*` does list the 2 ports it creates)09:58
gruntzHi. I have deleted messages indicator from my panel. I already have installed indicator-messages. How again can I add it to indicator panel in xfce?09:58
gruntz...(thunderbird exactly)09:59
DoomBoomgrunts: Settings Manager -> Panel -> Panel 0(probably) -> Items -> Green plus on the right -> Indicator plugin ?10:00
brainwashDoomBoom: run "sudo apt-get install -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true libglib2.0-dev:i386" and pastebin the output10:00
DoomBoomcousteau, no clue sorry10:01
brainwashcousteau: that's a very specific issue. only Google and maybe #ubuntu can help in this case10:02
cousteaubrainwash, I see; I thought XFCE would have something to do with it because it only happens after logging in graphically10:03
cousteau...maybe I should ask in #xfce10:03
DoomBoombrainwash, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11242084/10:03
DoomBoomthanks, I didn't know of that command before10:04
brainwashcousteau: maybe. well, check the session log file10:04
DoomBoomnot sure what it's saying, though10:04
cousteaubrainwash, which is?10:05
brainwashcousteau: ~/.cache/upstart/startxfce4.log10:05
cousteauI do have the dmesg available, but it's not too verbose.  Just "A wild USB device appears! [...] The USB device disconnected"10:05
cousteauuh, I don't have that10:06
brainwashright. I assume searching the internet did not help, or?10:06
cousteaushould've mentioned this is an old Xubuntu version, 12.0410:06
brainwashthen it's ~/.xsession-errors10:06
cousteauI've googled the problem and I didn't quite find much info10:06
brainwashcan you upgrade to 14.04?10:07
brainwashxubuntu 12.04 is not supported anymore10:07
cousteauit'd be complicated, honestly; otherwise I'd have already upgraded10:07
cousteauxsession-errors:  "thunar-volman: Unsupported USB device"10:08
cousteaudamn, I *really* hate Thunar; I'd uninstall it if XFCE didn't depend on it...10:08
brainwashthunar-volman may indeed be responsible for this10:08
cousteaucan it be killed?10:08
brainwashyou should be able to remove -volman10:08
brainwashthunar does not depend on it10:09
brainwashthis will remove automounting of removable devices ofc10:09
cousteauouch, that might be undesirable10:09
cousteaualthough it would probably fix another issue I have with thunar messing up ~/.gtk-bookmarks10:10
brainwashgive it a try, see if removing it actually solves your problem10:10
cousteau(can't remember which issue was it, but I had to chattr +i ~/.gtk-bookmarks because Thunar messed with it every time I mounted a volume)10:11
cousteauremove as in uninstall?10:11
cousteauor disable the service somehow?10:12
cousteaucan't I just kill it?10:12
brainwashyou can reinstall it easily10:12
brainwashtry it10:12
cousteauoh, it's not a process, it's a package/feature...  ok, uninstalling10:14
cousteauit also uninstalls xubuntu-desktop but I guess that's not important (what consequences are there for uninstalling xubuntu-desktop, btw?  Will some things fail to upgrade or something like that?)10:15
cousteauuninstalling it didn't fix the problem.  Do I have to reboot?10:17
cousteaubrb, rebooting10:18
* cousteau doesn't trust a simple log out + log in10:19
cousteaubrainwash, nothing.  First time I connect the device it works, but whenever I power it off and on again it does the auto-disconnect thing.  .xsession-errors now shows 3 messages like this each time I connect the device:  «(Thunar:1911): Thunar-WARNING **: Failed to launch the volume manager, make sure you have the "thunar-volman" package installed.»10:26
cousteaubecause "No such file or directory" when trying to run thunar-volman10:27
cousteautried disabling auto-mounting on thunar-settings, that only removed the warning messages but didn't solve the problem10:28
brainwashcousteau: no clue then. you will have to test it with xubuntu 14.0410:29
cousteaunevertheless, this may indicate that XFCE has nothing to do with it10:29
cousteausince it just seems to "only work the first time"10:29
cousteaudamn, what a mess of cables...  who decided it was a good idea to make all cables black?10:31
xubuntu48wi have installed cae linux (xubuntu 14) and i can't open the terminal18:29
knomecae linux? a derivative of xubuntu?18:30
xubuntu48wit would lunch code aster directly (without a command) but it can't find files or directory18:31
knomei'm sorry, but we do not support derivatives on this channel18:32
knomeask the cae linux support channels for support; good luck18:33
HackphiLsalut tlmde19:11
ARM9for some reason when I start vim it's in replace mode19:11
ARM9doesn't happen in gvim, nor vim under tmux19:12
ARM9using xfce4-terminal 0.6.319:12
parsniphi, my tty7 has black screen, on xubuntu 15.04.19:49
parsnipcan i get it back on19:50
brainwashparsnip: black screen after booting the system?19:51
parsnipbrainwash: no, after lifting lid19:52
parsnipi'll try closing lid again.19:52
parsnipor bad idea?19:52
brainwashworth a try19:52
parsnipokay, i might get kicked off tty1, but i'm IRC through a remote19:52
brainwashthe black screen triggered by closing the lid (-> suspend) should be fixed in 15.04.. so, mmh...19:53
pi-alphahi, so tty1 is blank now, and i can't ssh on tty2 for some reason.19:58
pi-alpharunning out of ttys19:58
pi-alphaany ideas on getting the screen back?19:59
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parsniphmm, when i close lid with xubuntu, it does not go to sleep, despite that being selected in power manager21:30
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as littlebunnyfufu
bet0xHello all23:20
bet0xi have the latest version of XUbuntu23:20
bet0xand on appareance i can't change the wallpaper23:20
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as noIMfrenocha
=== noIMfrenocha is now known as S-USA
=== S-USA is now known as SonikkuAmerica

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