
pittiGood morning05:02
didrocksgood morning05:56
willcookehappyaron, weekly report please07:26
willcookegood morning!07:27
seb128hey willcooke07:31
didrocksmorning willcooke07:31
pittiah, life! good morning everyone!07:34
seb128hey pitti07:34
seb128pitti, wie gehts?07:34
larsucute http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/release-schedule.jpg07:36
didrocksmorning pitti :)07:36
pittiseb128: gut, danke! ein bisschen muede, vom Sport07:37
pittilarsu: oooh!07:37
seb128pitti, same here, I played tennis for over 2 hours yesterday evening ;-)07:37
pittiseb128: wow, great! so it stopped raining for you too?07:37
seb128yes, back to blue sky & sun since yesterday afternoon07:38
pittiseb128: still gray here, but at least dry again07:43
* larsu wonders what this "rain" is that people keep talking about07:43
seb128larsu, did you move in south of France with didrocks?!07:43
larsuhaha no they speak a weird dialect there07:44
TheMusoHey willcooke, hey folks.07:45
willcookehey TheMuso, all07:45
seb128hey TheMuso07:46
seb128pitti, still looking at this locale filtering issue ... is there a way to say that the "sr" locales dir is for the "sr_RS" locale?07:47
seb128pitti, out of reading /usr/share/language-tools/main-countries07:47
pittiseb128: ah, interesting file! that's from accountsservice07:48
pittiprobably something that GunnarHj wrote?07:48
seb128pitti, yeah, I think one from Gunnar07:48
seb128likely yes07:48
seb128there is too much hackery in those scripts to my taste07:48
pittiseb128: that's not built into locales by themselves, as the concept of a local doesn't have a "main" country (it's a language and region where you are)07:48
seb128but at the same time it works and nobody else looked at those issues07:49
seb128pitti, so my new heuristic is to get the list is to keep the locales that are in that main-countries list or have a matching dir in /usr/share/locale-langpack ... how does it sound to you?07:50
seb128pitti, so sr_RS would stay because it's a "main" language, en_GB because it's a disk dir, en_NZ would match neither and be filtered out07:51
seb128same de_DE is a main language so it would stay07:52
pittiseb128: what's wrong with showing all locales that we have translations for?07:52
seb128pitti, define "have translation for"07:52
seb128or how do we check that?07:52
pittie. g. for "de", I thought launchpad's policy was to only ship "de/" translations, not "de_*"07:53
pitti(that should be true for the majority of languages, except zh, en, es, and pt)07:53
pittiseb128: has a dir in /usr/share/locale-langpack/ ?07:53
seb128pitti, well, we have a "de_DE" locale, we can't check for /usr/share/locale-langpack/de_DE07:53
seb128since that doesn't exist07:53
pittiwe do have en_NZ translations, so why would we hide them?07:53
willcookethx happyaron07:54
pittior rather, if we don't want them, we should already disable them in launchpad and the langpacks07:54
seb128pitti, we wouldn't, my heuristic is keeping those which have a dir on disk07:54
pittino point in offering them for translations?07:54
seb128pitti, "keep the locales that are in that main-countries list or have a matching dir in /usr/share/locale-langpack ."07:54
pittiseb128: why do you need de_DE?07:54
seb128because we want to propose "German" in the languages?07:55
pittiseb128: is whatever you are doing purely for translations, or does it have a regional aspect too (time, currency, paper format, etc.)?07:55
seb128just display language translations07:55
happyaronwillcooke: :)07:55
pittiseb128: right, but why would that not be de, but de_DE?07:55
seb128pitti, we use the output from "locale -a" to build the list07:55
seb128maybe that bit is wrong and to revisit07:56
pittithat's a good thing to start from07:56
seb128but that includes "de_DE" not "de"07:56
pittibut might be easier to start from /usr/share/locale-langpack/*07:56
pittiand then substract the entries from that which we dont' have locales for07:57
pittie. g. de, en, en_AU would all stay07:57
pittibut en@quot would drop07:57
seb128how do you determine what's the locale for e.g "de"07:57
seb128or for "sr"07:57
pittijust prefix matching07:58
seb128we need the locale07:58
seb128to have a nice display name07:58
Laneyhey ho07:58
Laneythis topic again!07:58
pittiseb128: hm, you just told me you don't need a region?07:58
pittihey Laney!07:58
seb128pitti, well, we .displayName() in the UI to show nice names in the list07:59
pitti /usr/share/language-tools/language2locale  de07:59
pittihm, this perhaps?07:59
seb128hey Laney08:00
pittilanguage-selector is able to figure this all out, what does that use?08:00
seb128that uses /usr/share/language-tools/main-countries08:00
seb128which is basically my current heuristic08:00
seb128look to that list and to existing langpack dirs08:00
seb128Laney, do you like that patch better? http://paste.ubuntu.com/11259919/08:02
seb128Laney, ignore the code comment I didn't rewrite it yet08:02
LaneyI was confused08:03
Laneycan you explain the indexOf in english?08:03
seb128Laney, basically I keep locales that are "main language ones" (= likely) or that have a matching dir08:03
Laneyit's hard to figure it out from the code08:03
LaneyI think that's what I was asking for, so yes08:03
seb128"is the locale in the /usr/share/locale-langpack/*"08:03
seb128the table is the ls from that dir08:03
seb128and the indexOf is "is that value in the list"08:04
seb128good :-)08:04
seb128I might still look at simplifying that code/reworking it later08:04
seb128but that diff works and should do the job with minimal changes08:04
seb128Laney, pitti, thanks for the input!08:04
Laneyan improvement that I suggested last night is to have that script take multiple inputs and process them all08:05
Laneyit is a bit grim to call it once for each locale08:05
seb128Laney, yeah, going to look at that next (or at replacing the script, I like better to build a table from the text file and dealing with that than having to call some script calling sed & co)08:12
seb128Laney, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11260039/ with updated comment, if that looks ok to you I'm going to put it up for review08:12
Laneyany reason you use indexOf instead of contains?08:14
seb128Laney, I think contains() does substring matching08:18
seb128["de_DE", "en_GB"] contains "en" but wouldn't have an indexOf "en" I think08:18
Laneythat would surprise me08:19
larsuno, contains is ==08:19
Laneyis this in a loop?08:19
seb128oh, I misread the example08:20
seb128nevermind ;-)08:20
LaneyI think you should list the directory before it08:20
seb128the api doc was not responding yesterday and I was unsure08:20
larsuI guess you could do .filter("de")[0]08:20
larsubut you'd need to check that [0] exists08:21
* Laney filters larsu 08:23
* larsu disappears08:24
larsuah wait, I guess I should be the only one left if you filter on "larsu"08:25
seb128                installedTranslations.contains(languageLocale.localeName.split(".utf8")[0]))08:25
seb128that's probably easier to read08:25
Laneyall this talk of lists makes me want to write Haskell again08:25
seb128larsu, can't see you!08:25
Laneyseb128: did you see my comment about the dir list?08:27
seb128Laney, that's a very good point, just did, thanks ;-)08:28
Laneyok, now SHIP IT08:28
seb128Laney, https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/language-filter-translations/+merge/25973008:36
Laneywait, what's that script that GunnarHj talks about?08:38
seb128dunno, something that doesn't do what we need by default :p08:39
seb128it lists e.g en_NZ or de_CH for me08:39
seb128that's because it uses /usr/share/locale as well08:40
LaneyI feel like this isn't the end of the story on listing languages08:41
seb128no, but it seems that script is supposed to do what we want08:42
Laneywhat does it do on your phone?08:42
seb128Laney, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11260387/08:43
Laneytoo many?08:44
seb128too many on my desktop for sure08:44
Laneyok let's think about this later08:45
LaneyI think we probably will end up wanting a mechanism for adding any language08:45
Laneywhich will somehow install the langpack and then it will be listed anyway08:46
seb128I need to go back to mpt08:47
seb128the issue there/the flackiness is because e.g08:47
seb128$ ls /usr/share/locale/de_CH/LC_MESSAGES/08:47
seb128encfs.mo  virt-viewer.mo08:47
seb128 08:47
seb128so you get 1 thing on the system including a translation for a weird locale and it makes it be listed08:47
seb128unsure if we maybe we would like to list only languages with a >%system_strings translated08:48
seb128like only if it's > 50% translated08:48
Laneyyou'd probably exclude all variants then08:48
LaneyI bet en_GB doesn't have many differences from en_US08:49
seb128so apply that filter only for non variants ;-)08:50
seb128that topic is more complicated that I thought it was :-/08:50
Laneymaybe, but then they are presumably only installed when a user has done it on purpose08:50
Laneywe would only ship major languages by default08:50
Laneyoh, hello mpt08:51
seb128hey mpt08:51
mptseb128, I am so sorry, I thought I had commented again about the locale stuff08:51
Laneyoh god, stop reading now, he's going to make you change it08:52
seb128mpt, trying to get that list of language simplified, we have a solution which is not perfect but should be a good first step08:52
mptseb128, I was all geared up to separate out locale stuff into its own screen, but Andreea (reasonably) says that so much is changing in the first-run setup, that we should leave that for later08:52
seb128mpt, yeah, well our first step solution should be good enough for now08:53
seb128it basically keep languages which have langpack translations installed08:53
seb128so no more e.g de_CH08:54
seb128or en_NZ (sorry ;-)08:54
Laneyshould we remove the (Country) for the likely locale?08:55
Laneyto not make New Zealanders have to click on English (United States) ...08:56
mptThe currency setting in locales is pretty much useless, right? I.e. I won’t have £ appearing anywhere merely because in the absence of en_NZ I choose en_GB08:58
seb128good point, dunno where that's used08:59
seb128or rather I don't know of any place where it's used08:59
seb128but it doesn't mean it's not used08:59
pittianything using strfmon()09:00
pittialso, start of weekday, summer time, paper formats etc. are region specific09:01
seb128pitti, yeah, I just don't know if we have lot of code doing that09:01
pittibut why are we talking monetary/time/ etc. now?09:01
pittiI thought we are *just* talking about a language?09:01
pittiif this is for picking a *locale*, don't filter out anything09:02
mptpitti, because the current list shows language+locale09:02
pittilist for what?09:02
mptseb128’s change drops the locales that don’t have a corresponding language09:02
pittiselecting a  desktop translation doesn't need that; selecting a system locale very much does09:02
mptSystem Settings > Language & Text > Display language09:02
pittiah; that'll just set LC_MESSAGES and LANGUAGE, right?09:02
mptThis is because I was in a mad rush in 2013 and thought, “eh, let’s think about locale later”09:02
mptAnd now is later09:03
pittiand we presumably have another setting for the region then09:03
LaneyIt currently sets the language and locale09:03
mptWe don’t09:03
pittiseb128: so previously you said that this is just about a language09:04
mptAnd when we do, it should we changed in both System Settings and the first-run setup, otherwise we’re inconsistent09:04
pittiwhat is true now?09:04
mptAnd Andreea doesn’t want to change it in the first-run setup for now. So.09:04
pittiwell, first-time setup does include the countries09:05
mptOnly because System Settings does too09:05
pitti(at least for German, i haven't checked the others)09:05
LaneyIt is true, the change will mean you can only have a locale if there are translations09:05
mptAnd the lack of locales will start mattering when bug 1447504 is fixed09:05
ubot5bug 1447504 in Ubuntu UX "[system settings] Dialer-app: Wrong number is shown in call history" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144750409:05
pittiideally these  become two separate settings, like in ubiquity and language selector09:05
pittiI can be in the US and still speak Spanish09:05
LaneyShould we wait until there is a design for locale then?09:06
mptI think so, sorry seb12809:06
pittiand one language and a completely independent country/region setting are both smaller individually and also more logical09:06
mptI thought I had commented to that effect, but I guess I did not09:06
* pitti knows some fr_NL dude here :-)09:06
* pitti hugs seb128 ^09:07
mptThe code is still good, it just needs to wait for a few weeks-ish09:07
seb128it feels like I just wasted a day :-/09:08
Laneythis discussion wouldn't have happeed otherwise09:08
pittiseb128: well, as mpt said I think the filtering *is* good for a language list09:09
* seb128 hugs pitti back09:09
pittiseb128: the thing that's missing is a separate region list09:09
seb128pitti, well, it's just that mpt made it sounds like that having locales was an important usability problem for that list09:09
pitti"what do I speak" and "where am I" are two independent things09:09
seb128which motivated to work on it09:09
seb128but that was meant to be a languages list09:10
seb128the whole thing is just frustrating at this point09:10
Laneywe probably get to discuss these issues again in a few weeks09:10
pittiright, the current first-time setup is bad, it mangles both, has a long list, and doesn't have most combinations09:10
seb128"oh, we really need to fix that now"09:10
seb128"there is a fix"09:10
mptseb128, to be fair, this bug is #107 on the list of ubuntu-system-settings bugs and wasn’t Triaged or linked to a spec yet, I didn’t know you were going to work on it yesterday09:10
seb128"sorry but in fact we keep it the current way"09:10
seb128mpt, well you IRC pinged about it and commented on the bug recently, which I took as an hint that it needed to be looked at09:11
seb128mpt, and where do you get your ranking from? ;-)09:11
mptseb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings09:12
mptseb128, in my comment I said “we can separate out the choice of locale into its own step. If you have allowed location detection, possibly the step will be automatic, or at least the default can be based on your location”09:13
mptNone of that is designed yet, I was just documenting thoughts in progress (a) in case I forgot them later and (b) so you and others could tell me if I was making a mistake09:14
mpt(c) in case I get hit by a bus09:14
seb128k, sorry for assuming that was something to look at now09:14
seb128I guess it's was not all waster work09:14
mptNo, it’s not wasted, it just has a dependency09:15
seb128so I should put the change on hold until we get something else for the locale selection?09:15
mptyes please09:16
seb128mpt, thanks09:16
* mpt hugs seb128 09:16
* seb128 hugs mpt back09:16
larsumpt: please look left and right when crossing the street09:17
larsuerr, right and left09:18
Laneyit's London, they tell you which way to look09:27
Laneythat is why nobody gets hurt there!09:27
Laneyso... the other day someone showed me their laptop running 12.04 because they were having a problem with it09:29
Laneyturns out that update manager was offering them an update to 12.10 and when they clicked it it failed09:30
Laneywhich was worrying them09:30
Laneyanyone know if this is fixed in current u-m?09:30
seb128is 12.10 still available?09:33
seb128I thought we just supported LTS to LTS upgrades in those cases09:33
seb128I see what you mean09:33
seb128it should have suggested an upgrade to 14.04 not 12.1009:33
seb128that's a mvo question :-)09:34
seb128mvo, ^ you might know?09:34
LaneyI wonder if it cached it09:34
Laneyor if it is still a current issue09:34
seb128boot a 12.04 iso in a vm and try :-)09:34
mvoLaney: uh, did he/she changed /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades at some point? the default for a lts is lts there09:35
Laneymvo: It's possible, I don't know - the problem is offering an upgrade to an EOL release09:36
seb128mvo, well, even if that was changed to "next version" if the next version is out of support we should suggest the lts no?09:36
LaneyI did change it to LTS and then it updated okay09:38
mptbug 119906009:39
ubot5bug 1199060 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "installing/updating tools need to detect EOL versions" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119906009:39
LaneyI guess it's still current then09:40
Laneympt: The problem here is that the *next* release is EOL09:41
Laneyshould we fall-back to trying the next LTS?09:41
didrocksI guess only if the current release is LTS09:41
didrocksotherwise, the upgrade path isn't supported09:41
Laneyyes, otherwise you die09:41
didrocksand so it should tell "please reinstall"09:42
Laney"Sorry pal, better reinstall"09:42
Laneyoh man, that makes me sad09:42
didrocksdon't be sad :p09:42
LaneyWe talked at UDS about just supporting this but it never made it through to being policy09:43
mptIs it not possible to upgrade to an EOL LTS just as a step towards the current LTS?09:44
LaneyI suppose so, using the old-releases archive09:45
LaneyThis applies even (maybe moreso) on non-LTS releases too09:46
mptRight. I guess what I really mean is, how much fiddling would a user need to do to do that. (E.g. would they have to edit text files.)09:46
Laneybecause the only supported upgrade path there is via the next normal release09:46
Laneybut then, what's support anyway if you're upgrading to a release which itself is EOL?09:47
LaneyI think you'd have to use apt yourself and point sources.list at old-releases.ubuntu.com09:47
LaneyNot sure we make any guarantees about the availability of that archive either. And I don't think it's mirrored so IS would probably cry if any amount of traffic were to hit it.09:50
LaneyI'll probably skirt around this hell hole and simply implement "if we're on an LTS and the next regular release is EOL, then try the next LTS instead".09:51
mptSomething like this? <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates?action=diff&rev2=196&rev1=195>09:52
LaneyBasically this, yes09:53
LaneyAlthough the installer is supposed to let you keep your files09:53
* Laney commits a sin10:18
larsugit commit -a -m "I have sinned"10:23
Laneyit's for the greater good10:27
* Laney 's fingers slip10:27
Sweet5harkhi all from Cambridge!10:48
larsuhi Sweet5hark!10:50
Laneygood choice Sweet5hark10:56
Laneyget yourself down the devonshire arms10:56
Sweet5harkLaney: will try!10:57
Laneyyou could also get the guided bus and go visit my mum ^o)10:58
Laneyinsert your mum joke here10:58
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
willcookechrisccoulson, hihi, Ubuntu Browser on Desktop Next crashes on startup.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11262972/  any ideas?12:03
willcookechrisccoulson, oh, and the log file mentions "legacy browser".  Am I running a really old version?12:03
chrisccoulsonwillcooke, is EGL_PLATFORM set in the environment for the process?12:05
willcookehow do I tell?12:06
chrisccoulsonwillcooke, env | grep EGL_PLATFORM from a terminal12:06
willcookechrisccoulson, thx - so, no it's not. I expect I need to set that in the /etc/environment?12:07
willcookewhat do I set it to?12:07
willcookeI'll try that12:09
Laneywhy is that required?12:10
willcookedunno.  But it fixed it12:11
willcooke"We don't know how it works.... BUT IT DOES"12:11
LaneyWould be good if it could detect the right value and only use env vars to override it12:12
Laneybut... don't know about this stuff :)12:12
chrisccoulsonwillcooke, I reported bug 145745812:17
ubot5bug 1457458 in Oxide ""No suitable EGL configs found" on desktop-next" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145745812:17
chrisccoulsonnote, I can't actually run desktop-next (I just get a blank screen when I log in), so I can't test this12:17
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, did you try on real hwd or in a vm?12:18
seb128what Ubuntu release are you on?12:18
chrisccoulsonseb128, real hardware (intel). And this is on vivid12:18
willcookethx chrisccoulson12:20
willcookeFWIW, I installed from an old ISO yesterday and it works:12:20
willcookeit's not really final12:21
Laneyis that the same as http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-desktop-next/backup-20150422/ ?12:21
Laneythat one is on a non secret url ;-)12:21
willcookegood call, thx Laney12:22
seb128chrisccoulson, can you share your ~/.cache/upstart/unity8.log ?12:26
Laneyoh FFS, now what is up with gvfs?12:29
chrisccoulsonseb128, one second, I need to install desktop-next again12:32
LaneyI was just approaching having working autopkgtests for everything again12:34
Laneyand now this starts failing12:34
* Laney weeps12:34
chrisccoulsonseb128, there's only 2 lines in it12:39
chrisccoulsonQXcbConnection: Could not connect to display12:39
seb128chrisccoulson, how do you start the session? using unity8-desktop-session from lightdm?12:40
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah12:40
seb128weird, it looks like it's using the wrong backend or something12:41
seb128is there anything useful in the lightmdm greeter log?12:41
seb128or the system compositor log?12:41
seb128maybe try to wipe .cache/upstart, try to log in and see what's in there12:41
seb128ChrisTownsend, ^ does that sort of issues ring any bell to you?12:42
ChrisTownsendseb128: Yeah, it's using the wrong backend.  bschaefer was hitting that yesterday, but we thought it was due to him mucking around with Mir and getting his libs screwed up.  It works fine for me.12:43
chrisccoulsonIs there any way I can tell network manager to stop using the ofono settings plugin? (I have to keep uninstalling unity 8 because of bug 1391842)12:45
ubot5bug 1391842 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Mobile broadband doesn't work in utopic (worked in trusty)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139184212:45
seb128chrisccoulson, do you have some touch init scripts installed?12:45
seb128cyphermox, ^12:45
chrisccoulsonseb128, no, this is a fresh profile12:45
seb128chrisccoulson, "profile" means system install?12:45
chrisccoulsonseb128, no, I just created a new user account to test unity 812:46
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: remove "ofono" from /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf12:46
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, I have. It's still messed up12:47
cyphermoxwell, you also need to restart NM12:47
cyphermoxthat's all there is to it12:47
cyphermoxotherwise, you're looking at a bug in MM rather than an issue with ofono12:48
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, I restarted NM and I still have a bunch of non-functioning entries in the menu for me 3G adapter12:49
chrisccoulsonThe only way I've ever been able to make it work is to uninstall ofono12:49
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: I don't know, you shouldn't have ofono entries if the plugin is disabled12:50
cyphermoxtry to see if they are in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections?12:50
cyphermoxbut they shouldn't be12:50
seb128chrisccoulson, right, but you don't have e.g ubuntu-touch-session installed right?12:50
cyphermox(unless you tried to edit them)12:51
seb128chrisccoulson, bug #123815112:51
ubot5bug 1238151 in ubuntu-touch-session (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-touch-session is installable on amd64 but prevents graphical login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123815112:51
chrisccoulsonseb128, I don't have that installed12:51
seb128hum, k :-/12:51
seb128chrisccoulson, anything useful in the greeter log?12:51
seb128ChrisTownsend, did you debug that a bit with Brandon? any clue what to look at?12:52
ChrisTownsendseb128: Unfortunately, I went offline before he said reported any of his findings.  Maybe bregma heard from him...12:53
seb128bregma, ^12:53
bregmaI have heard nothing more12:53
chrisccoulsonseb128, it doesn't look like it. But unity-system-compositor.log has this - http://paste.ubuntu.com/11263708/12:55
ChrisTownsendLooks like Mir doesn't like your monitor.  Should probably check with the Mir guys about why.12:56
seb128chrisccoulson, how many screens do you have?12:58
seb128if you are docked maybe try undocked12:59
chrisccoulsonseb128, I'm docked. But I had a blank screen the last time I tried it undocked too12:59
seb128chrisccoulson, try reporting a bug on mir, and/or ask in #ubuntu-mir12:59
pittioh dear, I just re-discovered http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/photos/pitti-virtual-desktop.png (from 2009)13:06
seb128things changed a bit since ;-)13:06
* pitti is currently cleaning up his public_html, but I'll keep that :)13:07
pittiseb128: well, the terminal/weechat layout hasn't for me :)13:07
pittiand I still only have one panel at the top and nothign else13:07
seb128pitti, what was the dog icon? ;-)13:07
pittiseb128: I *think* it was a custom launcher to run offlineimap13:08
pittiseb128: it's the mutt icon13:08
seb128ah ok, I saw that one before but I couldn't remember where/what it was13:08
larsubeautiful theme :)13:09
larsuand pidgin!13:09
pittilarsu: and ekiga!13:28
pittilarsu: I actually still use pidgin13:28
pittithere was some talk about teaching telepathy about OTR, but it seems it never went anywhere? :-(13:28
larsuseems nothing is going anywhere with telepathy13:28
xclaessepitti, there are patches, and even package in my ppa13:36
xclaessebut then nobody really cared to push further to get it merged, and I lost interest13:37
xclaesselooks like there are million of people wanted OTR, but none of them can write code :/13:37
qenghoLaney: I got two email messages. 1, Launchpad marking my sikuli bug report as fixed. 2, one minute later, Jenkins saying chromium tests pass. Thanks!13:48
pittiJenkins Fixed - wily-adt-chromium-browser 20 \o/13:51
pittiso glib2.0 and the whole stack that depends on it propagates now13:52
Laneypitti: why's that not held up by gvfs which just started failing?13:59
pittiLaney: why should it? when gvfs ran for glib2.0, it passed13:59
pittiLaney: gvfs started failing becaues of the new libgphoto214:00
pitti(I'm on it)14:00
LaneyI see, I thought that it takes the latest run14:00
pittiLaney: we track runs per triggering package14:00
pittigvfs 1.24.1-1ubuntu1 PASS glib2.0 2.45.1-214:01
pittigvfs 1.24.1-1ubuntu1 FAIL libgcrypt20 1.6.3-2ubuntu114:01
pittigvfs 1.24.1-1ubuntu1 RUNNING libgphoto2 2.5.7-5ubuntu114:01
pittithat's "tested-pkg tested-pkg-version result triggering-pkg triggering-pkg-result"14:01
pittiLaney: ^ FUI14:01
pittiFYI even14:01
Laneybut you try to re-collect for failures or something?14:02
pittihow do you mean?14:02
LaneyIt does notice when failures are retried and go green14:03
Laneythe retry isn't tied to a particular triggering package14:03
pittiah, right; I don't know how that magic works :/14:04
Laneyah well, it does work14:04
pittithat's a q for jibel14:04
seb128kenvandine, hey14:29
kenvandinehey seb12814:29
seb128kenvandine, there is an issue with settings in silo 3414:29
seb128kenvandine, it adds a depends on google-mock, which pulls in the python2.7 stack, that can't be right...14:30
seb128The following NEW packages will be installed:14:30
seb128  google-mock libgtest-dev libpython-stdlib libpython2.7-minimal14:30
seb128  libpython2.7-stdlib python python-minimal python2.7 python2.7-minimal14:30
seb1280 upgraded, 9 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.14:30
seb128that comes from https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-system-settings/fix-network/+merge/25796614:31
seb128kenvandine, did you add it by error there? was it meant to be for -autopilot?14:32
kenvandineshould be a build depends14:33
seb128it is as well14:33
seb128it got added to b-d and depends14:33
kenvandinenot runtime14:33
seb128can you fix it?14:33
seb128we are going to need to reconfigure then14:33
kenvandinefixing now14:33
kenvandinethanks for catching it!14:34
kenvandinethis branch adds some nice testing :)14:34
kenvandinefixed and building14:36
seb128kenvandine, bah, it's buggy more14:36
seb128sorry :-/14:36
seb128kenvandine, current vivid version lists me 2 updates, new deb says the software is uptodate :-/14:37
kenvandineoh interesting!14:37
seb128document viewer and the authentificators were listed14:37
seb128if I downgrade back to the vivid version there are still listed14:37
seb128I did some updates/downgrades, it's not transient14:37
kenvandineok, i'll have to talk to mandel about it14:38
kenvandinethis branch was my rebase of his branch14:38
seb128kenvandine, I set the testing to false, I'm happy to test again or provide more info if needed14:39
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kenvandineno rush on it14:39
kenvandineand i really don't have time right now to try to fix it, hopefully mandel can14:40
seb128kenvandine, I'm going to try to flush the queue to wily tomorrow, then we can sort out vivid landings14:42
kenvandineseb128, yeah, that's cool14:42
kenvandineseb128, i'm branching for 15.04 now14:43
seb128kenvandine, settings?14:43
seb128k, I was going to do that tomorrow as well14:43
seb128but if you do it, one less thing for me to do ;-)14:43
kenvandinei just did it for content-hub, so might as well continue :)14:43
larsuhm, 4kB/s from launchpad right now :(14:51
larsucloning a project14:51
seb128larsu, get better internet14:51
larsuinternet's fine14:51
Laneythursday troll14:52
seb128get better isp? ;-)14:52
seb128 15001kB  1901kB/s \ Fetching revisions:Inserting stream:Estimate 68621/10778914:52
seb128larsu, and you don't clone, you branch on launchpad :p14:52
seb128or are you trying the git support?14:52
larsuno, but I use git bzr, for which the action verb is also "clone"14:53
seb128well, dunno what's up14:53
larsuwhatevs, got it now :)14:53
seb128maybe there is a roundrobbing and got a slow server or something14:53
larsuwas better earlier, surely just a hickup14:53
seb128robin even14:54
seb128Laney, btw, when do we get git?14:54
Laneywhat kind of git?14:54
* seb128 reads documentation and feels like ready to use it14:54
seb128like stuff we do in git14:54
Laneyyou mean desktop team?14:54
seb128the migration you announced :p14:55
seb128bring it on!14:55
seb128I'm ready ;-)14:55
Laneyah, don't know, I haven't played with LP's stuff yet14:55
Laneydo you know how ready that is?14:55
LaneyI mailed some pkg-gnome guys about working on this in debcamp but nobody was available14:55
seb128it's supposed to work fine, including merge request etc14:55
Laneystill might do it then though14:55
seb128but needs polish14:55
seb128we can probably pick some projects and start playing14:56
LaneyI'll try it for the next glib upload or something14:58
attentehi, is there any plan to update qt to 5.4.2?16:29
seb128Mirv, sil2100, pmcgowan, ^ do you know?16:32
seb128attente, I assume we are going to do this cycle, not sure for the phone image on vivid, why?16:35
sil2100attente, seb128: not entirely sure, I know there are plans for a new version of Qt for wily but not sure if it's 5.4.2 or something else16:38
sil2100For touch we have no plans right now16:39
seb128sil2100, thanks16:39
pmcgowanthere will be 5.5 soonish16:40
* willcooke -> EOD17:24
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