
frankbanuiteam, rick_h, bac, jrwren: initial branch for the redis charm: https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/charms/trusty/redis/initial-charm/+merge/25981217:33
frankbancould you please take a look? sorry for the big diff17:34
frankbanlazyPower, cory_fu: at https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/charms/trusty/redis/initial-charm/+merge/259812 you can find the initial impl of the redis charm with the services framework17:35
frankbanlazyPower, cory_fu all your suggestions are welcome!17:36
hatchwow....that diff ;)17:46
baci think that is a misuse of the term.17:51
hatchof diff?17:51
hatchyou mean because it's  the first branch?17:51
hatchso technically it's diff is undefined? 17:51
bachatch: no, i meant the other was basically thrown out and replaced.18:15
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hatchoh :)18:43
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mattraeis it possible with juju gui and the local provider, to choose which machines i deploy a bundle to? when i click 'deploy this bundle' it asks if i'm sure, but doesn't give me an opportunity to choose which machines i want to use21:47
rick_h_hatch: ^ 21:49
hatchmattrae: hey sorry I stepped out, still around?22:16
mattraehatch: yeah i'm still here :) yeah i was just wondering if juju-gui had the feature of allowing me to choose the machines a bundle is deployed to22:21
hatchmattrae: it does in the beta release of the charm. If you're interested in giving that a go. There are a few known bugs that we are squashing still 22:22
mattraehatch: i'm using the local provider, and i noticed it juju-gui doesn't allow me to manually place units. it only lets me auto place. so is this just a restruction just of the local provider?22:22
hatchnope that's just a restriction of that version of the GUI - bundles were an all-or-nothing thing22:22
mattraehatch: ahh ok, i did try deploying the with juju-gui-source 'develop'. does should that get the beta version?22:23
hatchjuju deploy cs:~juju-gui/trusty/juju-gui-49 && juju set juju-gui juju-gui-source=develop juju-gui-console-enabled=true juju-gui-debug=true22:23
hatchthere you'll wawnt to run that22:23
mattraeah sweet, i'll give it a try22:23
mattraethanks hatch22:23
hatchthe last two config options are for us. If you see any issues the browser console should show an error which you can copy/paste to me :D22:24
mattraecool, sounds good :)22:24
hatchtwo known bugs you may run into https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1456750 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/145476522:24
mupBug #1456750: Changing the display name after setting config doesn't update the name in set config <landscape> <juju-gui:In Progress by hatch> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1456750>22:24
mupBug #1454765: deploying large bundle across nodes fails <juju-gui:New for makyo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1454765>22:24
hatchboth are being fixed right now, but just so you're aware22:25
mattraecool no problem22:25
hatchI'll be around for a while now so if you run into any issues or have any more questions just ping22:25
firlhatch : let me know if you want me to try to duplicate / look at 1454765 with you22:32
hatchhey firl Makyo is actually just finishing up a branch which fixes that issue 22:35
firlvery cool22:36
hatchwe were actually able to find a number of other edge case issues while fixing your bugs...so yay!22:36
firlhah nice22:36
firli’ve been using autopilot because I couldn’t get it rolling; will have to try it again later once it gets released22:37
hatchdefinitely - how are you liking autopilot?22:37
firlIt’s nice for a quick turn around, definitely a lot of potential 22:38
firlit’d be nice to see a juju-gui around it to see how it interacts / add nodes via the gui after install and what not22:39
hatchyeah, we're hoping to get this release out next week 22:39
firloh yeah? nice.22:40
firlIf I could more easily deploy the openstack / ceph bundle, I would use the juju-gui in a heartbeat22:43
hatchyeah this release will really help with that22:43
firlI might have to check it out next week then22:44
hatchfirl: as far as making openstack easier to deploy. That primarily focuses around the machine placement functionality? Or were there other things which would help22:46
firlThe placement before “applying” a bundle was one of the issues I was encountering. I think “sensible” defaults or a guide around those that would be the equivilent of what autopilot encourages was the other issue I encountered.22:47
mattraehatch: so far when i drag a unit to a machine, it has no effect in chrome.. when i do it in firefox, i get a page cannot be loaded message from firefox and have to hit reload to log back into juju-gui23:09
hatchohhh 23:10
hatch(interesting UX issue)23:10
hatchmattrae: so you need to first select the machine so that 'root container' shows up in the right column23:10
hatchthen drag the unit to that23:10
mattraehatch: ahh thanks, looks like that is allowing me to add the unit.23:11
hatchI'll file an issue around this...because it isn't obvious23:12
mattraehatch: cool thanks :)23:15
hatchmattrae: I'm stepping out for a while, if you run into any more issues ping and I will respond when I get back23:40

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