
Guest945Can someone help me to get 2 monitors working on new graphics card Gigabyte GeForce GTX 960 WindForce OC 4GB on Ubuntu Studio 14.04?01:34
holsteinmaybe, but maybe not01:35
holsteinGuest945: it will just depend on how well the hardware supports linux01:35
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto01:35
holsteinGuest945: what i would do is simply look in the menu, and see if any additional drivers for the GPU are suggested.. if they are, then try them, and see if it works, and supports dual head01:35
holsteini'll use a nice tool i like when testing.. arandr01:36
holstein!info arandr01:36
ubottuarandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 66 kB, installed size 507 kB01:36
holsteini'll try most all versions live, and see if one "just magically" supports dual head with the open drivers included in the kernel01:36
holsteinkeep in mind, any ubuntu documentation will be relevant01:37
Guest945Thanks for the pointers...01:43
Tooncenatorholstein - definitely a routing issue as opposed to broken hardware. It worked just fine in Windows - but then again, official drivers were released for Windows - but not for linux. so this may not be workable without magic. :) I'll work on it as you suggested. thanks04:09
holsteinTooncenator: cheers..04:09
Tooncenatorit would be really handy if there was a signal indicator in Qjackctl. lol04:30
Tooncenatorwell I started out by finding the exact path in Qjackctl of the ardour output to my box and headphones. seems logical - it's master/audio_out to playback_. So now I switched back to my keyboard to try and isolate and find the path the audio is getting to my headphones from, and i have literally disconnected everything one at a time in qjackctl, and the audio from the keyboard remains no matter what. The signal is getting to a04:53
Tooncenatorrdour just fine though...its' so weird.04:53
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Tooncenatorlol...nvrmnd. just realized the keyboard signal i'm hearing is not going through the computer. I'm hearing the audio directly from the maudio box monitoring. Will pick up from there tomorrow.05:25
horpahHello everyone.08:22
horpahWhere can I find help with annoying graphical glitch on xubuntu studio screen? Which irc channel will be best?08:23
horpahIs anyone here? Everyone AFK?08:29
horpahSome audio sources have midi in connector in Jack Patchage. some not. How to use this generators which has not midi in?08:46
horpahI'm usign jack keyboard08:48
horpahaeolus and Foo YX20 working perfectly08:49
horpahbut Hexter not08:49
horpahHexter have no midi in connector08:49
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horpahCan anyone help me with connecting virtual midi keyboard to Hexter?09:01
horpahIn Hexter there is no midi input...09:02
zequencehorpah: Use vkeyboard09:40
zequenceIt has midi input, but you will need to connect using qjackctl09:41
zequenceOpen qjackctl. See the ALSA tab09:41
zequenceSorry. qjacktl -> Connect -> ALSA09:41
zequencevkeyboard is in midi utilities in the menu09:41
horpahthanks I'll try it09:44
Tobias_hi every one16:42
Tobias_just updated my system and now my graphics card is running with 100% fan speed all the time, even while booting16:43
Tobias_some on who can help me?16:43
Tobias_ok thank you16:45
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studio-user837roland quad-capture work record in ubuntu 15.0419:56
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