
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, critters and everything else12:10
InHisNameI'm trying to use find to find files that are created in last m days from today.  I get error that -exec is incomplete.....13:57
InHisNamesudo find . -name "*.jpg" -mtime -2 -exec ls -l \{\}\;   <-- so what is wrong ?13:58
waltmaninstead of the -exec, try this: ... -mtime 2 | xargs ls -l13:59
InHisNamethe xargs produce full list of directory.  If I leve it off, only see two files.14:13
InHisNameNever mind.  got it to work.14:14
InHisNameGrrrr, I keep taking screen shots, but I cannot find the file of the shot.   [Ctrl-PrtScr]   I hear a camera click.14:25
waltmanyeah, the mtime thing seems to throw off find.14:25
jedijfInHisName: my scrots show up in home14:35

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