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sturmflut2mcphail: No, you've got "the" libprotobuf error, that was the error I got in the very beginning. If you look closely at my bug report you'll see that I built libSDL2 manually on the device with " --disable-mir-shared", did you disable the shared lib too?07:04
sturmflut2mcphail, popey: The GBA emulator in the store works because it uses Qt, if that was the question. It doesn't use libSDL2. That was one of the first things I checked back then.07:10
davidcalleGood morning07:25
seb128hey davidcalle07:31
davidcalleseb128, hey, comment ça va ?07:32
seb128davidcalle, bien ! et toi ?07:32
davidcalleseb128, pareil :)07:32
mcphailsturmflut2: thanks. bschaefer also gave me the tip about --disable-mir-shared last night, so hopefully I can begin to make some progress. I see what you mean about the GBA emulator. I hope Qt isn't the only way way can get things running07:45
sturmflut2mcphail: No, the Mir demo clients also work, which means direct access via libmirclient works, so the problem must be in libSDL2 somewhere.07:47
sturmflut2mcphail: I also read something about libSDL1.2 supporting Mir now (?), maybe you could look at that07:48
mcphailsturmflut2: bschaefer also mentioned you have to explicitly disable opengl is the sdl build. I can't remember: does your build do that?07:50
popeysturmflut2: mcphail ah, I hadn't used --disable-mir-shared when I built it on my nexus 7 the other day. will try that07:58
popeythanks for the tips07:59
mcphailpopey: --disable-video-opengl as well, apparently08:01
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popeyfor sdl2?08:04
ogra_sturmflut2, looks like only x86 arches https://code.launchpad.net/~brandontschaefer/libsdl/add-mir-support-patch-sdl1.2/+merge/25942308:08
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popeyAnyone know much about ubuntu-html5-app-launcher? I have an html5 app which works with 14.10-html framework, but with 15.04-html framework I get an apparmor denial..09:53
popey[M#f?[ 1209.474884] type=1400 audit(1432201895.125:70): apparmor="DENIED" operation="exec" profile="dontcrash.popey_dontcrash_0.7" name="/usr/bin/ubuntu-html5-app-launcher" pid=23440 comm="exec-line-exec" requested_mask="x" denied_mask="x" fsuid=32011 ouid=009:53
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kalikianat1mp: review? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/dropGuDefaultTest/+merge/25974010:13
kalikianat1mp: updated https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/textDocument/+merge/252798 now taking advantage if the version split10:14
t1mpkalikiana: doesn't that test only check the default value if no env. var is set? And on the devices different values are set by means of an environment variable?10:16
kalikianat1mp: no, it checks the default which is set by the env var10:17
t1mpdo we have a separate test for that then?10:17
t1mpI thought we have10:17
kalikianalemme double-check10:18
kalikianat1mp: yes. we have one that sets GRID_UNIT_PX and checks that the value is used10:19
kalikianat1mp: I don't see the value in any default value tests... but I could, if somehow considered useful, make it unset the env var and then test iut10:21
kalikianat1mp: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/unsetGuBeforeDefaultCheck/+merge/25974310:24
sturmflut2popey: Does your .desktop file call "/usr/bin/ubuntu-html5-app-launcher" with the full path or just with "ubuntu-html5-app-launcher"10:28
popeysturmflut2: Exec=ubuntu-html5-app-launcher $@ --www=www10:34
sturmflut2popey: Okay, probably a büg. My phone is not on 15.04 yet, so I can't check it :/10:35
kalikianabetter file a bügrepört then ;-)10:36
sturmflut2popey: either I'm blind or the version of your game that's in the store (0.6) doesn't come with a "*.apparmor" file10:44
popeysturmflut2: it does.. app.json10:47
sturmflut2popey: is that the correct filename? If I create a new HTML5 project for 15.04 with Qt Creator, it seems to call the file "app.apparmor"10:48
popey[M#cB            "apparmor": "app.json",10:49
popeyfrom my manifest.json10:49
popeyto be clear, it works _fine_ if I use ubuntu-sdk-14.10-html and 1.210:49
sturmflut2Ah, you tricked me10:50
nik90mivoligo: ping10:59
mivoligonik90: pong11:00
nik90mivoligo: I tested timer with UC 1.2, and the first timer I created correctly generates an alarm as expected. Its the timers after that don't work. And I may have an idea why that might be.11:01
mivoligonik90: great :)11:01
nik90mivoligo: IIRC you're using reusing the same alarm object and calling alarm.reset() or alarm.cancel() whenever you want to destroy it and create a new timer. I think that's where things break.11:02
nik90mivoligo: there is a sample alarm app created by zsombi in the ubuntu sdk that we could use for reference.11:02
mivoligonik90: hmm... why is it working in 14.10 then?11:02
nik90mivoligo: during the alarms backend improvements from 14.10 to 15.04 could have changed that behavior. I recall zsombi warning me of those, but they didnt apply to clock since we have a multi-page layout where a new alarm object is created whenever creating/editing an alarm11:03
nik90but it just struck me now when testing the timers app and noticing that only the first timer worked as expected in 15.0511:04
mivoligonik90: ok, that would explain it11:04
mivoligonik90: how about wrong date?11:05
nik90mivoligo: the wrong date is still a mystery. That said let's ping zombi together11:05
nik90zsombi: ping11:05
mivoligozsombi: ping ping11:05
nik90mivoligo: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/staging/files/head:/tests/resources/alarm/11:06
nik90sample alarm app ^^11:06
mivoligonik90: thanks, I'll look into that11:08
nik90mivoligo: ping me when you want to test the modifications you make on vivid11:12
mivoligonik90: I will, but probably not today :)11:13
mivoligonik90: I wonder if it is because I use only "alarm.cancel()". Maybe I should use alarm.reset() as well?11:14
mivoligonik90: anyway I'm afk now11:15
Mirvbfiller: can you put gallery-app MP https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/gallery-app/allow_translating_date_strings/+merge/259755 to some queue of yours, or tell me if you want me to handle landing it?11:29
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bfillerMirv: I added it to silo 7 and rebuilding now12:45
Mirvbfiller: thanks, it's not in a hurry but my personal pet bug on Bq :)12:58
bfillerMirv: np12:59
* seb128 looks angrily at popey13:03
seb128wth man13:03
seb128opening a bug dumping 15 components in it13:03
seb128generating spam for every subscriber to any of the component every time any of the other things they don't care about get an update13:04
seb128launchpad should forbid such things :p13:04
popeyoh. okay.13:04
seb128I deleted u-s-s from the list to stop the spam btw13:04
popeyfrom one bug?13:04
t1mpkalikiana: happroved https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/unsetGuBeforeDefaultCheck/+merge/25974313:04
popeyyou don't get enough bug mail if you're bothered by one bug13:04
seb128popey, best practice is "use a bug with several components" when those components are involved in the same issue and need to land work together13:05
seb128popey, if you have similar change to different sources, open different bugs and use a tag13:05
seb128like we don't open a bug "things that don't build" and go adding half the archive to it ;-)13:05
seb128popey, thanks13:05
popeyThanks for the friendly advice.13:05
seb128yw! :-)13:05
t1mpkalikiana: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/textDocument/+merge/252798 has components.api failures13:06
kalikianat1mp: gah... what ever made me invent that tool to haunt me now :-P13:15
zsombinik90: pong, sorry for late reaction13:37
nik90zsombi: hey, no worries. I am here actually on behalf of mivoligo who is hitting a bug with the alarms API that I am puzzled with as well13:39
zsombinik90: shoot13:39
nik90zsombi: he created a 3rd party "Timer" app by using the Alarms API..and when he creates a timer for 10 hours, the actual alarm is created 7 days later! Looking at the console output, alarm.date shows the correct time before alarm.save() is called.13:40
nik90short term timers like 10 minutes, 50 minutes etc work as expected13:40
zsombinik90: wow....13:40
nik90zsombi: one sec, let me grab the link to the code13:41
nik90tempEndTime() is a function which basically takes the current time and adds the timer duration to it. It is then saved to alarm.date and then alarm.save() is called. Console output at alarm.date before save() is called shows the correct alarm time13:42
nik90but actual alarm is created 7 days later13:42
nik90he doesnt set dayOfAlarms since it is autodetected based on the alarm.date13:42
zsombinik90: I do not see alarm.reset() being called13:43
nik90zsombi: this bug is reproducible on rtm and vivid.13:43
nik90true, he calls alarm.cancel() instead13:43
zsombinik90: that deletes the alarm13:43
nik90yeah he doesn't seem to call alarm.reset()13:44
nik90zsombi: although that should only affect the 2nd timer created..not the very first time the alarm object is used though13:44
zsombinik90: so, is this happening on the first alarm created at the app launch as well?13:44
nik90zsombi: yup ;)13:44
zsombinik90: ahham, now that's weird!13:45
nik90zsombi: yeah that's what i told him...considering we do this in clock app everyday13:45
zsombinik90: the tempEndTime() is a bit weeeeeeiiiiiiird13:46
zsombinik90: I'm not sure it does calculate properly...13:46
zsombiit could be though13:46
zsombinik90: it would be nice to see what is the dayOfWeek value13:47
nik90zsombi: ok, I will play around with it and also check with mivoligo to double check his tempEndTime() function. But you're the right, the bug is most likely present there13:48
nik90zsombi: btw you said something about not calling alarm.reset() and alarm.cancel() on the same alarm object?13:48
nik90or something related to that13:48
zsombinik90: I mean it doesn't matter if the time is 10 hours later set, it shouldn't move to 7 days later, unless the daysOfWeek is f*ed up13:49
zsombinik90: yes, when you use AlarmModel.get() function returned one13:49
zsombinik90: as that one destroys the alarm cache13:49
nik90ah ok13:50
nik90zsombi: we'll do more investigations and let you know what's causing this issue.13:50
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seb128are those warnings a known issue?14:47
seb128QML Button: Theme.createStyleComponent() is deprecated. Use ThemeSettings instead.14:47
nik90seb128: on vivid I presume?14:49
seb128nik90, wily14:49
seb128but seems vivid device have similar warnings14:49
nik90seb128: yeah something I have observed as well. I think this should be fixed once the SDK properly separates out Ubuntu.Components 1.2 and 1.1 versions..at the moment they share code. I believe the fix should have landed in staging.14:50
nik90and since in UC 1.3, it is recommended to use ThemeSettings we get the warning despite regardless of whether we use UC 1.1 or 1.214:51
nik90yeah we have already complained about this before :P .. and the fix is on its way.14:51
t1mpnik90: we have the <=1.2 and 1.3 versions split in UITK now15:05
t1mpnik90: there are technical issues in printing that warning only for 1.3 when using old properties.. so with <= 1.2 it is being printed too although in those versions there is no alternative15:06
t1mpnik90: no fix for those warnings is planned now15:06
nik90t1mp: ah okay. ack.15:06
nik90seb128: ^^15:06
t1mpnik90: we split up the qml code, but all versions have the same cpp code15:08
nik90t1mp: wouldn't that mean API changes in 1.3 can leak back to 1.2 which is why the qml code was split up in the first place? Is it planned to split the cpp code as well?15:09
nik90although I can imagine this is a hercules task and so can understand the difficult15:10
t1mpnik90: in cpp we can control which properties to expose in which versions15:10
t1mpnik90: I'm not sure how much work it would be to split the cpp as well15:10
t1mpzsombi can probably comment on that15:10
popeyballoons: got some time to help me debug a failing AP test?15:22
popeyballoons: https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/DefReminderTime/+merge/25774315:23
popeyballoons: Given i can not trust the AP tests i run locally, and we spoke yesterday about relying on jenkins ones running, these fail.15:24
balloonspopey, give me 10 mins, I'll look15:26
mzanettipopey, is there something we need to discuss in terms of reminders?15:30
mzanettipopey, I'm at the unity sprint, so again not really progress here :/15:30
popeymzanetti: no worries, i expected that15:30
mzanettipopey, I'm aware of the icon update thing15:30
mzanettisergiusens, speaking of reminders...15:31
mzanettisergiusens, you left a comment that you can't access your evernote notes when offline... that should work15:31
mzanettiit doesn't for you?15:31
balloonspopey, ok, going to pull and have a look15:34
popeyballoons: whole bunch of calendar merges failing15:35
popeyballoons: thats just the first15:35
popey(probably failing in the same way)15:35
balloonsok, jenkins failures can be dealt with15:36
balloonsohh popey I forget. It seems we're still running on utopic for core apps. Is there a reason for that? it seems for instance shorts is only running on utopic15:37
balloonsrtm concerns?15:37
popeyusers are still on utopic15:39
balloonspopey, so looking at that it seems the build timed out. i don't see issues with tests, although they re-ran jenkins after it failed once15:39
popeyok, I'll re-run that one. others are failing in other ways.15:39
popeyhence why i tried running them locally and they failed differently15:40
balloonspopey, yes, and I have no good news to share on that. We can only gate on the test runs at build15:41
balloonsso long as that environment isn't even close to a device we'll have issues like this15:41
popeylike that for example15:42
balloonsfor instance, why on earth are we still building and testing them as debs :-(15:42
popeyWe can discuss wishlist items for testing another time IMO. Right now I have branches which won't land because they're failing AP.15:44
popeyballoons: suggestions of a way forward welcome. I'm beating my head against the desk here.15:53
balloonspopey, jenkins is the only gatekeeper; broken as it is. I see the one change is basically a color change so no way it should cause breakage. I wonder how the tests get landed in a broken state.15:55
balloonsthe only "fix" is to make a new mp, fixing the issues we see in other test runs, landing it, then re-running the existing mps15:56
popeywhich I have no resource to do.15:56
balloonsit's the fact this isn't the first time we've fixed calendar in this way that I find more concerning15:57
balloonsanyways, I'm looking at the tests now16:00
popeyit fails here looking for 17 but gets 18. like it thinks the week starts on sunday16:02
popeybut it actually starts on monday16:02
ogra_thats what you think :P16:02
popeyballoons: test_selecting_a_day_switches_to_day_view looks like it's looking for days[0]?16:05
balloonspopey, we do have another option though. If we are finding tests are not running properly, we should simply disable them16:05
balloonspopey, ahh yes, I believe carla was working with kunal on that. There was concern it was an application bug16:05
balloonssorry, was working on getting depends installed and env setup to run16:09
popeyself.week_view.firstDay is 17th, days[0] is 18th16:09
popeywhich clearly aren't the same16:09
balloonspopey, that issue is a locale one. I remember carla pushing a fix for it, but also talk about if there was an application bug or not16:11
balloonsI'm looking at the first one you linked, so test_selecting_a_day_switches_to_day_view16:11
popeytest_selecting_a_day_switches_to_day_view is indeed the one I am looking at16:12
popeythe one I just ran on my pc and observed the above16:12
balloonsI've no idea what this testcase is16:12
balloonsjust re-write it sanely16:12
popeyballoons: short term?16:16
balloonspopey, that is the short term. gut it16:23
balloonspopey, k next16:24
popeyballoons: gut as in skip?16:25
balloonspopey, no, as in I rewrote it sanely16:25
balloonsso what other tests?16:25
popeyballoons: https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/WeekViewHighlight/+merge/259111 fails in the same way16:27
popeyballoons: https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/MonthHighlight/+merge/259323 fails differently16:28
balloonsok, so let's see which test fails there16:29
balloonswe'll land this in one mp16:30
popeyhmm, that one fails oddly16:32
popeyleft a comment on it [M#O9http://i.imgur.com/FAfLe7R.png16:35
sergiusensmzanetti: it didn't atm, I can try again. Maybe I was on a slow connection and it froze the thread waiting for updates (like telegram) instead of showing the cached view first (although that brings in a lot of sync logic as well)16:35
popeyballoons: thanks for the help. I'm getting a better understanding of these.16:36
balloonspopey, so what I did to fix was simply have the test tap a visible date on weekview, and ensure the dayview is loaded with the proper date16:37
balloonsnot worrying about trying to ensure the test calculates first day of the week the same as the app in every locale16:37
balloonstest_selecting_a_month_switch_to_month_view is a legit fail, the feature change apparently16:40
balloonstapping a month doesn't load month view now16:40
balloonsI'm 10 mins late for lunch, I have to run :-(16:40
mzanettisergiusens, there is a known issue that the connection establishment is blocking, yes... but for example if you are completely offline, it should work16:57
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balloonspopey, if you are about: https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-illogical-tests/+merge/25984119:34
balloonsif there's any other test, let me know19:34
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popeyballoons: i am about!19:46
balloonspopey, excellent. So any other testcases causing you heartache within calendar?19:48
balloonsI fixed the 2 I found in the mp's you sent19:48
mzanettipopey, hmm... seems the reminders-app jenkins got lost19:48
mzanettiyour icon branch failed because it was "killed"19:48
mzanettiI restarted it, it never came back19:49
mzanettithen I approved the branch, jenkins doesn't care19:49
popeyballoons: i think those cover the worst offenders19:50
popeyballoons: thank you19:50
balloonspopey, you are welcome.. I hope it's a small relief from the pain19:50
balloonsfeel free to reach out if things spiral again19:50
popeythanks balloons19:51
* popey asks about mzanetti issue in -ci-eng19:51
mivoligonik90: thanks for speaking with zsombi in my name. Just seen the backlog.21:16
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mivoligonik90: I've pushed new version with added alarm.reset() Can you check if it works on 15.04, please?21:17
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nik90mivoligo: pushed to trunk?21:34
mivoligonik90: yes, also haptic feedback21:34
nik90mivoligo: sure, sec21:34
mivoligonik90: thanks :)21:35
nik90mivoligo: it works! one stone 2 birds21:37
nik90mivoligo: it also fixed the 10 hours issue21:38
mivoligonik90: I don't think so21:38
mivoligonik90: not on my phone at least :)21:38
mivoligonik90: it doesn't have to be 10 hours, just a long enough to end after midnight21:39
mivoligonik90: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11271581/21:39
nik90mivoligo: it does for me on wily (devel-proposed)21:39
nik90mivoligo: I set it to 11 hrs, 10 hrs, 3 hrs etc...local time now is 11:40 PM21:39
nik90timer ends correctly tomorrow21:40
nik90as per indicator-datetime21:40
mivoligonik90: hmm... can you show the log?21:40
nik90sure, 1 sec21:40
nik90mivoligo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11271633/21:42
mivoligonik90: I think the Alarm takes only time into account and thinks it's set to time before current time so it schedule the alarm for the next week21:42
nik90mivoligo: well the logs says otherwise21:42
nik90although the alarms.daysOfWeek before and after save looks different21:43
nik90mivoligo: actually before save it is 16 (friday) and after save it is 128 (auto-detect). So its actually correct21:44
mivoligonik90: so it's something wrong in Alarm code for 14.10 then?21:45
nik90mivoligo: I tested this on UC 1.2 + wily (devel-proposed). Let me try with UC 1.1 and see if I can reproduce the bug21:46
nik90that should give us the answer to your question21:46
mivoligonik90: ok21:46
nik90mivoligo: both bugs seems fixed even with UC 1.1...http://paste.ubuntu.com/11271689/21:48
nik90mivoligo: I am not sure what the answer is ;P...it seems fixed in UC 1.1 and 1.2 but yet reproducible on RTM according to you21:49
mivoligonik90: strange21:49
nik90mivoligo: either way I think its fine since OTA-4 should solve your problems21:50
mivoligonik90: do you have RTM device to test?21:50
nik90but I will report back to zsombi about this21:50
nik90mivoligo: I do have a BQ RTM device, but I am currently in the process of testing it from the perspective of a ordinary user .. so side loading of apps21:51
nik90sry I meant *no* side loading of apps21:52
mivoligonik90: ok21:52
mivoligonik90: many thanks for your help :)21:52
nik90yeah no problem..btw are you going to wait for OTA-4 for the next update?21:53
mivoligonik90: probably not :D21:53
nik90mivoligo: actually could you share your app log when reproducing the bug? I want to check the daysOfWeek value as asked by zsombi21:53
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mivoligonik90: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11271581/21:54
nik90mivoligo: thnx. the date alone seems messed up.21:55
mivoligonik90: ?21:55
nik90mivoligo: in your log, the date may 22 and may 28 seems wrong somehow21:56
mivoligonik90: today is may 21 here (yet)21:57
mivoligonik90: as I said my theory is Alarm checks the time only21:59
nik90yeah yeah I understand22:00
nik90I was just confirming your theory22:00
mivoligonik90: ah ok, I thought you see something wrong with the date format :)22:00
mivoligonik90: btw, as you're in different time zone, I guess you experiencing bug 1457021 as well?22:02
ubot5bug 1457021 in Timer "Timer finished x:y:z ago - 1 hour too much" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145702122:02
nik90mivoligo: hmm I can check...usually once I stop the timer in the notification, I forget to back to the timer app until like few hrs later. Let me try now to confirm it22:05
nik90mivoligo: yup it seems that the timer does start at 1hr instead of 00:0022:08
mivoligonik90: thanks again for your time ;)22:08
mivoligonik90: have a good night :)22:09
nik90gud nite22:09
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