
ubottuUbuntu bug 1457242 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "[MRE] xfwm4 4.12.3 for vivid" [Undecided,New]00:02
micahgbluesabre: want me to upload?00:06
bluesabremicahg: go ahead, wouldn't want to waste your time :)00:07
bluesabrewell, I have the merge ready to upload to wily...00:08
bluesabre^ your quote00:08
bluesabrewithout quotes00:08
* bluesabre fails00:08
micahgbluesabre: done00:13
bluesabremicahg: thanks!00:14
bluesabrelong night03:00
Unit193Debian 78592605:29
ubottuDebian bug 785926 in src:pidgin "pidgin: Please update to GStreamer 1.x" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/78592605:29
ochosisweet, nice work bluesabre and micahg :)10:08
elfybluesabre: is there a wily reason for xub-dev ppa stopping at vivid - or just nothing for it yet 11:08
ochosii think so far they've uploaded everything directly to wily11:10
ochosiand it's too early to really have experimental stuff to test i guess11:10
elfymakes sense this early I guess :)11:10
elfyjust wanted to double check I'm not missing something 11:11
elfyand backlog is often just lots of words :D11:11
ochosihehe, yeah that sounds realistic :)11:12
ochosibluesabre: fwiw, i guess we gotta do something about that huge indicator-power icon. not pwetty.12:31
ochosibluesabre: in the greeter, that is.12:32
Unit193elfy: Looks like you mean the daily ppa, I kicked off some builds so it won't 404 on you now.17:42
elfyI've not actually got it here as it was empty for wily17:43
Unit193Won't be soon.17:43
elfythanks Unit193 17:44
NoskcajI'm finishing my midyear exams off today, So I should have some time to do xubuntu stuff again now. Is there anything in particular that needs doing?21:08
knomeat this point, i don't think too much; we're off to the slow start phase of a cycle :)21:20
micahgNoskcaj: any merges where you were TIL I think would be good21:21
LoganNoskcaj: all of the things21:35
* Unit193 uploads alllll sorts of crap through Logan!21:35
NoskcajLogan, I'll do my best21:35
Unit193New packages all over!21:35
LoganI'm hungry21:36
* Logan eyes Unit193 21:36
Unit193Too much bone, not enough meat.21:36
knomeLogan, maybe not open, but apparently Unit193 has the credentials..21:37
Loganhe knows the key to open me21:37
Loganokay that sounds wrong21:37
LoganUnit193: do you need anything uploaded?21:37
knomeLogan, you're totally right, it sounds so wrong..21:38
Unit193Logan: Only one you won't tell me to Debianize is pending on barry.21:39
Unit193lightdm-gtk-greeter 2.0.1-1 uploaded by Yves-Alexis Perez (corsac) (Closes: Debian #785055)21:41
ubottuDebian bug 785055 in lightdm-gtk-greeter "lightdm-gtk-greeter: white screen and 100% CPU usage until I click a mouse button, with 2 monitors" [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/78505521:41
Noskcajhttp://pastebin.com/PdsqVzf6 is mousepad ubuntu-->new22:07
Noskcajwe can also sync xfce4 now, i think22:07
NoskcajI'll file bugs for both when i get home22:07

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